a 0.00120-nm photon scatters from a free electron. for what (photon) scattering angle does the recoiling electron have kinetic energy equal to the energy of the scattered photon?


Answer 1

a 0.00120-nm photon scatters from a free electron -

a) λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻³  nm

b) E = 30 KeV

What is free electron?

Free electrons are those that are not constrained by the atom and are hence free to travel. Since we now know that an electric current is just an electron moving, The ability to conduct electricity results from the free electrons' propensity for free motion. Because they are efficient electrical conductors, metals have free electrons.


λ is the wavelength of the photon before scattering,

λ₁ is the wavelength of the photon after scattering,

m(e) is the mass of the electron,

θ is the angle by which the photon's heading changes,

h is Planck's constant, and

c is the speed of light

λ₁ - λ = [h/m(e)c] × [1 - cos θ]

Since we have energy for the incoming x-ray, we need to solve for frequency (f) and then for wavelength (λ) using the following two equations.

E = (h)×(nu),

where E is energy of the x-ray (265KeV),

h is planck's constant (4.14×10⁻¹⁵eV.s) and

nu = f (frequency).

Solving for freqency,

we get f = 6.408 × 10¹⁹ (1/s)

Frequency = c / λ,

and solving for λ,

we get the initial wavelength of the incoming x-ray to be:

λ = c/f

or, λ = [299792458 m/s] / [6.408 × 10¹⁹ 1/s]

or, λ = 4.68× 10⁻¹² m

or, λ = 4.68 × 10⁻³ nm

Going back to the Compton Scatter equation of:

λ₁ - λ = [h/m(e)c] × [1-cos θ]

we need to solve for λ₁:

λ₁  = [h/m(e)c] × [1-cos θ]  + λ

or, λ₁ = [2.43 × 10⁻¹² m][1-cos 41°] +  4.68× 10⁻¹² m

or, λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻¹² m

or,  λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻³  nm


Going back, we can solve for the energy of the x-ray using the same two equations:

Frequency = c /  λ₁

or, f = 299792458 / 5.27 ×10 ⁻¹²

or, f = 5.68 × 10¹⁹ 1/s

Plugging that into the 2nd equation:


= [4.14×10⁻¹⁵eV.s] × [5.68 × 10¹⁹ 1/s]

= 235KeV

and with the conservation of energy

E = 265 KeV - 235 KeV

E = 30 KeV

To know more about photon refer to:



Related Questions

When ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 400 nm falls on a certain metal surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is 1.10 ev. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons when light of wavelength 300.0 nm falls on the same surface?


1.47$ eV is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons when the light of wavelength 300.0 nm falls on the metal surface.

The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light. The frequency of light with a wavelength of 400 nm is given by the formula

$f=c/\lambda$, where $c$ is the speed of light and $\lambda$ is the wavelength of the light.

Plugging in the values, we get $f=3.00 \times 10^8 \text{ m/s}/400\text{ nm}=7.50 \times 10^{14}$ Hz.

The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons when the light of this frequency falls on the metal surface is 1.10 eV.

The maximum kinetic energy when light with a frequency of

$f'=3.00 \times 10^8 \text{ m/s}/300.0\text{ nm}=10^{15}$ Hz

falls on the metal surface is therefore given by the formula

$E'=E\frac{f'}{f}=1.10\text{ eV}\frac{10^{15}\text{ Hz}}{7.50 \times 10^{14}\text{ Hz}}=1.47$ eV.

Note: This assumes that the other conditions (such as the intensity of the light and the material of the metal surface) are the same in both cases. If these conditions change, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons will also change.

Learn more about Kinetic Energy here:



a mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. the mass is at a position l when the spring is unstretched. the mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. it then moves with simple harmonic motion.


The instantaneous acceleration is zero when the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched.

What is acceleration?

The equation that governs simple harmonic motion is as follows:

    x = A cos (wt +φφ)

Where A is the movement's amplitude, w is the angular velocity, and the initial phase φ is determined by the initial condition.

The body accelerates.

  a = d²x / dt²

Look for the derivatives.

        dx / dt = - A w sin (wt + φ)

        a = d²x / dt² = - A w² cos (wt + φ)

When it is not stretched, x equals 0.

When the spring is at its maximum elongation, φ = 0

           0 = A cos wt

           Cos wt = 0         wt = π / 2

This angle accepts acceleration.

          a = -A w² cos π/2 = 0

Therefore acceleration is zero

x = A when the spring is compressed

Then the speed ​​is

            v = dx / dt

            v = - A w sin wt

We are looking for time.

           A = A cos wt

           cos wt = 1         wt = 0, π

For this period, the quick vouchers

           v = -A w sin 0 = 0

The speed is zero.

The complete question:

" A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion. (a) At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration? Grade Summary It is maximum. OIt is zero It is non-zero but not maximum Potential per attempt) Hint I give up. Part (b) At the instant that the mass asses through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneouPart (c) At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?"

To learn more about acceleration refer to :



at the moment a roller coaster reaches the bottom of its loop, in what direction is the centripetal acceleration pointed?


At the very top and very bottom of the loop, the majority of the acceleration is concentrated in the direction that is oriented toward the center of the circle.

The term "centripetal force" refers to a force that is exerted on a body that is traveling in a circular direction and is directed toward the center around which the body is moving.

The acceleration caused by centripetal force always points in the direction of the circle's center. Because the centripetal acceleration is directed upward at the base of the circle, riders get a sensation of being heavier than their actual weight at this point. Because it points down at the top of the circle, riders are given the impression that they weigh less than they really do.

To learn more about acceleration click on the below link:



a seagull is sitting in the water surface and a simple water wave passes under it. what sort of motion does the gull experience? why?


The seagull will experience a small rise and fall motion as the wave passes underneath it. This is because the wave creates an upward force on the gull, pushing it upwards as it passes underneath, and then creating a downward force as it moves away, pushing the gull downward.

The seagull will experience a up and down motion as the wave passes under it. This is because the wave is pushing the seagull up and down as it moves underneath the bird.

Step 1: As the water wave passes under the seagull, the wave will create an increase in the water level beneath the seagull. This increase in water level will cause the seagull to rise slightly.

Step 2: As the wave continues to pass underneath the seagull, the wave will start to decrease in height. This decrease in water level will cause the seagull to drop slightly.

Step 3: As the wave passes completely underneath the seagull, the wave will have returned to its original height, and the seagull will no longer be affected by the wave.

Thus, the seagull will experience an up and down motion as the wave passes underneath it. This is because the wave causes the water level beneath the seagull to rise and fall, causing the seagull to move with the wave.

to know more about motion click here:



assume that the readings on the thermometers are normally distributed with a mean of and standard deviation of 1.00c. a thermometer is randomly selected and tested. draw a sketch and find the temperature reading corresponding to ​, the percentile. this is the temperature reading separating the bottom from the top


Bell-shaped diagram with a diminishing shade and an upper-half z-score. X is the raw score, is the population average, and is the average standard deviation. The formula for computing a z-score is z = (x-)/.

What is the value of 1's z-score?

A result that deviates by one standards deviation from the average is indicated by a Z-score of 1.0. Z-scores can either be positively or negatively, with a positive sign indicating that the score is higher than the mean as well as a negative value indicating that the score is below the mean.

The z-equivalent score's is what?

You may calculate the z-score by first dividing the raw score, or relevant data point, by the population's standard deviation, and then removing the population mean from that result: z = x - μ

To know more about z-score  visit:



You add equal amounts of heat to two identical cylinders containing equal amounts of the same ideal gas. Cylinder A is allowed to expand, while cylinder B is not.

Part A How do the temperature changes of the two cylinders compare?

The two cylinders will experience the same temperature change.

Cylinder A will experience a greater temperature change.

Cylinder B will experience a greater temperature change.


The temperature changes of the two cylinders is compared as; Cylinder A will experience a greater temperature change.

"the second statement is the correct answer."

What is Charles law?

Charles' law states that the volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature provided that pressure of the gas is kept constant.

Mathematically, the formula of Charles law is given as;

V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂


V₁ is the initial volume of the gasV₂ is the final volume of the gasT₁ is the initial temperature of the gasT₂ is the final temperature of the gas

from the formula given above, when the temperature of the gas increases, the volume of the gas increases as well. Also when the temperature of the gas decreases, the volume of the gas decreases as well.

Thus, from the Charles, when the cylinder A expands, the temperature changes increases and the cylinder B does not expand, there will be no temperature changes.

Learn more about expansion of gasses here: https://brainly.com/question/19933175


suppose a particle called a kaon is created by cosmic radiation striking the atmosphere. it moves by you at 0.980c and it lives 1.24 x 10-8 s when at rest relative to an observer. how long does it live as you observe it?


In relation to an observer, it takes 2.3727*10^-8 seconds at rest. to exist as you see it. Because cosmic radiation that strikes the atmosphere produces a particle known as a kaon.

Radiation from space is one natural source of radiation. High-energy charged particles, x-rays, and gamma rays are all components of cosmic radiation, which are created in space. The earth receives secondary radiation that is created when charged particles interact with the atmosphere. The stars, including our own sun, emit cosmic radiation. A particle is a small, localized item that can have many physical or chemical qualities, such as volume, density, or mass. The term particle—or corpuscule in older texts—is used in the physical sciences. The size or number of them varies widely.

T = t/(1-(v^2/c^2)

^1/2 = 1.375*10^-8/0.5795

T = 2.3727*10^-8sec

Learn more about particle here



How does the wavelength of infrared compared with the wavelength of?


According to the electromagnetic spectrum, ultraviolet light has wavelengths from 10 nm to 400 nm and infrared light from 750 nm to 1 mm.

This means that infrared light has a longer wavelength than ultraviolet light.

We know the relation between wavelength and frequency as λ = c / f

where, λ is the wavelength

c is the speed of light

f is the frequency

The above equation tells us that frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength. In other words, if the wavelength increases, frequency decreases.

As infrared light has a longer wavelength than ultraviolet light, infrared has a lower frequency than ultraviolet rays.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is how do the wavelength and frequency of infrared light compare to the wavelength and frequency of ultraviolet light?

To know more about wavelength:



which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?


Radio waves electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes.

What exactly does electromagnetic radiation refer to?

Electromagnetic radiation is made up of electromagnetic field waves that move over space while carrying radiant electromagnetic energy, according to physics. It is made up of radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light,  X-ray and gamma rays. The electromagnetic spectrum includes all of these wavelengths.

Electromagnetic radiation can have low or high energy levels. It is made up of radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.

What causes electromagnetic radiation?

When an electron or other atomic particle like it is driven by an electric field, it emits electromagnetic radiation.

To know more about  electromagnetic radiation:



two metal spheres connected by a metal rod stand on plastic supports. initially the spheres and metal rod do not hold any charge. a charged plastic rod with q (q>0) is placed near the sphere on the right without touching it. then, the metal rod connecting the spheres is removed. finally, the initially charged plastic rod is taken away. at this point: a. spheres attract one another b. spheres repel one another c. spheres do not exert a force on one another d. not enough information


When two metal spheres joined by a metal rod stand on supports made of plastic, the spheres are drawn to one another.

Option a is correct

What occurs when a negatively charged rod comes into contact with a metal sphere?

When a negative rod is introduced close to an uncharged metal sphere, the electrons in the sphere are forced to travel to the opposite side of the sphere from the side that is closest to the rod.

What happens if two metallic spheres come in contact?

When the two conducting spheres are brought close enough to contact, it appears as though they merge into a single, large conductor, and the combined charge of the two spheres is distributed evenly throughout their whole surface. until the spheres have been separated once more.

To know more about metallic spheres visit:-



what type of vision allows the eyes to detect color? group of answer choices scotopic vision photopic vision both niether


The type of vision  that allows the eyes to detect color is photopic because it contains rods which is sensitive to colors.

Because the prefix "tri" denotes three and the root "chroma" denotes colour, the term "trichromatic" describes something that has three colours. The retina has three different colour receptors, in accordance with the trichromatic hypothesis of colour vision. Color vision is provided by the cones in the retina.The cones are sensitive to the shades of green, blue, and red, according to this theory. When these colours are blended, eyes can distinguish between millions of different colours. The original proponents of this idea were Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz. Thomas Young was the first to propose that the human eye contains three colour receptors: short, medium, and long, each of which is sensitive to a different range of light wavelengths.

To know more about  photopic visit : https://brainly.com/question/7464210


What is the change in momentum of a car weighing 1500kg when its speed increases from 36km h to 72km h uniformly?


The change in momentum of the car is 15000 kg m/s.

Momentum is the strength gained by a moving body. It is calculated as the product of mass and velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction.

We get the formula for calculating force from momentum from newton's second law. According to this law, " The force is equal to the time rate of change in momentum."

i.e., Force = Final momentum - initial momentum/ time

In the given question, we have to find a change in momentum

i.e. Force = Final momentum - initial momentum/ time

In the given question, we have to find change in momentum

Δp = [tex]M_{2[/tex][tex]V_{2[/tex] - [tex]M_{1[/tex][tex]V_{1[/tex]

      = M ( [tex]V_{2[/tex] - [tex]V_{1[/tex])\

      = 1500 (72-36) ×5/18

      = 1500×2×5

       = 15000 kg m/s

To know more about momentum here



The electron configuration for an atom is 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 2. How many electrons does the atom have?.


If the electronic configuration of an atom is 1s2 2s2 2p2 then it has 6 electrons.

This electronic configuration corresponds to carbon, whose atomic number is 6.

Importance of electronic configuration

The electronic configuration is a form of organization by layers that the electrons have.

Its importance is based on the ability to determine through it the total properties of chemical combination of atoms, which is equivalent to their location on the periodic table of elements.

Furthermore, the electronic configuration of an element defines its binding energy and thus its state at room temperature.

Learn more about electronic configuration at https://brainly.com/question/29757010


Why is sleep the most important thing?


Sleep is very crucial in person daily life. Sleep helps in early recovery from an injury .Sleep helps person to perform daily actions with proper attention.

Not getting adequate sleep will provoke a diminishing being developed compound creation that impacts tissue and muscle fix. To this end it's essential to get good significant REM sleep for your body's recovery cycle. If you don't, then, at that point, you risk losing mass and cutoff from nonappearance of supportive synthetics like these ones which are conveyed during the non-REM stage when they're required most!

It's never previous chance to get a fair night sleep! For our body and muscles to foster you need the suitable proportion of sleeping. It is expressed that if one snoozes 7-9 hours out of each and every day.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



A ball rolls without slipping down incline a, starting from rest. At the same time, a box starts from rest and slides down incline b, which is identical to incline a except that it is frictionless. Which arrives at the bottom first?.


The arrival of box and ball at the bottom will depend on the mass of the box as mass of box may be larger than mass of ball.

This is on the grounds that the impact that the frictional force have relies upon the mass, the point likewise have an extraordinary impact in the response, however it appears it's anything but a choice, merits seeing that the mass doesn't have impact in the ball moving given that the erosion is just mindful of the rolling.

The force which becomes possibly the most important factor at whatever point two articles come in touch and slide over one another is known as the frictional force. In easier words, the force which discourages movement while interacting with one more item is known as Rubbing or Frictional force. This force. extraordinarily fluctuates according to the surface of the surface which is in touch.

To know more about Rolling, visit here:



an electromagnetic wave with a peak magnetic field magnitude of 1.50 10-7 t has an associated peak electric field of what magnitude?


45 V/m is the corresponding maximum component of the related peak electric field.


Electromagnetic pulse with a maximum magnetic field strength of [tex]1.5 * 10^{-7}[/tex]T

The following is the relationship between the magnetic and electric fields:

E = B × c,

where c = [tex]3 * 10^{8}[/tex] m/s.

[tex]E = (1.5 * 10^{-7}) * (3 * 10^{8})[/tex]

= 45 V/m

Electric fields are created by magnetic fields that are changing and electric charges.

With an electric charge or a collection of charges, an electric field will also exist. Any charged object placed in this field will experience an electrostatic attraction as a result of the field's interactions with the charge of the object. Field lines show the force that would act on a positively charged particle at that instant if it were within the field.

In the end, charge transport results in the development of magnetic fields. The magnetic field surrounding the straight wire may be seen as electricity passes across it. Motors and even computer data storage are also powered by this phenomenon.

To know more about magnetic field, click the below link



In order to gather warmth, alligators can often be found lying on the grassy banks of lakes during the daylight hours to regulate their body temperature. How is heat transferred to the alligator?.


The warm water of the lake transfers heat to the alligator through conduction.

Ectothermic animals like alligators depend on outside heat sources to maintain body temperature. By taking a sunbath or relocating to places with warmer or colder air or water temperatures, alligators may regulate their body temperature. Ectothermic, or cold-blooded, alligators experience temperature changes in response to their surroundings. Alligators are forced to actively regulate their body temperature as a result, searching out locations that are both warm and cool enough for them. Alligators may lay in the sun with their jaws open to allow heat to escape while they enjoy the Florida sunshine as it becomes too hot over 92°. Alligators will move very little during the day and become more active at night if the temperature is too high.

The complete question is attached as an image.

If you want to know more about alligators visit the following link;



consider position b, and then solve the following problem. assume the angle to the vertical line for position b is 45 degrees. now also assume that the main muscle that holds the arm in position is the deltoid muscle, represented by a red arrow. the angle of the deltoid muscle is 15 degrees and its distance to the center of rotation is 17 cm. if the cog for the arm is 38 cm from the center of rotation, and its weight is 35 n, what is the force that the deltoid muscle must exert to keep the arm stationary in 45 degrees position?


The amount of Force required by the deltoid muscle to maintain the arm still in the 45-degree position 131.33 N.

How much pressure is applied to the forearm by the biceps muscle?

As a result, the weight being supported is 7.38 times heavier than the force being applied by the biceps. The angle between the forearm and upper arm in the biceps muscle illustration above is 90°.


Force = 35N

Distance = 17 m

degree of angle = 45

F = Mass × acceleration

35 N = Mass × 9.8

Mass = 35 / 9.8

Mass = 3.57

considering position b at angle 45

W = F ×d × cos∅

W = 35 × 17 × cos45°

W = 35 ₓ 17ₓ 0.70

W = 416.5 joule

To know more about deltoid muscle force  visit:-



which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


parallax To calculate the distances to nearby stars, astronomers employ a phenomenon known as parallax.A apparent relocation of an object due to a change in the writer's point of view is known as parallax.The closest star is Alpha Centauri.

How does NASA calculate the length of a spacecraft?

Lightyears.A lightyear, or the distance light travels in a year (about 9.5 trillion km), is a unit of measurement used to describe distance in space.

Which of the following is the most effective way to calculate how far away a star is?

Trigonometric parallax, also known as star parallax, is a technique used by astronomers to calculate the distances of nearby celestial objects.

To know more about nearby galaxy visit:



Based on what you know about how fossils are created, rank the following organisms based on the likelihood that they would be preserved in the fossil record.
1. Jellyfish
2. Plant Leaf
3. Coyote
4. Fish
5. Clam


The order is : Leaf, clam, coyote, fish, jellyfish

The study of fossils of plant life of the geologic past is called paleobotany. Paleobotany tells us the story of preserved vestiges of the plant life of the past. In simplified language paleobotany may be defined as a branch of botany which deals with the study of such plants which are living in past but extinct now.The study of dead remains of the organism or their imprints preserved in the geological rocks is called fossil.Fossils are used to study organisms present in the past. They are present in rocks. Now they are required to be dug out. Normally the plant dies and it degeneration starts immediately. This degeneration remains continue till the entire body is broken into chemical compounds. Thus no evidences of its former remain in existence. But sometimes under certain circumstances the degeneration of plant body stops. Thus parts of the body remain in visible form. These remains are known as fossils. These fossils are lifeless.

To know more about fossils visit:



Large stars can explode as they finish burning their nuclear fuel, causing a supernova. the explosion blows away the outer layers of the star. according to newton’s third law, the forces that push the outer layers away have reaction forces that are inwardly directed on the core of the star. these forces compress the core and can cause the core to undergo a gravitational collapse. the gravitational forces keep pulling all the matter together tighter and tighter, crushing atoms out of existence. under these extreme conditions, a proton and an electron can be squeezed together to form a neutron. if the collapse is halted when the neutrons all come into contact with each other, the result is an object called a neutron star, an entire star consisting of solid nuclear matter. many neutron stars rotate about their axis with a period of ≈1s and, as they do so, send out a pulse of electromagnetic waves once a second. these stars were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars.What is the speed of a point on the equator of the star?


So our solar is honestly a median star, so it is now no longer mainly big or very small at all.

So common stars do not have sufficient mass to blow up on the quit in their lives neutron stars, the pressure of gravity has beaten the resistance of electrons to compression and has compelled them to mix with protons to shape neutrons. Even the nuclei of atoms are obliterated on this process, and subsequently the collective resistance of neutrons to compression halts the collapse.

Large stars can explode as they end burning their nuclear fuel, inflicting a supernova. The explosion blows away the outer layers of the star. According to Newton's 1/3 law, the forces that push the outer layers away have response forces which can be inwardly directed at the center of the star.

Read more about gravity;



in a certain experiment, a radio transmitter emits sinusoidal electromagnetic waves of frequency 105.0 mhz in opposite directions inside a narrow cavity with reflectors at both ends, causing a standing wave pattern to occur. part a how far apart are the nodal planes of the magnetic field? express your answer in meters. templatessymbols undoredoresetkeyboard shortcutshelp nothing m request answer part b if the standing wave pattern is determined to be in its eighth harmonic, how long is the cavity?


As a result, the hollow is 10.90 meters long and the distance between the nodal planes is 1.36 meters.

Explain electromagnetic waves.

The oscillations between an electric field and a magnetic field produce waves known as electromagnetic waves, or EM waves.

By definition, we understand that the frequency equals,

f = c/λ


λ = wavelength

c= Speed of light

λ = 2L / n

While the wavelength is equal to,


L = Length

n = Number of antinodes/nodes

PART A) We know that the first component's wavelength is 110 MHz, so

λ = c/ f

λ = 3*10^8 / 11*10^6

λ = 1.36m

Therefore the distance between the nodal planes is 1.36m

PART B) For this part we need to find the Length through the number of nodes (8) and the wavelength, that is,

λ` = 2l /n

L = 8*2.72/ 2

L = 10.90m

Therefore the length of the cavity is 10.90m.

To know more about electromagnetic waves visit:-



how does the gravitational field gx at the surface of planet x compare with the gravitational field gy at the surface of planet y?


The gravitational field gx at the surface of planet x compare with the gravitational field gy at the surface of planet y as illustrated by gX=3gY.

What is a gravitational field?

According to physics, a gravitational field is the influence a massive body has on the area around it, exerting a force on another massive body. In other words, a gravitational field measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg) helps to explain gravitational field.  

It should be noted that gravitational field is a model used to explain the influences that a massive body extends into the space around itself, producing a force on another massive body.

Planet X has a radius of RR and a mass of MM. Planet Y has a radius of 3R3R and a mass of 3M3M. As shown above, identical satellites orbit both planets at a distance RR above their surfaces. The planets are so far apart that the gravitational forces between them are insignificant. Here, the comparison is gX=3gY.

Learn more about gravitational field on:



Complete question

Planet X has a mass of MM and a radius of RR. Planet Y has a mass of 3M3M and a radius of 3R3R. Identical satellites orbit both planets at a distance RR above their surfaces, as shown above. The planets are separated by such a large distance that the gravitational forces between them are negligible.

How does the gravitational field gXgX at the surface of Planet X compare with the gravitational field gYgY at the surface of Planet Y?

planet x has a mass of m and a radius of r. planet y has a mass of 3m and a radius of 3r. identical satellites orbit both planets at a distance r above their surfaces, as shown above. the planets are separated by such a large distance that the gravitational forces between them are negligible. question how does the gravitational field gx at the surface of planet x compare with the gravitational field gy at the surface of planet y?


The gravitational field on planet y is one-third that on planet x.

What is a gravitational field?

A gravitational field is athe rgion around a mass where the effect of its gravitational force is felt.

How to find how the gravitational field gx at the surface of planet x compare with the gravitational field gy at the surface of planet y?

Since planet x has a mass of m and a radius of r. planet y has a mass of 3m and a radius of 3r. identical satellites orbit both planets at a distance r above their surfaces. To find how their gravitational fields compare, we find the magnitude of their gravitational acceleration g

The gravitational acceleration is given by g = GM/R² where

G = universal gravitational constant, M = mass of planet and R = radius of planet

For planet x, we have that

M = m and R = r

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, its gravitational acceleration is gx = GM/R²

gx = Gm/r²

For planet y, we have that

M = 3m and R = 3r

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, its gravitational acceleration is g = GM/R²

= G(3m)/(3r)²

= 3Gm/9r²

= Gm/3r²

Since gx = Gm/r², we have that

gy = Gm/3r²

= (Gm/r²)/3

= gx/3

So, the gravitational field on planet y is one-third that on planet x.

Learn more about gravitational field here:



If a hydrogen atom were enlarged to be 2 mi wide, what size would the single proton in its nucleus be?

About the size of a city block
About the size of a stadium
About the size of a golf ball


When hydrogen atoms were enlarged to be 2 miles wide, the size of protons in the nucleus will be the size of a golf ball.

What are Atoms?

An atom is a unit of matter that specifically characterizes a chemical element. One or more negatively charged electrons surround the core nucleus of an atom, which is made up of all of them. One or more protons and neutrons, which are comparatively heavy particles, can be found in the positively charged nucleus.

What are Protons?

The nucleus of an atom is made up of neutrons and protons, two extremely small subatomic particles. More protons (and neutrons) are found in heavier atoms. The lightest element, hydrogen, has a single proton in its nucleus.


1 miles = 1.6 × [tex]10^{3}[/tex] m

Standard diameter size of an atom = 2.4 × [tex]10^{-10}[/tex]

Standard diameter size of a proton = 1.68 × [tex]10^{-15}[/tex]


Diameter of atom = 2 miles = 2 (1.6 × 10³ m) = 3.2 × 10³ m


3.2 × 10³ m / 2.4 × [tex]10^{-10}[/tex]m  =  1.34  × [tex]10^{13}[/tex]

Hence, the increased size of the proton = 1.68 × [tex]10^{-15}[/tex]  × 1.34  × [tex]10^{13}[/tex] = 2.24 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]m. Nearly about the size of a golf ball.

To know more about Atoms, check out:



in an l-r-c series circuit, the rms voltage across the resistor is 30.0 v, across the capacitor it is 90.0 v, and across the inductor it is 55.0 v. what is the rms voltage of the source?


The rms voltage of the source is 46.09 V in an i-r-c circuit.

Voltage across the resistor = v₁ = 30 V

Voltage across the capacitor = v₂ = 90 V

Voltage across the inductor = v₃ = 55 V

The rms voltage across the source in an i-r-c circuit is = v =

= v = √ (v₁² + ( v₃ - v₂)² )

= v = √ (30² + ( 55 - 90)² )

= v = √ (900 + ( -35)² )

= v = √ (900 + 1225 )

= v = √2125

= v = 46.09 V

To know more about rms Voltage:



8. A skydiver, with a weight on Earth of 1470 N, jumps on a foreign planet and after 5 seconds the net force acting an him is 600 N downward as he encounters an alien air resistance of 300 N. What is gravity on this alien planet?


The gravity on this alien planet is 3.8 m/s².

What is the gravity on this alien planet?

The gravity on this alien planet is calculated by applying Newton's second law of motion.

F = mg


m is the mass of the skydiverg is acceleration due to gravity on the alien planet

The mass of the skydiver is calculated from his weight on Earth

m = ( 1470 N ) / (9.8 m/s²)

m = 150 kg

The weight of the skydiver on the alien planet is calculated as follows;

W = 1470 N - (600 N + 300 N)

W = 570 N

The acceleration due to gravity on the alien plane is calculated as follows;

g = 570 N / 150 kg

g = 3.8 m/s²

Learn more about gravity here: https://brainly.com/question/557206


A 8.0-m long wire with a mass of 10 g is under tension. a transverse wave for which the frequency is 570 hz, the wavelength is 0.10 m, and the amplitude is 3.7 mm is propagating on the wire. the maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is closest to:_______.


The maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is closest to 4.7*10³ m/s².

Calculation :

The maximum transverse acceleration ,

A = 3.7mm = 3.7*10⁻³ m


w = 2πf


w   = 3.581*10³

w² = 12.826*10⁶

a = (3.7*10⁻³ m)(12.826*10⁶)

a = 4.7*10³ m/s².

In mechanics, acceleration is the price of exchange of an item's pace with appreciate to time. Acceleration is a vector quantity (as lengthy because it has magnitude and direction. The direction of an item's acceleration is given by means of the path of the net pressure performing on that object. As described in Newton's second law. the significance of an object's acceleration is the combined effect of two assets.

Acceleration inside the car's contemporary route of journey is known as linear (or tangential, within the case of circular movement) acceleration, and the passenger perceives that response as pushing returned into the seat. Acceleration acting while changing direction is called radial (or centripetal in the case of circular motion) acceleration, and passengers revel in the response as centrifugal pressure.

Learn more about acceleration here : https://brainly.com/question/460763


a softball player leaves the batter's box, overruns first base by 3.0 meters, and then returns to first base. compared to the total distance traveled by the player, the magnitude of the player's total displacement from the batter's box is


His run covered a distance of 6 meters more than his displacement. Only the terminal points determine displacement. Displacement is unrelated to the path travelled.

Let the distance to the first base be x m.

Given: x m is the distance to the first base.

Thus, distance, after overrun, equals x + 3 m.

Distance after returning is therefore equal to

x + 3 + 3 = x + 6 m.

Displacement is now equal to

x + 3 - 3 (going back) = x m.

Because x + 6 > x, displacement equals distance.

the magnitude of the player's total displacement from the batter's box is

6 meters.

To learn more about displacement Please visit the below link.



What is the new orbital speed after friction from the earth's upper atmosphere has done −7. 5×109J of work on the satellite?


The new orbital speed after friction from the earth's upper atmosphere is 8674.15 m/s.

When the work done by a force does not depend on the choice of path, the force is called the conservative force. Some examples are a gravitational force, elastic spring force and electric force. On the other hand, when the work done by a force relies on the choice of the path of the motion, it is called non-conservative force.

The net work done by non-conservative force is W = ΔK + ΔP ----(1)

Given that, work done W = -7.5 * 10⁹ J

Change in kinetic energy = (Kf - Ki)

Final kinetic energy Kf = 1/2* m * Vf²

Initial kinetic energy Ki = 1/2* m * Vi²

Mass of the satellite m = 848 kg

Vf = Final speed

Vi = Initial speed = 9640 m/s

Change in gravitational potential energy ΔP = 0

Substituting the values in (1),

1/2* m (Vf² - Vi²) = W

1/2 * 848( Vf² -9640²) = W

Making Vf as subject,

Vf = √( 2W/m + Vi²)

⇒ √( -2* 7.5 * 10⁹/848 + 9640²)

⇒ 8674.15 m/s

Thus, the final speed decreases due to friction.

To know more about friction:



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