a black bear accidentally stepped on a ladybug beetle, and the beetle survived. what type of ecological species interaction is this?


Answer 1

a black bear accidentally stepped on a ladybug beetle, and the beetle survived. this type of ecological species interaction is known as neutralism.

The interaction between two species that interact but do not have an impact on one another is known as neutralism. It is used to explain relationships in which one species' fitness has no bearing whatsoever on that of another. It is exceedingly unlikely and impossible to demonstrate true neutralism. Since true neutralism is uncommon or nonexistent, it is frequently applied to circumstances in which interactions are just minor or insignificant.

learn more about species interaction here



Related Questions

the step in photosynthesis and cellular respiration when energy-carrying molecules are formed


Glycolysis is the step in photosynthesis and cellular respiration when energy-carrying molecules are formed.

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is the method by which biological fuels are converted into a form that can be oxidized in the presence of an inorganic electron acceptor, such as oxygen, to generate a significant quantity of energy and power the major generation of ATP.

The Krebs cycle, respiratory electron transport, and glycolysis are the three stages of cellular respiration.

What happens during cellular respiration?

Through cellular respiration, organisms mix oxygen with food molecules, directing the chemical energy contained in these substances toward life-sustaining processes while excreting carbon dioxide and water as waste.

Why does cellular respiration occur in plants?

All plant tissues must breathe in order to grow and remain healthy. Additionally, respiration is crucial for the global carbon cycle and the carbon balance of individual cells, entire plants, and ecosystems.

To know more about Cellular respiration:



Can humans ever directly see a photon?



Yes. In fact, photons are the only things that humans can directly see. A photon is a bit of light. Human eyes are specifically designed to detect light.

i need help with this


Answer: house?


id say the bed or pillow, not the house thatd represent the body

Archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Numerous mummies were discovered during the excavations, some of which had a golden tongue or amulet inserted into the mouth of the corpse. This custom was designed to ensure that the deceased could speak in front of the court of the Ancient Egyptian god Osiris and converse in the hereafter.

What did researchers find in Egypt?

4,300-Foot Tunnel Under Ancient Egyptian Temple Found by Archaeologists At Taposiris Magna, a temple to the deity of death Osiris, archaeologists in Egypt found an underground tunnel.

What recent archaeological find took place in Egypt?

The pyramid of an unidentified ancient Egyptian queen has been discovered in Egypt, together with a trove of coffins, mummies, antiques, and a network of connected tunnels. It was located next to King Tut's tomb in the historic necropolis Saqqara in Giza, which is only 20 miles south of Cairo.

To know more about egypt visit;



the epithelial lining of the small and large intestines are exposed to a harsh environment and undergo continuous cell loss. in which region do stem cells reside


In the crypt of the small intestine stem cells reside which helps when the epithelial lining of the small intestine is exposed to a harsh environment and undergoes continuous cell loss.

The main job of the small intestine is to break down food. However, in addition to creating a number of substances that send signals to various parts of the body, the gut plays a critical role in battling pathogens and preserving the body's water balance. The small intestine's epithelial cells aid in nutrition absorption and digestion. In a similar manner, the epithelial cells secrete a significant quantity of digesting enzymes.

The rough endoplasmic reticulum produces digestive enzymes, which are proteins that are then sorted in the Golgi apparatus and packed into the vesicles. Bicarbonate and other digestive enzymes secreted by the small intestine aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

The complete question is:

The epithelial lining of the small intestine is exposed to a harsh environment and undergoes continuous cell loss. In which region of the small intestine do stem cells reside?

A. The villus

B. The mesenchyme

C. The goblet

D. The crypt

To learn more about small intestine epithelial lining please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/13708797


The small intestine has extensions of what cell part, which helps it absorb more nutrients?.


The small intestine has extensions of the plasma membrane, which helps it absorb more nutrients.

Three sections make up the small intestine: the jejunum, ileum, and duodenum. It aids in the continued digestion of stomach-derived food. In order for the body to utilize the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water) in food, it absorbs them. The digestive system includes the small intestine.

The mucosal lining of the small intestine is highly specialized for maximizing nutrient digestion and absorption. The lining is extremely folded to form tiny, finger-like projections known as villi. These villi are extensions of the plasma membrane and increase the surface area which aid in absorption.

know more about villi here: https://brainly.com/question/27820633


how would you attempt to measure a reaction that is completed within one picosecond? (for example the light-induced electron transfer reaction in the first step of photosynthesis?


A reaction is said to be "finished" when it reaches equilibrium, or when the concentrations of the reactants and products stop changing. By counting the amount of product produced over a predetermined amount of time, one can determine the reaction's pace.

A solid product's mass is frequently expressed in grams, but a gaseous product's volume is typically expressed in cm3. The duration selected might be influenced by the reaction's rate. Tests that measure reaction times (RTs) are regarded as quick and accurate ways to identify variations in cognitive performance. RT tests track how long passes between a stimulus and a subject's reaction to it.

To learn more about cognitive performance follow the below link:



true or false: the great diversity in the types of antibodies an individual can produce is largely due to each b cell of that individual being able to express antibodies that can bind to a variety of antigenic epitopes.


The answers is False ; In response to pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, our systems produce a diverse range of  that may bind to particular antigens.

This is referred to as an antibody's "diversity." The combination of variable regions of H chains and L chains results in antibody diversity.

V(D)J recombination, which involves the shuffling and joining of variable, diversity, joining, and constant region (abbreviated V, D, J, and C, respectively) gene segments, is primarily responsible for variation among B and T cell receptors.

An individual antibody molecule, on the other hand, always has identical light chains and identical heavy chains: an IgG molecule, for example, may have either or light chains, but not both.

Learn more about to antibodies visit here;



With genetic maternal effect, the phenotype of an individual is determined by which of the statements?


Maternal effect genes have an impact on the embryo's fundamental structure even before the egg has been fertilized.

Explain about the genetic maternal effect?

The phenotypes that correspond to a person's genotype are not always present. In contrast to female progeny, male kids display genotypes similar to their fathers. Progeny exhibit the phenotypes that correspond to their own genes.

Maternal effects are phenotypes that an organism displays, regardless of its own genotype, that are predicted by the mother's genotype. The mother usually gives the egg messenger RNA or proteins, which explains why this happens frequently.

Maternal-effect genes have been discovered by testing whether the mother has a mutant gene that stops her from being able to save her embryo when the father contributes a wild-type gene.

The complete question is,

With genetic maternal effect, the phenotype of an individual is determined by which of the statements ? a. the sex of the individual with only one sex able to express the genotype b. the sex of the parent who transmits the gene to the individual c. a combination of environmental factors and the genotype of the individual d. cytoplasmic genes usually located in the mitochondria e. the nuclear genotype of the maternal parent

To learn more about genetic maternal effect refer to:



Without buying points, a monthly mortgage payment will be $1,250. buying 1 point at closing would reduce the payment to $1,236. to the nearest year, how long would it take to break even by buying 1 point, with a $100,000 mortgage?
a. 5 years
b. 6 years
c. 7 years
d. 8 years
please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


It would take b. 6 years to break even by buying 1 point, with a $100,000.

The point at which total expenses and revenues are equal, or "even," is known as the break-even point. Even though opportunity costs have been paid and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return, there is no net loss or gain and one has "broken even."

how to figure out what break even is.

The information indicates that the mortgage payment will be $1,250 per month. The closing cost would be $1,236 if one point were bought.

The time taken will be:

Monthly savings = 4250/1236 = 14

Time taken = 7

1000/14 = 71.4 months= 6 years

Learn more about break even on: https://brainly.com/question/2846088


the hypothalamus secretes two types of neurohormones called hormones and hormones.


The hypothalamus is an important part of the brain that is responsible for controlling and coordinating many of the body's physiological processes. It secretes two types of neurohormones, releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones, which play a key role in regulating hormone production and other bodily functions.

The Role of Neurohormones in Regulating Physiological Processes: The Hypothalamus

1. Releasing hormones: These hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus and travel to the anterior pituitary gland, where they stimulate the release of other hormones. Examples of releasing hormones include:

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)

2. Inhibiting hormones: These hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus and travel to the anterior pituitary gland, where they inhibit the release of other hormones. Examples of inhibiting hormones include:

SomatostatinDopamineProlactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH)

Learn more about Hormones: https://brainly.com/question/8162998


anthro which are the most distinctive traits demonstrating the adaptation of neanderthals to cold conditions? group of answer choices their body shape and the length of their arms and legs the retromolar space and heavy wear on their teeth their thick bones with evidence of strong muscles their vertical foreheads and globular shape of the skulls anthro


The most distinctive trait demonstrating the adaptation of Neanderthals to cold conditions is their body shape and the length of their arms and legs.

Thus, the correct answer is  A.

Neаnderthаls аre а hominin species thаt existed for аt leаst 200,000 yeаrs throughout Europe аnd western Аsiа, аnd disаppeаred аbout 27,000 yeаrs аgo. During this time, they witnessed some of the coldest climаtic conditions ever known in these regions. Mаny of their physicаl feаtures suggest thаt they were аdаpted for the cold, such аs their bаrrel-shаped chests, shorter limbs, аnd lаrger brаins, аll of which suggest а body shаpe аdаpted for retаining heаt.

For more information about Neanderthals refer to the link:



how does the metabolism occurring in chloroplasts differ from that of mitochondria?


Metabolism occurring in chloroplasts differ from that of mitochondria, because of different electron acceptors and sources.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are plant cell organelles. However, chloroplasts are absent in animal cells, whereas mitochondria are found in both.

Mitochondria generate cellular energy in the form of ATP from oxygen and nutrients. Chloroplasts are the place where photosynthesis occurs in plant cells.

Mitochondria are responsible for producing most of the useful energy from the breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, while chloroplasts use the energy captured from sunlight to produce ATP and convert CO into carbohydrates. Using the reducing power needed to decompose and synthesize CO₂ and H₂O.

Learn more about chloroplasts differ from those mitochondria at https://brainly.com/question/5276032


reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.a) trueb) false


True. Reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells effectively kill invading microorganisms.

The innate immune system is the first line of defense against pathogens and is characterized by a rapid but non-specific response. One of the important mechanisms of this system is the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, which are widely distributed in biological systems, including phagocytes and secretions.

Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are short-lived media that are biochemically synthesized by various enzymatic reactions in aerobic organisms and regulated by antioxidants. Physiological levels of reactive species play an important role in cell signaling and proliferation.

Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS) are a group of highly reactive radical and non-radical chemicals that contain oxygen and nitrogen. They appear as by-products or main products of metabolism. At the cellular level, mitochondria produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) as by-products of metabolism.

Learn more about reactive oxygen and nitrogen at https://brainly.com/question/21274269


7.The graph below compares the worldwide population of humans with the number of animal species now extinct.
What is an inference that can be made about the relationship between human population and animal extinctions based on this graph?


In 1860, less than 10,000 species had gone extinct.

, , In 1860, less than 10,000 species had gone extinct. ,

Human population size increased from 1800 to 2010.

, , Human population size increased from 1800 to 2010. ,

The number of animal extinctions decreased as the population of humans grew.

, , The number of animal extinctions decreased as the population of humans grew. ,

When humans move into new areas, they change the environment, causing animals to go extinct.


Less than 10,000 species had disappeared by 1860.

What is graph?

A graph is a mathematical structure used to represent relationships between objects and their relationships. It consists of nodes, which represent the objects, and edges, which represent the relationships between those objects. Graphs can be used to represent a wide variety of data, from social networks to the physical world. Graphs can also be used to analyze complex data, to find patterns and to predict future outcomes. Graphs can be used to model and solve problems in a variety of fields, such as computer science, business, engineering, and biology.

Less than 10,000 species were extinct in 1860.

Between 1800 and 2010, there were more people on the planet.

Between 1800 and 2010, there was a growth in the human population.

As the human population increased, fewer animals went extinct.

As the human population increased, fewer animals were wiped out.

Animal species become extinct as a result of environmental changes brought about by human settlement in new places.

To learn more about this graph



24. According to the Punnett square above, what percent of offspring will have a tall phenotype?



75 percent


There is only one square with the recessive phenotype tt. This means the rest of the 4 combinations will have the tall phenotype. 4-1 = 3 3/4 = 75 percent.




I say 75% because both pea plants have one dominant and one Recessive so by the picture it shows 3/4 having a domminant letter (Big T) and 3/4 in percentage is 75%

please let me know if this is right

A student uses 12 newtons (n) of force to push a box 4 meters (m) down the driveway. How much work did the student do to move the box?.


The work done by the student to move the box with a force of 12 N at a distance of 4 m is 48 Joule.

Work in physics is the amount of energy given to move an object or object. In simple terms, recognizing effort in physics can be described as someone pushing or pulling an object.

The formula for work (W) = force (F) x displacement/distance (s).

If it is known that the force to push the box is 12N (F) and the displacement is 4 m (s). Then the work done is:

W = F x s

W = 12 x 4

W = 46 Joules

Thus, the work done is 48 J.

Learn more about the formula work in physics https://brainly.com/question/26152883


muscular dystrophy (md) is a group of disorders that involve muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue. duchenne muscular dystrophy (dmd) is a rapidly-worsening form of md. dmd is caused by a defect in the dystrophin gene. the dystrophin protein is a vital part of a protein complex involved in muscle support and structure. dmd is much more common in boys than in girls ( about 1/3500 boys have dmd, girls rarely have dmd). which statements about dmd are accurate? check all that apply.


Summary. An umbrella term for more than 30 hereditary disorders, muscular dystrophy (MD) is. They all contribute to muscular wasting and weakness. Some MD variants develop throughout childhood or adolescence. Others might not show up until their middle years or later.

How is muscular dystrophy contracted?

Muscular dystrophy (MD) typically runs in families. It typically manifests after receiving a defective gene from either one or both parents. MD is brought on by changes (mutations) in the genes in charge of normal muscle structure and function.

Can muscular dystrophy be cured?

Muscular dystrophy (MD) does not yet have a known cure, however a number of treatments can assist manage the condition. The treatment you receive will be personalized for you because different types of MD might lead to rather particular difficulties.

To know more about Earthquake visit;



which of these animal taxa has the highest proportion of species threatened with extinction?


The only groups to contain a higher proportion of threatened species are cycads (63% threatened species 5), amphibians (41% 5, 11), corals (33% 5, 21) and conifers (34% 5). Therefore, three of the five most threatened groups assessed to date are plants. By comparison, 25% of mammal species 5, 12 and 13% of bird species are threatened 5.

you are working at a hominin fossil site in east africa when you come across a skull. you note that the brain size is small compared to modern humans, but the canines are nonhoning. additionally, the face seems very flat. to which species does this skull most likely belong?


The skull is most likely to belong to the species of Australopithecus africanus and Australopithecus robustus.

The first was a predecessor of the homo sapiens, the second shared its time on earth with early humans. Among the inscribed locations is the Taung Skull site, where in 1924 the first example of the Australopithecus africanus was discovered.

   The oldest fossils date to 3.5 million years ago. The oldest stone tools have been discovered here too, and the oldest evidence of controlled use of fire. Hundreds of specimens of hominids and early humans have been found, these high numbers contribute to the value of these sites.

   According to the given conditions, it was noticed that the brain size is small compared to other humans. Also, according to the information hominids were the first ancestors to human and as the evolution took place it increased.

Learn more about hominid creatures at,



a specialized plasmid vector that has an e.coli promoter upstream of a restriction site into which foreign genes can be inserted is known as a:_____.


A specialized plasmid vector that has an e.coli promoter upstream of a restriction site into which foreign genes can be inserted is known as a expression vector.

What kind of gene transfer is employed by E. coli?Recombination through horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been identified as a crucial element in the long-term evolution of the E. coli genome, however it is still unclear how much HGT causes sequence divergence in comparison to mutations (6).Place DNA (more...) An suitable restriction site in the plasmid vector is ligated to a segment of the insert DNA, which is then utilized to convert E. coli with the recombinant molecule. They choose colonies with plasmid DNA that are antibiotic-resistant. A fundamental molecular biology approach is the heat shock method of transforming plasmid DNA into E. coli. It involves putting an alien plasmid or ligation product inside of bacteria.

To learn more about E. coli genome refer to:



All organisms are composed of
A. diatoms
B. cellulose
C. cells
D. none of the above


The answer is c. Cells
C is correct, im from Vietnam

how long does it take for humoral immunity to accomplish antibody production in the first exposure to the pathogen?


It takes 3-6 days for humoral immunity to accomplish antibody production in the first exposure to the pathogen.

The question discusses about immune kinetics of the body. The immune kinetics is associated with onset of development and action of antibodies form the infection in the body.

The igM ang igG are produced on infection or pathogen. igM is produced early while igG is produced late. However, former is short lived and latter has long life. Moreover, igM is the very first antibody produced indicating recent infection.

Learn more about antibodies -



Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, gray fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness.- grey fur- dark fur- dark fur in fields and light fur in forests- light fur- dark fur on one island, light fur on another


Directional selection:

- dark fur

- light fur

Stabilizing selection:

- grey fur

Diversifying selection:

- dark fur in fields and light fur in forests

- dark fur on one island, light fur on another

Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction of individuals as a result of phenotypic differences. The change in the heritable traits characteristic of a population over generations is a key mechanism of evolution. Natural selection was popularized by Charles Darwin, who contrasted it with artificial selection, which, in his opinion, is intentional, whereas natural selection is not.

Variation exists within all organism populations. This occurs in part because random mutations occur in an individual organism's genome, and their offspring can inherit such mutations. Individuals' genomes interact with their environments to cause trait variations throughout their lives. A genome's environment includes molecular biology in the cell, other cells, other individuals, populations, species, and the abiotic environment. The population evolves because individuals with certain variants of the trait tend to survive and reproduce more than individuals with other less successful variants. Sexual selection (now frequently included in natural selection) and fecundity selection are two other factors influencing reproductive success.

To learn more about Natural selection, here



write a comment for this do you agree or disagree and tell me why I think heart disease is so prevalent in the United States because theres a lot of smoking that everyone does out here.Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States.Also if people will stop smoking or keep there body healthy in United States a lot of people wouldn't be having to worry about heart disease.Heart disease is very important because a lot of things can cause it and people should stop smoking in United States.


Heart disease could be prevalent in the United States  but not because people do smoke alot, because there are other factors that can as well result to heart disease apart from smoking.

What are the Cuases of Heart disease?

A buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries can be described as one of the   common cause of coronary artery disease and this can be regarded as the atherosclerosis, however some of the risk factors  that can be attributed to this is the poor diet, lack of exercise as well as obesity and smoking.

It should be noted that the Healthy lifestyle choices can  contribute to the decrease in the risk of atherosclerosis however leading risk factors for heart disease  can as well be attributed to the high blood pressure as well as the high low-density lipoprotein  but one of the common of this is the , smoking  as well as  unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.

Learn more about disease at:



what term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


Adaptive radiation is the phrase used to indicate a time when the rate of speciation was extremely high.

A fast growth in the number of species sharing a common ancestor that is marked by high ecological and morphological variety is known as adaptive radiation.

It is fueled by organisms' capacity for ecological adaptation. Adaptive radiation may not necessarily be significant at the scale of the species, but may be significant at a higher taxonomic level, according to Simpson.

Adaptive radiation is the cause of the Galapagos finch variety that was previously explored. It may even be said that their instance is the most well-known and typical adaptive radiation case ever investigated.

To learn more about speciation, refer



which scenarios correctly describe how a specific gametic mutation might alter the sex ratio in the offspring of a childhood cancer survivor?


The X chromosome scenarios accurately describe how a particular gametic mutation might change the sex ratio in the offspring of a childhood cancer survivor.

A decrease in the frequency of male births can indicate that a recessive lethal gametic mutation has been introduced into the maternal X chromosome.

The two main cell types seen in eukaryotic species are germ and somatic. Both types of cells can experience mutations. A mutation is referred to as a germinal mutation if it occurs in a germ cell. Because gametes develop from germ cells, some gametes will carry the mutation, and when the person successfully mates, they will pass it on to the following generation. Germinal mutations are typically not expressed in the person carrying the mutation. . It would only become apparent if it had a negative (or positive) impact on gamete production. All non-germline tissues are derived from somatic cells. Somatic mutations are changes that occur in somatic cells. The mutations are not sexually transmitted to the following generation because they do not develop in gametes-producing cells.

To learn more about mutation, refer:-



Forces work in pairs; the _____ force is the initial force applied to an object.


The net force is the initial force applied to an object.

What about net force?The total of all forces exerted on an object is known as the net force.  When there are a lot of forces acting on a system, the term "net force" is employed.The net force is the total of all forces acting on an object. According to Newton's Second Law, there must be a net force exerted on an item in order for it to accelerate. If an object's net force is zero, it is said to be in equilibrium and not moving forward.The total amount of forces exerted on an object is referred to as its net force. The total of N forces exerted on an item is given in the equation below. The total force operating on an item, which may include a number of different forces, is known as the net force acting on the object.Net force is significant since it aids in describing the object's motion and can be used to calculate acceleration. According to Newton's first law of motion, unless acted upon by an imbalanced net force.An object at rest will remain at rest, while an object in motion will continue to be in motion.

Learn more about net force here:



What’s the function of cartilage in the gas exchange system?



Cartilage plays a crucial role in the gas exchange system by supporting and protecting the delicate structures of the respiratory system. In particular, cartilage helps to maintain the shape of the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (airways), which allows air to flow freely through the respiratory system.

Cartilage is a tough, flexible tissue that is composed of cells called chondrocytes, as well as a strong, fibrous extracellular matrix. The cartilage in the respiratory system is mostly made up of elastic cartilage, which is highly resilient and can withstand the forces of breathing.

The cartilage in the respiratory system also helps to prevent the airways from collapsing or becoming blocked, which would impede the flow of air. For example, the cartilage rings that surround the trachea provide structural support and keep the trachea open, allowing air to pass through easily.

In summary, the function of cartilage in the gas exchange system is to support and protect the structures of the respiratory system, allowing air to flow freely through the airways and facilitating gas exchange in the lungs.

consider a dihybrid cross (aabb x aabb). how many offspring would be predicted to be heterozygous for both traits?


It would be expected that 1 in 4 offspring will be heterozygous for both features.

Based on the gametes of the parents, the checkerboard method is used to identify the potential children from a specific cross. To be able to comprehend all the possibilities kids can be generated, the parents precisely produce the gametes that are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The checkerboard approach can be used to calculate the likelihood of each potential offspring.

The dihybrid parents' homozygous gametes separate. When these gametes combine, the heterozygous progeny is created.

To learn more about heterozygous, refer:-



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