8. The shaded area on the map above was significant during which event?
a. Nullification Crisis
b. Creation of the National Bank
C. Trail of Tears
d. Election of Jackson


Answer 1


it represents the oregon territory and a settlement between the united states and great brittian

Related Questions

What was
early Hinduism like? What did they believe and how was it practiced?



Hinduism embraces many religious ideas, it was reffered to as a way of life rather than a practice, They had a main diety named "Brahman" but still belevied in other gods and godesse. They also belived in life after death or reincarnation.


How did Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton actived their goal



Mott's stymied participation at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 brought her into contact with Elizabeth Cady Stanton with whom she formed a long and prolific collaboration. It also led Mott into the cause of women's rights. The latter fueled the launching of the woman suffrage movement.


One of the results of the historical events depicted in the cartoon to the right


I think it’s the very last one to redraw it’s borders,

How does the Libertarian Party's support for lowering corporate taxes reflect its ideas about the role of government?

A It shows that the party prefers government restrictions on capitalism.
B It shows that the party favors government action toward economic equality.
C It shows that the party supports less government involvement in the economy.
D It shows that the party encourages the government to pass laws for corporations only.



How does the Libertarian Party's support for lowering corporate taxes reflect its ideas about the role of government?


it is b

The Libertarian Party's support for lowering corporate taxes reflects its ideas about the role of government as it shows that the party favors government action toward economic equality. Thus option B is correct.

What is a government?

Any community of individuals living side by side in a nation, state, city, or locality must abide by specific laws.

Libertarianism, as defined by the American Libertarian Party, is the support for a democracy that is financed freely and is only responsible for defending citizens from compulsion and murder.

Since the Libertarian Party promotes government intervention to promote income justice, its stance on reduced business taxes matches its views on the role of democracy. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about the government, Here:



Why would African-Americans in Louisiana volunteer for the
army despite living under Jim Crow Laws?


Answer: Volunteers began to respond, and in May 1863 the Government established the Bureau of Colored Troops to manage the burgeoning numbers of black soldiers. By the end of the Civil War, roughly 179,000 black men (10% of the Union Army) served as soldiers in the U.S. Army and another 19,000 served in the Navy.


hope this helps you :)

Shasta's parents think she is unable to focus because they often see her checking her phone. Are they making a reasonable argument?

Yes, checking her phone proves she is not focused on anything else
Yes, teenagers are never able to focus on anything when they have their phones
No, they are just picking on her because she is a teenager
No, they do not have enough evidence to prove she is unable to focus


Answer: D, just because she is checking her phone it does not prove her inability to focus

Define currency and write down the specialities of currency​



The fact or quality of being general accepted or in use in a particular country is called currency.

The  specialities of a currency are

1.Nation cannot print notes\money as their wish or want.

2.The country needs to keep its valuable things like gold as a security against the value of currency.

3.The currency of a country also reflects the capability of its citizens.

4.Currency is used to import and export necessary goods.


The transaction of goods and services typically takes place using money/ Currency. In a nutshell, it's currency, usually, in the form of coins and paper, that is issued by governments and widely recognized for use as payment at face value.

Why is it called currency?

The Latin term "currere," which means "to run" or "to flow," must be used to create a currency. Contrarily, the term "money" is derived from the Latin verb "monere," which means "to warn."

Anything that is commonly acknowledged to be valuable and may be used as a means of exchange to exchange for goods and services is referred to be currency. An economy's trade system is built on its currency, which is typically unique to a particular nation and issued by that nation's government.

Thus, Durability, mobility, divisional ease, consistency, scarcity, and acceptability are the qualities of money.

Learn more about Currency here:



On what level are voters most likely to know the candidate the best?
The city level.
The county level.
The federal level.
The state level.



I think that althought city and county will affect them strongest, people do the most research on federal level because they see it as "the most important election"



The federal level.


Candidates at the national level are better known by the voters than those at the local level. The lower down the electoral ladder a candidate is the more likely the votes will know little about them except their party, their gender and their ethnicity.

Plz, select me brainlIest.

In 1897, The Social Democratic Party is established. It would later split into
the what two political parties?



Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.


The Russian Social Democratic Party of Russia was initially the united political party that began as a revolutionary socialist party. Founded in Minsk to unite the various revolutionary factions in the country, the RSDLP became the uniting force for all political activities.

But this united stand wasn't to last long. On November 17, 1903, the party was divided with their differences in beliefs. The two factions that came out of the united party were referred to as the Bolsheviks (the majority) and the Mensheviks (minority). The Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Lenin while Julius Martov led the Mensheviks.

what is peace culture ​



The Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on September 13, 1999. This occurred after ten months of negotiations in the context of preparations for the International Year for the Culture of Peace.


compare and contrast books to tv​


Books don’t have ads and revenue that company’s makes off advertisements. Books are cheaper and u could learn from books. Both TVs and books provide information. TVs are more modern and more fun to use

Identify a type of matter that is not a mineral, and explain why it is not a mineral?


Answer: liquid and gas are not minerals

Explanation: Only solids can be minerals.

A type of matter that is not a mineral,  a leaf is organic and is solid but it is not in crystalline form.

What is a matter?

Matter is a material substance that makes up the observable universe and, along with energy, serves as the foundation for all objective phenomena.

At its most basic level, matter is made up of elementary particles known as quarks and leptons . Quarks combine to form protons and neutrons, which combine with electrons to form atoms of periodic table elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and iron.

Atoms then combine to form molecules, for example the water molecule, H2O. The bulk matter of everyday life is made up of large groups of atoms or molecules.

A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is usually crystalline and was formed by geological processes. Quartz, feldspar minerals, calcite, and other minerals are examples

A leaf is organic and is solid but it is not in crystalline form is not a minerals.

To learn more about minerals



How were production methods mechanized?


Mechanization (e.g. the reaper) reduced farm labor needs and increased production. ... Mechanization meant fewer workers were needed on the farm, freeing up labor for the cities.

1. About how many miles of railroad track were in Texas in 1870?



500 Miles


Even with the start of the Texas road rail , Navigation, And Banking Company, Texas had fewer than 500 Miles of Railroad in 1870

Right now today There are now 10,539

Route Miles of railroad Track-More than any other STATE

Compare the dependency, modernization and center-periphery theory, help pleaseee



The answer is below


Dependency theory is the theory that explains the outflow of resources from poor and underdeveloped nations to wealthy and developed countries, thereby making the wealthy nations wealthier.

Modernization theory on the other hand is the theory that explains the social change in which underdeveloped and developing countries continue to develop as they adopt modern practices similar to more developed societies.

Also, the Centre-Periphery theory is the theory that defines the structural connection between the developed states (center) and the underdeveloped states (periphery) usually within a country.

Which statement BEST describes the impact immigrant populations have on Georgia’s communities?

Georgia’s communities are minimally impacted by immigrant populations.

Georgia’s communities have seen a decrease in the ethnic diversity of many of its major cities.

Georgia’s communities have seen an increase in the number of restaurants, churches, and various businesses owned and operated by immigrants.

Georgia’s communities have seen an influx of immigrants from only Latin American countries.

Which statement BEST describes the importance immigrant communities have on Georgia's economic growth?

Immigrant communities are important economically because they bring religious diversity to communities.

Immigrant communities are important economically because they increase the awareness of racial discrimination.

Immigrant communities are important economically because they assist in many jobs and businesses, which strengthens the workforce.

Immigrant communities are important economically because they encourage the growth of multilingual programs at schools.

Why was the Albany Movement unable to fully achieve its desegregation goals?

The focus was on using the political process rather than protests to create change.

The support among middle-class African Americans was lacking.

The movement lacked organization and leadership and quickly dissolved.

The use of violence by some of its members isolated moderate supporters.

Use the list to answer the question.

Accomplishments of Mayor Maynard Jackson

Provided more city contracts to African American business owners
Led efforts to promote African American police officers
Expanded MARTA for Atlanta commuters

Which of the following would BEST complete the list?

Brought major league sports teams to the city

Desegregated Georgia State University during his time as mayor

Oversaw the expansion of Atlanta International Airport

Signed off on highway construction to help with traffic

What was the MOST significant long-term impact of the 1996 Olympic Games on the city of Atlanta?

increased tourism in the city

improvements to the city’s infrastructure

improvements in employment due to new permanent jobs

increase investment in the city’s small businesses

Use the list to answer the question.


Weakening the economy
Persistent inflation and a stagnant economy
Boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics

Which of the following is the BEST title for the list?

Reasons for Jimmy Carter’s reelection in 1984

Reasons for Criticism of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency

Reasons for Jimmy Carter’s receiving Nobel Peace Prize

Reasons for Criticism of Jimmy Carter’s Governorship




i got a 100so..








"After returning from the South Tecumseh tried to rebuild his shattered confederacy. But when the War of 1812 broke out, he withdrew to Michigan where he assisted the British in the capture of Detroit and led pro-British Indians in subsequent actions in southern Michigan (Monguagon) and northern Ohio (Fort Meigs). When William Henry Harrison invaded Upper Canada, Tecumseh reluctantly accompanied the British retreat. He was killed by American forces at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813."

Based on this evidence, who was fighting whom in the War of 1812?
Americans and Canadians were fighting the British.
Americans were fighting the British and pro-British Indians.
Americans and the British were fighting Shawnee Indians.
Americans and Shawnee Indians were fighting the British.



Americans and the British were fighting Shawnee Indians.

Lhasa is a city in what region of China?



Tibet Autonomous Region



Tibet Autonomous Region

Lhasa, Chinese (Pinyin) Lasa, (Wade-Giles romanization) La-sa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, southwestern China.

Based on your knowledge of social studies, what correctly explains some of the variation in gross domestic products shown on the map?
Nigeria controls large oil fields.
Kenya spends a lot on education
South Africa has very few resources,
DR Congo promotes entrepreneurship.



Explanation: took benchmark

LIKE AND COMMENT for season 5 of TOKYO GHOUL yessir!!





What clothing did the Portuguese bring to Trinidad? ​



They built Portu-guese synagogues and cemeteries in all the countries they settled, some of which can still be found today: Suriname, Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica and the Bahamas, among others.

can you pls tell me five negative effects of the Europeans coming to Gold coast ​


They have good answers

Which part of the brain acknowledges events and adds feeling-memory to the emotional process ?





Why is resource immobility a problem in a market



Factor immobility is a cause of market failure.


The free market fails to provide an efficient allocation of resources because of the geographical and occupational immobilities. Inequality. Factor immobility can lead to increased inequality.

the person that answers was correct

Which of the is NOT a responsibility of the House of Representatives.
a. Initiate spending bills
b. Recommend tax bills
c. Recommend a government official
d. Buy better food for the MLK High School


Answer: D is the answer


But better food for the MLK high school pretty sure the executive can only do that

which year was the fante federation formed​





which two regions divide central china from india





Name and explain the roles of two of the four members of an Army fire team.



Name and explain the roles of two of the four members of an Army fire team. Team Leader: A sergeant or corporal. They handle radio and rifle. Rifleman: Trained in close combat, soldiers who uses rifle, grenade launchers, or automatic weapons.

Hawaii is one of the states that comprise the United States. However, culturally Hawaii is considered part of Oceania. How might this be possible? um, I'm assuming it's because earth is globe but...I obviously can't just put that.



The Hawaiian Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on the Pacific Plate, are usually considered part of North America.


What is the job of a ground intelligence officer?



Ground intelligence officers serve as staff officers and commanders in the operating forces and are responsible for analyzing intelligence and planning, deployment and tactical employment of ground surveillance and reconnaissance units. The Ground Intelligence Officer can be a Recon Marine after their training is done.


Hope this helps!

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