A cell is enclosed by a plasma membrane, which forms a selective barrier that allows nutrients to enter and waste products to leave. The interior of the cell is organized into many specialized compartments, or organelles, each surrounded by a separate membrane. One major organelle, the nucleus, contains the genetic information necessary for cell growth and reproduction. Each cell contains only one nucleus, whereas other types of organelles are present in multiple copies in the cellular contents, or cytoplasm. Organelles include mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy transactions necessary for cell survival; lysosomes, which digest unwanted materials within the cell; and the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, which play important roles in the internal organization of the cell by synthesizing selected molecules and then processing, sorting, and directing them to their proper locations. In addition, plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis, whereby the energy of sunlight is used to convert molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into carbohydrates. Between all these organelles is the space in the cytoplasm called the cytosol.

From http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/101396/cell)

Cell Description #2

Under the microscope, a cell looks a lot like a fried egg: It has a white (the cytoplasm) that's full of water and proteins to keep it fed, and a yolk (the nucleus) that holds all the genetic information that makes you you. The cytoplasm buzzes like a New York City street. It's crammed full of molecules and vessels endlessly shuttling enzymes and sugars from one part of the cell to another, pumping water, nutrients, and oxygen in and out of the cell. All the while, little cytoplasmic factories work 24/7, cranking out sugars, fats, proteins, and energy to keep the whole thing running and feed the nucleus—the brains of the operation. Inside every nucleus within each cell in your body, there's an identical copy of your entire genome. That genome tells cells when to grow and divide and makes sure they do their jobs, whether that's controlling your heartbeat or helping your brain understand the words on this page.

From The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, p. 3

Thats the story posting the questions for it right now


Answer 1


I got the same answer


Answer 2


omg it is too long to read

sorry for this

hope your day will be full of happiness

Related Questions

the cat still paused by the gate, one paw lifted delicately in the air—undecided, questioning, hesitant; UNTIL SUDDENLY , SOME INNER DECISIONS REACHED, he followed the dogs.

What effect does the author create by using the underlined phrase?

[ capitalized words is the underlined phrase ]​


The answer is It’s adds context

The author creates a sense of suspense and anticipation by using the underlined phrase.  The reader is made to wonder what decision the cat will make.

Who is an author?

An author is a person who writes books, articles, or any other type of written work that is published or intended to be published. Authors may work in a variety of genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, or journalism.

They may write for various purposes, such as to entertain, inform, educate, persuade, or inspire their readers. Being an author typically involves a significant amount of research, planning, writing, editing, and revising to produce a final work that meets the author's goals and the expectations of their readers.

The author creates a suspense as the suddenness of the decision creates a moment of surprise or unexpectedness.

Learn more about author here:



What does the word" forgiving" suggest about tge sand?
A. It felt soft to the speaker
B. It seemed to excuse the speaker.
C. It seemed to blame the speaker.
D. It felt unsteady to the speaker.



i think it would be B. srr if i was wrong

Which substance is a heterogeneous mixture? (3 points)






Cereal is the heterogeneous mixture! Because the two can we easily separated.

Answer: CEREAL!

Explanation: It can be separated relatively easily compared to or other options!

Please brainless

what did harriet tubman risk to be free




her life


When Halfcourt smashed into the scoreboard, then the scoreboard broke - that was an example of what?

A. cause and effect

B. fact and opinion

C. theme and main idea



A. cause and effect


Cause and Effect is when something happens because of something else if you are in a cold room and you start to shiver for example. Fact is when something is proven to be true and Opinions are beliefs not based on facts. Theme is the subject of a story and the Main idea is the point of a story or individual paragraphs.


its A


cause and effect

what are some satire short story ideas?


How To Flunk Your Exams While Having Fun Doing It.

No Need For A Best Friend When You Can Have A Pet.

Social Media Platforms Are The Better Option For Making Friends.

How To Avoid Doing Your Chores And Get Away With It.

Reasons Why School Is A Complete Waste Of Tim

I hope that helps, maybe

Hey! I have a few ideas...
- A cowboy using a smartphone for the first time.
- The roles of parents and children are reversed in an alternate detention
- A doctor that is supposed to be giving the vaccine to a patient accidentally gives a shot that turns the patient into a werewolf.
- Rich, rude aliens

I hope you liked my ideas! When you are finished with your short story, please tell me what it was about! Have a great day!

use the words Sharecopper and Windswept together in a sentence



After a long day's work in the windswept fields, the exhausted sharecropper trudged home.


When Tom needed help tending the cotton fields, a landowner was looking to hire a sharecropper, after many hour's Tom felt Windswept.

Hope this helps tell me if I did anything wrong.

Help! What happened during the Montgomery Bus Boycott?


People refused to ride buses until there was equality between colored and white people.


The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating. The boycott took place from December 5, 1955, to December 20, 1956, and is regarded as the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against segregation.

How do I make a claim in my introductory paragraph?


Take a stance on the subject you’re writing about. Like if you love sandwiches, you make a claim as to why they’re the best. Like sand which was awesome because they’re yummy, filling and easy to make.

Provoke Definition .......



well, to provoke someone is to stimulate the irritation in someone

here is a sentece using the word:

    "Tyler provoked the hamster by poking it as it tried to sleep."

Find the subject in the following sentence: I watched Star Wars on May 4th.



Star Wars


Plz help listening practice 2:history of the internet


I would have to say B, due to not getting to hear the audio I am merely assuming.
i am saying c i think

What type of figurative language is this? "This trick may chance to scathe you," from Romeo and Juliet.





How do you manage failure?



Look at what you failed at, and ask yourself what you can do to improve. Failing is a part of learning.  It's okay to fail, as long as you take responsibility for it and try to improve.


What message does Kurt Vonnegut convey through the satire “Harrison Bergeron,” and how does the title character develop this message?Use evidence from the story and explain your evidence



Kurt Vonnegut emphasizes in his novel "Harrison Bergeron" that absolute justice centered on intellect, power, and attractiveness for all sections of the community is a target which would lead to bad consequence.

After shooting the arrow at the pig, what was katniss' biggest fear?




She is worried that theyll give her the first zero in 75 years

Write a short story/essay on the story Editha.



"Editha" is essentially about a women, named Editha, who attempts to pressure her fiance into enlisting for a war effort. She believes that the war is glorious and that he must enlist and take part in this amazing disturbance of piece. ... She described the war as a "sacred" and "glorious" war (Howells, 376).

Explanation: Also I'm a 4th grader




How does George relate to Lennie (Mice and Men)



George and Lennie have a relationship like a master and his dog. George is responsible for Lennie, making sure he has work, food, and does not get into too much trouble

hes like a master for lennie

george tells lennie what to do but if lennie disobeys he scoulds him

anyone tryanna z.o.om



no but thanks for the points





B. You will need to create an argument that centers around your first reason.



"I can see it coming several miles away, it's powerful headlight fingering rails and telegraph wires" what does fingering means in this sentence to the writer?


It means that the rails are very bumpy where the author can feel it with his finger tips

Any ideas for made up god or goddess:
Role/ power
How was it born, etc

Greek mythology/ Roman mythology


goddess of protection: can protect those who have her crystal with them
she was born when people started discovering her crystals
Greek mythology

How to be positive, confident and care less about the world?​


try to look at the brighter side. if you’re in a situation (for example) where you are waiting for test results, don’t think about the bad possibilities that could happen but more of what good could happen. try to keep an open mind and but don’t ignore the truth.

stop looking back at your past!! you can’t do anything about it and you never will! it’s in the past for a reason. all you can do is keep living in the present and live your life.

it’s gonna take some time to care less about the world but eventually you’ll get there. you just have to understand how special you are and how most things that you are insecure or worried about don’t matter. you also have to let go of letting everything be perfect and your job IS NOT to please everyone except yourself. and try to find yourself and who you really are :)

identify the phrase in
a man lived near the school​



he live close to the school

In Antigone, Haimon argues with Creon during Scene 3.

Why does Sophocles include this argument?

to show that Creon listens to his elderly advisors instead of his son because of his pride

to portray Haimon's advice as bad, which shows that Creon has not raised him well

to show that Haimon's advice is good, but Creon's pride is so great he will not listen to it

to illustrate that Creon's pride is so great that he orders his son to be banished


Answer: To show that Haimon's advice is good, but Creon's pride is so great he will not listen to it.

Explanation: I just took the test a minute ago.

To show that Haimon's advice is good, but Creon's pride is so great he will not listen to it.

what was the argument between Haimon and Creon?

"Creon believes that that king must always be obeyed, and that only people who obey can be honored and trusted. Haemon's argument: Haemon wants to save Antigone because he loves her, and he and others of the city believe that her crime should be forgiven."

Sophocles include this argument to show that Haimon's advice is good, but Creon's pride is so great he will not listen to it.

To learn more about Haimon, here



Which is a challenge of the digital news era? immediate access to news ability to share news more unreliable news sources more news published



more unreliable news sources.


An information source can be defined as a system or medium through which informations, knowledge and ideas may be gotten and used by an individual. An information source can either be a primary or secondary source of information. The source options for informations are television, radio, web, newspapers, journals, magazines etc.

The four criteria used to evaluate source options are;

1. Accuracy: the user of this source of information should check if the data presented are accurate and credible. At this point, you should ensure that the informations provided are well researched and cited for verification.

2. Authority: you should endeavor to know who the author and publisher of the information source is. Also, it is important to know their qualifications.

3. Currency: it is necessary to know when the information source was created or produced by the author. Also, the user of this data should verify when it was published (in the case of a book) or if it requires an update (in the case of a website). Hence, the information source should be timely.

4. Objectivity: ensure that the source of information is unbiased, reliable, and should not only contain opinions but facts.

In conclusion, any source option that meets or satisfies the aforementioned criteria is credible, factual and reliable for use.

Digital news era refers to the modern information sources that relies on the use of internet and technology for the dissemination of information to the readers or audience. Some examples are blogs, forums, social media platforms, etc.

However, a challenge of the digital news era is simply the creation or availabilty of more unreliable news sources due to easy access to the internet and smartphones or other communication gadgets.


There are more unreliable news sources.


B. give your own version (paraphrase) and the following essays.
1. The english language is one of the treasures we have received from our ancestors. It serves as an instrument for national understanding and bridge to good relationships. As a citizen of the united states country and steadfastly american our own language should be preserved for future generations. It is a habit of using and proud wherever we arrive. Always remember that the language symbolises our american.​



It serves as an instrument for national understanding and bridge to good relationships. As a citizen of the united states country and steadfastly american our own language should be preserved for future generations. It is a habit of using and proud wherever we arrive. Always remember that the language symbolises our american.

In a well-developed paragraph, determine who
provided the better reasoning in regards to
whether or not the U.S. should enter the war.
Your response MUST be written in a clear and
concise paragraph of six to eight sentences and
include specific evidence from both Wilson's
"Message to the Congress" and Lafollette's
"Appeal For Conference of Neutral Powers."





(1) I am glad that our city has a public bus system. (2) The buses take me where I need to go, and the student fare is inexpensive. (3) However, I wish that the buses were not so crowded. (4) I often have to stand all the way home because there are no seats. (5) Especially during the evening rush hour. (6) The city needs to buy more buses so that more seats are available to bus riders. Which revision most effectively corrects the underlined sentence fragment?



i dont know what the underlined sentence fragment is, but there should be a comma after sentence 4 ends.


Answer: Connect the fragment to sentence 4.


What is the answer to this





Shes going to distance herself from sad things so she's going to detach herself

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