A balloon is floating around outside your window. The temperature outside is 37 ∘C , and the air pressure is 0.800 atm . Your neighbor, who released the balloon, tells you that he filled it with 3.60 moles of gas. What is the volume of gas inside this balloon?


Answer 1


[tex]114.53\text{ L}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the volume of the gas inside the balloon

Mathematically, from the ideal gas equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PV\text{ = nRT} \\ V\text{ = }\frac{nRT}{P} \end{gathered}[/tex]


P is the pressure which is given as 0.8 atm

V is the volume which we want to calculate

R is the molar gas constant which is 0.0821 L.atm/mol.K

T is the temperature in Celsius which we can convert to K by adding 273 (273 + 37 = 310 K)

n is the number of moles which is 3.6

Substituting the values, we have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ V = }\frac{3.6\text{ }\times0.0821\times310}{0.8} \\ \\ V\text{ = 114.53 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

How many grams of glucose are required to heat 175 mL of water from 20.0 °C to 25.0°C?


We must first determine the heat needed to heat 175mL of water. In the working temperature range we can assume that the density of water is 1g/mL, so the mass of water that we must heat will be 175g of water.

Now, the heat we need to heat that mass of water is calculated with the following equation:

[tex]Q=mCp\Delta T[/tex]

Where Q is the heat required to heat the water

Cp is the specific heat of water equal to 4186 J/g°C

delta T is the change of temperature = 25°C-20°C=5°C

We replace the know values:

[tex]Q=175g\times4186\frac{J}{g\degree C}\times\frac{1kJ}{1000J}\times5\degree C=3662.75kJ[/tex]

Now, to heat the water they tell us that the glucose combustion will take place. We must assume that all the heat generated in the reaction will go to heating the water and that there is no heat loss to the environment.

The combustion reaction of glucose generates 2538.7 kJ/mol. So the moles of glucose needed will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} molGlucose=givenHeatrequired\times\frac{1molGlucose}{2538.7kJ} \\ molGlucose=3662.75kJ\times\frac{1molGlucose}{2,538.7kJ}=1.44molGlucose \end{gathered}[/tex]

We calculate the grams of glucose by multiplying the moles by the molar mass of glucose equal to 180.2g/mol

grams of glucose= 1.44 mol x 180.2 g/mol=260g

Answer: To heat 175 mL of water from 20.0 °C to 25.0°C are required 260g of glucose

Calculate ∆G° for each reaction using ∆Gf° values: (a) 2Mg(s) + O2(g) → 2MgO(s)


The free energy of formation of the MgO is −597 kJ/mol.

What is the standard free energy of formation?

We know that the free energy of formation is defined as the energy that is evolved or absorbed when a substance is formed from its components under standard conditions. In this case, we have that the magnesium and the oxygen are all pure substances.

It is important that we recall that the free energy of formation of a pure substance is zero. We have the free energy  of formation of the magnesium oxide as−597 kJ/mol.


Sum of free energy of formation of products - Sum of free energy  of formation of reactants

We have;

(−597 kJ/mol) - (0  kJ/mol)

free energy of formation = −597 kJ/mol

Learn more about free energy:https://brainly.com/question/15319033


In the equation:2H2 + O2 → 2H2O100 molecules of hydrogen react with ........... molecules of oxygen.



[tex]50\text{ molecules}[/tex]


Here, we want to know the number of molecules of oxygen that was reacted with

From the question, we can see that the mole ratio is 2 to 1

Thus, the number of molecules of oxygen reacted will be half that of hydrogen

Hence, the number of molecules of oxygen will be:

[tex]\rightarrow\frac{100}{2}\text{ = 50 molecules}[/tex]

what is the % concentration by mass of 3.5 g of NaCl dissolved in 100.0 grams of water


Step 1 - Understanding % concentration in mass

% concentration in mass expresses the concentration of a solute by its percentage, in mass, in relation to the total mass of the solution.

Mathematically, we can find this percentage by the following relation:

[tex]\text{ \%concentration = }\frac{m_{solute}}{m_{solution}}\times100[/tex]

Step 2 - Caculating the % concentration for the given solution

According to the exercise:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_{solute}=3.5g\text{ \lparen NaCl is the solute\rparen} \\ \\ m_{solution}=100+3.5=103.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Setting these values in the equation:

[tex]\text{ \%concentration = }\frac{3.5}{103.5}\times100=3.38\text{ \%}[/tex]

Answer: the % concentration of NaCl in this solution is 3.38%.

Balance the following chemical equation using algebraic method ( A value is 2 ) ( please include procedure ) Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 = Sn3N4 + Pt(NO2)4


Answer: 3Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 → Sn3N4 + 3Pt(NO2)4

Given the equation:

• Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 → Sn3N4 + Pt(NO2)4

(1) The first thing we noticed is that this is a double replacement equation

• ,Sn combines with N4 to form Sn3N4, (,take note that Sn→ Sn3,)

• Pt3 combines with (NO2) to form Pt(NO2)4 ( ,take note that Pt3 → Pt)

(2) Balancing the equation

• Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 → Sn3N4 + Pt(NO2)4 ....(,place 3 infront of Sn in the reactant side .)

• 3,Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 → Sn3N4 + Pt(NO2)4...( ,then place 3 infront of Pt in the product side,)


• 3,Sn (NO2)4 + Pt3N4 → Sn3N4 + ,3,Pt(NO2)4

Check :

3Sn reactant : Sn3 Product

(NO2)4 reactant : (NO2)4 product

Pt3 reactant : 3Pt product

N4 reactant : N4 product

RHS = LHS ,this means that our equation has now balance.

most of the elements that make good insulators are located at the _____ of the periodic table?A. Top B. right C. left D. bottom



The elements that belong to group 18 of the modern periodic table can be considered as some of the best electric insulators since they all contain completely filled valence shells and are, therefore, stable.

In general, elements that make good insulators are nonmetals, and these are located at the right of the periodic table. Thus the correct answer is B.

pls help meHow many liters of NH3 are needed to react completely with 30.0 L of NO (at STP)?4NH3 (g)+ 6NO(g) 5N2(g)+ 6H2o(g)a.5.0 Lc.7.5 Lb.20.0 Ld.120.0 L



[tex]20.0\text{ L}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the volume of NH3 that will react with 30L of NO at STP

From the question, we have it that 4 moles of ammonia reacted 6 moles of NO

Thus, we have the mole ratio as 6 to 4

Thus, the volume of ammonia reacted would be:

[tex]\frac{4}{6}\times30\text{ = 20.0 L}[/tex]

Radioactive iodine (I-131) is an isotope of iodine that emits radiation and is used for various medical applications, such as in the treatment of thyroid cancer. The half-life for I-131 is 8 days. Based on the half-life of I-131, how many half-lives have to pass for a 200 mg sample of I-131 to decay down to 25 mg?


Half life is the time period in which half of the initial amount of an element will decay into a new element due to instability. For I-131, the half life is 8 days.

From 200 to 25 grams, let's see how many half lives are there:

200g -> 100g

100g -> 50g

50g -> 25g

Therefore for 200g of I-131 reach 25 grams, 3 half lives are necesseray, 3 half lives or 24 days

Lists the groups of the periodic table in order from left to right.


1 Alkali metals
2 Alkaline earth metals
3 Transition metals
4 Halogen
5 Nobel gases

The groups of the periodic table from left to right are alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,transition metals,halogens and noble gases.

What is periodic table?

Periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements in the form of a table. In the periodic table, elements are arranged according to the modern periodic law which states that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers.

It is called as periodic because properties repeat after regular intervals of atomic numbers . It is a tabular arrangement consisting of seven horizontal rows called periods and eighteen vertical columns called groups.

Elements present in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar properties while elements present in the same period show gradual variation in properties due to addition of one electron for each successive element in a period.

Learn more about periodic table,here:



Calculate the pOH for an aqueous solution containing 0.01 moles of HCl in a 2.5 L solution.


The question requires us to calculate the pOH value for a solution containing 0.01 moles of HCl in 2.5 L of solution.

To solve this problem, we'll need to go through the following steps:

I) calculate the molar concentration of the HCl solution to obtaine the concentration of H+ ions;

II) using the concentration of H+ ions, calculate the pH of the solution;

III) with the value obtained for pH, calculate the value of pOH for this solution.

Next, we'll go through the steps to solve the question:

I) Since the question provided the number of moles of HCl and the volume of the solution, we can calculate the molar concentration using the following equation:

[tex]\text{molar concentration = }\frac{\text{number of moles (mol)}}{\text{volume (L)}}_{}[/tex]

Thus, applying the values provided:

[tex]\text{molar concentration of HCl= }\frac{0.01\text{ mol}}{2.5\text{ L}}=0.004\text{ mol/L}[/tex]

Therefore, the concentration of the HCl solution is 0.004 mol/L.

Since HCl is a strong acid, we can expect it to completely dissociate in H+ and Cl-: the concentration of H+ ions for this solution would also be 0.004 mol/L ( [H+] = 0.004 mol/L).

III) The next step is calculate the pH of this solution. We'll use the following equation and apply the concentration of H+ ions obtained in the previous step ( [) using H+] = 0.004 mol/L):

[tex]pH=-\log _{10}\lbrack H^+\rbrack\to pH=-\log _{10}(0.004)=2.39[/tex]

Now, we know that the pH of the solution is 2.39.

III) The last step is use the pH value calculated (pH = 2.39) to calculate the pOH of the solution, using the following equation:

[tex]pH+\text{pOH =14}\to pOH\text{ = 14 - pH}[/tex][tex]\text{pOH = 14-2.39 = 11.6}[/tex]

Therefore, the pOH of the HCl solution given is 11.6.

could you calculate the percent composition for 15 and the empirical formal for 16


To solve this question, we need to know the molar mass of Ca. It is 40 g/mol

There are 3 atoms of Ca in Ca3(PO4)2

So the mass of Ca in Ca3(PO4)2 is 3x40 = 120 g


375 grams ---- 100%

120 g --- x

x = 32%

Answer: 32% of calcium.

Please help with 2nd and 3rd questions In question b) Aluminum reacts with hydrocloric acid


In order to solve the question b):

We have the following reaction occuring:


We need to calculate the number of moles of aluminum needed to produce 30ml of H2 (hydrogen gas) at a temperature of 22°C and a pressure of 763mmHg.

To calculate the number of moles of hydrogen produced we use the ideal gas equation:



P is the pressure

V is the volume

n is the number of moles

R is the gas constant

T is the temperature

R is a constant and it's value is:

[tex]R=8.314\text{ }\frac{m^3.Pa}{K.mol}[/tex]

So we need to convert each variable to the units of this constant.

[tex]\begin{gathered} T:\text{ }22^{\circ}C=295.15^{\circ}K \\ P:\text{ }763mmHg=101725\text{ }Pa \\ V:\text{ 30ml}:0.00003m^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So now we calculate:


So we know that 0.00124 moles of H2 are formed.

Now we know that for every 2 moles of aluminum 3 moles of H2 are formed.

So we calculate the moles of Al needed:


So the answer is 0.000826 moles of Al°

convert 123 joules to k cal



0.029397 kCal


According to the question, we are to convert Joules to kCal

Using the conversion factor:

1 Joule = 0.000239 Kcal

Next is to convert 123 Joules to kCal

To do that, we will multiply 123 Joules with the factor as 0.000239

123 Joules = (0.000239 * 123) kcal

123 Joules = 0.029397 kCal

Hence the value of 123 joules is equal to 0.029397 kCal

An tank contains oxygen (O2) at a pressure of 2.29 atm . What is the pressure in the tank in terms of torr



One atm of pressure is equal to 760 torr. We can use this relationship to find the answer to our problem.

1 atm = 760 torr

P = 2.29 atm = 2.29 atm * 760 torr/(1 atm)

P = 1740 torr

Answer: The pressure of the tank in torr is 1740 torr.

Which types of electron orbitals will have higher energy than a 4d orbital?A. 4pB. 3sC. 4fD. 5s



5s. Option D is correct

Explanations:What are electron orbitals?

Electron orbitals are area around the nucleus where electron resides. The closer the orbital to the nucleus, the higher the energy level.

Based on the explanation above, 5s will be higher in energy than the 4d orbital.

How many g of oxygen are in 4.50x1024 molecules of P205?0 43.9 gO 4.24x1022 gO 600 gO 598 g


If we have 4.50 x 10²⁴ molecules of P₂O₅, we will have 5 times as much atoms of oxygen, because in each molecule of P₂O₅ there are 5 atoms of oxygen.

So, the number of atoms of oxygenm in total, is:


The atomic mass of oxygen is approximately 15.9994 g/mol. So, we first need to convert the number of oxygen atoms for number of moles of oxygen.

To do that, we divide the number of atomx of oxygen by Avogadro's Numver:


So, we have:

[tex]n_O=\frac{2.25\times10^{25}}{6.022\times10^{23}mol^{-1}}=37.36300\ldots mol^{}[/tex]

Now, we can convert to mass:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M_O=\frac{m_O}{n_O} \\ m_O=M_O\cdot n_O=15.9994g/mol\cdot37.36300\ldots mol=597.7856\ldots g\approx598g \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, we have approximately 598 g of oxygen atom.

Do neutrons have postive,negative, or neutral charge ?



Balls uhhh neutron but if theres a better answer take it cuz im prolly wrong


50/50 im right up to you to take the chance or jus search it on tha goog

neutrons have a neutral charge, protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge

Finish balancing:__al + 3zn(no3)2 -> __al(no3)3 +__znWhat coefficient does al(no3)3 have in the balanced equation?


In order to properly balance an equation, we need to make sure that the same amount of elements on the reactants side matches the number of elements on the products side, we can do that by increasing the number in front of each molecule, the so called stoichiometric coefficient. In the reaction from the question we can properly balance by adding the following stoichiometric coefficients

For our question, we have:

2 Al + 3 Zn(NO3)3 -> 2 Al(NO3)3 + 3 Zn

Now this reaction is properly balanced

Al(NO3)3 has the coefficient 2

Which element has 6-p electrons?


noble gases

alkali metals

alkaline earth metals


alkali metals has 6-p electrons

what are the properties of alkali metals ?

The alkali metals are elements of group 1 elements which are lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr).,

These elements are s-block elements because they have their outermost electron in an s-orbital.

The alkali metals are soft, shiny and highly reactive and  lose their outermost electron to create cations with charge +1, it can tarnish rapidly in the air due to oxidation by atmospheric moisture and oxygen.

Alkali metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, these elements are  specific, They are soft and can be cut by knife.

For more details regarding alkali metal, visit



What is a molecular equation and how do I do that


option A is  is a true molecular equation depicted.


A molecular equation is a balanced chemical equation in which the constituent ions of the ionic compounds are represented as molecules. Each of a compound's constituent components and the amount of atoms they each possess are listed in the molecular formula. Similar rules apply to the most basic formula: all the constituents are mentioned, but the numbers represent their relative proportions.

There are three different types of equations that may be developed for a reaction involving ionic compounds: molecular equations, full ionic equations, and net ionic equations. In chemistry, each of these equations has a specific function. Because it details exactly which compounds were employed in a process, a molecular equation is useful.

To know more about  molecular equation visit : https://brainly.com/question/15329297


The police found 488.43 grams of chlorate of
potassium (KCIO) in the room. To kill someone with the
mixture, 420.45g of potassium chloride would be required.
Is there enough potassium chloride to
that Melanie killed the butler?
KCIO3 > KCI + O2?


The formed amount of KCl from the reaction is 297.12 g which is not enough to kill someone.

What is the limiting reagent?

A limiting reagent can be defined as a reactant that is exhausted completely from the mixture at the completion of a chemical reaction.

When quantities of reactant are not taken in stoichiometry, the limiting reactants in the chemical reaction will decide the maximum amount of product.

Given, a balanced equation of the decomposition of KClO₃ is:

[tex]KClO_3\longrightarrow KCl +O_2[/tex]

One mole of KClO₃ will produce one mole of KCl.

122.55 g of the KClO₃ will produce KCl = 74.55 g

Given, the amount of KClO₃ = 488.43 g

Then 488.43 g of KClO₃ will produce KCl  = (74.55/122.55) × 488.43

                                                                      = 297.12 grams

As given 420.45g of potassium chloride would be required to kill someone. Therefore,  there is not enough potassium chloride that Melanie killed the butler.

Learn more about limiting reagents, here:



Why is DNA describes as a blueprint for a cell?


DNA describes as a blueprint for a cell because it contain the instruction needed for an organism to grow develop and survive

DNA is called a blueprint of life because it contain the instruction needed for an organism to grow develop and survive and reproduce and DNA does this by controlling protein synthesis and protein do must of the work cell and are basic unit of structure and function in the cell of organism

DNA is read by the enzyme RNA polymerase and this enzyme attaches itself to the DNA strand slightly in front of a gene and it then slides along the DNA strand making a copy of the gene only using RNA building blocks instead of DNA building block

Know more about blueprint



3. Do the changes that you observed in the relative solubilities of NaCl agree with their Solubility Curves ? Explain your answer .


6. As we can see from the graph, if we have only 100 grams of water, at 30°C, we will have 10 grams of KClO3 being dissolved in water, therefore if we have 300 grams of H2O, we will have 30 grams of KClO3 being dissolved at 30°C

7. The least soluble substance will be the one that shows up first in the temperature "line", if you follow the temperature up, the first solute that is listed will be considered to least soluble, therefore the least one will be KClO3

What is the procedure of chemical bonding?



Chemical bonding is the process where atoms or molecules combine or bond together. A chemical bond may result from the electrostatic force between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds.


Chemical bonding is the process where atoms or molecules combine or bond together, usually to form a new compound. The outer electron orbits or shells determine which elements or molecules combine and how well they bond together. There are several types of chemical bonding. A chemical bond may result from the electrostatic force between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds.

% w/v relates which two units?A.grams and molesB.grams and millilitersC.moles and litersD.temperature and volumeE.milliliters and moles



The % w/v s the number of grams of solute in 100 mL of solution

So it relates grams of solute with mL of solution.

Answer: B. grams and milliliters

Calculate the pH and pOH of aqueous solutions with the following concentrations.[OH﹘] = 1.0 x 10-7M



pH = 7

pOH = 7


The formula for calculating the pOH of a solution is given as:


Given the following parameter



[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log(1.0\times10^{-7}) \\ pOH=-log(10^{-7}) \\ pOH=-(-7) \\ pOH=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the pH of the solution

Recall that pH + pOH = 14, hence;

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=14-pOH \\ pH=14-7 \\ pH=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the required pH and pOH of aqueous solution are 7 and 7 respectively

An atom whose atomic number is 16 and mass number is 32 can be written as:A)sulfur-16B)sulfur-32C)Germanium-32D) germanium-46


It is necessary to use the Periodic Table of Elements to find the atom with atomic number of 16 and a mass number of 32, that is Sulfur (S).

The correct way to write it is using the mass number of the element, so sulfur can be written as sulfur-32.

7 Megumi goes to the doctor, complaining of fatigue. The doctor examines her and asks if she has experienced heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or tingling in her hands and feet. She denies any of these symptoms. A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right. Considering her symptoms, which is MOST likely true of Megumi? A. Megumi has a magnesium inadequacy. B. Megumi has a magnesium deficiency. C. Megumi has a magnesium excess. D. Megumi has a magnesium balance.


A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right considering her symptoms then the Megumi has a magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is the condition in which blood level of magnesium is lower than usual and hypomagnesemia is the medical term for this disorder and magnesium shortage is an electrolyte disruption caused by a low magnesium content in the body and it can cause a variety of symptoms and the symptoms are palpitations, poor coordination, muscular spasms, lack of appetite, personality changes and because of low magnesium level the potassium level is also deceases

Know more about magnesium deficiency



What is the pH of a Strong Acid solution whose concentration is 10-7M?



pH = 6


Given that:

The concentration of the acid [H⁺] = 10⁻⁷ M

What to find:

The pH of the strong acid solution.

Step-by-step solution:

The pH of the strong acid solution whose concentration is 10⁻⁷ M can be calculated using the pH formula.

The pH formula is given by: pH = -log[H⁺]

Substitute [H⁺] as 10⁻⁷ M, we have:

pH = - log(10⁻⁷)

pH = -(-6)

pH = 6

The pH of the strong acid solution whose concentration is 10⁻⁷ M is 6.

2. Complete and correctly balance each of the following reactions: 5 pts(a) Double replacement: Ba Cl2 (aq) + AgNO3 (aq)-(b) Decomposition: HgO (s)(c) Combustion: C4H10 (9) + O2 (9)-(d) Single replacement: Ca (s) + AlCl3 (s)(e) Combination: Mg(s) + N2 (9)-


2. (a) We are told that it is a double displacement reaction, so there will be two substitutions and Cl will exchange places with NO3.

Now, that will be the full reaction but we need to balance it. Count the atoms of each element on each side of the reaction. In the figure we can see that Chlorine, Nitrogen and Oxygen are not balanced.

We place the coefficient 2 in front of the AgCl molecule to balance the chlorides. You can see the picture.

Now we will balance the nitrogens. There are two nitrogens in the products. We place the coefficient two in the AgNO3 molecule. In the figure I will make the update.

Now the equation is balanced, so the balanced reaction will be:

[tex]BaCl_{2(aq)}+2AgNO_{3\left(aq\right)}+\rightarrow Ba\left(NO_3\right)_{2\left(aq\right)}+2AgCl(s)[/tex]

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