A 50 kg child is on a carnival ride with a radius of 5 meters. If the ride spins at a velocity of 5
m/s, what is the centripetal force on the child?


Answer 1


Find a force is F=mv^2/r, so F=50*5^2/5 = 250N

Related Questions

Rate of change of distance​





Speed is called as rate of change of distance, speed is a scalar quantity.

what is the ratio of the gravitational force that earth exerts on the sun in the winter and the force that it exerts in the summer?


1:1  is the ratio of the gravitational force that earth exerts on the sun in the winter and the force that it exerts in the summer because it is independent of temperature.


Any action that aims to maintain, alter, or deform a body's motion is considered a force in mechanics. In his Principia Mathematica, Isaac Newton frequently used his three laws of motion to demonstrate the concept of force (1687).

According to Newton's first law, a body will remain in either its resting or equally moving condition along a straight path in the absence of an external force. The second law states that when an external force acts on a body, the body accelerates (changes velocity) in the direction of the force.

To know more about  force visit : brainly.com/question/13191643


Show that average speed of a rabbit that runs 30m in 2s is 15m/s


The rabbit's average speed is 15m/s because the formula for calculating average speed is Distance divided by time.

What is the average speed?

The average speed of an object can be defined as the total distance traveled by it in a particular interval of time. this can be determined by dividing the total distance moved by the object by the time taken to move.

It is the ratio of the distance the rabbit travels in m and the time taken by the object to travel in seconds.

Hence: Distance D=30m

                Time,  T=2s

Average Speed S=ΔD/ΔT                            



Therefore rabbit's Average speed is 15m/s

Learn more on Average speed from



A platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 10.40 ohms at00 C and 14.35 ohms at 100 C. Assuming that the resistance changesuniformly with temperature, what is(a) The temperature when the resistance is 11.19 ohms?(b) The resistance of the thermometer when the temperature is 45 C?


(a) 0.05 ° C

(b) 12.17 ohms


Assuming that the resistance changes uniformly with temperature we can set the equation of the line


Step 1

find the equation of the line:

the equation of a line has the form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ where\text{ m is the slope} \\ b\text{ is the y-intercept} \end{gathered}[/tex]

to do that, we need 2 points from the line, so let

x represents the temperature

y represents resistance

[tex]\begin{gathered} P1(0,10.40) \\ P2(100,14.35) \end{gathered}[/tex]

now, to find the slope of a line we need to use the expression

[tex]\begin{gathered} slope=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ where \\ P1(x_1,y_1) \\ P2(x_2,y_2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

then, replace the values in the formula


so, the slope is 0.0395

b) now, use the slope point formula to find the equation of the line

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ where\text{ m is the slope and P1\lparen x}_1,y_1) \\ replace \\ y-10.4=0.0395(x-0) \\ y=0.0395x+10.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the equation of the lines is


Step 2

Now, we can use the equation to find the asked values

(a) The temperature when the resistance is 11.19 ohms?


[tex]\begin{gathered} resistance\text{ = 11.19,so y=11.19} \\ replace\text{ in the equation and solve for x} \\ y=0.0395x+10.4 \\ 11.19=0.0395x+10.4 \\ 11.19-10.4=0.0395x \\ 0.79=0.0395x \\ x=\frac{0.0395}{0.79}=0.05 \end{gathered}[/tex]


(a) 0.05 ° C

Step 3

(b) The resistance of the thermometer when the temperature is 45 C?


[tex]tempereature\text{ = x= 45 C}[/tex]

now, replace in the expression to find the resistance

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0.0395x+10.4 \\ y=0.0395(45)+10.4 \\ y=12.17 \end{gathered}[/tex]


(b) 12.17 ohms

I hope this helps you

what is the name of the side of angle x


It doesn’t say x anywere

A ball is thrown vertically upward. As it rises, what happens to its kinetic energy?.


The kinetic energy and potential energy of an object continue to decrease when thrown vertically upward.The ball retains the same total energy.The ball will only have potential energy when it reaches its highest point, when its velocity is zero and it has no kinetic energy.

What happens to a ball's kinetic energy when it is thrown vertically up?

Zero kinetic energy is produced. The transformation of kinetic energy into potential energy occurs in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. At this height, potential energy is at its highest.

Is there an increase in kinetic energy when a ball is thrown up?

We transfer potential energy to the ball when we throw it in the upward direction, allowing it to gain kinetic energy and allow it to rise to a certain height. However, the ball's kinetic energy decreases as it continues to rise in height, eventually reaching zero.

Learn more about kinetic energy here:



A golf club exerts an average force of 33 kN on a ball of mass 0,06 kg. if the golf club is in contact with the golf ball for 5x10-4
a) the change in the momentum of the golf ball.
b) the speed of the golf ball as it leaves the ciub.


(a) The change in momentum of the golf ball 0f mass 0.06 kg is

16.5 Ns.

(b) The Speed of the golf ball as it leaves the club is 275 m/s.

What is change in momentum?

Change in momentum is the product of mass and change in velocity of a body.

(a) To calculate the change momentum of the golf ball, we use the formula below.


ΔM = Ft............ Equation 1


ΔM = Change in momentumF = Forcet = Time

From the question,


F = 33 kN = 33000 Nt = 5×10⁻⁴ s

Substitute these values into equation 1

ΔM = 33000×5×10⁻⁴ ΔM = 16.5 Ns

(b) Also, to calculate the speed of the golf as it leaves the club we use the formula below.


v = ΔM/m (When the club was at rest)............... Equation 2


v = Speed of the golf as it leaves the clubm = Mass of the golf

From the question,

Also given:

m = 0.06 kg

Substitute into equation 2

v = 16.5/0.06v = 275 m/s.

Hence,  The change in momentum and speed of the golf are 16.5 Ns and 275 m/s respectively.

Learn more about change in momentum here: https://brainly.com/question/8618043


A 55 kg ice skater is gliding along at 3. 5 m/s. Five seconds later her speed has dropped to 2. 8m/s.


If a 55 kg ice skater is gliding along at 3. 5 m / s has her speed has dropped to 2.8 m / s in 5 s, the force required is - 7.7 N

a = v - u / t

a = Acceleration

v = Final velocity

u = Initial velocity

t = Time

u = 3.5 m / s

v = 2.8 m / s

t = 5 s

a = ( 2.8 - 3.5 ) / 5

a = - 0.7 / 5

a = - 0.14 m / s²

According to Newton's second law of motion,

F = m a

F = Force

m = Mass

a = Acceleration

m = 55 kg

F = 55 * - 0.14

F = - 7.7 N

The negative sign indicates that the force is applied on the opposite direction of motion

Therefore, the force required to drop the speed is - 7.7 N

To know more about Newton's second law of motion



an elevator that weighs 3.0 * 10^3 n is accelerated upward at 1.0 m/s^2. what force does the cable exert to give it this acceleration?


The answer is 3306 12M.


By Newton Law of muts a:

T- mg = ma

T = ma + mg

T = m (a + g)

= T = 306·12 (1 + 9.8)

=) T = 3306.12 N.

Hence The force act 3306 12M.

This is the application of Newton's second law to the forces you feel in an elevator. It feels heavy when you accelerate and feels light when you accelerate. When the elevator rope breaks, you and the elevator accelerate at the same speed, so you're in weightlessness.

The elevator speeds up or slows down. In any case, the direction of acceleration is upward. The weight acts downward on a person. An upward vertical force acts on a person, and the magnitude of the vertical force is equal to the weight. The net force is due to the small vertical force the elevator exerts on the person. This force, according to Newton's third law is the same as the downward force on the elevator.

Learn more about An elevator here:-https://brainly.com/question/4289588


Ethane, C2H6, reacts with oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water. The
equation can be written as: C2H6 + 02 → CO2 + H20. Using the equation,
what are the reactants?

CO2 + H20.



02 + H20


Answer:D is the answer


Platform diving in the olympic games takes place at two heights: 5 meters and 10 meters. A. What is the velocity of a diver entering the water from each platform if he steps off the platform initially?.


The velocity of a diver entering the water from each platform is 14.1 m/s and 10 m/s respectively.

The speed of the compound when dropped from a height H, it will have a velocity V at the bottom which is given by the relation,

V = √(2gH)


g is the acceleration due to gravity.

The height of the diver in the Olympic game is 5m and 10m.

So, putting the values in the above relation and finding the values of the speed of diver when it enters into water is,

V₁ = √(2x10x10) and V₂ = √(2x5x10)

V₁ = 14.1 m/s

V₂ = 10 m/s.

The speed of the each diver entering water is 14.1 m/s and 10m/s respectively.

To know more about speed, visit,



How does earthing provides safety to electrical appliances?​



The act of immediately discharging electrical energy into the Earth directly with the aid of a low-resistance wire is known as earthing. Electrical earthing is accomplished by attaching the equipment's non-current-carrying component or the supply system's neutral section to the ground.

Four reasons why it's crucial to ground electrical equipment:

1. Increased longevity of appliances: Grounding electrical appliances results in less stress on the equipment and a reduction in the exposure of the appliances to hazardous currents.

2. Eradication of fire risk: If there is a problem with the insulation, there may be a spark, which could cause a fire and damage to property. The risk of fire is decreased by grounding electrical equipment by sending leakage current from insulation faults to the ground.

3. Protection from electrical surges: Electrical surges, whether brought on by lightning or for other reasons, produce dangerously high voltage. All the hazardous electricity will flow to the ground rather than causing harm to the electrical system if your appliances or electrical system as a whole is grounded.

4. Voltage Stabilization: Ideally, the ground's potential is zero. Therefore, all electrical devices use the earth as a point of reference. Calculating the required potential for each electrical appliance would be challenging without a reference point.

Electrocution is the term for when electricity enters the body. Burns, respiratory failure, neurological effects, and heart failure are all results of high-current electric shock. It might even result in death. Therefore, in the event of an insulation fault, a safe path for the current to flow must be provided via earthing.


The Earth serves as an efficient pathway for the flow of electrons that escape the insulation because it is a good conductor of electricity. Additionally, the Earth's enormous size creates a pathway for the safe discharge of electric charge. No current escapes from a device that is properly grounded. In the event that the device develops an internal problem, this stops people from being shocked or electrocuted. Electronic equipment is stabilized by earthing. It shields appliances from over-current or excessive voltage. Earthing is another fire safety measure. Overvoltage can cause a device to spontaneously combust due to overheating.

A 0.400kg ball is dropped from a height of 3.00m onto a spring with a spring constant of 600.N/m. How much does the spring compress if the ball comes to a stop.0.313m0.098m0.0392m0.198m


Given data

*The given mass of the ball is m = 0.400 kg

*The given height is h = 3.00 m

*The given spring constant is k = 600.0 N/m

*The value for the acceleration due to the gravity is

[tex]g=9.8\text{ m/s\textasciicircum{}2}[/tex]

The expression for the spring compresses at a distance is given by the conservation of energy as

[tex]\begin{gathered} U_s=U_p \\ \text{mgh}=\frac{1}{2}kx^2 \\ x=\sqrt[]{\frac{2mgh}{k}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\times0.400\times9.8\times3.00}{600.0}} \\ =0.198\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The current theory of the structure of the
Earth, called plate tectonics, tells us that the
continents are in constant motion.
Assume that the North American continent
can be represented by a slab of rock 5500 km
on a side and 29 km deep and that the rock
has an average mass density of 2960 kg/m3
The continent is moving at the rate of about
5 cm/year.What is the mass of the continent?
Answer in units of kg.What is the kinetic energy of the continent?
Answer in units of J.A jogger (of mass 73 kg) has the same kinetic
energy as that of the continent.
What would his speed be?
Answer in units of m/s.


Based on the data provided:

The mass of the continent is 2.596 * 10²¹ kgThe kinetic energy of the continent is 6525 J

What is the mass of the rock?

The mass of the rock is determined using the formula below:

Mass = density * volume

The density of the rock = 2960 kg/m³

The volume of the rock = area of side * depth of rock

Volume of the rock = 5.5 * 10⁶ m x 5.5 * 10⁶ m x 2.9 * 10⁴ m

Volume of the rock = 8.77 * 10¹⁷ m³

Mass of the rock = 8.77 * 10¹⁷ m³ * 2960 kg/m³

Mass of the rock = 2.596 * 10²¹ kg

B) The kinetic energy is found using the formula below:

Kinetic Energy = ½mv²

Kinetic Energy  = ½ x 2.596 * 10²¹ kg x (5.0 cm/year x 1m/100cm x 1yr/365 day x 1day/24hr x 1hr/3600s)²

Kinetic Energy = 6525 J

Learn more about mass and kinetic energy at: https://brainly.com/question/25959744

An electric space heater draws 25.0 A from a 200 V source. It is operated, on the average, for 10.0 h each day.At AED 0.30 per kWh, how much does it cost to operate the heater for 15 days?


The cost of energy consumption to operate the heater for 15 days is $2.25

Voltage (V) = 200 V

Current (I) = 25 A

Power (P) = VI = 200 * 25 = 5,000 W

Now, the calculation of the energy consumption for 15 days in KW/h

We will convert W to kW,

1000 W = 1kW


5,000 W = 5000 W × 1 KW / 1000 W = 5kW

The daily energy consumption will be calculated. This is attainable as follows,

P = 5kW

Time(t) = 10 h

Energy (E) = P/t = 5/10 = 0.5 kW/h per day.

Finally, we will calculate the energy usage for the next 30 days. This is attainable as follows:

1 day = 0.5 kW

Cost of one day = 0.5 * 0.30 = $ 0.15

Now, the cost to operate the heater for 15 days = $ 15 * 0.15 = $2.25

To read more about energy consumption, visit https://brainly.com/question/16025398


3 paragraphs about who Larry page was and what advancements he provided to the world


Larry Page, real name Lawrence Edward Page, is a computer scientist and entrepreneur from the United States who co-founded Goo-gle, one of the most well-known websites on the Internet, with Sergey Brin on March 26, 1973 in East Lansing, Michigan.

Larry Page was drawn to technology at a young age and worked toward his goals. His success is truly inspirational. In the dorms of their college, he and Sergey Brin founded Goo-gle and grew it into a multinational corporation. Working hard is the secret to success.The concept of deciphering the vast amount of data amassing on the Internet interested Brin and Page, who first met while graduate students at Stanford University. They started developing Backrub, an innovative form of search technology, from Page's dorm room at Stanford. a week ago.

To know more about Larry Page



Fully explain step-by-step Questions number one a,b,c,d solve for all required


(1) The equation is

[tex]v_2=v_1+a\Delta t[/tex]

For v_1,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_2=v_1+a\Delta t \\ Subtract\text{ a}\Delta t\text{ on both sides.} \\ v_2-a\Delta t=v_1+a\Delta t-a\Delta t \\ v_2-a\Delta t=v_1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For a,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_2=v_1+a\Delta t \\ \text{Subtract v}_1\text{ on both sides} \\ v_2-v_1=v_1-v_1+a\Delta t \\ v_2-v_1=a\Delta t \\ \text{Divide }\Delta t\text{ on both sides.} \\ \frac{v_2-v_1}{\Delta t}=a\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta t} \\ \frac{v_2-v_1}{\Delta t}=a \end{gathered}[/tex]

For time,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_2=v_1+a\Delta t \\ \text{Subtract v}_1\text{ on both sides} \\ v_2-v_1=v_1-v_1+a\Delta t \\ v_2-v_1=a\Delta t \\ \text{Divide }a\text{ on both sides.} \\ \frac{v_2-v_1}{a}=\frac{a}{a}\Delta t \\ \frac{v_2-v_1}{a}=\Delta t \end{gathered}[/tex]

A simple harmonic oscillator has a mass m=2.0 kg and a spring constant k=800 N/m.a) What is the frequency of oscillations?b) If the oscillator has a maximum speed of v=10.0 m/s, what is the maximum oscillation amplitude?c) What length would a simple pendulum need to be in order to oscillate at the same frequency?



In order to calculate the frequency of oscillations of a simple harmonic oscillator, first let's calculate the period, using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=2\pi\sqrt[]{\frac{m}{k}} \\ T=2\pi\sqrt[]{\frac{2}{800}} \\ T=2\pi\sqrt[]{\frac{1}{400}} \\ T=2\pi\cdot\frac{1}{20} \\ T=\frac{\pi}{10}=0.31416\text{ s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the frequency is the inverse of the period, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f=\frac{1}{T} \\ f=\frac{1}{\frac{\pi}{10}} \\ f=\frac{10}{\pi}=3.183\text{ Hz} \end{gathered}[/tex]


In order to calculate the maximum oscillation amplitude given the maximum speed, let's use the formula below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_{\max }=X\sqrt[]{\frac{k}{m}} \\ 10=X\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{800}{2}} \\ 10=X\cdot20 \\ X=\frac{10}{20}=0.5\text{ meters} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The formula for the pendulum frequency is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f=\frac{1}{T} \\ f=\frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt[]{\frac{L}{g}}} \\ f=\frac{\sqrt[]{\frac{g}{L}}}{2\pi} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, for f = 3.183 and g = 9.81, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3.183=\frac{\frac{\sqrt[]{9.81}}{\sqrt[]{L}}}{2\pi} \\ \frac{\sqrt[]{9.81}}{\sqrt[]{L}}=3.183\cdot2\pi \\ \frac{3.132}{\sqrt[]{L}}=20 \\ \sqrt[]{L}=\frac{3.132}{20} \\ \sqrt[]{L}=0.1566 \\ L=0.3957 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the length is 0.3957 m or 39.57 cm.

Particle Mass (amu)
proton 1.007593
neutron 1.008982
deuterium 2.014186
tritium 3.016448
helium 3 3.015779
helium 4 4.003873
1.0 ev = 1.6 · 10-19 j
1.0 amu = 931 Mev
1 angstrom () = 1 X 10-10m
h = 6.63 · 10-34 J-s.

Always use significant figure rules. Remember that these rules apply to all numbers that are measurements.
The mass of a deuterium nucleus 21H is less than its components masses. Calculate the binding energy.



The binding energy of  deuterium is  2.224 MeV.

Given parameters:

Mass of proton = 1.007593 amu.

Mass of neutron = 1.008982 amu.

Mass of deuterium =  2.014186 amu

We know that: deuterium atom is made up with one proton and one neutron.

So, mass of the components of the deuterium =  1.007593 amu + 1.008982 amu. = 2.016575 amu.

Hence, mass loss =   mass of the components of the deuterium - Mass of deuterium

= 2.016575 amu -  2.014186 amu.

= 0.002389 amu.

We know that, 1.0 amu = 931 Mev

So, binding energy = mass loss x  931 Mev

= 0.002389 x 931 Mev

= 2.224 MeV.

Hence, the binding energy of  deuterium is  2.224 MeV.

Learn more about binding energy here:



What is the length of our milky way? (astronomy)



about 100,000 light years away


What is the milky way galaxy.

It's where our solar system is. Scientists gave it that name because it looks like someone spilled a glass of milk.

Want to learn more visit this link,


How do wings help a plane to fly?




We want to find out how wings help a plane to fly.

The wings of an airplane are there to help lift the plane. They are shaped to make air move faster over the wings.

They are used for lifting, landing, turning and controlling the airplane. The curve on the wings make the air move faster than the air at the bottom of the wings which appropriates Bernoulli's principle to push the plane into the air.

The velocity of a ball about the elbow joint is 30.0rad/s and the ball is 1.30 m from the elbow joint what is he velocity of the ball



39.0 meters per second


So the linear speed of the ball then is that distance from the pivot to the ball times by the angular speed. So this is 1.30 meters times 30.0 radians per second which is 39.0 meters per second.

Determine the fans airflow in m^3/s.Fan has an airflow of about 1.55x10^3 ft^3/minMeaning that about 1.55x10^3 cubic feet of air move over the fan blades each minute



0.732 m^3/s


We must convert from ft^3/min to m^3/s.

To do this, we must take into account the following conversion factors:

1 meter is equal to 3.28 feet

1 minute is equal to 60 seconds

Knowing this, we do the conversion just like this:

[tex]1.55*10^3\frac{ft^3}{min}\cdot\left(\frac{1\text{ m}}{3.28\text{ ft}}\right)^3\cdot\frac{1\text{ min}}{60\text{ s}}=0.732\text{ m}^3\text{/s}[/tex]

The fans airflow in m^3/s is 0.732

20. There is a bell at the top of a tower that is 45 m high. The bell weighs 19 kg. The bell has
energy. Calculate it.



Find an energy is E =mgh, so E = 45*10*19=8550j

A rocket moving upward at 2.50 km/s
discards its first stage and continues to
accelerate upward at 40.0 m/s² for
another 120 s. How much altitude does it
gain during this time (km)?
[?] km


The altitude gained by the rocket is 588km

If an object's velocity changes, it is said to have been accelerated. An object's velocity can alter depending on whether it moves faster or slower or in a different direction.

Since acceleration has both a magnitude and a direction, it is a vector quantity. Additionally, it is the first derivative of velocity with respect to time or the second derivative of position with respect to time.

We know that the second equation of motion is

h = ut + 1/2 at²

Initial speed, u = 2.50km/s

acceleration, a = 40m/s² = 0.04km/s²   [1m = 0.001km]

time, t = 120s

Altitude gain during this time, h

h = ut + 1/2 at²

h = 2.50 * 120 + 1/2 * 0.04 * 120²

h = 588km

Hence, the altitude gained by the rocket is 588km

Learn more about acceleration here:



Energy is produced in the Sun’s...
A. corona
B. photosphere
C. chromosphere
D. core


The real correct answer is A

a constant force is applied to a body that is already moving. the force is directed at an angle of 60 degrees to the direction of the body's velocity. what is most likely to happen is that group of answer choices


the body will gradually change direction more and more toward that of the force while speeding up.

In physics, pressure is a power that may trade the movement of an object. A pressure can purpose an object with mass to exchange its speed (e.g. transferring from a country of relaxation), i.e., to boost up. pressure also can be defined intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has each importance and direction, making it a vector quantity. Its miles are measured within the SI unit of newton (N). force is represented via the symbol F (formerly P).

The authentic shape of Newton's second law states that the internet pressure acting upon an object is the same as the fee at which its momentum changes with time. If the mass of the item is steady, this regulation implies that the acceleration of an item is immediately proportional to the internet pressure acting at the item, is in the route of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

To learn more about force visit here:



Grant sprints 50 m to the right with an average velocity of 3.0m/s
How many seconds did Grant sprint?


Grant sprinted for 16.67 seconds when his average speed was 3.0 m/s.

With an average speed of 3.0 m/s, Grant sprints 50 meters to the right.

So, the distance covered (s)  = 50 m

Average speed (v) = 3.0 m/s


The formula for evaluating the time(t) is given by,

[tex]t = \frac{s}{v}[/tex]

Now, Putting all the values in the formula to evaluate time, we get:

[tex]t = \frac{50}{3} = 16.67[/tex]

Hence, Grant sprinted for 16.67 seconds.

To read more about average speed, visit https://brainly.com/question/12322912


ill give brainliest if you help me


G is the right answer.
Stay blessed

if the marble bounces straight upward to a height of 0.64 m , what is the magnitude of the impulse delivered to the marble by the floor? express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


If a 15-g marble is dropped from rest onto the floor 1.4 m below and the marble bounces straight upward to a height of 0.64 m, the magnitude of the impulse delivered to the marble by the floor is 0.312 N s

v² = u² + 2 a s

v = Final velocity

u = Initial velocity

a = Acceleration

s = Distance

During downward motion,

s = - 1.4 m

a = 9.8 m / s²

u = 0 ( Since it is dropped and not thrown )

v² = 0 + ( 2 * 9.8 * - 1.4 )

- v² = 27.44

v = - 5.24 m / s

During upward motion,

s = 0.64 m

a = - 9.8 m / s

v = 0  

- u² = 0 + ( 2 * - 9.8 * 0.64 )

u² = 12.544

u = 3.54 m / s

u = 3.54 m / s

J = m Δv

J = Impulse

m = Mass

Δv = Change in velocity

Δv = Initial velocity of upward motion - Final velocity of downward motion

Δv = 3.54 - ( - 5.24 )

Δv = 8.78 m / s

m = 15 g = 0.015 kg

J = 0.015 * 8.78

J = 0.312 N s

Therefore, the impulse delivered to the marble by the floor is 0.312 N s

The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

A 15-g marble is dropped from rest onto the floor 1.4 m below. If the marble bounces straight upward to a height of 0.64 m, what is the magnitude of the impulse delivered to the marble by the floor?

To know more about Impulse



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What happened to Mrs. Who's glasses after leaving Camazotz? The population of a small town is said to be decreasing exponentially at a rate of 2% every year. In the year 2020 the population is 24,597.If this rate continues what is the expected population in the year 2025? Round your answer to the nearest whole number What was the battle argument for not adding a separate bill of rights to the constitution the 1960s, the space industry developed in ___. Petrol has a density of: 740 kg/m A container holds 12 litres of petrol. One litre is equal to 0.001 m. What is the mass of the petrol? What numeric value of b would make the following two expressions equivalent? bx +2.4 and 6(2x+0.4) + 3x The population of a city was 136 thousand in 1992. The exponential growth rate was 1.7% per year.a) Find the exponential growth function in terms of t, where t is the number of years since 1992.P(t) = 136,000 e 0.0177 help please! will give brainliest Why was gunpowder arevolutionary technology? How did it change power structures? The highest recorded temperature in Massachusetts was one hundred seven degrees Fahrenheit on August 27, 1975. The average monthly high temperature is 81.7 degrees Fahrenheit. How many degrees hotter than average was the temperature on August 27, 1975? Read the problem, set up amulti-step equation with variableson both sides, then solve ll.#3Mark is buying Christmas presents for members of hisfamily. He wants to spend $10 less on his brother thanhe spends on his sister, and six dollars more than twicethe amount he spends on his sister on his wife. If Markhas $100 to spend, how much does he intend to spend onhis brother?HERE'S A Use the variable, s. for theHINTamount he will spend onhis sister.Insert image of work here: The plastic lid of a cylindrical container is a circle. The lid has a radius of 9centimeters. What is the circumference of the lid? A recipe calls for 1/2 cup sugar, a cup of flour and 1/3 cup of milk. I need to make 3 batches. How much of each ingredient will I need? Your lacrosse team wins 4 of the games that it plays. Describe huikelihood of winning. Grayson needs to order some new supplies for the restaurant where he works. The restaurant needs at least 261 forks. There are currently 205 forks. If each set on sale contains 10 forks, which inequality can be used to determine the minimum number of sets of forks Grayson should buy? URGENT!! ILL GIVEBRAINLIEST!!!! AND 100 POINTS!!!!! What number makes the equation true? Enter the answer in the box.+5= 9 I need help with this please and thank you im just really confused At the grocery store, halibut costs $20 per pound and salmon costs $17 per pound. Which of the following situations can be modeled by the equation below? 20(x-5) = 17xA) The cost of x pounds of salmon is $5 less than the cost of x pounds of halibutt B) The cost of x pounds of halibut is $5 less than the cost of x pounds of salmon C) The cost of pounds of salmon is the same as the cost of x-5 pounds of halibutD) The cost of x pounds of halibut is the same as the cost of x-5 pounds of salmon. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are disorders related to the Thyroid gland