Which characteristic ultimately led to General
McClellan's replacement as Commander of the Union
(1 point)
Ohis organizational ability
Ohis cautious nature on the battlefield
Ohis reckless nature on the battlefield
Ohis failure at the first Battle of Bull Run


Answer 1

The characteristic that ultimately led to General McClellan being replaced was B. his cautious nature on the battlefield

Why was General McClellan replaced ?

Following the 1862 midterm elections, McClellan was relieved of his command in November. After the tactically indecisive but strategically significant Union victory at the Battle of Antietam at Sharpsburg, Maryland, McClellan chose not to pursue Lee's army.

Lincoln was prepared to overlook it, though, as long as McClellan helped him win. The fundamental fault in McClellan was his tendency to put things off. His hesitation to march against the Confederates and use delay tactics helped them to recruit allies and win crucial battles with less than half the number of soldiers.

He was therefore, too cautious.

Find out more on General McClellan at https://brainly.com/question/12530578


Related Questions

What was one part of Henry Clay's American System?

OA. Moving Indigenous peoples to western lands

OB. Lowering tariffs to benefit southerners

OC. Investing in roads, canals, and railways

OD. Expanding slavery into new territories


One element of Henry Clay's American System was to make investments in railroads, canals, and roadways. As a result, choice (C) is the best way to respond.

What was Henry Clay’s American system?

In addition to rechartering the national bank and establishing a protective tariff, Henry Clay's American system supported the expansion of the country's transportation infrastructure. Because protective tariffs shielded US industry from British competition but did little to benefit the south, this system is better for the north.

One of the most historically important examples of a government-sponsored initiative to harmonize and balance the country's agriculture, trade, and industry is Henry Clay's "American System," which was developed in the flurry of nationalism that followed the War of 1812.

Hence, option (C) is accurate.

Learn more about Henry Clay, from:



Bastille Day marks the beginning of the French Revolution. How was the Third Estate able to take control of their fate? Are there groups in our world today who are taking control of their own fate? Explain.


Bastille Day marks the beginning of the French Revolution.The Third Estate, the most represented, proclaimed a National Assembly and vowed to impose a new constitution on the King.

The Third Estate started taking matters into their own hands. They met themselves and invited other estate members.

What was the main purpose of the Third Estate?

Historians believe that one of his reasons for the French Revolution was to please the members of the Third Estate, who wanted a more equal distribution of wealth and power.

What impact did the third estate have?

Despite its immense size and economic importance, the Third Estate played little role in the government and decision-making of the ancient regimes. The frustration, dissatisfaction and anguish of the Third Estate were the central causes of the French Revolution.

Learn more about The Third Estate:



Read the passage from The Pillow Book.

"The Shigei Sha, who had moved back a little, was now facing in my direction. She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red damask, a long, flowing robe of darkish red, and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young. She held her fan steadily in front of her face. Altogether she was magnificent. . . .

I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty. But, when I turned back to Her Majesty and saw her tranquil expression, her charming features which had recently taken on a more adult cast, and her complexion which went so beautifully with her scarlet clothes, I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”

Which evidence best supports the conclusion that the author admired the empress?

A. “She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red . . .”
B. “. . . and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young.”
C. “I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty.”
D. “I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”


Answer: D

Explanation: I just took test

Answer:      D

Explanation: i took the test

In the 1970s,
women's rights activists worked to secure the passage of



Title IX


The women's movement was most successful in pushing for gender equality in workplaces and universities. The passage of Title IX in 1972 forbade sex discrimination in any educational program that received federal financial assistance.

which of the following statements about the african national congresss (anc) party in south africa is accurate?


Nelson Mandela-led nonviolent black organization that battled racial  discrimination , Leaders of the ANC started the military because to repression.

Where does racial prejudice typically occur?

Racism can occur anywhere, at any time. According to research, communities, stores, and places of employment are where racism most frequently happens. It also happens at sporting events, in classrooms, and on mass transit. The media occasionally portrays racism.

What impact does racism have on society?

Individuals' employment, well-being, and feeling of agency are all impacted by discrimination. Regularly discriminated people may internalized the shame or discrimination that is held on them, which can have negative effects on their health, including low self-esteem, fear, tension, and embarrassment.

To know more about racial discrimination visit:



Why were around 150 Native
Americans massacred at Sand
A. Native Americans had raided a governmental
building two weeks earlier.
B. It was an act of revenge by U.S. Army Colonel
Robert Chivington for the death of his family.
C. Native Americans were defending the gold
they found in the Black Hills.
D. Native Americans would not relocate to Utah.


Native Americans fought against white settlement and reservations in order to preserve their right to use their territory.

What is the Sand Creek Massacre?

This string of assaults and conflicts between European settlers in the West and the native populations already there included the Sand Creek Massacre.

The American Army slaughtered Cheyenne and Arapaho people during the American Indian Wars in what is known as the Sand Creek Massacre, also known as the Chivington Massacre, the Battle of Sand Creek, or the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians. A 675-man detachment of the Third Colorado Cavalry under the command of U.S. Volunteers Colonel John Chivington assaulted and decimated a town of Cheyenne and Arapaho people in Colorado on November 29, 1864.

To know more about Sand Creek Massacre, visit:



How did religious factors drive imperialism


the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end the slave trade in Africa. religious motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end the slave trade in Africa

3. Read the following quote, and analyze how the ideas within the quote may have
influenced the quotas of the National Origins Act (1924):
'Henceforth, after 1924, the immigrant to the United States was to be looked
upon, not as a source of cheap or competitive labor, nor as one seeking asylum from
foreign oppression ... but as a parent of future-born American citizens. This means that
the hereditary stuff out of which future immigrants were made would have to be
compatible racially with American ideals.' - Harry Laughlin, Eugenicist


Foreign oppression… but as a parent of future born American citizens. This means that

As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts,
the Boston Tea Party took place.
Thomas Paine published Common Sense.
the First Continental Congress was established.
British troops began staying in the homes of colonists.





As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts Thomas Paine published Common Sense.. Thus, option B is correct.

Who was Thomas Paine?

Thomas Paine was an English-born American author and political pamphleteer whose Crisis papers and Common Sense pamphlet had a significant impact on the American Revolution.

His defense of the French Revolution and republican ideas in Rights of Man and his exploration of the role of religion in society in The Age of Reason furthered his reputation as one of history's greatest political propagandists. When Paine passed away, the New York Citizen's obituary was reprinted in the majority of American newspapers. It included the following line: "He had lived long, done some good and much harm." For more than a century after his passing, this was the judgement of history, but things have changed.

Learn more about Thomas Paine here:



though trouble had been brewing between the two powers for some time, in the simplest sense, the mexican-american war started because the united states .


Even though hassle have been brewing among the 2 powers for a few time, within side the most effective sense, the Mexican-American battle commenced due to the fact the united states annexed Texas.

The required details for Mexican–American War in given paragraph

The Mexican–American War, additionally recognized within side the United States as the Mexican War and in Mexico as the Intervención estadounidense en México (United States intervention in Mexico), become an armed struggle fare among America and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. It accompanied the 1845 American annexation of Texas, which Mexico nevertheless taken into consideration its territory. Mexico refused to understand the Velasco treaty, as it become signed with the aid of using President Antonio López de Santa Anna even as he become captured with the aid of using the Texan Army in the course of the 1836 Texas Revolution. The Republic of Texas become de facto an impartial country, however maximum of its Anglo-American residents desired to be annexed with the aid of using America.

Sectional politics over slavery within side the United States had been stopping annexation due to the fact Texas might had been admitted as a slave state, frightening the stability of strength among Northern unfastened states and Southern slave states.

To know about Mexican–American War click here



What will be the consequences if we do not educate people with visual impairment? ​


Uneducated people struggle to fit in social situations, and often remain marginalized. The lack of resources generated by education prevents them from participating in numerous social activities in a productive and comprehensive way, in contrast to educated people who engage in the same activities without difficulty

What socio-political contributions of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan made him a ‘saviour’ of the Muslims of Sub-continent amid British Raj? Explain your answer with five relevant points.


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, one of the early pioneers of India, felt the need for education for the poor and backward Muslim community. With the foundation of the Madrasatul Uloom in Aligarh, he tried to make Western knowledge available to Indians in their own language.

The Aligarh Movement inspired Muslims to start many Muslim educational institutions in India. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wanted to spread the Muslim Managed educational institutions throughout the country. His activities helped the Muslims to come forward with a socio-political sensibility into them. He was the first person to realize the need for a fresh orientation of Islam and worked for it.

Read more about Aligarh Movement :


C. Explain the impact of Islam as a result of the Gold-Salt Trade using this excerpt:
In some capital cities, such as Ghana and Gao, the presence of Muslim merchants resulted in the
establishment of mosques. The Malian king Mansa Musa (r. 1312-37) brought back from a pilgrimage to
Mecca the architect al-Sahili, who is often credited with the creation of the Sudano-Sahelian building
style...Islam brought to Africa the art of writing and new techniques of weighting. The city of Timbuktu, for
instance, flourished as a commercial and intellectual center... Timbuktu... On the continent's eastern coast,
Arabic vocabulary was absorbed into the Bantu languages to form the Swahili language. On the other hand, in
many cases conversion for sub-Saharan Africans was probably a way to protect themselves against being sold
into slavery, a flourishing trade between Lake Chad and the Mediterranean. For their rulers, who were not
active proselytizers, conversion remained somewhat formal, a gesture perhaps aimed at gaining political
support from the Arabs and facilitating commercial relationships.


The impact of Islam as a result of the Gold-Salt Trade included :

New architectural styles Conversion of more people Introduction of a new language, Swahili Commercially successful cities

How did Islam change West Africa ?

Islam encouraged trade between the Mediterranean and West Africa. The trans-Saharan Caravan trade grew and expanded as a result of the religion. The Muslim and West African traders benefited financially from the trade. Muslims from North Africa flocked to the commercial hubs in large numbers.

The spread of Islam throughout Sub-Saharan Africa aided in the development of political edifices, promoted wealth and trade, and grew the slave trade. Islam was more alluring to kings in its purest form because the caliph blended political and religious authority.

This was why Islam was able to allow Africans to come up with new styles of building and architecture. More people also became Muslims for a variety of reasons and Swahili became a major language. All of this was thanks to the Gold - Salt Trade.

Find out more on the Gold - Salt trade at https://brainly.com/question/22223144


Which of the following is very important in women’s studies classes but less important in history classes?
A. essays
B. academic content
C. the student’s own perspective
D. a strict teacher


The student’s perspective is very important in women’s studies classes but less important in history classes. Hence, option C is appropriate.

What is the Women's Studies?

Women's studies is an interdisciplinary discipline that emphasizes social and cultural aspects while also placing the lives and experiences of women as the focus of study.

History, sociology, literature, politics, as well as psychology, are all incorporated into women's studies. Students who pursue a degree in women's studies learn about feminist philosophy, women's history, and how gender and society interact. Courses on racism instead gender, and masculinity studies, including LGBTQ+ studies are also common in many curricula.

Women's Studies, also known as Gender Studies as well as Feminist Studies, is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines how gender, race, age, class, the nation of origin, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and other differences intersect and affect virtually every aspect of social, political, and cultural life.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about Women's Studies here:



What contributed to Athens losing the pelonnesian war?


Answer: A plague

Explanation: Yes, Athens lost the Peloponnesian war because of a plague! It is believed that "the plague wiped out more than 30,000 citizens, sailors, soldiers, and others, including Pericles and his sons. The sad result of this plague was that (roughly) 1/3 to 2/3 of Athen's population dies just from the plague.


Which event during John Adam's presidency was the main reason the Federalist party began to fall apart?

The Boston Tea Party
The Jay Treaty
The Alien and Sedition Acts
The "Anti-federalist" speech by Thomas Jefferson


The event during John Adam's presidency which could be said to have been the reason the Federalist Party began to fall apart was C. The Alien and Sedition Acts.

What was the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, a group of laws, in 1798, and President Adams signed them into force. These legislation gave the government unprecedented authority to deport foreign nationals and made voting more challenging for recent immigrants. Before becoming able to vote, a new immigrant had to live in the country for five years, but a new rule increased this to fourteen.

The Alien Act gave the President the only authority to remove foreign enemy captives who were not citizens. The right to criticize the government was assailed by the Sedition Act, which also targeted the free press. The 1790s had a particularly tense partisan political climate due to the rise of the

There was outrage against the Federalist Party, which led to it beginning to fall apart.

Find out more on the Federalist Party at https://brainly.com/question/3014343


How did the religion affect who was in the upper class?


The people’s religion in the upper class would affect them because they might be judged by others because they have different cultures and beliefs.

Credit to: sahergi15

according to the hardy-weinberg equilibrium model, for a two allele system, when the alleles in a population are equal in frequency (a


The Hardy-Weinberg theorem is the essential null model for population genetics because it describes genotype frequency distributions in populations that are not changing.

Basic Mendelian Genetics:

The hereditary material was seen as a fluid that combined the qualities from two individuals to produce phenotypically intermediate children under the now debunked notion of blending inheritance. Blending inheritance may appear intuitively acceptable given patterns of similarity between parents and children, as it did to many of Charles Darwin's contemporaries. However, because Darwin's theory of natural selection (1859) relies on the occurrence of heritable trait variation in populations of organisms, this mechanism of inheritance presented issues.

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:

Mendelian genetics are discussed in the context of populations of diploid, sexually reproducing individuals in the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem.A population's allele frequencies won't fluctuate from generation to generation.

Evolutionary Implications of the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem:

In the absence of factors that alter allele frequencies, the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem shows that Mendelian loci segregating for multiple alleles in diploid populations will maintain predictable levels of genetic diversity. Plotting p2, 2pq, and q2 as a function of allele frequencies is a frequent method of illustrating these predictions .

Learn more about Hardy-Weinberg Theorem:



In Atlantic History, the period 1776-1848 is identified as one in which ideas of a new, liberal order founded on republican principles replaced an older social order organized around the monarchy, the Church, and corporate social structures that categorized people into classes. Examine the “The Age of Andean Insurrection” and the age of Latin American Independence comparatively, explaining how ideals of political change and the replacement of European authorities with native-born authorities changed between the middle of the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. What were some common economic and social complaints in the earlier period? How did rebels express their desire for political change during those years? In the later years, how were calls for change different? Which political concepts were most important to those later political actors?



The period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, many parts of the Americas saw a shift from older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance towards more liberal and republican ideals. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow Spanish colonial rule and establish new, native-born authorities.

During the earlier period of the Age of Andean Insurrection, which roughly corresponds to the middle of the eighteenth century, economic and social complaints were common among the indigenous and mestizo populations of the Andes. These included complaints about the high taxes and forced labor imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities, as well as the lack of political representation and the exclusion of indigenous and mestizo groups from positions of power and influence.

In response to these complaints, rebels in the Andean region often expressed their desire for political change through the use of violence and armed rebellion. For example, the Túpac Amaru II rebellion of 1780-1783 saw indigenous and mestizo rebels take up arms against the Spanish colonial authorities in an attempt to overthrow their rule and establish a more just and equitable society.

During the later period of the age of Latin American Independence, which roughly corresponds to the early nineteenth century, calls for political change continued to be common. However, these calls were often more focused on establishing new, independent nation-states in place of the Spanish colonial authorities. This shift in focus was due in part to the successful independence movements in the United States and Haiti, which served as models for Latin American rebels seeking to break free from European rule.

Political concepts such as popular sovereignty, republicanism, and the natural rights of individuals were important to many of the political actors of the later period. These concepts were often invoked in calls for independence and in the drafting of new, liberal constitutions for the newly independent nations of Latin America.

Overall, the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.


the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.


the answer is there in the pic also

why should the Continental army stop fighting against the british??



The Continental Army should stop fighting against the British because the war is no longer necessary to gain independence for the American colonies. The colonies have already declared their independence and the British have recognized it. Fighting any further would only create more suffering and death, and would not bring any new benefit.


To stop the chance of war.


It’s not good when any war breaks out and it wasn’t good even in the 1900’s or even before that when war broke out. War overall is bad and can ruin relationships between countries, even if it’s just partly or not entirely severed. It’s still important to try and stop fighting and wars at all costs.

Which of the following is an example of American influence in the world in 1968?

Other countries borrowed American language and strategy for protests against authority.

McDonald’s opened its first restaurants in Europe and Asia.

Other countries joined a U.S. coalition to win the war in Vietnam.

Automobiles in Japan got bigger.

The Soviet Union admitted that American consumer products were better.


Answer: Other countries borrowed American language and strategy for protests against authority.


which historical figure led a movement in india that was based on resisisting colonialism with noviolence


Answer: Mahatma Gandhi


by the turn of the twenty-first century, had become the largest heavy industrial producer in the world was:


By the turn of the twenty-first century, had become the largest heavy industrial producer in the world was: China.

What was western civilization?

Art, literature, culture, and enduring ideas that originated in the eastern Mediterranean basin in the centuries prior to the common era and developed in a variety of ways throughout the Middle Ages before taking on their modern form after the Renaissance are collectively referred to as Western civilization.

The present conception of Western civilization, which places a premium on individualism, rationalism, and democracy, has its roots in Ancient Greece. It has been affected by significant movements and eras like the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and Judeo-Christian ideas.

A brief history of Western civilisation refers to the art, culture, and enduring concepts that originated in the Mediterranean, Europe, and the Americas and evolved over time to the contemporary perception of a common "Western" identity. It draws on several traditions.

Ancient Greece and Rome are where the idea of Western civilization was first developed. The first significant urban settlements in the history of Europe were created by the Greeks during their 700–480 BCE empire. The Greeks observed the natural world using human reason.

To learn more on western civilization from the link:



Who was John Locke and what was his philosophy?


Answer: John Locke (1632–1704) is among the most influential political philosophers of the modern period. In the Two Treatises of Government, he defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarch


the 1824 election was ultimately decided by: group of answer choices the stance of the candidates on the major issues. the house of representatives. popular vote. a supreme court ruling. the electoral college.


The 1824 election was ultimately decided by the house of representatives.

How was the outcome of the 1824 election determined?

Even though Andrew Jackson had initially received more popular and electoral votes, John Quincy Adams was able to overcome him in 1824 by accumulating more electoral votes in the House of Representatives. Because even though Andrew Jackson won the most electoral votes and popular votes, he did not win with a majority. Clay backed Adams in the House, giving him the advantage and the victory. Even though Andrew Jackson had initially received more popular and electoral votes, John Quincy Adams was able to overcome him in 1824 by accumulating more electoral votes in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams, however, won the presidency.

To know more about elections click on the link below:



why is racism a fundamental fascist strategy.


According to the "Manifesto of Fascist Racism," which was published in July 1938, Italians were also descended from the Aryan race.

Describe the connection between Fascism and racism.

The temptation to generalize beyond the original Italian example and refer to any right-wing authoritarian movement or system as "fascism" or "fascist" emerged as early as 1923. Italian racial laws were implemented in one of the most heinous actions of the fascist administration. The characteristics of fascism and racism are outlined, and their interactions are analyzed.

Racial laws prohibited Jewish people from holding jobs in the government, the military, or the educational system, outlawed Jewish marriages and seized their property. These laws also targeted people of African descent. The two pamphlets were about Italians who live in the new African colonies and talk about the difficulties of raising Italian children in Africa and intermarriage between Italians and Africans.

To learn more about fascist, visit:



which of the following is true about the last two decades of the twentieth century? the poor and the middle class became worse off, while the rich became significantly richer.


During the last two decades of the twentieth century, there was a tendency for the rich to get significantly richer, while the poor and middle classes got worse off.

What do you call the 20th century?

The 20th century, a controversial term, is sometimes referred to in the United States and abroad as the "American Century."

Why is the 20th century called the age of extremes?

Historian Eric Hobsbawm called the 20th century an age of extremes. This is due to the nature of the events that have brought about enormous changes in the political and economic structure of the world.

What important changes occurred in the social dimension of society in the 19th century?

The 19th century was a revolutionary time in European history, a time of great change in all areas of life. Human and civil rights, democracy and nationalism, industrialization and the free market economy ushered in an era of change and opportunity.

Learn more about Twentieth century :



1609-1650. he succeeded hardy as the principal dramatist for the hotel bourgogne and adapted spanish drama - introducing the love vs. honor theme into french drama. he failed to create characters of great depth


Jean de Rotrou succeeded hardy as the principal dramatist for the hotel bourgogne and adapted spanish drama

Hardy: A Meliorist or Not?

Hardy himself disputed being pessimistic, referring to himself as a "meliorist," or someone who thinks that human effort may improve the world. But neither of his most significant books nor his lyric poems exhibit much evidence of "meliorism." The most well-known works of Thomas Hardy are his novels, all of which were released around the middle to end of the 19th century. Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure, two of his most recent books, are typically regarded as his best. The empathetic depictions of the struggles of the working class in these works question social norms.

To know more about hardy click on the link below:



List the core features of the structure of U.S. government under the Constitution​



First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches.

Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.


hope it helps!

In the song “La Jaula de oro,” how are the children of Mexican immigrants portrayed?

as tired and sickly

as wanting to go back to Mexico

as Americanized

as greedy

as reluctant to learn English



In the song "La Jaula de oro," the children of Mexican immigrants are portrayed as Americanized.


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