A builder has some red and grey bricks. The red bricks weigh 9 kilograms each, and the grey bricks weigh 8 kilograms each. If the total weight of all 14 bricks is 120 kilograms, how many of each type of brick does Nellie have?


Answer 1

The number of red bricks is 6, and there are 8gray bricks.

What is the total number of red and grey bricks?To evaluate an algebraic expression, find the expression's value when the variable is replaced by a given number. To evaluate an expression, we substitute the given number for the expression's variable and then simplify the expression using the order of operations.

Here given,

A red brick weighs 9 kg and a gray brick weighs 8 kg. The total number of bricks is 14, with a weight of 120kg.

Let x be a red brick and y be a gray brick.

x + y = 14bricks,

=> x = 14 - y bricks

9x + 8y = 120kg

9(14 - y) + 8y = 120

126 - 9y + 8y = 120

-y = -6

y = 6

14 - 6 = 8

The number of red bricks is 6, and the number of gray bricks is 8.

To learn more about expressions refer to :



Related Questions

A sports statistician was interested in the relationship between game attendance (in thousands) and the number of wins for baseball teams. Information was collected on several teams and was used to obtain the regression equation ŷ = 4.9x + 15.2, where x represents the attendance (in thousands) and ŷ is the predicted number of wins. Which statement best describes the meaning of the y-intercept of the regression line? When the number of wins is 0, the predicted attendance is 0. When the number of wins is 0, the predicted attendance is 15,200. When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 4.9 When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 15.2.


The option that has the statement that best describes the the meaning of the y-intercept of the regression line is the option;

When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 15.2

What is a regression line?

A regression is a representation of a linear relationship between an input and an output variable. It is a model of the relationship between the variables presented in a linear form.

The regression equation is; [tex]\hat {y}[/tex] = 4.9·x + 15.2


x = The game attendance (in thousands)

[tex]\hat{y}[/tex] = The predicted number of times the team wins

The y-intercept represents the point at which the graph of the regression line equation intersects or touches the y-axis, which is the point where the x-value is 0, therefore, at the y-intercept, we get;

x = 0, [tex]\hat{y}[/tex]  = 4.9 × 0 + 15.2 = 15.2

At the y-intercept, [tex]\hat {y}[/tex] (the predicted number of wins) = 15.2

The description of the y-intercept is therefore, that when there is 0 attendance, the predicted number of wins of a base ball team is 15.2

Learn more about regression lines here:



A scuba diver was at a depth of -9 feet and dove another 7 feet to see a school of fish. What is the current depth of the diver?




Step-by-step explanation:

what grade are you in bro?

help me pls math lol


the answer would be 15000

Answer: 15,000

Step-by-step explanation:

When Julia goes bowling, her scores are normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 14. Using the empirical rule, what percentage of the games that Julia bowls does she score between 158 and 242?​


she will score 100 % between 158 and 242.

What is a standard deviation?

The standard deviation is a measurement of how much a group of values vary or are dispersed. While a high standard deviation suggests that the values are dispersed throughout a wider range, a low standard deviation suggests that the values tend to be close to the established mean.

Here, we have

Given: When Julia goes bowling, her scores are normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 14.

we have to find the percentage of the games that Julia bowls she scores between 158 and 242.

Mean = 200

she scores between 158 and 242

(158 - 200)/14  = - 3

(242 - 200)/14  =   3

Hence her score lies within - 3SD to + 3SD

As per the empirical rule  

100 % of data lies within - 3SD to + 3SD

Hence, she will score 100 % between 158 and 242.

To learn more about the standard deviation from the given link



Jaiden is ordering 2.615, 2.65, 2.7, and 2.623 from least to greatest. Here are his steps: (1) Compare and order 2.7 and 2.65 because they have the fewest digits. (2) Compare each digit of the numbers 2.615 and 2.623. * The units digits are equal. * The tenths digits are equal. * 1 < 2 in the hundredths place so 2.615 < 2.623. (3) Combine the two lists into one: 2.7, 2.65, 2.615, 2.623. Which statement describes Jaiden’s error?


The statement that describes Jaden's error is; Jaiden should have added

zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

What is error?

Actions that are inaccurate or incorrect are considered errors. An error is the same as a mistake in some contexts. The word 'errare,' which means 'to stray,' is where the etymology originates from. In statistics, the term "error" describes the discrepancy between the computed value and the correct value.

The place value indicates the multiple of 10 by which the digit is multiplied. The given numbers have the same values in the ones place value, the difference are in the numbers to the right of the decimal point.

The given numbers are;





The steps to order the numbers from least to greatest;

Add zeros to the shorter decimals such that each number have the same number of digits after the decimal point; 2.615, 2.650, 2.700 2.623


Select the number with the lowest ones; Which gives all the numbers


From the above list, select the number with the lowest tenth, and move them to the left of the list; Which gives the numbers, 2.615, 2.650, 2.623, 2.700


From the above list, select the number with the lowest hundredth, and move them to the left of the list, in increasing order of the hundredth; Which gives the numbers, 2.615, 2.623, 2.650, 2.700

The numbers 2.615, 2.623,2.650, 2.700,  are in the order from least to


Hence, Jaiden's error is that Jaiden should have added zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

To know more about error, click on the link



Complete question:

Jaiden is ordering 2.615, 2.65, 2.7, and 2.623 from least to greatest. Here are his steps: (1) Compare and order 2.7 and 2.65 because they have the fewest digits. (2) Compare each digit of the numbers 2.615 and 2.623. * The units digits are equal. * The tenths digits are equal. * 1 < 2 in the hundredths place so 2.615 < 2.623. (3) Combine the two lists into one: 2.7, 2.65, 2.615, 2.623. Which statement describes Jaiden’s error?

(1) The numbers are listed from greatest to list

(2) The two numbers with the most digits should have been compared first

(3) Zeros should have been added to the numbers to get, 2.615, 2.065, 2.007, and 2.623. Then the numbers should be compared using place value

(4) He should have added zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

write the equation in point slope form of the line that is perpendicular to 3x-2y=-8 going through the point (-6,5



y-5 = -2/3 (x+6)

Step-by-step explanation:

-2y = -3x -8

2y = 3x + 8

2/2 y = 3/2 x + 8/2

y = 3/2 x + 4

slope of a perpendicular line

- 2/3

y-5= -2/3(x-(-6)

y-5 = -2/3 (x+6)

10. Given a, b E Z, prove that if a²(b² - 2b) is odd, then both a and b are odd.
11. Given m, n = Z, prove that if 25 + mn, then 5 m or 5 tn.
12. If m, n E Z and m + n is even, prove that m² + n² is even.
13. Prove that an integer n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd.
14. If a is an odd integer, prove that a² + 3a + 5 is odd.



10. Given a, b E Z, if a²(b² - 2b) is odd, then both a and b must be odd numbers. This is because the only way for the product of two numbers to be odd is if both of the numbers are odd. In other words, if a and b are both even, then a²(b² - 2b) would be an even number, and if one of a and b is odd and the other is even, then a²(b² - 2b) would be an even number. So the only way for a²(b² - 2b) to be odd is if both a and b are odd.

11. Given m, n E Z, if 25 + mn is divisible by 5, then either m or n must be divisible by 5. This is because if both m and n are not divisible by 5, then the product mn will not be divisible by 5, and 25 + mn would not be divisible by 5. However, if either m or n is divisible by 5, then the product mn will be divisible by 5, and 25 + mn would be divisible by 5. So if 25 + mn is divisible by 5, then either m or n must be divisible by 5.

12. If m, n E Z and m + n is even, then m² + n² is also even. This is because the sum of two even numbers is always even, and the square of an even number is always even. So if m + n is even, then both m and n must be even, and m² and n² would both be even. Therefore, the sum m² + n² is also even.

13. An integer n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd. This is because the square of an even number is always even, and the sum of two even numbers is always even. So if n is even, then n² and 2n are both even, and the sum n² + 2n + 9 would be odd. On the other hand, if n² + 2n + 9 is odd, then the sum of the first two terms, n² + 2n, must be even. Since the square of an even number is always even, this means that n must be even. So n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd.

14. If a is an odd integer, then a² + 3a + 5 is also odd. This is because the product of two odd numbers is always odd, and the sum of two odd numbers is always even. So if a is odd, then a² and 3a are both odd, and the sum a² + 3a + 5 would be even. Since the sum of two odd numbers is always even, this means that a² + 3a + 5 is odd. Therefore, if a is an odd integer, then a² + 3a + 5 is also odd.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you can fill 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students, and fill 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students, and each bus and van had the same number of students, how many students can 1 van hold? How many students can 1 bus hold?




Step-by-step explanation:

If 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students, then each bus and van had 372/7 = <<372/7=53>>53 students.

If each bus and van had the same number of students, then 4 vans and 12 buses had 453 = <<453=212>>212 students.

If 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students, then each bus had 780-212 = <<780-212=568>>568/12 = <<568/12=47>>47 students.

Therefore, 1 van can hold 53 students and 1 bus can hold 47 students. Answer:{53,47}.

What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (5, -4) and (-5, 4)




Step-by-step explanation:



=8/-10=   -0.8






The equation is y = -0.8x + 0

The graph for it is shown below :)

What is 2 plus or minus -3?​




Step-by-step explanation:

2 minus -3 is 5

The polynomial p is a function of x. The graph of p has four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9. Select ALL the expressions
that could represent p.
more than one
a. 3x(x-4)(x - 1)(x + 9)
b. --x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9)
c. -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9)
d. 3x(x+4)(x-1)(x-9)
e. -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²


The polynomial function in which p has four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9 are:

--x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9) , -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9) and  -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²

What is a polynomial function?A polynomial function is one that involves only non-negative integer powers or positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation such as the quadratic equation, cubic equation, and so on.

Here given polynomial function,

a. 3x(x-4)(x - 1)(x + 9)

if x = 0

then the function becomes 0

but -4 , -9 , -1 does not satisfy.

Therefore the function does not have four zeroes

b. --x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x + 1 ) = 0 when x = -1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

Therefore the function has four zeroes.

c. -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(2x + 2 ) = 0 when x = -1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

d. 3x(x+4)(x-1)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x - 1 ) = 0 when x = 1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

Here x = -1 does not satisfy, So the function does not have four zeroes.

e. -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x - 1 ) = 0 when x = 1

(x - 9)² = 0 when x = 9

Therefore the function has four zeroes.

Therefore the polynomial functions with four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9 are as follows: —x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9), -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9) and

-3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9) ²

To learn more about polynomial function refer to :



a street light is at the top of a 17 foot tall pole. a 6 foot tall woman walks away from the pole with a speed of 4 ft/sec along a straight path. how fast is the tip of her shadow moving when she is 35 feet from the base of the pole?


The tip of her shadow moving when she is 35 feet from the base of the pole is 8.77 feet.

Let H = the height of the pole.

h = the height of the woman.

x = the length of the woman's shadow.

s = the distance from the pole to the woman.

By similar triangles,  H/h = (s + x)/x  or  Hx = h(s + x).

Differentiating, H dx/dt = h(ds/dt + dx/dt)

⇒ 17 dx/dt = 6(6 + dx/dt)

                  = 36 + 6 dx/dt

                  = 13 dx/dt

                  = 36

⇒ dx/dt = 36/13 ft/sec = 2.77 ft/sec for how fast her shadow is lengthening.

The speed of the tip of her shadow would be this speed added to her traveling speed: 2.77 + 6 = 8.77 ft/sec.

Learn more about Base:



What is 40/1000 in decimal form


Answer: 0.04

Step-by-step explanation:

Divided by 1000 mean we will move the decimal to the left 3 times

So 40 divided by 1000= 0.04



Step-by-step explanation:

Y’all please work your magic and help me out



237.5 in.² or the first option

Step-by-step explanation:

Base 1:  5 · 6.5 = 32.5

Base 2: 5 · 7.5 = 37.5

Base 3: 7.5 · 6.5 = 48.75

Multiply by 2 because 2 of each base.

2(32.5 + 37.5 + 48.75)


237.5 in.²

Fill in the missing number. 70% of = 70 Submit




Step-by-step explanation:

70 % is .7 in decimal

   .7 * x = 70    divide both sides by .7

     x = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

you mean

70% of x = 70

right ?

you know that the "whole" is represented by 100% ?

this is easy here, but in general, when in doubt, find either 100%, calculate 1% as 100%/100 and find the desired %, or you find 1% directly and calculate the needed % (incl. 100%) out of this.

so, we know, 70% = 70

that means

1% = 70%/70 = 70/70 = 1

and then

100% = 1%×100 = 1×100 = 100


70% of 100 = 70

now you see, why I said this is easy in this case here. because % and the absolute numbers have the same units. so, this goes 1:1.

What is the slope of (- 1/4 and 2 5?


A number that describes a line's direction and steepness is known as the slope or gradient of a line in mathematics. The slope of (-1/4, 2/5) is 5/4.

Given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), the slope can be calculated using the formula:

Slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Therefore, the slope of (-1/4, 2/5) is:

Slope = (2/5 - (-1/4)) / (-1/4 - (-1/4))

Slope = (2/5 + 1/4) / 0

Slope = (3/4) / 0

Slope = 5/4

Learn more about slope here



recall that a function is called periodic of period if for all . true or false: the function is periodic of period .


Answer: true

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate 11.5x + 10.9y when x = 6 and y =7


the solution for the given expression 11.5x + 10.9y  is 145.3

What is an Equations?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions on either side of an equals (=) sign. It illustrates the equality between the expressions written on the left and right sides. To determine the value of a variable representing an unknown quantity, equations can be solved. A statement is not an equation if there is no "equal to" symbol in it. It will be regarded as an expression.

11.5x + 10.9y

Here x = 6 and y = 7

11.5*6 + 10.9*7 = 145.3

Hence, the solution the given expression is 145.3

Learn more about equations, by the following link



What number would you divide by calculate the mean of 3 4 5 and 6?


The number you would divide by to calculate the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 4. The mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 4.5.

1. Add all of the numbers together: 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18

2. Count how many numbers there are: 4

3. Divide the sum by the number of numbers: 18 / 4 = 4.5

The mean is a type of average. It is calculated by adding all of the numbers together and then dividing the sum by the number of numbers. In this case, we added 3, 4, 5, and 6 together to get 18. We then divided 18 by the number of numbers (4) to get 4.5, which is the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Learn more about mean here



This giant Rubber Duck has been recreated in many cities around the world, including Hong Kong, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Baku, and Sydney. The largest duck so far is in Saint-Nazaire, France. The duck measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters. A normal-sized rubber duck is about 3.5 inches at its widest part. What is the scale factor for this giant duck? Round your answer to the nearest whole meter.


The scale factor used in making the giant duck that duck measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters is 225

How to find the scale factor

Scale factors are used to increase or decrease image. The situation of increment is usually called magnifying.

For the duck the measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters represent the factored image, the original image is 3.5 inches for the lowest

comparing the lowest for both the original size and the giant duck

converting 3.5 inches to meters 0.0889 meters

let the scale factor be k

solving for the factor

0.0889 * k = 20

k = 20 / 0.0889

k = 224.97

k = 225

This factor for the giant duck is 225

Read more on scale factor here: brainly.com/question/8159270


14h 45min 78s + 5h 18min 37s



20hours 4 min 55sec

Ragu ran the first 3 miles of a 5 mile race in 24 minutes.
What percent of the race has he run?


Answer: Ragu ran 3/5 or 60% of the race in 24 minutes. [EXTRA: He runs 20% of the race every 8 minutes, which means that it would take him 40 minutes to complete the entire race (this answer is extra if you need it)]

Step-by-step explanation: none, basic mathematics

which list could not be the measures of lengths of the threee sides of a give triangle


Based on the triangle inequality theorem, the list that could not be the measures of lengths of the three sides of a give triangle is: D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd.

What is the Triangle Inequality Theorem?

The triangle inequality theorem expresses the relationship between the three lengths of sides that can form a triangle. If the sides are are a, b, and c, it states that:

a + b > c

a + c > b

c + b > a.

Considering this set of three sides, 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, we have:

5 + 12 > 15

17 > 15 [true]

5 + 15 > 12

20 > 12 [true]

12 + 15 > 5

27 > 5 [true]

Therefore, the measures of lengths 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, will form a triangle.

Same applies to 2 ft, 6 ft, 5 ft and 11 mi, 4 mi, 12 mi, except 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd.

This is because, 12 + 20 > 35 is not true.

Therefore, the answer is: D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd

Learn more about triangle inequality theorem on:



Complete Question:

Which list could not be the measures of lengths of the three sides of a given triangle?

A. 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm

В. 2 ft, 6 ft, 5 ft

C. 11 mi, 4 mi, 12 mi

D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd

Which table of ordered pairs represents a proportional relationship?
X: -3 -4 -5
Y: 3 2 1

X: -1 -3 -5
Y: 1 3 5

X: -2 -4 -6
Y: -5 -7 -9

X: -2 -3 -4
Y: 0 -1 -2



X: -1 -3 -5

Y: 1 3 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide y by x for all the points. If the quotients are different, it is not proportional. If the quotients are equal, it is a proportional relationship.


3/(-3) = -1

2/(-4) = -1/2

Not Proportional


1/(-1) = -1

3/(-3) = -1

5/(-5) = -1



-5/(-2) = 5/2

-7/(-4) = 7/4

Not proportional


0/(-2) = 0

-1/(-3) = 1/3

Not Proportional

Richard and Teo have a combined age of 25. Richard is 4 years older than twice​ Teo's age. How old are Richard and​ Teo?



Teo is 7 and Richard is 18

Step-by-step explanation:

pls give me brainlist :)

Abraham Lincoln was featured on a poster that uses a scale of 1 inch = 4/9 feet. If the height of Lincoln on the poster is 14 1/4 inches, what is Lincoln's actual height? 9 A) 6'5" B) 6'4" C) 6'3" D) 6'2" E) 6'1"​


Answer: 6 ft 4 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

find the are of the parallelogram 10in by 9.8 and 5.6


The area of the parallelogram that has a base of 98 in. and a height of 5.6 in. is calculated as: 54.88 in.².

What is the Area of a Parallelogram?

The area of a parallelogram is calculated as the product of its base length and its height. That is:

Area of parallelogram = base × height.

From the image given, we have the given dimensions of the parallelogram that we can use to find its area:

Base = 9.8 in.

Height = 5.6 in

Plug in the values:

Area of parallelogram = 9.8 × 5.6

Area of parallelogram = 54.88 in.²

Therefore, the exact answer is, 54.88 in.².

Learn more about the area of parallelogram on:



The distribution of scores on a recent test closely followed a Normal Distribution with a mean of 22 points and a standard deviation of 2 points. For this question, DO NOT apply the standard deviation rule.
(a) What proportion of the students scored at least 26 points on this test, rounded to five decimal places?
(b) What is the 71 percentile of the distribution of test scores, rounded to three decimal places?


The proportion of the students for the given condition is 0.0228 and the 71 percentile of the normal distribution of the test score is equal to 23.106.

As given in the question,

Mean of the normal distribution 'μ' = 22 points

Standard deviation of the normal distribution 'σ' = 2 points

Z score is calculated using :

z = (x - μ)/σ

Here, x represents the raw score

a. Condition: Students score at least 26 points

x > 26

⇒ (x - μ) / σ > ( 26 - 22 ) / 2

⇒ (x - μ) / σ > 4 /2

⇒ (x - μ) / σ > 2

⇒ z > 2

Proportion of the students scored z > 2

P(z > 2) = 1 - P(z < 2)

             = 1 -  0.9772

             = 0.0228

b. 71 percentile has a z score of 0.553

0.553 = (x - 22)/2

⇒x - 22 = 1.106

⇒ x = 23.106

Therefore, the proportion of the students scored at least 26 points are 0.0228 and 71 percentile of the normal distribution of the test score is equal to 23.106.

Learn more about normal distribution here



the coach must select 88 players to travel to an away game. how many ways are there to select the players who will travel?


The coach can select the players in 1081575 ways .

A combination is a technique for finding the number of possible arrangements in a set of items where the order of the selection is irrelevant. .

The formula for determining the number of possible arrangements by selecting only a few objects from a set with no repetition is expressed mathematically as follows:


Where:n denotes the total number of elements in a set,

k denotes the number of selected objects

! - the factorial

Factorial (noted as "!") is the sum of all positive integers that are less than or equal to the number preceding the factorial sign.

For instance, [tex]3! = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6[/tex].


Total number of players,n = 25

Number of selected players,r = 8

Number of ways that players are selected is determined by,


Thus, by combination, the selection can be done in 1081575 ways.

To learn more about combinations refer here



Your question is incomplete  , here is the complete question.

There are 25 players in a basketball team. The coach must select 8 players to travel to an away game. How many ways are there to select the players who will travel?

Rajani finds some dimes and quarters in her change purse. How much money (in dollars) does she have if she has 4 dimes and 5 quarters? How much money (in
dollars) does she have if she has a dimes and y quarters?


Answer:she willl have 20

Step-by-step explanation:

because  each is aa key word for  multiply

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cyclopentane c5h10 is an alkane with a ring structure, that reacts with chlorine, cl2, to produce c2h9cl and hcl. following is a representation of a proposed mechanism for the reaction. Cl2-->2CL (Slow) Cl+C5H10-->HCl+C5H9 (Fast) C5H9+Cl-->C5H9Cl (Fast). (a0 Write the overall equation for the reaction. (b)Write a rate for the reaction that is consistent with the mechanism. Justify your answer (c) A student claims that cl2 is a catalyst in the reaction. Explain why the students claim is false. a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results? John is swinging a 100 g mass on a string around his head.On one end of the string is a spring scale that says he isexerting 5 N of centripetal force. Attached to the mass is aspeedometer that tells him the mass is moving at 4 m/s. Howlong is the string? Two mountain bikers leave from the same parking lot and head in opposite directions on two different trails. The first rider goes 8 km due East, then rides due south for 15 km. The second rider goes 8 km due West, then changes direction and rides 20 degrees west of due north for 15 km. (See the picture below.) Both riders have been traveling for 23 km, but when they stopped, which one was further away from the parking lot? Is economic growth positive or negative? teenagers tend to under consume and over consume ? group of answer choices sodium, fiber calcium, sodium sugar, cholesterol sugar, fat preparing financial statements at the end of each monthly fiscal period is an application of the accounting concept t or f Cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the?A) dorsal horn of the spinal cord gray matter.B) ventral horn of the spinal cord gray matter.C) lateral horn of the spinal cord gray matter.D) sympathetic chain ganglia.E) collateral ganglia. nan contributes property with an adjusted basis of $147,600 to a partnership. the property has a fair market value of $236,160 on the date of the contribution. what is the partnership's basis in the property contributed by nan? $fill in the blank 1 A group of genes, a promoter, and a operator that control transcription are called a(n) What is the solution in Bertie bullfrog and his neighbors? What is one way the Pampas region has contributed toArgentina's economy? if a consumer has an income of $100, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $4, what is the maximum quantity of x the consumer is able to purchase?if a consumer has an income of $100, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $4, what is the maximum quantity of x the consumer is able to purchase? when a nurse assesses prior self-harm behavior, this can provide information about the motivation behind the client's actions and allows the nurse to do what? why do stores rarely advertise the full price of big purchases like smartphones? What are 4 essential attributes of a software? Which statement best describes Johnson's treatment of the underlined word ? In addition to clinical assessment, which is the most reliable method to confirm & monitor correct placement of an endotracheal tube?a. arterial blood gasb. hemoglobin levelsc. chest radiographyd. continuous waveform capnography 3Point A(7, 3) is translated to A'(16.-9), Which rule describes the translation?Oo (x,y)-(x-9.y-12)O(x,y)-(x-9y+12)O (x,y) (x+9y+12)O (x,y) (x+9y-12) You did not do very well during the spring semester at school When your parents see your grades, your mother says to you, You're going to need to take some classes this summer What is the content level of meaning of this statement? a Your mom is upset that you didn't do well in the spring semester b Your mom thinks that taking summer classes may make up for your poor performance during the spring semester c Your mom thinks you will need to take courses during the summer d Even though you are an adult, your parents still have some control over your life and can demand that you take summer courses e All of these choices represent the content level of meaning of the statement