A ball is thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 128 ft/sec, so that its height (in feet) after t sec is given by s(t) = 128t-16t2. (a) What is the average velocity of the ball over the following time intervals? [3,4] ft/sec [3,3.5] ft/sec [3,3.1] ft/sec (b) What is the instantaneous velocity at time t = 3? ft/sec (c) What is the instantaneous velocity at time t = 6? ft/sec Is the ball rising or falling at this time? rising falling (d) When will the ball will hit the ground? t = sec


Answer 1


one sec let me think


Answer 2

(a)The average velocity of the ball over the following time intervals will be  [3,4] ft/sec.

(b)The instantaneous velocity at time t = 3 will be32 ft/sec.

(c)The instantaneous velocity at time t = 6 will be -64 ft/sec.

(d)The ball will hit the ground at 13.4 sec.

What is velocity?

The change of displacement with respect to time is defined as the velocity.  velocity is a vector quantity. it is a time-based component.

The given data in the question will be ,

u is the initial velocity by which ball thrown=128 ft/sec.

V₃ is the instantaneous velocity at time t=3 sec.

V₆ is the instantaneous velocity at time t=6 sec.

t is the time when ball hits the ground=?

(a) Given equation for the displacement

s(t) =128t-16t²     (on differenting got the velocity )

v(t) = 128-32t

Time when velocity is zero will be

[tex]\rm{ t=\frac{128}{32}[/tex]

[tex]\rm{ t=4 sec[/tex]

If the velocity got in the equation is 128 and 32 ft /sec. it can be only when the average velocity is [3,4] ft/sec .

Hence the average velocity obtained from the problem will be  [3,4] ft/sec


s(t) =128t-16t²     (on differenting got the velocity )

v(t) = 128-32t

At time( t=3 sec)

v(3) = 128-32×3

v(3) =32 m/sec.

Hence the instantaneous velocity at time t = 3 will be32 ft/sec.


s(t) =128t-16t²     (on differenting got the velocity )

v(t) = 128-32t

At time( t=6 sec)

v(6) = 128-32×6

v(6) = -64 m/sec.

Hence the instantaneous velocity at time t = 6 will be -64 ft/sec.


According to Newtons third equation of motion we got


If the body returens from a certain height at max height its velocity must be zero; ( u=0)

[tex]\rm t=\frac{(v-u)}{g} \\\\\ \rm t=\frac{(128-0)}{9.81}\\\\\rm t=13.04 sec.[/tex]

Hence the ball will hit the ground at 13.4 sec.

To learn more about the velocity refer to the link ;


Related Questions

what is the acceleration of an object that has a velocity of 25.0m/s and is moving in a circle of a radius of 10.0 m?



[tex]a=62.5\ m/s^2[/tex]


Given that,

The velocity of the object, v = 25 m/s

Radius of the circle, r = 10 m

We need to find the acceleration of the object. The centripetal acceleration act on it. It is given by :

[tex]a=\dfrac{v^2}{r}\\\\a=\dfrac{(25)^2}{10}\\\\a=62.5\ m/s^2[/tex]

So, the acceleration of the object is equal to [tex]62.5\ m/s^2[/tex].

A student at a polymer lab conducted a stress-relaxation experiment on a polymer, whose material response can be modeled by the Maxwell model. In the experiment, a 10-cm-long bar was stretched instantly until the stress reached 200 MPa. After 2 min, the measured stress in the bar was 160 MPa. a) Calculate the relaxation time constant of the polymer. b) If the initial stress was reached by stretching the bar by 16 mm, what is the viscosity of the dashpot in the Maxwell model


Answer: add 10 cm plus 200 mpa divided by 2 min then caculate that into 160 bars.


a) The relaxation time constant of the polymer is approximately 8.9 min.

b) The viscosity of the dashpot in the Maxwell model is approximately 4.55 GPa s.

What is the stress-relaxation model?

The stress-relaxation response of the Maxwell model can be modeled by the following equation:

σ(t) = σ₀ exp(-t/τ)

where σ₀ is the initial stress, τ is the relaxation time constant, and t is the time.

a) The relaxation time constant of the polymer:

σ(2 min) = 160 MPa

σ₀ = 200 MPa

160 MPa = 200 MPa exp(-2 min/τ)

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we get:

ln(160/200) = -2 min/τ

Solving for τ, we get:

τ = -2 min / ln(160/200) ≈ 8.9 min

Therefore, the relaxation time constant of the polymer is approximately 8.9 min.

b) The displacement of the spring in the Maxwell model can be modeled by the following equation:

x(t) = (σ₀ / G) (1 - exp(-t/τ))

where G is the shear modulus of the polymer. We can use this equation and the given displacement of 16 mm to find the viscosity of the dashpot:

x(t) = 16 mm = 0.016 m

σ₀ = 200 MPa

τ = 6.09 min = 365.4 s

Assume that the shear modulus of the polymer is constant and use the given stress to find it:

G = σ₀ / γ

where γ is the strain induced by the stretching.

Since the bar was stretched by 16 mm and its original length was 10 cm (i.e., 100 mm), the strain is:

γ = 16 mm / 100 mm = 0.16


G = 200 MPa / 0.16 = 1250 MPa

Now we can solve for the viscosity of the dashpot:

η = σ₀τ / x(t)

= (200 MPa) (365.4 s) / (0.016 m)

≈ 4.55 GPa s

Therefore, the viscosity of the dashpot in the Maxwell model is approximately 4.55 GPa s.

Learn more about the stress-relaxation model here:



A physics student sits in a chair. The chair pushes up on the student's body. Identify the other force of the interaction force pair.



gravity pulls down on student the chair pushes up on the student's body with the same force gravity is pulling down on the student

A magnet produces a magnetic field.

Which diagram shows the magnetic field pattern around a bar magnet


You Forgot To Add The Pictures

Convert 15000km/hr into m/s





The hour equals 3600 secound, and Km equals to 1000 meter.




formula multiply the lenght value by 1000

it takes 840s to walk completely around a circular track, moving at a speed of 1.20m/s? what is the radius of the track?



160.43 meters







The distance around the circular track is equal to its circumference. If it takes840 s  to complete the path with a velocity of 1.20 m/s then the radius of the path will be 160 m.

What is velocity?

Velocity is a physical quantity measuring the distance traveled by unit time. It is a vector quantity thus, characterized by its magnitude and direction. Velocity is usually expressed in m/s.

Velocity is the ratio of distance to the time taken to complete the travel. Thus, greater distance within short time indicates greater velocity.

Given that the time take to complete the circular path = 840 s

velocity = 1.20 m/s

distance = circumference of the circular path = 2πr.

distance = time × velocity

2πr = 840 s × 1.20 m/s

      = 1008 m.

Therefore, the radius r of the circular path  = 1008 m/ 2 π = 160 m.

Hence, the radius of the circular path 160 m.

To find more on velocity, refer here:




2. Somnambulism is a psychologically induced altered state of consciousness.

3. Unconscious information processing occurs simultaneously on many parallel

4. Your subconscious mind is just the "tip of the iceberg" according to psychologists
like Sigmund Freud.


answers: true true false

Using the American Engineering system of units (AES), a) Calculate the weight of a 170.5 lbm person on the surface of the earth, where the local acceleration due to gravity is 32.174 ft/s2 . Report your answer in pound-force, lbf. b) What would be the weight of a 170.5 lbm astronaut on the moon, where the local acceleration due to gravity is 5.32 ft/s2 . Report your answer in pound-force, lbf.



a) the weight of the person is 170.5 lbf

b) weight of the astronaut on the moon is 28.2 lbf


Given the data in the question;


we know that;

weight on the surface of the earth = m[tex]g_{earth[/tex]

given that m = 170.5 lbm and g = 32.174 ft/s²

we substitute

weight on the surface of the earth =  170.5 lbm × 32.174 ft/s²

= 5485.667 lbm-ft/s²

1 lbf = 32.174 lbm-ft/s²


weight on the surface of the earth = (5485.667 / 32.174) lbf

weight on the surface of the earth = 170.5 lbf

Therefore, the weight of the person is 170.5 lbf


given that;

weight on the surface of the earth = m[tex]g_{moon[/tex]

m = 170.5 lbm and g = 5.32 ft/s²

weight on the surface of the earth = 170.5 lbm × 5.32 ft/s²

= 907.06 lbm-ft/s²

1 lbf = 32.174 lbm.ft/s²

weight on the surface of the earth = ( 907.06 / 32.174 ) lbf

weight on the surface of the earth = 28.2 lbf

Therefore, weight of the astronaut on the moon is 28.2 lbf

A 10 kg object moving to the left collides with and sticks to a 3 kg object moving to the right. Which of the following is true of the motion of the combined objects immediately after the collision?



"Cannot be determined," if that's an answer choice. It depends on the velocities of both objects, since momentum=mass*velocity.


You are riding in the passenger seat of a car as it goes around a tight turn. You slide across the seat to the passenger side door. Which statement below properly describes what is happening? a. You are exerting a centripetal force on the door. b. The door and seat are exerting a centripetal force on you that balances the centrifugal force of the turn. c. The car seat exerts a centripetal force on you, but not enough to keep you in place, so the door exerts the rest. d. The centrifugal force is greater than the force of friction between you and the seat, so you slide outward.




answer C looks good

there isn't really a "centrifugal " force. :/    when we are pushed "back" in a car seat.. it's not because there is a force pushing us backwards... but a force pushing us forwards.. just like when turning too,   a force pushes us into the corner,  not a force pushing out of the corner.  :)  

How does changing the frequency affect the sound that you hear?



It leads to a higher pitch of sound which means the sound is louder.


When a sound is made, it will cause vibrations to occur.

The size of these vibrations are called amplitude while their speed is called frequency.

Now, the larger the vibrations implies that we will have high amplitude such that the sound is louder, whereas, the higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of sound and vice versa.

The larger the pitch, the louder the sound and vice versa.

Thus, increasing the frequency leads to higher pitch and ultimately louder sound.

What is the acceleration of a 7 kg object if a force of 63 N is applied?









what is tangential velocity



Tangential velocity is the linear speed of any object moving along a circular path



Tangential velocity is the linear speed of any object moving along a circular path. A point on the outside edge of a turntable moves a greater distance in one complete rotation than a point near to the center.


i hope this helps and can i get brainliest pls?

a wave of frequency 10hz forms a stationary wave pattern in a medium where the velocity is 30cm/s. the distance between adjacent nodes is?​



The ans is 1 not 2


The distance between two adjacent node in a stationary wave is half wavelength π/2 and not full wavelength as in π,so when solving we got 2cm as the wavelength since they ask the dist. Also adjacent nodes you will divide it by 2 and the ans will give u 1cm.

Hope this helps.

Can someone plz explain :
Two cars have the same mass, the first car is moving towards the east and the second is
stationary. If the two cars merge together after a collision and head towards the east their speed
after the collision is equal to.......
A)1/4vi b)1/2vi c)vi d) 2vi


Answer: Option b, the final velocity is half of the initial velocity.


Here we will use the conservation of the total momentum of a system.

This means that the total momentum at the beginning must be the same as the final momentum.

Where momentum is:

P = M*v

Initially, we have two cars, both with the same mass M, and only one of them has a velocity v.

Then the initial momentum is:

P = M*v + M*0 = M*v

After the collision, the two cars move together. Then the total mass that is moving is equal to the sum of the masses of the cars, this is 2*M

and we can suppose that the two cars move at a final velocity v'

Then the final momentum is:

P' = (2*M)*v'

Now we use the conservation of momentum, then:

P = P'

M*v = (2*M)*v'

Now we need to solve this for v'

(M*v)/(2*M) = v'

v/2 = v'

This means that the final velocity is half of the initial velocity.

Then the correct option is option b.

amount of force times the distance it moves object


work=force×distance this is the formula

Assuming that voltage remains constant, what happens to the current in a
wire if the length of the wire increases?
O A. The current decreases.
OB. The current alternates between high and low values.
O C. The current increases.
O D. The current is not affected by a change in wire length.



The Current decreases



in a class where the number of girls is 36% of the total number,there are 48 boys.how many students are there in the class?​



There are 75 people in the class. The number of boys is 48 and the number of girls is 27. The percentage of girls is 36% of 75.


How fast is a ball going when it hits the ground after being dropped from a
height of 16 m? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2
A. 22.5 m/s
B. 28.1 m/s
O C. 17.7 m/s
D. 19.3 m/s


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{\text{C. 17.7m/s}}[/tex]

Use the following kinematic equation to solve:

vf² = vi² + 2(ad)

Since the initial velocity is 0 m/s because it started at rest, we can eliminate this part of the equation:

vf² = 2ad

Plug in the given acceleration and distance:

vf² = 2(9.8)(16)

vf ≈ 17.7. The correct answer is C.

Time Dilation. A group of scientists discover a new, rare isotope and are able to store a small amount of it. They determine that the isotope is unstable and half of their sample will decay in 13.0 monthsmonths . The scientists need a new laboratory to properly conduct measurements on the isotope. If laboratory is built before half the sample decays there will still be enough of the isotope available for experiments. However, it will take 21.0 monthsmonths to build the new lab. Fortunately, the scientists can quickly start construction and they have access to a spaceship that can travel at speeds approaching the speed of light c = 3.00


This question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Time Dilation. A group of scientists discover a new, rare isotope and are able to store a small amount of it. They determine that the isotope is unstable and half of their sample will decay in 13.0 months . The scientists need a new laboratory to properly conduct measurements on the isotope. If laboratory is built before half the sample decays there will still be enough of the isotope available for experiments. However, it will take 21.0 months to build the new lab. Fortunately, the scientists can quickly start construction and they have access to a spaceship that can travel at speeds approaching the speed of light c = 3.00 x 10⁸ m/s.

If they place their sample of the isotope on the spaceship, at what speed must it travel in order for the new laboratory to be completed on Earth by the time half of the isotope on the spaceship decays? Assume that it took one month for the scientists to actually start construction and launch the spaceship so half the sample will remain in 12.0 months but it will still take 21.0 months to build the new lab.


the required speed is 2.4618 x 10⁸ m/s


Given the data in the question;

Time taken to complete a lab = 21 months  

it took them one one to actually start so

Time remaining so that sample only decays by 1/2 = (13 - 1) = 12 months

we need to find at what speed the spaceship should travel so that time on earth ( = 12 months) become time on spaceship ( = 21 months)

we make use of time dilation equation;

t' = t/√( 1 - v²/c² )

where t is time in rest frame = 12 and t' is time in moving frame = 21

so we substitute

21 = 12/√( 1 - v²/c² )

21√( 1 - v²/c² ) = 12

√( 1 - v²/c² ) = 12/21

we square both side

( 1 - v²/c² ) = ( 12/21 )²

( 1 - v²/c² ) = 0.3265

v²/c² = 1 - 0.3265

v²/c² = 0.6735

v² = 0.6735 × c²

v = √0.6735 × √c²

v = 0.8206 × c

given that speed of light c = 3 x 10⁸ m/s

v = 0.8206 × 3 x 10⁸ m/s

v = 2.4618 x 10⁸ m/s

Therefore, the required speed is 2.4618 x 10⁸ m/s

In a mass spectrometer, a specific velocity can be selected from a distribution by injecting charged particles between a set of plates with a constant electric field between them and a magnetic field across them (perpendicular to the direction of particle travel). If the fields are tuned exactly right, only particles of a specific velocity will pass through this region undeflected. Consider such a velocity selector in a mass spectrometer with a 0.105 T magnetic field.
Part (a) What electric field strength, in volts per meter, is needed to select a speed of 3.8 × 106 m/s?
Part (b) What is the voltage, in kilovolts, between the plates if they are separated by 0.75 cm?



a).[tex]$3.99 \times 10^5 \ v/m$[/tex]

b). 2.9925 kV


Given :

For mass spectrometer

The magnetic field = B

B = 0.105 T

a).  Given speed, v = [tex]$3.8 \times 10^6 \ m/s$[/tex]

We known


∴ [tex]$E= 3.8 \times 10^6 \times 0.105$[/tex]

      [tex]$=3.99 \times 10^5 \ v/m$[/tex]

b). Now spectrometer, d = 0.75 cm

                                      [tex]$d=0.75 \times 10^{-2} \ m$[/tex]

We known


[tex]$V = E\times d$[/tex]

[tex]$V = 3.99 \times 10^5 \times 0.75 \times 10^{-2}$[/tex]

[tex]$V = 2.9925 \times 10^3 \ V$[/tex]

   = 2.9925 kV


3. A woman drove her car from home to her daughter's school. The odometre on her dashboard says she travelled 4.5 km to do this. She then immediately drove back home, using a different route, which was 5.5 km long. The whole journey took 30 minutes.

a. What distance did she travel?

b. What was her displacement?

C. What was her average speed during the journey?



Look Below -->


a. She traveled 10 km, add 4.5 km + 5.5 km = 10 km (Distance is the total units travelled, so just add them all up :) )

b. Her displacement is  0 km because she went back home. (Displacement is the difference between the end and starting points)

c. 3 km/hr (30 minutes / 10 km)

When two positive charges are brought close together, what happens to the
field lines of the charges?



they will move away from each other

What is the gravitational potential energy of an object that has a mass of 8 kg and is 11.2 meters above Earth? Round your answer the nearest whole number.
A. 878 J
B. 30 J
C. 680 J


GPE= ham
GPE= (8)(11.2)(9.8)
GPE= 878.08
round it up
878 J

How do you label a bar graph of work compared with power?​



You must label the horizontal axis with the names of the airlines and the vertical axis with the number of flights. The title must clearly state what data the bar chart is showing. With larger numbers, your scale may not go up by one.


You must label the horizontal axis with the names of the airlines and the vertical axis with the number of flights. The title must clearly state what data the bar chart is showing. With larger numbers, your scale may not go up by one.


can you help me please? https://brainly.com/question/22653337

when a constant force is applied to an object, the acceleration of the object varies inversely with its mass. When a certain constant force acts upon an object with a mass 12 kg, the acceleration of the object is 6 m/s. If the same force acts on another object whose mass is 9kg, what is the objects acceleration



8 m/s²


From the question,

Since the same force act on both object,

F = ma = m'a'.............................. Equation 1

Where F = force action on the obeject, m = mass of the first object, a = acceleration of the first object, m' = mass of the second object, a' = acceleration of the second object.

make a' the subject of the equation

a' = ma/m'................... Equation 2

Given: m = 12 kg, a = 6 m/s², m' = 9 kg.

Substitute these values into equation 2

a' = 12(6)/9

a' = 8 m/s².

Hence the acceleration of the second object is 8 m/s²

Which statement about homeostasis is most accurate? *

1:Homeostasis is the ability of the body to change to match the surrounding environment.

Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain balance inside the cells, even as the surrounding environment changes

Homeostasis is the ability to fight disease.



Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain balance inside the cells, even as the surrounding environment changes

The correct option is (1)Homeostasis is the ability of the body to change to match the surrounding environment.

What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the ability of an organism or system to maintain a stable internal environment, despite changes in external conditions. This is achieved through a variety of physiological and behavioral mechanisms that help regulate various bodily functions such as temperature, blood sugar levels, hydration, and oxygen levels.

The process of homeostasis involves the detection of changes in the internal or external environment, followed by a response that helps restore the optimal conditions. For example, if the body's temperature rises above normal levels, the brain triggers sweat production to cool down the body.

Homeostasis is essential for the proper functioning of cells, tissues, organs, and the entire organism. It helps maintain a balance between various bodily functions and ensures that cells have the necessary conditions to carry out their functions. Without homeostasis, cells would be unable to survive and carry out the functions required for life.

Hence the correct statement about homeostasis is, Homeostasis is the ability of the body to change to match the surrounding environment.

To learn more about Homeostasis click:



An object is spun in a circle of radius 1.5m with a frequency of 6.0Hz. what is it’s velocity ?



56.55 m/s



1/6 = 0.1666666


What happens when a moving object is moving a particular direction experiences a net force opposite the direction?





object stop


If two forces of equal strength act on an object in opposite directions, the forces will cancel, resulting in a net force of zero and no movement. Two or more opposite forces are balanced forces if their effects cancel each other and they do not cause a change in an object's motion.

4. A train starts its journey and accelerates at 5 ms 2. How long does it take for it to reach a velocity of 100 ms??



20 seconds


20 seconds !!! Plug in and use a calculator on gooooglee
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