A 2. 0 kg body is initially traveling at a velocity of 40 m/s east. If a constant force of 10 n due east is applied to the body for 5. 0 s, the final speed of the body is.


Answer 1

The Final speed of the body is = 65 m/s

The values that are given in the question are,

Mass of body = 2.0 kg

Velocity of the body = 40 m/s

Force = 10 N

Time = 5.0 s

Firstly we need to calculate the momentum change of the body,

The formula for change in momentum,

⇒ Change in momentum = Force x Time

⇒ Change in momentum = 10 x 5.0

⇒ Change in momentum = 50 kg-m/s

Now we have to calculate the change in velocity,

⇒ Change in velocity = Change in momentum / Mass

⇒ Change in velocity = 50 / 2.0

⇒ Change in velocity = 25 m/s towards east

Now to calculate the final velocity

⇒ Final velocity = initial velocity + change in velocity

⇒ Final Velocity = 40 + 25 = 65 m/s

Therefore, the final speed of the body is = 65 m/s

To learn more about Speed and Momentum,



Related Questions

A family car has a mass of 1400 kg. In an accident it hits a wall and goes from a speed of 27 m/s to a standstill in 1. 5 seconds. Calculate the force involved.


The force involved is = 25200 Newton

Given the values in the questions,

Mass = 1400 kg

Speed or velocity of the car = 27 m/s

Time is given = 1.5 seconds

According to the formula of force,

⇒ Force = Mass x Acceleration

⇒ Force = 1400 x Acceleration ----- equation 1

Now to calculate the value of acceleration we will use,

⇒ Acceleration = (Velocity or Speed) / Time

⇒ Acceleration = 27 / 1.5

⇒ Acceleration = 18 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex]

Putting the value of acceleration in equation 1,

⇒ Force = 1400 x 18

⇒ Force = 25200 Newton

Therefore, the force involved is = 25200 Newton

To learn more about Force,



Brandon is on one side of a river that is 80 m wide and wants to reach a point 250 m downstream on the opposite side as quickly as possible by swimming diagonally across the river and then running the rest of the way. Find the minimum amount of time if brandon can swim at 2 m/s and run at 4 m/s.


The minimum amount of time Brandon needs to reacha point 250m downstream is 97.20 seconds.

Please refer to the picture bellow for better  understanding.

From the case, we have some informations such:

river wide = 80 m

river length = 250m

v1 = v swim = 2 m/s

v2 = v run = 4 m/s

Using the velocity formula, we know the relationship between velocity, distance, and time is:

v = s/t


v = velocity

s = distance

t = time

Hence, we could rewrite the velocity formula in terms of time such:

t = s/v ... (i)

Now, let's try to find the time Brandon needs for swimming diagonally.

We assume that Brandon's swimming distance is r with wide 80m and length x m. Hence:

r = [tex]\sqrt{80^{2} +x^{2} }[/tex] ... (ii)

The time Brandong spends swimming is:

t1 = s1/v1

t1 = r/v1

t1 = √(80²+x²) ... (iii)


Meanwhile the time Bradon spends for running is:

t2 = (250-x)/4 ... (iv)

We know that the total time would be:

t total = t1 + t2

t total =  √(80²+x²) + 250 - x

                     2                   4

To find the minimum time, we will use derivative function of t:

t total' = 0

d (√(80²+x²) + 250 - x ) dx = 0

          2                    4

        x           -  1    = 0

2[√(80²+x²)]     4

      2x       = 1


2x = √(80²+x²)

4x² = 80² + x²

x ≈ 46.2m ... (v)

We will subtitute the value of x to the equations (iii) and (iv):

t1 = √(80²+x²) / 2

t1 = 92.4 / 2

t1 = 46.25s

t2 = (250-x) /4

t2 = 203.8 / 4

t2 = 50.95s

The minimum amount of time for Brandon to reach his targeted point is:

t total = t1 + t2

t total = 46.25 + 50.95

t total = 97.20 s

Learn mroe about Minimum Amount of Time here: https://brainly.com/question/1511322


a magnetic field near the ceiling points down and is increasing. looking up at the ceiling, does the non-coulomb electric field curl clockwise or counter-clockwise?


The Non-coulomb electric field curls will be counterclockwise

Electric field can be defined as force per unit charge.

Non columbic field formula is

Fnc = qEnc

It is created by a change in magnetic field.

when the magnetic field near the ceiling point is increasing, the non coulomb force will curl counterclockwise by applying right hand thumb rule.

To know more about non- coulomb electric field,



A gas is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a light frictionless piston and maintained at atmospheric pressure. When 254 kcal of heat is added to the gas, the volume is observed to increase slowly from 12.0 m^3 to 16.2 m^3.
a. Calculate the work done by the gas.
b. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.


The work done by the gas for question A will be 4.2 * 10^5 J.

The change in internal energy of the gas for question B is 6.43 * 10^5 J.

What is work (in gas)?

For a gas, it is the product of the pressure P and the volume V during a change of volume. The formula for work done in gas is W (work) = P (pressure) * V (volume)

Now, let's calculate the work done by gas to answer question A.

Work = Pressure * (Volume 2 - Volume 1)

= 1 atm * (16.2 - 12)

= 10^5 Pa * 4.2

= 4.2 * 10^5 J

So the work done by the gas is 4.2 * 10^5 J.

Now, let's find the change in internal energy of the gas.

The heat energy added to the system is

Q = 254kcal

= 254kcal * (4184J / 1 kcal)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J

The change in internal energy of gas is

ΔU = Q (the heat energy added) - W (work done by gas)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J - 4.2*10^5 J

= 6.43 * 10^5 J

Therefore, the change in internal energy of the gas is 6.43 * 10^5 J

Learn more about work (in gas) https://brainly.com/question/29589757


Jack is testing how sound travels. Damon stood on the opposite side of the room and whispered a sentence to him. Then, jack held a balloon to his own ear as damon whispered the sentence to him again. Jack heard the sentence better the second time. How did the balloon affect the sound of damon's whisper?.



Sound travels better through the compact molecules of air inside the balloon than the less compact molecules on the outside.


in a certain cyclotron a proton moves in a circle of radius 0.500 m. the magnitude of the magnetic field is 1.20 t. (a) what is the oscillator frequency? (b) what is the kinetic energy of the proton, in electron-volts?


The frequency of oscillator is 1.83 X 10⁷ Hz and the kinetic energy of the proton is 1.72 X 10⁷ eV.


Radius of the circle = r = 0.500 m

Magnetic Field = B = 1.20 T

Charge of proton = q = 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ C

Mass of proton = m = 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷ Kg

The frequency of oscillator is = f =

= f = 1/t = (qB) / 2πm

= f = ( 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ X 1.20 ) / ( 2 X 3.14 X 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷)

= f = 1.83 X 10⁷ Hz


Radius of the circle = r = 0.500 m

Magnetic Field = B = 1.20 T

Charge of proton = q = 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ C

Mass of proton = m = 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷ Kg

The kinetic energy of proton = E =

= E = (r X q x B)² / 2 X m

= E =  (0.500 X 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ x 1.20)² / 2 X 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷

= E = 1.72 X 10⁷ eV

To know more about Cyclotron:



A gray kangaroo can bound across a flat stretch of ground with each jump carrying it 8.0 m from the takeoff point.

If the kangaroo leaves the ground at a 22˚ angle, what is its takeoff speed?
What is its horizontal speed?


The kangaroo's horizontal speed will be 9.7 m/s and its departure speed will indeed be 10.65 m/s.

What is the sound's velocity?

By observing the pace at which this compressed region moves through the medium, we may determine the sound speed. The sound wave travels at a speed of around 343 meters per second in low humidity at 20 degrees Celsius.


The following equation relates the distance to the direction and initial velocity:

d = [v₀²sin2θ]/g, where θ – the angle of the jump.

Thus, v₀² = gd / (sin2θ) = (9.8×8)/0.69 = 113.62

v₀ = 10.65 m/s ( the take off speed).

The horizontal velocity equals:

vₓ = v₀cos 22° = 10.65 m/s × 0.92 = 9.7 m/s

To know more about speed visit:



gravitational field of the earth is 11.2 km s the ratio of the escape velocity to the root-mean-square speed of helium, argon, and xenon atoms at 2000 k. does your result help explain the low abundance of the light gas helium in the atmosphere? explain.


The ratio of escape velocity of Helium, Argon   and  Xenon  is 31.5 %, 10.0 % and 5.5 % respectively.


taking T = 2000 K and R = 8.315 J mol-1 K-1

Molar mass for Helium = 4.0026 x 10?3 kg mol-1

Molar mass for Argon   = 39.948 x 10?3 kg mol-1

Molar mass for Xenon  = 131.29 x 10?3 kg mol-1

We get the rms speed for the given gases as followed

Helium =  3.53 km s-1

Argon   = 1.12 km s-1

Xenon  =  0.62 km s-1

The ratio of the escape velocity to the root-mean-square speed of the given gases

The ratio of helium = 31.5 %

The ratio of argon  = 10.0 %

The ratio of xenon = 5.5 %

Yes, the fraction (or ratio) of the speed exceeding the escape velocity (31.5%) is larger in helium, which makes low abundancy of the helium in the atmosphere.

Learn more about escape velocity here:-https://brainly.com/question/16973068


why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


The big bang could able to produce only the highest heavier element helium due to very low temperature.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis produced only a few nuclei of factors heavier than lithium because of a bottleneck, the absence of a strong nucleus with eight or five nucleons. This deficit of large atoms additionally restricted the quantities of lithium-7 produced for the duration of BBN. In the early universe, it becomes too warm for factors to shape till numerous mins into the expansion. At that point, there have been just a few mins in which factors ought to shape earlier than it has become too cool for in addition nucleosynthesis. Thus the heavier element produced by the big bang explosion is helium

Learn more about the big bang in



With respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The benefit of employing two-sided printing that was highlighted in class as being the most important is that it only requires one sheet of paper as opposed to two when printing a two-sided document.

What does two-sided printing mean?

Standard 2-sided printing can be used to print on both sides of a sheet. You can choose between manual and automatic printing. When printing by hand, even-numbered pages are printed first. After printing these pages, you may simply reload them to print the odd-numbered pages on the opposite side of the paper.

Therefore, double-sided printing can save your business about half as much money as single-sided printing, according to certain important estimates. Due to the fact that duplex printing uses only half as much paper as one-sided printing, businesses can reduce their material costs.

To know more about two - sided printing, refer



A star is born when
A . it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium.
B. it first starts to fuse helium into hydrogen.
C. it gets its first planet.
D. when it goes supernova.



a & b


In a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. the matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.1. Material accumulates onto the white dwarf's surface, increasing in temperature and density. 2. At a temperature of 10 million K, the accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion. 3. Nuclear fusion reactions cause an enormous but temporary increase in luminosity. 4. As nuclear fuel is burned up or blown into space, fusion ceases and the star dims.


As a head-up, it is important to notice that a white dwarf only shine to the stored energy and light, because a white dwarf doesn't have any hydrogen left to perform nuclear fusion.

Now, the process:

First, the white dwarf accumulates all the extracted matter from its companion onto its own surface. This extra matter increases the white dwarf's temperature and density.

After a while, the start reaches about 10 million K, so nuclear fusion can begin. The hydrogen that has been stolen from the other start and accumulated in white dwarf's surface it is used for the fusion, dramatically increasing the star's brightness for a short time, causing what we know as a nova.

As this fuel, it is quickly burnt out or blown into space, the star goes back to its natural white dwarf state. Since the white dwarf nor the companion star are destroyed in this process, it can happen countless of times during their lifespan.

To know more about nova:



an electromagnetic wave of wavelength 435nm is traveling in vacuum in the − z-direction. the electric field has amplitude 2.70×10−3v/m and is parallel to the x-axis.


Given wavelength λ=435λ=435 nm, we can find the frequency by using the formula f​=c​/λ                  f=6.89×1014 Hz

What is an example of an electric field?

The area of space surrounding any electrically charged particle and object where the charge body perceives force is known as the electric field.Examples are:Charges and their arrangements, such as in capacitors and battery cells, produce electric fields.

What are electric field and what does it mean in SI?

Volts / metre (V/m) is the electrical field's SI unit.The Newton's per coulomb unit is the same as this one.These units are derivations from Newton, which stands for force, and Coulomb, which stands for charge.

To know more about electromagnetic wave visit:



What is the image of E for a dilation with center 0 0 and a scale factor of 6?


The image E for dilation will be at center , i.e. same locus.

A scaling factor is a factor that enlarges or shrinks the dilated image compared to the original image. Magnification must be positive. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the stretch is an enlargement. Between 0 and 1, dilation is contraction.

The dilation center (or dilation point) is the point at which the image is stretched.

Given: (0,0) center and scale factor 6

Dilation is to transform an image from its original

size to another size without changing its appearance/shape.

Original image is stretched or compressed. The scaling factor is the amount by which the original image is stretched or shrunk.

For example, if A is the point (1, 2) and the scale factor is 2, the center of elongation is given by

OA= (1x2, 2x 2) = (2, 4)

To find the new point, multiply the origin by the scale factor.

Ox 6 = 0, so the specified point (O, O) remains at (0, 0).

The dilated image does not change because the center does not change.

To learn more about Magnification -



Noise cancelling headphones are a kind of headphones which decrease the amount of background noise that get into your ears when you wear them. On what physical phenomena do these headphones depend on?


The theory of destructive interference underlies the operation of noise-cancelling headphones.

The process of using passive and active noise control techniques to reduce undesired background and ambient noises is known as noise cancellation.

Active noise cancelling (ANC) adopts a different strategy from passive noise cancellation by "neutralising" incoming sound waves from your surroundings. Passive noise cancellation reduces ambient noise by erecting a "physical shield" to mask sound.

Small microphones built into ANC headphones send out sound waves that interfere with incoming sound waves from the environment, cancelling each other out. It's comparable to adding +3 and -3, where the result is zero (silence).

Both inside and outside the headphones' walls are picked up by the microphones.

To know more about sound, visit:



A nurse applies a rightward horizontal force on a bed with a mass of 152 kg. What is the magnitude of the normal force acting on the bed?.


The magnitude of the normal force acting on the bed is 1489.6 Newton.

The nurse is applying a rightward horizontal force on a bed which has a mass of 152 kg.

If the mass of the bed is 152 kg then the force of gravity on the bed is,

W = Mg

M is mass of bed and g is gravitational acceleration.

Putting values,

W = 152×9.8

W =  1489.6 N.

The normal force is always perpendicular to the surface of the bed so, the normal force on the bed will be equal to the weight of the bed which is 1489.6N.

So, the normal force on the bed is 1489.6N.

To know more about Normal force, visit,



Describe how the law of inertia relates to the following scenario: you are riding in a car, and your body is thrown to the right as the car turns to the left.


My body is thrown to the right as the car turns to the left is because of inertia of direction .

A body moving in a specific heading can't adjust its course with practically no force being applied on it. It is the property because of which a body keeps up with its internal compass. eg When we travel by a motorcar and in the event that it makes a sharp turn at a fast, we will quite often get tossed aside.

Inertia of direction states that a body is unable to change its position until an external force acts on the body. Since during turning to left whole car mass is towards left side, to counter the effect of car's mass my body moves to opposite position i.e to the right side.

To know more about inertia, visit here:



The threshold of hearing is defined as the minimum discernible intensity of the sound. it is approximately 10^−12w/m^2. Find the distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned. assume that the windows are rolled down and that each speaker actually produces 0.06 w of sound, as suggested in the last follow-up comment.


The threshold of hearing is the minimum intensity of sound that can still be discerned and is approximately 10^−12w/m^2. Therefore the distance from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned is 6x10^11 m.

Calculate the intensity of the sound at the car:

Intensity = Power/Area

Intensity = 0.06W/1m^2

Intensity = 0.06W/m^2

Calculate the distance d at which the intensity of the sound is equal to the threshold of hearing:

Threshold of hearing = 10^−12w/m^2

Intensity = 0.06W/m^2

d = (0.06W/m^2)/(10^−12w/m^2)

d = 6x10^11 m

Therefore, the distance from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned is 6x10^11 m.

Learn more about Intensity at :https://brainly.com/question/17583145


A particular species of copepod, a small marine crustacean, emits a flash of light consisting of 1.4×1010 photons at a wavelength of 490 nm. The flash lasts for 2.4 s.What is the power of the flash?


The power of the flash is   [tex]2.36 * 10^{-9} W[/tex].

First we calculate the energy of a single photon; i.e.

[tex]E_{1} = hc/\alpha[/tex]

where, h = planck's constant = [tex]6.63 * 10^{-34} Js[/tex]

            c = speed of light = [tex]3 * 10^{8} m/s[/tex]

            [tex]\alpha[/tex] = wavelength = 490 nm = [tex]4.9 * 10^{-7} m[/tex]

Putting these values in equation, we get

[tex]E_{1} = 4.05 * 10^{-19} J[/tex]

Total energy is given by, E=Pt

where, P = power and t= time

Now number of photons is given by : N = E/[tex]E_{1}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]NE_{1} = E[/tex]

⇒ [tex]NE_{1} /t = P[/tex]

Given, N = [tex]1.4*10^{10}[/tex] and t = 2.4 s

Putting these values in above equation we get P = [tex]2.36 * 10^{-9} W[/tex]

To know more about work-energy visit:



What is the kinetic energy of a 1400 kg sports car Travelling down the road with a speed of 30 m s?


The kinetic energy of the sports car is 630 KJ.

The kinetic energy is the energy possessed by the system by virtue of its motion.

Also kinetic energy is equal to the net work done on the object.


The SI unit of the kinetic energy is joule (J).The formula to calculate the kinetic energy is KE = (1/2)*m*v²


m = mass of the object

v = speed at which the object is moving

Kinetic energy depends on the speed squared of the object. This means that when an object's speed is doubled, its kinetic energy is quadrupled.

Mass of the car = 1400 Kg

Velocity of the car = 30 m/sec

KE = (1/2)*1400*(30)²

KE = (1/2)*1400*900

KE = 630000 J

KE = 630 KJ

The kinetic energy of a 1400 kg sports car travelling down the road with a speed of 30 m/s 630 KJ.

To know more about kinetic energy,



(a) your pendulum clock which advances 1.0 s for every complete oscillation of the pendulum is running perfectly on earth at a site where the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is 9.80 m/s2. you send the clock to a location on the moon where the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is 1.65 m/s2. does the clock run fast or slow on the moon?


The clock runs slower on moon than on earth.

As we know that time period of simple pendulum will be

T = 2π√(L/G)

Now we will have,

time period of a clock on the surface of earth will be 1 s where we have acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s².

Now if we took the pendulum to the surface of moon where acceleration due to gravity will be 1.65 m/s² then this time period will change

so we will say by above equation;

T(earth)/T(moon) = √(G(moon) / G(earth)

From above equation we get;

T(moon) = √(9.80/1.65) * 1 sec

T(moon) = 2.44 sec

So, time period on moon will be 2.44 sec.

Therefore, clock runs slow on the moon.

To learn more pendulum visit;



a simple pendulum consisting of a bob of mass m attached to a string of length l swings with a period t.


The new period of oscillation if the mass of the bob is reduced by half is [tex]\frac{T}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or T/√2.

Look at the attachment for a complete question. The period of oscillation of the simple pendulum

[tex]T \:=\: 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}[/tex][tex]T \:=\: 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}[/tex]


π = 3.14m = the mass of the bob (kg)k = the rope constant (N/m)L = the length of the swing (m)g = the acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)

If we change the mass of the bob and didn't change the rope, the period also will change but the rope constant will not. The ratio of the period between the two condition

m₁ = mT₁ = Tm₂ = 0.50 m

T² = 4π²m/k

T₁²: T₂² = m₁ : m₂

T²: T₂² = m : 0.50 m

T²: T₂² = 1 : 0.5

T₂² = 0.5T²

[tex]T_2 \:=\: \sqrt{0.5T}[/tex]

[tex]T_2 \:=\: \sqrt{\frac{T}{2}}[/tex]

T₂ = T/√2

Learn more about simple pendulum here: https://brainly.com/question/14005974


a bicyclist starts down a hill with an initial speed of 3.5 m/s. she moves down the hill with a constant acceleration, arriving at the bottom of the hill with a speed of 8.6 m/s. if the hill is 12 m long, what was its acceleration traveling down the hill?


The acceleration traveling down the hill is 2.571 m/s^2.


initial speed (U)=3.5 m/s

Final velocity(V) =8.6 m/s

Distance covered(s)= 12 m.

Formula : (V)^2=(U)^2+ 2as

                 (8.6)^2 =(3.5)^2+2*a*12

                   a=2.571 m/s^2

velocity is the directional velocity of a moving item as an indicator of the price of trade of role observed from a particular frame of reference and measured by a specific time fashionable.

Acceleration in mechanics, acceleration is the rate of alternate of an item's pace with respect to time. Acceleration is a vector amount. The direction of an object's acceleration is given with the aid of the route of the net force performing on that object.

Learn more about acceleration and velocity:



What is the internal energy of a system including the kinetic and potential energy of its particles?


Internal energy of a system is the product of specific heat and temperature included with number of moles. (i=nCT) and kinetic energy is product of Boltzmann constant and temperature.

All systems have a certain amount of energy that can be converted into other energy to do work. The kinetic energy within the molecules and atoms that make up the body and the energy generated by the intermolecular forces between them are collectively called internal energy.In other words, the energy hidden in the system that can appear under different conditions can be called the internal energy of the system.

Internal energy is the sum of two energies:

(a) Thermal energy, which is the kinetic energy of molecules in random motion, and

(b) Potential energy of atoms.

Potential atomic energy arises from the atomic forces acting between the atoms of molecules and the intermolecular forces between molecules.Total internal energy, E = kinetic energy (K.E.) + potential energy (P.E.).The state function describes the equilibrium state of the system, as well as the system itself. It is called the state function because the internal energy U is defined by the quantity that determines the state of the system at equilibrium. It is completely determined by the initial and final state of the system. As the temperature of the system increases, the molecules move faster, resulting in an increase in kinetic energy and an increase in internal energy.

To learn more about Internal energy -



Need help! Thanks lots!


The final momentum of the ball after collision is 13 kg(m/s) because this is closed isolated system and in this the momentum is conserved .

How is the final momentum calculated ?

The given parameters;

initial momentum of the box (P₁)

initial momentum of the ball (P₂)

final momentum of the ball (P₃)

final momentum of ball after collision (P₄)

∴ P₁ = 15 kg(m/s)

∴ P₂ = 3 kg(m/s)

∴ P₃ = 5 kg(m/s)

Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum to determine the final momentum of the ball after collision;

total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision

∴ P₁ + P₂ = P₃ + P₄

∴ 15 + 3 = 5 + P₄

∴ 18 = 5 + P₄

∴ 18 - 5 = P₄

∴  P₄ = 13

Hence, the final momentum is 13 kg(m/s)

What is the law of conservation of momentum ?

The law states that the sum of two bodies' momentums before contact equals the sum of their momentums after impact. Both bodies move at different speeds before colliding, yet in some circumstances, the bodies move at the same speed after colliding.

Can learn more about law of conservation of momentum from https://brainly.com/question/25241259


What is the wavelength of a radio wave with frequency 8.95 x107 Hz?


The wavelength of a radio wave is 3.352m .

Planck himself originally imagined it to be the constant of proportionality.

Like every other wave, electromagnetic radiation consists of a frequency and a wavelength, and the product of these is continually identical to ​c​, the speed of light.

Electromagnetic waves are all round us, and in addition to visible radiation, different wavelengths are generally known as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

All of these varieties of electromagnetic radiation have a similar basic type as defined by using Maxwell’s equations; however, their energies range with frequency (i.e., a higher frequency means that better electricity).

As he knew from Maxwell, the energy of a wave is proportional to its frequency.

So E ∝ v

Inserting the constant of proportionality gives: E=hv

Using this equation, we can calculate the energy of only single wave particles: photons, electrons, protons, neutrinos, muons, etc.

The Frequency of radio wave is 8.95 x 10⁷Hz.

The speed of light wave is 3 x 10⁸m/s


y=3 x 10⁸m/s/8.95 x  x 10⁷Hz=3.352m

To find more about neutrinos -



what is mass wasting? what are some of the important variables used to identify and distinguish types of mass wasting (4 points)?


When a slope breaks, there is mass wasting. When a slope is excessively steep and unstable given the materials and environmental factors at play, it fails. The slope angle and the underlying material's strength are the two main criteria that eventually influence slope stability.

Slope failures are categorized according to three factors:

The material that collapsed, its mechanism of failure (how the material moved while failing), and its pace of movements, such as bedrock or loose sediment (how quickly the material moved).

The most crucial feature of a slope collapse is the failure mechanism. The three primary mechanisms of slope failure are as follows:

When anything falls, it travels through the air vertically or almost vertically.

Slide: In slides, the substance slides along a sloping surface as a cohesive mass (with little to no internal motion inside the substance); and

Flow: Inflows, the failing substance moves within, much like a fluid.

To know more about MASS WASTING :



Coherent light with wavelength 400 nm passes through two very narrow slits that are separated by 0.200 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. (a) What is the width (in mm) of the central interference maximum? (b) What is the width of the first-order bright fringe?


(a) The width (in mm) of the central interference maximum is [tex]8.0mm[/tex].

(b) The width of the first-order bright fringe is [tex]8.0mm[/tex].

fringe width = w=D/d λ  is the wavelength of light

D is the screen distance from the slit

d is a separation between slits

Constructive interference,

⇒dsinθ = n ×λ

⇒sinθ = [tex]\frac{n}{d}[/tex] ×λ

⇒ y = R [tex]\frac{n}{d}[/tex] ×λ ............(1)

here n= 0, ±1 , ........

the width of the central interference maximum,

⇒[tex]y_{max}[/tex] = R λ× [tex]\frac{1}{d}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4,0m}{0,2mm}[/tex] ×[tex]400nm[/tex]

⇒[tex]y_{max}[/tex] = [tex]8.0mm[/tex]

the width of the first-order bright fringe.

⇒[tex]y_{1}[/tex] - [tex]y_{0}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{R}{d}[/tex]×λ -0 = [tex]\frac{4,0m}{0,2mm}[/tex] ×[tex]400nm[/tex]

⇒[tex]y_{1}[/tex] = [tex]8.0mm[/tex]

In physics, wave assets are coherent if their frequency and waveform are equal. Coherence is an excellent asset of waves that enables stationary (i.e., temporally, or spatially constant) interference. It contains numerous awesome concepts, that are proscribing cases that never pretty arise in fact however permits knowledge of the physics of waves, and has grown to be a very essential idea in quantum physics. more generally, coherence describes all homes of the correlation among physical quantities of a single wave, or between several waves or wave packets.

Interference is the addition, in the mathematical experience, of wave features. A single wave can interfere with itself, but this is nevertheless an addition of two waves (see younger's slits experiment). optimistic or unfavorable interference is restricted cases, and two waves continually intervene, despite the fact that the result of the addition is complex or now not amazing. while interfering, two waves can add collectively to create a wave of more amplitude than either one (optimistic interference) or subtract from each difference to create a wave of lesser amplitude than both (negative interference), relying on their relative section.

Two waves are said to be coherent in the event that they have a consistent relative phase. the amount of coherence can effectively be measured through interference visibility, which looks at the dimensions of the interference fringes relative to the enter waves (as the section offset is numerous); a specific mathematical definition of the diploma of coherence is given with the aid of correlation capabilities.

To learn more about Coherence visit here:



A tennis ball is hit with a tennis racket. Compared to the magnitude of the force of the racket on the ball, the magnitude of the force of the ball on the racket is.


The force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is the same.

The  force in physics is defined  as ;

The push or pull on a mass-containing item changes its velocity.

An external force is an agent with the ability to change a body's resting or moving state. It has a magnitude and a direction. The application of force is the location at which force is applied, and the direction in which the force is applied is known as the direction of the force.

Every time one object applies force to another, the other object applies an equal and opposing force to the first.

According to Newton's third law,

Action and reaction are always equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

In other words, interactions lead to forces. So, the force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is the same. So according to the question option 3 is correct.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

A tennis ball is hit with a tennis racket. The force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is

1- smaller

2- Larger

3- The same

To look more about force click here



When forces are not in equilibrium (unbalanced) the object's can be described as __________.


Answer: Unbalanced forces

Explanation: When the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, they do not cancel out one another

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