A baby elephant trots in a straight line along river. The horizontal position of the elephant in meters over time is shown below. Questions: 1. What is the displacement of the elephant between 8 s and 24 s ?2. What is the distance traveled by the elephant between 8s and 24s?

A Baby Elephant Trots In A Straight Line Along River. The Horizontal Position Of The Elephant In Meters


Answer 1

looking at the graph,

1) Displacement includes direction

Displacement from 8s to 16s = 15 - 6 = 9

Displacement fbetween 16s and 24s = 0 - 15 = - 15

Displacemet between 8s and 24s = 9 - 15

Displacemet between 8s and 24s = - 6m


Distance does not include direction

from 8s to 16s,

distance travelled = 15 - 6 = 9 m

From 16s to 24s,

distance travelled = 15 - 0 = 15

Total distance between 8s and 24s = 9 + 15

Total distance between 8s and 24s = 24 m

Related Questions

A cannonball
of mass 25kg is
fired straight up at an initial
velocity of 8m/s. The
gravitational field strength is
9.8m/s. Calculate the
maximum height it can reach?


If a cannonball of mass 25 kg is fired straight up at an initial velocity of 8 m / s, the maximum height it can reach is 3.27 m

v² = u² + 2 a s

v = Final velocity

u = Initial velocity

a = Acceleration

s = Distance

u = 8 m / s

a = - 9.8 m / s²

At maximum height,

v = 0

Using the equation from equations of motion,

0 = 8² + ( 2 * - 9.8 * s )

19.6 s = 64

s = 3.27 m

Therefore, the maximum height it can reach is 3.27 m

To know more about equations of motion



The dock workerbpushes on a 1200 N crate but it doesnt move. How much work is performed by him.


Work is performed by him is zero.

What is work?

Work in physics is the energy that is transferred to or from an item when a force is applied along a displacement. In its simplest form, it equals the product of the force's magnitude and the distance traveled for a constant force directed in the direction of motion.

Given in the question a force of 1200 N crate but it doesn't move.

Work = force x distance. In units, Joules = Newtons x meters.

So: Work = 1200 Newtons x 0 meters

Work  = 0 joules.

Work is performed by him is zero.

To learn more about work refer to the link:



Help with explaining please!


As the elevator moves upward, the cables are under 1,960 N of tension.

The given parameters are,

The mass of the elevator (m) = 200 kg

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, an object's force is directly inversely proportional to its mass times its acceleration.

The tension in the cables as the elevator travel upwards is calculated by applying the 2nd law of Newton,

T = ma +mg

where a is the acceleration of the elevator and g is the acceleration due to gravity,

At constant velocity, acceleration is zero. (a =0)

T = m(0) +mg

T = mg

T = 200*9.8

T = 1,960 N

Thus, As the elevator moves upward, the cables are under 1,960 N of tension.

To read more about tension, visit https://brainly.com/question/11348644


What is a helicapterHi


A helicopter is a type of aircraft which uses spinning blades ( wings) to fly .

A 250 kg object is lifted to a height of 4 m. What is the work done? How much
potential energy does the object have? What is the maximum kinetic energy on impact
if the object is released?





It appears that potential energy is given to the object, so to calculate total energy in the system, we can use the potential energy formula

Potential energy = 250 kg • 9.8 m/s/s • 4 m

Potential energy = 9800J

You'll notice that the equation for the potential energy and work in this scenario is the same due to the fact that force would be equal to mass multiplied by gravity anyway.

Assuming the system has 100% efficiency, the total kinetic energy will be equivalent to the potential in the system currently

. a 1.20 kg box is firmly attached to a spring with a spring constant of 32.0 n/m (the other end of the spring is attached to a wall); the surface the box is on is frictionless surface. you stretch the spring by 0.500 m and hold the box steady for a moment. you then begin pushing it with a constant 4.00 n force directed parallel to the surface (the figure shows the point where the spring is neither stretched nor compressed and the direction of the force you apply). hot compress will the spring will the spring be at the next instant the box is at rest?


If the spring is pushed with a constant force of 4 N force directed parallel to the surface, the spring will be compressed by 0.5 m at the next instant the box is at rest.

Us = 1 / 2 k x²

W = F x

Us = Potential energy of the spring

k = Spring constant

x = Displacement

F = Force

W = Work done

k = 32 N / m

F = 4 N

xi = 0.5 m

According to law of conservation of energy,

Change in potential energy = Total Work done by the force

1 /2 k xf² - 1 / 2 k xi² = F xf + F xi

1 / 2 * 32 ( xf² - 0.5² ) = 4 ( xf + 0.5 )

4 ( xf² - 0.25 ) = xf + 0.5

4 xf² - xf - 1.5 = 0

This is in the form of a quadratic equation,

x = - b ± √ ( b² - 4 a c ) / 2 a

a = 4

b = - 1

c = - 1.5

xf = - ( - 1 ) ± √ [ ( - 1 )² - ( 4 * 4 * -1.5 ) ] / ( 2 * 4 )

xf = 1 ± √ 25 / 8

xf = 1 ± 5 / 8

xf = 0.75 or - 0.5

Since it is compressed,

xf = - 0.5 m

Therefore, the spring will be compressed by 0.5 m at the next instant the box is at rest.

To know more about Potential energy of the spring



When the mass of the cylinder increased from 3.0 kg to 6.0 kg, what happened to the amount of heat generated in the system? it decreased by a factor of 3. it decreased by a factor of 2. it increased by a factor of 2. it increased by a factor of 3.


Option c. It is increased by 2.

Heat generation that is thermal capacity of an object is dependent on mass. So if the mass of an object increases, the heat generation also increases.

How thermal capacity is related to mass?

Thermal capacity= mass × specific heat

As we can see by the formula, that the thermal capacity is directly proportional to mass. So if the mass of the object increases, so does the thermal capacity.

To know more about thermal capacity, click on



The answer is C:

It increased by a factor of 2.

In the diagram, q1 = +8.60 x 10-6 C,92 +5.10 x 10-6 C, and q3 = -3.30 x 10-6 C.Find the magnitude of the net force on 92.0.350 m9192magnitude (N)0.155 m93(Make sure you know the direction of each force!Opposites attract, similar repel.)



• q1 = +8.60 x 10⁻⁶ C


• q2 = +5.10 x 10⁻⁶ C.


• q3 = -3.30 x 10⁻⁶ C.


• d12 = 0.350 m


• d23 = 0.155m

Let's find the magnitude of the net force on q2.

First find the force on the charge 1 and 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{12}=-\frac{kq_1q_2}{(d_{12})^2} \\ \\ F_{12}=-\frac{9\times10^9*8.60\times10^{-6}*5.10\times10^{-6}}{0.350^2} \\ \\ F_{12}=-3.22\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Also for the force on charge 2 and 3, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{23}=\frac{kq_2q_3}{(d_{23})^2} \\ \\ F_{23}=\frac{9\times10^9*5.10\times10^{-6}*(3.30\times10^{-6})}{0.155^2} \\ \\ F_{23}=6.305\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the magnitude of net force on q2 will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{net}=\sqrt{(F_{12})^2+(F_{23})^2} \\ \\ F_{net}=\sqrt{(-3.22)^2+6.305^2} \\ \\ F_{net}=\sqrt{10.38+39.75} \\ \\ F_{net}=\sqrt{50.13} \\ \\ F_{net}=7.08\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the magnitude of the net force on q2 is 7.08 N.


7.08 N

The formula shown below is used to calculate the energy released when a specific quantity of fuel is burned. What is the missing factor?


Q = m c Δt is the formula used to determine the energy released when a certain amount of fuel is burned.

To calculate the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a known mass of a substance, we can use the specific heat formula:

Q = m × c × ΔT

In the formula for specific heat, the letters Q, m, c, and ΔT stand for the quantities that represent the energy transferred in joules, the mass of the substances in kilograms, the specific heat capacity in J/kg degrees C, and the change in temperature in degrees Celsius respectively.

Distinct materials have different relationships between heat energy and temperature, and the term "specific heat" summarizes how these relationships play out. When heat energy is delivered to a substance, its temperature will vary by a certain amount.

To read more about energy, visit https://brainly.com/question/1831490


the ebola virus can often have symptoms similar to bacteria pneumonia, an infection of these symptome include chest pain, shortness of breath and fever. which statement best summarize the differen es betweens these two diseas?


The statement that best summarizes the difference between the two diseases is viruses are not living organisms, but bacteria are living. The correct option is b.

What are viruses and bacteria?

Bacteria are living organisms, and they are both bad and good, they come under archaea. They are present everywhere on earth. Viruses are a non-living entity, and it only gets alive when it gets a living body or host.

Since bacteria can also proliferate, not just viruses, there is no difference. There is something known as "good bacteria," but the virus is frequently the one that is more hazardous.

Therefore, the correct option is b. Viruses are not living organisms, but bacteria are living.

To learn more about viruses and bacteria, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

a. Viruses can replicate because they are living organisms, while bacteria cannot.

b. Viruses are not living organisms, but bacteria are living.

c. Viruses can be beneficial to living organisms, but bacteria are often infectious.

d. Viruses are living organisms, while bacteria are not.

Suppose that you are holding a pencil balanced on its point. If you release the pencil and it begins to fall, what will be the angular acceleration when it has an angle of 10. 0 degrees from the vertical? a typical pencil has an average length of 15. 0 cm and an average mass of 10. 0 g. Assume the tip of the pencil does not slip as it falls.


Answer: 0.4299s.

Explanation: To find the angular acceleration ,Newton's second angular law will be used.

τ = I α

Wr = I α

The weight is applied in the middle of the pencil , sin 10 = r / (L/2).

r = L/2 sin 10

the moment of inertia will be: I = 1/3 M L²

mg L / 2 sin 10 = (1/3 m L²) α  

αf = 3/2 g / L sin 10

α  = [3/2 × 9.8] / [0.150 sin10]

α  = 17 rad/s²

angle from the vertical to the ground θ = π / 2

t = √ (2 π / (2 α ))

t = √(π / α )

t = √(π / 17)

t = √3.142 / 17

t = 0.4299s

Find more:- brainly.in


A ball rolls off a cliff and falls for 4.5 s. What is the final vertical velocity of the ball? (Answer must be negative!!!)



-199 m/s


Ignoring the horizontal velocity, the vertical velocity =

a *t       a = -9.81 m/s^2

-9.81 ( 4.5^2)  = - 199 m/s

a mouse runs a distance of 2.0 meters in 16 seconds. calculate the speed of the mouse





explain how the current would change if the amount of voltage increased, but resistance stayed the same. using ohms law


When the voltage in a circuit is increased, the current flowing in the circuit will also increase

How would I know what will happen to the current?

Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the voltage provided all physical properties like resistance remains constant This is represented mathemathically as:

Voltage (V) = Current (I) × resistance (R)

V = IR

If R is constant, then

V₁ / I₁ = V₂ / I₂


V₁ and V₂ are the initial and new voltageI₁ and I₂ are the initial and new current

Now, let us see what will happen to the current when we increase the initial voltage, say by a factor of 2. This is illustrated below:

Initial voltage  (V₁) = V Initial current (I₁) = INew voltage (V₂) = 2VNew current (I₂) = ?

V₁ / I₁ = V₂ / I₂

V / I = 2V / I₂

Cross multiply

V ×  I₂ = I × 2V

Divide both sides by V

I₂ = (I × 2V) / V

I₂ = I × 2

I₂ = 2I

Thus, we can see that the new current also increase by a factor of 2

Learn more about current and ohm's law:




The magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave moving in the z-direction is given by in si units. What is the maximum electric field strength?.


The maximum electric field strength is f=1.98×10⁵

The magnetic field of a plane-polarized electromagnetic wave moving in the z-direction is given by :

B=1.2×10⁶ sin[2π(Z/240-10⁷t/8)].....(1)

The general equation of the magnetic field wave is given by :

B=B°sin(kz-wt) ....(2)

Equation (1) is in form of equation (2), if we compare equations (1) and (2) we find that,


We need to find the frequency of the wave. It is given by :



f=1.98×10⁵ Hz

So, the frequency of the wave is f=1.98×10⁵ Hz.

Learn more about the Magnetic field here:



how do you find your body composition ​


Answer (with explanation):

BMI = body composition

formula to find BMI = weight/height^2

so for example:

weight = 50kg and height = 150cm = 1.5m (make sure convert cm to m)

BMI = 50/(1.5)^2 = 50/2.25 ≈ 22.22

so the BMI would be about 22.22

at what stage of solar system formation is the sun extremely active and gas is blown out to the outer solar system by the suns radiation pressure and strong solar wind


Using the theories of solar system, we got that at stage-2 of solar system formation is the sun extremely active and gas is blown out to the outer solar system by the suns radiation pressure and strong solar wind.

Protostar is created as the gas collapsed over the time, it became denser and hotter. Over time, the spherical inner core started forming, which was hotter than rest of the star.

Most of the collapsing mass which is collected in the center, forming the Sun, while the rest of the mass flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the planets, moons.

Hence, the stage of solar system formation in which  the sun extremely active and gas is blown out to the outer solar system by the suns radiation pressure and strong solar wind is stage-2.

To know more about solar system, visit here:



1. If a cart with a mass of 5 kg is accelerated at a rate of 12 m/s/s, then what is theNUMERICAL value for the force?


*The mass of the cart is

m=5 kg

*The acceleration is


A rocket is launched with horizontal velocity of 42.3 m and a vertical velocity of 78%. what is the rocket's hang time, max vertical displacement, and horizontal displaceuent?


The rocket's hang time if it is launched with horizontal velocity of 42.3 m / s and a vertical velocity of 78% is 30.53 s

If vertical velocity is 78 % then the horizontal velocity must be 22 %

So 1 % = 42.3 / 22 = 1.92 m / s

Vertical velocity = 78 * 1.92

Vertical velocity = 149.97 m / s

Initial velocity, u = √ uy² + ux²

u = √ ( 149.97 )² + ( 42.3 )²

u = √ 22491.82 + 1789.29

u = 155.82 m / s

tan θ = uy / ux

tan θ = 149.97 / 42.3

tan θ = 3.55

θ = 74.3°  

a ) Hang time,

T = 2 u sin θ / g

T = 2 * 155.82 * sin 74.3° / 9.8

T = 30.53 s

b ) Maximum vertical displacement,

H = u² sin²θ / 2 g

H = 155.82² sin²( 74.3 ) / 2 * 9.8

H = 644.16 m

c ) Maximum horizontal displacement,

R = u² sin 2θ / g

R = 155.82² sin² ( 74.3 ) / 9.8

R = 2283.3 m


a ) Hang time = 30.53 s

b ) Maximum vertical displacement = 644.16 m

c ) Maximum horizontal displacement = 2283.3 m

To know more about projectile motion



What is the weight of a girl with a mass of 30 kg on Earth?
Use g= 9.81 m/s² and do not include units in your answer.


The weight of a girl would be 294 N on Earth with a mass of 30 Kg.

Arithmetic operations can also be specified by the addition, subtract, divide, and multiply built-in functions.

+ Addition operation: Adds values on either side of the operator.

For example 4 + 2 = 6

- Subtraction operation: Subtracts the right-hand operand from the left-hand operand.

for example 4 -2 = 2

* Multiplication operation: Multiplies values on either side of the operator

For example 4*2 = 8

The weight on Earth of a girl would be the product of the mass and acceleration due to gravity on Earth

So the required solution would be:

weight  = mass × acceleration due to gravity on Earth

weight  = 30 × 9.8

weight  = 294 N.

Hence, the weight of a girl would be 294 N on Earth with a mass of 30 Kg.

Learn more about weight refer: brainly.com/question/25834626


The formula shown below is used to calculate the energy released when a specific quantity of fuel is burned. Calculate the energy released by a burning sample of fuel if the temperature of 100g of water was raised by 20°C. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4,200J/kg °C


The energy released by a burning sample of fuel is 8400 J.

The formula referenced in the question is:

Q = m.c.ΔT

where m is the mass  of the water sample

c is the specific heat capacity of  water

ΔT is the variation in temperature

Q is the thermal energy

According to the question,

c = 4,200 J/kg °C

ΔT = 20 °C

m = 100 g = 0.1 kg

On Solving, we put these values in the formula to evaluate the thermal energy,

Q = 0.1 * 4,200*20 = 8400 J

Thus, the energy released by a burning sample of fuel is 8400 J.

To read more about energy, visit https://brainly.com/question/1932868


Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) is a wireless telecommunications spectrum band used for mobile voice and data services, video, and messaging. The AWS band uses frequencies in several segments: from 1695 to 2200 MHz. a) Determine the corresponding range of wavelengths used by the AWS mobile devices. b) To what region/band of electromagnetic spectrum does the range belong


Given data

*The given frequency is

[tex]f_1_{}=1695\text{ MHz}=1695\times10^6\text{ Hz}[/tex]

*The another given frequency is

[tex]f_2=2200\text{ MHz=}2200\times10^6\text{ Hz}[/tex]

*The given speed of light is c = 3.0 × 10^8 m/s


The formula for the wavelength is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lambda_1=\frac{(3\times10^8)}{(1695\times10^6)^{}} \\ =0.176\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The another wavelength for the another frequency is calculated as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lambda_2=\frac{c}{f_2} \\ =\frac{(3.0\times10^8)}{(2200\times10^6)} \\ =0.136\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Radio spectrum is an electromagnetic spectrum where the frequency range belongs of wireless telecommunication.

The image I've attached holds the question.What is the satellite’s speed?Answer in units of m/s.What is the period of the satellite’s orbit?Answer in units of h.



The gravitational constant, G=6.67259×10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg⁻²

The mass of the moon, M=7.36×10²² kg

The radius of the orbit of the satellite, R=955.2 km=955.2×10³ m

To find:

1. Satellite's speed.

2. The period of satellite.

3. The acceleration of the satellite.



The gravitational force applied by the moon on the satellite provides the satellite with the centripetal force that is neccessary for the satellite to orbit the moon.


[tex]\begin{gathered} F_c=F_g \\ \frac{mv^2}{R}=\frac{GMm}{R^2} \\ v=\sqrt{\frac{GM}{R}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where F_c is the centripetal force, F_g is the gravitational force, and v is the orbital velocity of the satellite.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt{\frac{6.67259\times10^{-11}\times7.36\times10^{22}}{955.2\times10^3}} \\ =2267.46\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The orbital period of the satellite in seconds is given by,

[tex]T=\frac{2\pi R}{v}[/tex]

Thus the period of the satellite in hours is given by,

[tex]T=\frac{2\pi R}{v\times3600}[/tex]

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=\frac{2\pi\times955.2\times10^3}{2267.46\times3600} \\ =0.74\text{ hr} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The acceleration of the satellite is given by,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{2267.46^2}{955.2\times10^3} \\ =5.38\text{ m/s}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

1. The orbital velocity of the satellite is 23267.46 m/s

2. The period of the satellite is 0.74 hr

3. The acceleration of the satellite is 5.38 m/s²

one example of these kinds of economic activities is ____


One very good example of kinds of economic activities simply is buying and selling goods.

How buying and selling of goods an an economic activities

Economics simply refers to the study of social science which human relationship in relationships with ends and and scarce means which have alternative uses.

However, economics from the description above also involves the buying and selling of goods or products. These selling of these goods is also a function of the quantity demanded.

In conclusion, we can now confirm and deduce from the explanation given above that we the quantity of goods demanded will determine its sales.

Read more on economics:



A student in track and field is running a hurdles race. The hurdles are 91.4 cm tall. The student is running with a horizontal velocity of 4.00 m/s and leaps with a vertical velocity of 9.00 m/s. If the student makes this leap 0.400 m before the hurdle, will they clear the hurdle?


No, they will not be able to clear the hurdle from the given distance of their leap.

What are the projectile motion?

Projectile motion includes vertical and horizontal velocity components. It's important to understand that the two are independent of each other. But what is a projectile and what is a good example. Well, a projectile is an object that is thrown by applying a force that falls under gravity and is subject to the resistance of the medium in which it travels. It can be thrown into the air and fall under the influence of gravity.

First of all the time required to reach the hurdle is:

by using horizontal velocity we have time = [tex]\frac{distance}{speed}[/tex]

t = [tex]\frac{0.400}{4}[/tex]

t = 0.100s

Now for the vertical distance covered by student:

S = ut + [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] gt²

S = 9 × 0.100 +  [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] 9.8 × 0.100²

S = 0.851m or 85.1cm

Since the distance calculated is less than the height of hurdles which is 91.4 cm so the student may not be able to clear the hurdle.

To know more about projectile motion visit:



A ball is kicked with a speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 15 degrees to the horizontal. With what vertical velocity was it kicked with?





V₀ = 20 m/s

α = 15°


Vy - ?

Vy = V₀·sin α  = 20·sin 15° = 20·0.2588 ≈ 5.2 m/s

what is a frame of reference.....​


Answer: A frame of reference is a set of criteria or stated values in relation to which measurements or judgements can be made. A reference point is an object that happens to be at rest. Given an example Car A and Car B are moving but without a reference you would not be able to know the car that is moving but with a signboard you can be able to tell which Car moved forward or backward.


Hope this was helpful

8) The weight of a pony standing still on Earth is 1025N.
What is the pony's mass?
1025 N
9.8 m/s²
C) Where will the pony weigh the least (Moon, Jupiter, impossible)?
pick one of these three
D) Where will the pony have less mass (Moon, Jupiter, impossible)?
pick one of these three



mass = newton ÷ g

m = 1025 ÷ 10

mass= 102.5kg

4. Can you curl your tongue up on the sides? tongue-curling in humans is a dominant genetic trait. Suppose a man who is tt for tongue-curling marries a woman who is also tt for this trait. What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children and the percent chance for each?.


The possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children and the percent chance for each is 0%.

The capacity to roll one's tongue outweighs the lack of capacity.The two people have the homozygous recessive character if the dominant allele is R and the recessive allele is r.This indicates that the organism's genotype will be "rr."

If such people cross each other:

Parents X Parents

gamma r r

Children rr

That results in :

The genotype of the offspring will be homozygous recessive (rr) based on the genetic cross.Because they lack the dominant allele, the child will therefore be unable to roll their tongue.

The possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children and the percent chance for each is 0%.

To know more about traits :



one type of wagon wheel consists of a 2.0-kgkg hoop fitted with four 0.80-kgkg thin rods placed along diameters of the hoop so as to make eight evenly spaced spokes. part a for a hoop of radius 0.40 mm , what is the rotational inertia of the wheel about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the wheel and through the center?


The rotational inertia of the wheel is 1.344 × 10⁻⁴ kgm²

What is rotational inertia?

Rotational inertia of an object is the measure of the ability for the object to rotate about an axis which may or may not pass thorugh the object.

Hoiw to find the rotational inertia of the wheel?

Since in one type of wagon wheel consists of a 2.0-kg hoop fitted with four 0.80-kg thin rods placed along diameters of the hoop so as to make eight evenly spaced spokes and for a hoop of radius 0.40 mm, we need to find the rotational inertia of the wheel about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the wheel and through the center?

The rotational inertia of the wheel is given by I = I₁ + I₂ where I₁ = rotational inertia of hoop = and I₂ = rotational inertia of thin rods

Now the rotational inertia of the hoop is, I₁ = m₁r² where

m₁ = mass of hoop = 2.0 kg and r = radius of hoop = 0.40 mm

Also, the rotational inertia of each thin rod is I₃ = m₂L²/2 where

m₂ = mass of thin rod = 0.80 kg and L = length of rod = 2r where r = radius of hoop = 0.4 mm = 0.004 m

Since there are four thin rods, I₂ = 4I₃

= 4m₂L²/2

= 2m₂L²

= 2m₂(2r)²

= 2m₂(4)r²

= 8m₂r²

So, I = I₁ + I₂

I = m₁r² + 8m₂r²

I = (m₁ + 8m₂)r²

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

I = (m₁ + 8m₂)r²

I = (2.0 kg + 8 × 0.80 kg)(0.004 m)²

I = (2.0 kg + 6.4 kg)(0.000004 m²)

I = (8.4 kg)(0.000016 m²)

I = 0.0001344 kgm²

I = 1.344 × 10⁻⁴ kgm²

The rotational inertia of the wheel is 1.344 × 10⁻⁴ kgm²

Learn more about rotational inertia of wheel here:



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