A baseball player hits a 140 g baseball with a force of 2800 N. What is the
acceleration of the ball as it leaves the bat?
A. 0.050 m/s2
B. 20 m/s2
C. 390 m/s2
D. 20,000 m/s2


Answer 1
B because 2800 divide by 40 is 20

Related Questions

Can someone pls help me is for my study guide final?



displacement means moving something or the occupation by a submerged body part or part of the body

Tidal energy is alternative source of energy. give reason​



Tidal energy is alternative source of energy because the energy it produces is free and clean as no fuel is needed and no waste bi-products are produced. It has the potential to produce a great deal of free and green energy.

Two point charges of +20.0 μC and -8.00 μC are separated by a distance of 20.0 cm. What is the intensity of electric field E midway between these two charges?



The intensity of the net electric field will:

[tex]E_{net}=E_{1}+E_{2}=2.52*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]


Here we need first find the electric field due to the first charge at the midway point.

The electric field equation is given by:



k is Coulomb's constantq(1) is 20.00 μC or 20*10⁻⁶ Cd is the distance from q1 to the midpoint (d=10.0 cm)

So, we will have:


[tex]|E_{1}|=1.8*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]

The direction of E1 is to the right of the midpoint.

Now, the second electric field is:



[tex]|E_{2}|=7.2*10^{6}\: N/C[/tex]

The direction of E2 is to the right of the midpoint because the second charge is negative.

Finally, the intensity of the net electric field will:

[tex]E_{net}=E_{1}+E_{2}=2.52*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]

I hope it helps you!

The net electric field midway between these two charges is 2.52 x 10⁷ N/C.

Electric field strength

The electric field strength between two point charges is the force per unit charge.

Electric field strength due to +20.0 μC charge

[tex]E _1 = \frac{kq_1}{r^2} \\\\E_ 1 = \frac{9 \times 10^9 \times 20 \times 10^{-6}}{(0.1)^2} \\\\E _1 = 18 \times 10^6 \ N/C[/tex]

Electric field strength due to -8μC charge

[tex]E _2 = \frac{kq_2}{r^2} \\\\E_ 2 = \frac{9 \times 10^9 \times 8 \times 10^{-6}}{(0.1)^2} \\\\E _2 = 7.2 \times 10^6 \ N/C[/tex]

The net electric field midway between these two charges is calculated as follows;

[tex]E_{net} = 18 \times 10^6 \ + \ 7.2 \times 10^6\\\\E_{net} = 25.2 \times 10^6 \ N/C\\\\E_{net} = 2.52 \times 10^7 \ N/C[/tex]

Learn more about electric field here: https://brainly.com/question/14372859

What could it be.... (science)




If a person has the genotype Rr for hair where red is dominant to blue, what phenotype would this person have?


the person's phenotype would be red hair. phenotype is what you see on the outside, genotype is what the dna says. <3

A toy car has a motor capable of moving the car at 10m/s up a 35 degree ramp. If the motor exerts a force of 500N to the car, what is the power rating of the motor in kW?



4.096 kW



P = Fvcos∅................. Equation 1

Where P = Power of the motor, F = Force exerted on the motor, v = Velocity, ∅ = angle.

From the question,

Given: F = 500 N, v = 10 m/s, ∅ = 35°

Substitute these values into equation 1

P = 500×10×cos35°

P = 4095.8 W

P = 4.096 kW

Hence the power rating of the moto in kW is 4.096 kW

what do you mean by exercise​



exercise mean any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.

I hope it will help you

A force of 200N acts between two objects at a certain distance apart .the value of the force when the distance is halved is?



800N is the answer


hope it helps

The force between the objects is 200 N and when the distance between the objects is halved then the force between them will be equal to 800 N.

What is Force?

A force in physics is an input that has the power to change an object's motion. A mass-containing object's velocity can vary, or accelerate, as a result of a force. Intuitively, a push or a pull can also be used to describe forces.

Being such a vector quantity, a force does have magnitude and direction. The SI unit metric newton is used to measure it (N). The letter F stands for force.

According to Newton's second law's original formulation, an object's net force is equal to the speed that its momentum is changing over time.

As per the given information in the question,

Force, F = 200 N

F1 = G × m₁m₂/ r²

The final force F' = G × m₁m₂/ (r/2)²

= 4G × m₁m₂/ r²

= 4F

So, when the distance between objects is halved, then the force between them increases to 4 times.

So, the force will be,

4F = 4 × 200

= 800 N.

To know more about Force:



Violet light (410 nm) and red light (685 nm) pass through a diffraction grating with d = 3.33 x 10-6 m. What is the angular separation between them for m = 2?​




right on acellus

Calculate the distance between a 3.0 x 10^-5 charge and a 2.0 x 10^-6 2 points
C charge if the force between them is 1000 N.



thanks for answer:)


Which scenario BEST describes an action-reaction pair? *
O A. A person pushes a cart and it rolls forward.
O B. A skateboarder pushes against the ground so she can move forward.
O C. An acrobat jumps on a trampoline and the trampoline moves downwards.
Both A and C



C. An acrobat jumps on a trampoline and the trampoline moves downwards.

Both A and C

[tex] - trixiejane[/tex]

A radioactive nucleus contains 128 nucleons. It emits a B-particle.
How many nucleons are now in the nucleus?
B 127
C 128
-D 129​


the answer would be c

Does a battery produce electric currents?



A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy. The chemical reactions in a battery involve the flow of electrons from one material (electrode) to another, through an external circuit. The flow of electrons provides an electric current that can be used to do work.

A building is 512 m high. What must be the minimum water pressure in a pipe at ground level in order to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor? [3] (Density of water = 1000 kgm-3)



The minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²



height of the building, h = 512 m

density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m³

The minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is calculated as follows;

P = ρgh


P is the required minimum pressure

g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

P = 1000 x 9.8 x 512

P = 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²

Therefore, the minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²

Give three examples of how biotechnology affects our everyday lives.
Write and complete sentences
Site your sources


Answer: But what about beer-brewing, crop breeding, and the antibiotic penicillin? These processes and products – some of which have been around for thousands of years – are also examples of biotechnology.


Specifically, industrial biotechnology uses enzymes and micro-organisms to make bio-based products in sectors such as chemicals, food ingredients, detergents, paper, textiles and biofuels. ... Since that time, industrial biotechnology has produced enzymes for use in our daily lives and for the manufacturing sector.

whats the definition of Light speed


Is a fundamental physical constant that is the speed at which electromagnetic

If heating 3 g of a substance by 2 °C requires X joules of heat, how much heat will be needed to heat 9 g of the same substance by 4 °C?




q=mct, for this problem c is constant since the same object is being used. so first condition: x= 3 * 2 * c = 6c, second condition: y = 9 * 4 * c = 36c, where y is our answer. using these equations: y=6x , the answer is 6x

A dog is running in a circle around a tree, trying to catch a rabbit. The dog's owner notices the
dog completes 4 laps around the tree in 32 seconds and the radius of the dog's circular path is
3 meters. What is the tangential velocity of the dog?


Answer: 2.35 m/s



Dog completes 4 laps around the tree in  32 seconds

Radius of the circular path is 3 m

Time period for single lap is  [tex]\frac{32}{4}=8\ s[/tex]

Length of the track is equivalent to the perimeter of the path

[tex]\Rightarrow L=2\pi r\\\Rightarrow L=2\pi \times 3\\\Rightarrow L=6\pi\ m[/tex]

Tangential velocity is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow v_t=\dfrac{L}{t}\\\\\Rightarrow v_t=\dfrac{6\pi}{8}\\\\\Rightarrow v_t=2.35\ m/s[/tex]

Thus, the tangential velocity is 2.35 m/s

Question 2 (5 points)
What is the frequency of a sound wave travelling through air at a speed of 340m/s with a wavelength of



Frequency of sound wave = 198.83 hertz (Approx.)



Velocity of sound wave in air = 340 m/s

Wavelength = 1.71 meter


Frequency of sound wave


Frequency = Velocity / Wavelength

Frequency of sound wave = Velocity of sound wave in air / Wavelength

Frequency of sound wave = 340 / 1.71

Frequency of sound wave = 198.8304

Frequency of sound wave = 198.83 hertz (Approx.)

The table below shows the speed of sound waves from musical sound sources at 20°C. Which conclusion can be made based on the information in the table? Wave speed and wavelengths can vary inversely to produce the same frequency. Frequency and wave speed can vary directly to produce the same wavelength. Wavelengths and frequency can vary inversely to produce the same wave speed. Frequency and wavelengths can vary directly to produce the same wave speed. Mark this and return








Took it on edg

explica de que tipo es cada oración según la actitud del hablante



Según la actitud del hablante las oraciones se clasifican en enunciativas, interrogativas, etc. ... adverbios o expresiones que complementan a toda la oración (COr): ojalá, quizá.


please help I found this confusing​






Answer: A


When a certain metal is illuminated with light of frequency 2.9 ✕ 1015 Hz, a stopping potential of 7.0 V is required to stop the most energetic ejected electrons. What is the work function of this metal?



4.96 eV


Recall the Einstein photoeletric equation;

KE = E - Wo


KE = kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectron

E= energy of the incident photon

Wo = Work function


KE = eV= 1.6 * 10^-19 C * 7 V /1.6 * 10^-19 C = 7 eV

E = hf/e = 6.6 * 10^-34 * 2.9 ✕ 10^15 Hz/1.6 * 10^-19

E = 11.96 eV


Wo = E - KE

Wo = 11.96 eV - 7eV

Wo = 4.96 eV

Iqbal has push a lighter box and seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor . Who will have to apply a larger force and why ?


Answer: Seema


When an object is on the floor, there is a force of friction acting on it. This force is higher if the object is heavier because the object would be pushing against the floor with more force.

To push such an object, one would have to apply enough force to break the friction holding the object to the floor and so with heavier objects, more force is needed to push the object because there is more friction acting on it.

Brad is swimming in the ocean on a hot sunny day. He finds the water to be much colder than the sand on the beach, even though the sun is warning them both. Identify the reasons for brads observation



When Brad was swimming in the ocean and then he observed that the sand was more hotter than the water of the ocean. The water is colder than the sand because the water needs more energy as compared to sand to change its temperature. This is because the water has a higher specific heat than sand.


The Grand Canyon is more than 400 km long and in some places almost 2 km deep. Which model best represents the main process that formed the Grand Canyon?


Answer: Diagram A


The Grand Canyon was created by the constant flow of the Colorado river which physically broke down the rock for billions of years. It then carried off the rock as it flowed and as it kept doing this, the canyon kept getting deeper and deeper.

This is what is described in the first diagram. The water from the faucet is carrying the soil along with it much like the Colorado did to the rocks of the Grand Canyon.

Help me please!
What is the velocity of a 0.1 kg baseball whose momentum is 100?








Cuantos CM son 8 newtons


Answer: Be more specific


uno thos threse u here me


Which type of waves give scientists information about the structure of Earth's interior layers?



Seismic waves

Think of earthquakes :)



Answer:ummm ok

Explanation:I really don’t get it but ok


so what do we need to do


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