9. What is the process called when two varieties of plants are crossed in anattempt to create a new variety with traits from both parents?A. cloningB. hybridizationC. selective breeding


Answer 1

To answer this question we need to remember come concepts first, cloning implies that an identical genetic individual is created, meanwhile, selective breeding means that only the members of a population that exhibit the desired trait will be crossed, which left us hybridization, this involves a cross between species or varieties, therefore this is the correct answer (option B).

Related Questions

Scientists believe that _______ of species that once existed on Earth are now extinct.A) about 40%B) about three-quartersC) nearly halfD) over 99 percent


Scientists believe that over 99 percent (D answer option) of species that once existed on Earth are now extinct. This can be known by archeologist research, which allows us to know what species lived in the past by studying the soil, its different layers, and the found fossils, dating with high precision how many years ago those organisms inhabited our planet. With these research tools, we have known that there were at least five massive extinctions on the Earth, where aquatic and terrestrial species perished, and they are the Ordovician-Silurian (around 440 mya), Devonian, the Permian-Triassic, the Triassic-Jurassic, and the Cretaceous-tertiary (65 mya) extinctions.

I need help, look at the pic provided, it’s from my prep guide


The chocolate chip, which represents fossil fuels, leave a hole or spaces when extracted from the cookie. Much like when we take fossil fuel underground, there will be empty spaces underground left behind when the fossil fuels are extracted. In the case of coal mine, there are surface mines. Surface mines level off mountains to extract the coals within. It can cause change of landscapes.

In the cookie's case, it looked ugly without the chocolate chip. In the case of the environment, the surface of the mountains are stipped off and are no longer capable of sustaining life.

Sliding Filament Theory
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The sliding filament theory of muscle contraction is probably one of the most difficult physiological concepts to grasp in BIO 141. The purpose of this discussion board is to assist students with their understanding of how skeletal muscle contracts by writing about and discussing the topic.

For the initial post, please explain in your own words your understanding of the sliding filament theory beginning from when the calcium is released from SR until the sarcomere actually shortens. Be use to include all of the protein filaments and their role in the contraction. Also, is there anything that you are having difficulty understanding? If you have questions, ask them.


Two ground-breaking scientific publications explaining the chemical underpinnings of muscle contraction were published in 1954.

What is sliding filament theory?

The cylindrical, long cells that make up skeletal muscle. They are referred to as muscle fibers or myofibers because of how they appear. Skeletal muscle fibers are multinucleated cells, which means that they have multiple nuclei (rather than a single nucleus), as a result of the early developmental fusion of numerous precursor muscle cells (embryonic myoblasts).

Some parts of a sarcomere shrink while others remain the same size. A sarcomere is defined as the space between two adjacent Z discs or Z lines; this space is shrunk when a muscle contracts.

Only thick filaments are present in the H zone, which is the center of the A zone, and it shortens during contraction. The I band includes just thin filaments and likewise shortens.

Therefore, Two ground-breaking scientific publications explaining the chemical underpinnings of muscle contraction were published in 1954.

To learn more about sliding filament theory, refer to the link:



How can gene theropy improve humn society?


Gene therapy can improve the society by being able to treat a wide range of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, etc.

What is Gene therapy?

A gene is referred to as the the basic physical and functional unit of heredity and is present in the DNA of living organisms. On the other hand gene therapy is the process in which there are changes made to the human  genome in other to treat a disease or illness.

This is usually done by introducing a normal gene into an individual's genome in order to repair different types of mutation and has been effectively proven to have such type of property.

Gene therapy generally ensures that different types of sicknesses are successfully treated by the healthcare professionals thereby decreasing the mortality rate.

Read more about Gene therapy here https://brainly.com/question/824754


Please help me label this diagram and that c question only. I am confused in it.


a: endosperm

b: cotyledon

c: coleoptile

d: epicotyl

e: hypocotyl

f: radicle

The photo shows parts of a monocot seed. The type of seed germination observed from monocot seed is hypogeal germination.

If the light-independent reaction can run without light, why does oxygen production (and presumably glucose production) stop?


Because sunlight is needed to break down h2o and co2 molecules in to c6h12o6

In which landscape region would you most likely find intensely metamorphosed rock?


The New York State landscape is most composed by metamorphosed rocks as well the gneiss, which are rocks formed when subjected to high heat, pressure, hot mineral fluids. These types of rocks and condictions are found deep into the Earth and in the place where tectonic plates commonly meet.

Explain how soil structure affects the physical properties of soil.


Answer: The properties of soil is giving the nutrients needed for the plant to survive, and help it stay in healthy shape, now the structure must be very important in order for the plant to receive its nutrients in the specific process needed.

Hope that helps.

The properties of soil is giving the nutrients needed for the plant to survive, and help it stay in healthy shape, now the structure must be very important in order for the plant to receive its nutrients.

What are the physical properties of soil?

Color, texture, structure, porosity, density, consistence, aggregate stability, and temperature are among the physical characteristics of soil. These characteristics have an impact on biological activity, nutrient cycling, infiltration, and erosion.

Soil structure is one of the most important soil's physical factors controlling or modulating the flow and retention of water, solutes, gases, and biota in agricultural and natural ecosystems.

The movement of air, water, solutes, and heat through the soil is governed by the physical characteristics of the soil. Depth, temperature, texture, structure, bulk density, and water-holding capacity are the primary physical characteristics of soil.

Learn more about soil physical properties:



11. Which of these is a food chain from the diagram? A. Grain, rabbit, owlB. carrot, mouse, fox c. fox, bird, graind. grass, grasshopper, owl12. in the diagram above, where does ALL the energy come from?a. sunb. producerc. primary consumerd. secondary consumer 13. Which of those above would have the FEWEST number of organisms?a. grassesb. mousec. rabbits d. foxes


The organism in the diagram that can be considered a producer is the Grain,

- Genes and heredity
Identification of dominant and recessive traits
Identification of the genotype and phenotype
Identification of the homozygous and heterozygous
What do Punnet square represent? How to set up a Punnet square correctly?


In order to determine whether a trait is dominant or not, you must have an organism that is known to be heterozygous. Parental phenotype that occurs in a heterozygous organism is dominant. Trait that reappear in f2 generation is recessive .

Identification of genotype of an organism with a dominant phenotype, one Test cross must be done .

If an organism exhibiting a dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous for a specific allele, It is needed to  perform a test cross.

Punnett square is a table in which all of the possible results for a genetic cross between two individuals with known genotypes is performed .

Punnett Square, the genotype of each parent is placed on the sides of a four chambered box. Alleles of one parents is set up on top and other placed down one side .

To learn more about Punnett Square , here



Pictured below is a food web showing feeding relationships between organisms in the Chesapeake Bay. Which of the following species would contain the lowest amount of stored energy inthis ecosystem?A.GeeseB.PhytoplanktonC.Bald eagleD.Sea ducks


The energy flow in a food chain works from the highest to the lowest amount, since the energy flows starts from the light used by the producers to make photoshynthesis, and is gradually lost with the passafe of each trophic level. Therefore, between the organisms in the Chesapeake Bay the alternative C. Bald eagle is the one that presents the species with the lowest amount of stored energy in this food chain, being it the last trophic level (tertiary comsumer).

Need help with home work please Question:Write the correct letter to identify the structure being described. Letters may be used more than once.


Biology > Human Biology > Central nervous system + Peripheral nervous system

In the diagram, we are looking at three distinct structures, the brain (A) and spinal cord (B) that make up the central nervous system, and peripheral nerves (C) that make up the peripheral nervous system and come from the spinal cord.

The peripheral nervous system picks up signals from the environment and sends them to the brain, which processes them. Therefore, the answers would be as follows:

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. A

Shape is essential for an enzyme but?Shape is essential for an enzyme so?


answer and explanation

While analyzing a karyotype, geneticists identify a missing chromosome. Which term describes this chromosomal abnormality?aneuploidypolyploidytriploidytetraploidy


The correct answer is the first one, aneuploidy. Aneuploidies refer to qualitative or quantitative abnormalities in the chromosome set.


A, aneuploidy


Got it right on edge 2022 .

Question 5 (1 point)In the pedigree below individual 4 in generation II (two) would have to have which ofthe following genotypes, if the shaded (black) shape indicates a recessive trait.


Individual 4 in generation II has a genotype of Aa.

This is an example of heterozygous pair. The presence of two different alleles at a particular gene locus. A heterozygous genotype may include one normal allele and one mutated allele or two different mutated alleles.

This is an example of heterozygous pair.

What is heterozygous pair?

The term “heterozygous” also refers to a pair of alleles. Unlike homozygous, being heterozygous means you have two different alleles. You inherited a different version from each parent. In a heterozygous genotype, the dominant allele overrules the recessive one. Therefore, the dominant trait will be expressed.

Moreover, the presence of two different alleles at a particular gene locus. A heterozygous genotype may include one normal allele and one mutated allele or two different mutated alleles.

Therefore, an organism that has the same two copies of a gene is considered homozygous for that trait, while an organism that has different copies of a gene for a particular trait is considered heterozygous for that trait.

Learn more about heterozygous:



7) Tom received $400 for his birthday, and he decided to spend it all. How much did he spend on clothes?


A. $96

B. $86

C. $75

D. $60

E. $20


8) How much did Tom’s snowboard cost?


A. $216

B. $180

C. $110

D. $85

E. $56


9) How much did he spend on video games?


A. $3

B. $14

C. $56

D. $86

E. $110


10) About how much did he spend on DVDs and video games combined?


A. $17

B. $34

C. $55

D. $68

E. $88

help!! please n thank u sm text my number so i can thank you sm! 785-580-8256



7) A. $96

8) A. $216

9) C. $86

10) E. $88


7) Clothes = hat (3%) + sneakers (21%)

Hat: $400 * 3%(0.03) = $12

Sneakers: $400 x 21%(0.21) = $84

$12 + $84 = $96!

8) Find snowboard percentage by:

100% - (The all revealed percent)

= 100% - (21%+14%+8%+3%) = 51%

= $400 * 51%(0.51) = $216

9) Video games = 14%

= $400 * 41%(0.41) = $86


Dvds: $400 * 8% = $32

Video games = $86

= $32 + $86


I hope this is helpfull and understandable. Just ask me if u don't understand something about this ^^

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by _____. a virus bacteria rickettsia


Answer:Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii

Explanation:This fever is spread to humans by bites from the American dog tick or the wood tick.

Ticks, a infected tick with this bacterial disease.

There are two parts to this question can I get a coherent explanation for this pls?


A)In this case, we are talking of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, in the first case the nicotinic is called like that because nicotine can activate them, meanwhile the second is not, so in the table type one would be nicotinic meanwhile type two would be muscarinic. So nicotinic receptors are ligand-activated receptors, they possess hetero-oligomers of five subunits each with four transmembrane domains, meanwhile the muscarinic are coupled to a G protein, consist of individual proteins with seven transmembrane domains.

Nicotinic receptors allow the entrance of NA+ ions or the exit of K+, In some other cases allow the pass of Ca+, depolarizing the cell and generating a postsynaptic potential. Meanwhile, the muscarinic receptors mediate the subsequent hyperpolarization (recovery of the neuron after depolarization) and a type of depolarization (slow polarization).

B)Actilcholinesterase hydrolyzes the acetylcholine and that way ends the action of the neurotransmitter released in the synaptic cleft, if this neurotransmitter is not eliminated the ionic channels mediated by the receptors would not open again, as long as the acetylcholine is still detected once depolarization occurred the channel will not open, so muscular contraction cannot happen normally if acetylcholinesterase is inhibited.

3. Calculate: You can use your data to estimate the duration of each phase of the cell cycle. For example, if 8% of the cells were in prophase and the cell cycle was 10 hours long, then prophase would last 8% of 10 hours, or 0.8 hours (48 minutes). Use percentages to estimate the duration of each phase of the cell cycle. Telophase


The duration of each phase of cell division is:

Interphase = 8 hours 27 minutesProphase = 46 minutesMetaphase = 6 minutesAnaphase = 15 minutes

What is cell division?

Cell division refers to the process by which individual cells grow and divide to produce two daughter cells.

There are four stages of cell division. They are given below as follows:


The percentage of cells in each phase of the cell cycle is given below as follows:

Interphase: 84.5%

Prophase:  7.7%

Metaphase: 1%

Anaphase:  2.5

The duration of each phase of the cell cycle will be:

Interphase: 84.5% * 10 hours = 8 hours 27 minutes

Prophase:  7.7% * 10 hours = 46 minutes

Metaphase: 1% * 10 hours = 6 minutes

Anaphase:  2.5% * 10 hours = 15 minutes

Learn more about cell division at: https://brainly.com/question/22762044


If you’re a smart biologist you can help me with this


During his experiments, Mendel used the pea plant as an object of study. Some of the reasons were that these plants have genetic variability (different color, shape or size), crossing between varieties is easy, and self-pollination can be prevented by removing the anthers of the flowers.

Since Mendel's experiments did involve dominant and recessive alleles for a trait, and flowers can be easily protected from foreign or self-pollinated pollen, the answer is D (a plant that has only 2 alleles for a trait), since the traits that Mendel evaluated as color or shape had two alleles for each trait (color: yellow/green, shape: smooth/rough).

Analyze the composition and location of each rock in the table below. Use this information to answer the following question.
Which rock would most likely experience the highest rate of chemical weathering?


i would say rock three but i am not too sure

Someone help please



DNA, Nucleus, RNA polymerase, template strand, mRNA

mRNA, amino acids, proteins, ribosome, tRNA, polypeptide


I have to go to class but in about an hour I can explain it if you want me to

Transcription - DNA converted into mRNA

DNA in nucleus

translation - mRNA converted into amino acids

mRNA in ribosomes

In what stage of growth can hair most readily be removed from the scalp?



The telogen phase


In the telogen phase, the follicle is dormant or resting. The transition period between the anagen and telogen phases is referred to as the catagen phase. Hairs are routinely lost during the telogen phase and often become a primary source of evidentiary material.

Which options correctly describe the components of the scientific method?


The scientific method is a series of steps followed during scientific investigations, with the objective of testing possible answers to the questions asked.

Some of the steps in this method are:



-Research of the background


-Testing of the hypothesis or experimentation

-Analysis of data



We can compare the options with this.

a) That the results are believable is a somewhat ambiguous characteristic, so is not very useful to describe the components of the scientific method.

b) That the results can be verified or tested is indeed a characteristic of the scientific method, as the results should be replicable to be considered valid.

c) The measurement is important for the results to be objective, so this is also describing the scientific method.

d) It's not strictly necessary that what we are testing can be detected by senses, because in some cases the subjects of the scientific method cannot be observed directly by humans, but we can use equipment to be able to detect them.

So, in this case, B and C would be the correct answers.

which of the cell is concerned with cellular metabolism?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. chloroplast
d. nucleolus​


As mitochondria is responsible for cellular metabolism that is why, according to the question mitochondria is the correct answer.

Mitochondria is a cell organelle, originally derived from a theory called endosymbiotic theory. According to this theory, mitochondria went through endosymbiosis that is mitochondria existed as an individual bacterium and was engulfed by a higher-level cell.

Mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the cell, as it produces all the metabolites for the cellular respiration and metabolism.

Mitochondria produces ATP by number of metabolic pathways such as - glycolysis, where the breakdown of glucose takes place, and it is metabolized into pyruvate. Tri-carboxylic acid cycle or citric acid cycle also known as Kreb's cycle, an eight-step pathway that uses the pyruvate from glycolysis and converts into acetyl Co-A, which gives NADH and FADH2. Electron transport chain, that uses the NADH to transport electrons from highly electronegative complex to electropositive complex.  

Learn more about mitochondria at,


What is a scientific explanation for a set of observations that canbe tested and is written with an "if/then" statement?A. a theoryB. a hypothesis


The answer is the letter B. a hypothesis

*A hypothesis is a possible explanation that corresponds to set of observations

Individual II-5 can be described as:a) male carrierb) male homozygous recessivec) female heterozygousd) female homozygous recessive


What we see in the image is a genealogy, where a disease or trait is highlighted. Each square and circle represents an individual, and its color represents whether they have the disease (completely black), are carriers (half and half), or are healthy (white).

In this case, both squares and circles can be carriers, so this is not a disease carried in the sex chromosomes, and this also means two copies are needed for the disease to express, so the individual with the disease (black) are homozygous recessive. This means that individual 5 from generation II is NOT homozygous recessive.

Usually, squares represent males and circles represent females, so that means that II-5 would be a female heterozygous.

Hi I need help with this question please and thank you


The process of transcription and translation is important since their regulation decides the genes expressed by a cell, determining the function that this cell can perform.

Why does genetic drift affect a
small population more than a
large one?
A. small populations have more diversity than a
large population
B. the loss of a few alleles causes a large shift in
the allele frequency of a small population
C. large populations have more allele diversity
so a dramatic event would result in more loss





Genetic drift is more important in small populations because the chances of an allele being lost or fixed in the population are much higher, this is because each individual in a small population represents a larger proportion of the entire population (than in a large population).

May I please get help with these analysis questions. I also need to provide examples for each questionI would appreciate it if I could please get help with answering them all in a way I can understand and get a good grade1) Consider the the specializations of the cells above. What are some advantages to being a multicellular organism as opposed to a unicellular organism?


The advantages of multicellular organism over a unicellular organism is that:

- The multicellular organism can have a longer lifespan because they cells can die and be substitued without the death of the whole organism;

- The multicellular organism can increse in size without limitations because the cells integrate and associated;

- In addiction, multicellularity also permits each cell be able to specialize in different metabolic activities.

- The multicellularity promotes differents types of cells in one organism.

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