8 Select the correct answer to fill in the blank The National Preparedness System is an integrated set of guidance, concepts, , and tools that enable the whole community to meet the National Preparedness Goal


Answer 1

A comprehensive combination of principles, ideas, procedures, and tools known as the National Preparedness System enables the entire community to achieve the goal of national preparedness.

What is a national preparedness system?

The National Preparedness System is the tool the country will use to develop, maintain, and provide those essential capabilities in order to realize the objective of a safe and resilient country.

The National Readiness System, a comprehensive set of principles, concepts, practices, and resources, enables the entire community to accomplish the objective of national preparedness.

The national preparedness goal is a safe and resilient nation with the capacities needed throughout the entire community to avoid, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.

Therefore, a comprehensive combination of principles, ideas, procedures, and tools known as the National Preparedness System enables the entire community to achieve the goal of national preparedness.

Know more about the national preparedness system here:



Correct question:
Select the correct answer to fill in the blank. The National Preparedness System is an integrated set of guidance, concepts, _____, and tools that enable the whole community to meet the National Preparedness Goal.

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Which of these types of communication is defined as communication between people?
a intrapersonal communication
b interpersonal communication
c group communication
d public communication
e mass media communication


In contrast to intrapersonal communication, which takes place within one's own head, interpersonal communication refers to communication that takes place between individuals or between groups.

What does the intrapersonal communication mean?

Communication with oneself is referred to as intrapersonal communication.

                   According to some researchers, self-talk encompasses a wide range of cognitive activities, as well as mental constructs like qualities and knowledge as well as cognitive operations like association and comparison.

What is a good intrapersonal example?

Planfulness, self-control, the capacity to defer gratification, dealing with and overcoming distractions, and the flexibility to change one's approach or strategy as necessary are a few examples of intrapersonal abilities.

Why is intrapersonal communication important? What is it?

Because they are concerned with what occurs inside one's inner self, intrapersonal skills are a type of self-communication.

                           You need intrapersonal abilities to control your emotions and deal with whatever obstacles you can encounter at different times.

Learn more about intrapersonal communication



Match the system with its correct description: autonomic nervous system.


The peripheral nervous system's autonomic nervous system controls physiologic functions including digestion, breathing, blood pressure, and sexual arousal in addition to other involuntary functions like heart rate.

What are the autonomic nervous system's four nerves called?Preganglionic neurons connect with postganglionic neurons in the following places: Ciliary (cranial nerve III), Submandibular (cranial nerve VII), Pterygopalatine (cranial nerve VII), and Otic (cranial nerve VII) are the four parasympathetic ganglia of the head (Cranial nerve IX).Being a visceral efferent system, the autonomic nervous system provides motor impulses to the visceral organs. It innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands automatically and constantly without conscious effort.The peripheral nervous system's autonomic nervous system controls physiologic functions including digestion, breathing, blood pressure, and sexual arousal in addition to other involuntary functions like heart rate.

To learn more about Autonomic nervous system refer to:



Expressing a persistent desire to cut down or regulate substance use is among the listed symptoms in the DMS-5 criteria for a substance use disorder


The statement "one of the symptoms stated in the DMS-5 criteria for a substance use disorder is expressing a continuous desire to reduce or regulate substance usage" is TRUE.

What is a substance use disorder?

A substance use disorder (SUD) is a mental illness that affects a person's brain and behavior and makes it difficult for them to regulate their use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances, whether they are legal or illicit.

Addiction is the most severe form of SUDs, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe.

Expressing a persistent desire to cut back on or control drug use is one of the symptoms listed in the DMS-5 criteria for a drug use disorder.

Due to the extensive legal access and societal acceptance of moderate drinking, alcohol use disorder is still the most prevalent type of substance use disorder in America.

Many Americans start drinking while they are young.

Therefore, the statement "one of the symptoms stated in the DMS-5 criteria for a drug use disorder is expressing a continuous desire to reduce or regulate substance usage" is TRUE.

Know more about a substance use disorder here:



Complete question:
Expressing a persistent desire to cut down or regulate substance use is among the listed symptoms in the DMS-5 criteria for a substance use disorder. TRUE/FALSE

____ power exists when subordinates behave as the manager does and wants because they seek his or her approval.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


Referent power exists when subordinates behave as the manager does and wants because they seek his or her approval.

What is referent power?Referent power is a type of respect that a leader who possesses good communication abilities might acquire. Referent power is a component of personal power that is particularly significant as organisational leadership shifts from being primarily about command and control to being more about collaboration and influence.Second, referent power promotes more gratifying and dependable working connections. Keep in mind that referent power leaders inspire respect rather than terror in their followers. Therefore, instead of feeling intimidated by their leaders, direct reports view them as knowledgeable, approachable, and supportive.Strong bonds are forged between leaders and their followers thanks to referent power. The way that followers think, act, and express themselves may be imitated in an effort to win their leaders' approval. They view their leader as a sort of example to follow.

To learn more about Referent power refer :



Who is responsible for the establishment and expansion of the modular organization based on incident-specific requirements?


The ICS Commander and EOC Director are responsible for developing and expanding the modular organization in accordance with the particular needs of their crisis.

What is ICS Commander?

A standardized method for command, control, and coordination of emergency response, the Incident Command System (ICS) creates a common structure within which responders from various agencies can function effectively.

EOC Director:

The EOC Director is in charge of running the EOC with overall power.

He or she will guarantee that the EOC is manned and run at a level appropriate for the situation.

Depending on the NIMS Level, the EOC Director's reporting structure to higher authorities will change.

So, based on the unique requirements for their incident, the ICS Commander and EOC Director are in charge of creating and growing the modular organization.

The organizational structure grows and management tasks are more separated as incident complexity rises.

Therefore, the ICS Commander and EOC Director are responsible of developing and expanding the modular organization in accordance with the particular needs of their crisis.

Know more about ICS Commander here:



Which of the following is true of marginal utility?

a. Marginal utility is the change in total utility derived from a one-unit change in the consumption of a good.
b. Marginal utility always increases with an increase in consumption.
c. Marginal utility is equal to total utility divided by the total quantity consumed.
d. Marginal utility is the total satisfaction that a consumer derives from all the units of a good or service consumed


A consumer's increased enjoyment from owning one extra unit of a good or service is known as marginal utility.

Which statement regarding marginal utility is accurate?

The ideal solution is When total utility is at its highest point, marginal utility is zero. This statement is accurate because units of products are used up to their saturation point, after which MU turns negative, therefore when total utility is at its highest, marginal utility is also at its lowest.

What is the definition of marginal utility?

A consumer's increased enjoyment from owning one extra unit of a good or service is known as marginal utility. Economists utilize the idea of marginal utility to estimate how much of a given good buyers are willing to buy.

To know more about marginal utility visit :-



The statement that is true of marginal utility is a. Marginal utility is the change in total utility derived from a one-unit change in the consumption of a good.

What is marginal utility ?

Marginal utility usually decreases with an increase in consumption, according to the law of diminishing marginal utility. This law states that as a consumer consumes more units of a good or service, the additional satisfaction from each additional unit tends to decrease.

Average utility is the total utility derived from the consumption of a given quantity of a good or service divided by that quantity. Total utility is the sum of the marginal utilities of all the units of a good or service consumed.

Find out more on marginal utility at https://brainly.com/question/15050855


On January 1, Complete Computer Service received $10,000 in cash and the business issued Common Stock to the investor.
The journal entry to record this transaction would be:
A. Cash (D) 10,000
Common Stock (C)10,000
B. Common Stock (D) 10,000
Cash (C) 10,000
C. Cash (D) 10,000
Retained Earnings (C) 10,000
D. Retained Earnings (D) 10,000
Cash (C) 10,000


Cash A/c (Dr. ) 10,000 to common stock (Cr.) 10,000 will be the journal entry to record the transaction. Hence, option (a) will be regarded as the relevant option.

Give a brief account on common stocks.

Common stock can be regarded as a type of investment that symbolizes ownership in a firm. The words voting share and ordinary share are also frequently used outside of the US. In the UK and other Commonwealth countries, these securities are known as equity shares or ordinary shares. These shareholders are regarded as the board of directors and are entitled to a portion of the company's income as well as the right to vote on items pertaining to corporate policy.

Holders of Common Stock have no ownership interest in any particular company assets; all shareholders have an equal ownership interest in such assets. When a company issues both ordinary and preference shares, the dividend priority is granted to the preference shareholders. Any money left over after bondholders, creditors (including employees), and preference shareholders have been paid goes to regular shareholders in the case of a liquidation. The ordinary stockholders often receive nothing when the liquidation occurs through bankruptcy.

To know more about, common stocks, visit :



The option that would tell us the journal entry that would be recorded here would be: A. Cash (D) 10,000 Common Stock (C)10,000. Option A is correct

What is a journal entry?

A journal entry is the act of recording any transaction, whether one that is economic or not. An accounting diary that displays the debit and credit balances of a corporation lists transactions. Multiple recordings, each of which is either a debit or a credit, may be included in the journal entry.

Any financial activity that has an effect on the firm is a transaction, in the broadest sense. They encompass every transaction involving the exchange of money, including interest payments, depreciation, costs, and payroll. They are not just restricted to the purchasing and selling of goods and services.

The business was paid this amount for them to issue the common stock to the buyer

Read more on journal entries here:https://brainly.com/question/14279491


Usually, the Gallup or Roper polls interview


Usually, the Gallup or Roper polls interview about 1,500 people in a nationwide sample.

What does it mean to be a poll?"Poll" is a slang term that signifies "head" or "scalp." The location where votes were cast (often an open field) was referred to as the "polls" when votes were cast by assembling participants and counting heads. Over the last 250 years, voting locations that gathered and counted votes have undergone substantial modification.Typically, opinion polls are made to reflect the opinions of a population by asking a series of questions and then extrapolating generalizations in ratio or within confidence ranges. A pollster is a person who conducts surveys. the Gallup or Roper polls interview about 1,500 people in a nationwide sample.

To learn more about opinion polls refer to:



We can see here that the Gallup or Roper polls are examples of public opinion polls that interview a sample of the population to estimate the views of the whole population.

What is a population sample?

A population sample is a subset of the population that is selected to represent the population as closely as possible. The size and method of choosing the sample are important factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of the poll results.

A typical sample size for a national poll is about 1,000 to 1,500 people. This may seem small, but if the sample is chosen randomly and carefully, it can reflect the opinions of millions of people with a reasonable margin of error. The margin of error is a measure of how much the sample results may differ from the population results due to chance. For example, if a poll reports that 52% of the sample supports a certain policy, with a margin of error of 3%, that means that the true percentage of the population that supports the policy could be anywhere between 49% and 55%.

To choose a random sample, pollsters use various methods, such as random-digit dialing, which involves calling phone numbers that are randomly generated by a computer. This way, every household with a phone has an equal chance of being selected. However, this method also has some limitations, such as excluding people who do not have phones, or who have cell phones only, or who do not answer calls from unknown numbers. These factors may introduce some bias into the sample, which means that the sample may not represent the population accurately. Bias is any systematic error that affects the results of a poll in a certain direction. For example, if a poll only interviews people who watch a certain TV channel, the sample may be biased toward the views of that channel's audience.

To reduce bias and increase the validity of the poll results, pollsters use various techniques, such as weighting, which involves adjusting the results to account for the demographic characteristics of the population, such as age, gender, race, education, income, etc. For example, if a sample has more women than men, but the population has an equal proportion of both genders, the pollsters may weight the responses of men more than the responses of women to balance the sample. Another technique is stratified sampling, which involves dividing the population into groups based on some relevant criteria, such as geographic region, and then selecting a random sample from each group. This way, the sample reflects the diversity and variation of the population more accurately.

In conclusion, the Gallup or Roper polls usually interview a sample of about 1,000 to 1,500 people, chosen randomly and carefully, to estimate the views of the whole population. The poll results are subject to a margin of error and possible bias, which can be minimized by using various techniques, such as weighting and stratified sampling.

Learn more about population sample on https://brainly.com/question/28196409


You may be subject to administrative, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or criminal sanctions if you engage in any of the following EXCEPT:


You may be subject to administrative, UCMJ, or criminal sanctions if you engage in any of the following EXCEPT:  Submitting a formal challenge to information that may be improperly classified.

What is the purpose of the UCMJ?The substantive and procedural laws regulating the military justice system are found in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which was adopted by Congress. The Manual for Courts-Martial contains procedural guidelines and sanctions for offences that are violated.The United States Constitution's Article I, Section 8 declared that Congress had the authority to control both the armed forces on land and at sea as of the time of its passage in 1788. The 101 Articles of War were passed by the American Congress on April 10, 1806. They were not significantly changed for more than a century. The Articles for the Government of the United States Navy provided for discipline in the maritime services. The Articles of War were changed in 1916 and 1920, during the first half of the 20th century.

To learn more about UCMJ refer :



Most levers in the human body are __________.



third class


hope it help

Most levers in the human body are third-class levers.

What is a lever?

A lever is a simple machine that consists of a rigid bar that pivots around a fixed point called a fulcrum. The lever can be used to apply a force to an object or to lift a load. There are three types of levers: first-class, second-class, and third-class.

A first-class lever has the fulcrum between the input force and the output force. An example of a first-class lever in the human body is the neck, which pivots the head around the atlas vertebra.

A second-class lever has the output force between the input force and the fulcrum. An example of a second-class lever in the human body is the foot, which lifts the body weight around the ankle joint.

A third-class lever has the input force between the output force and the fulcrum. An example of a third-class lever in the human body is the arm, which lifts a load around the elbow joint.

Most levers in the human body are third-class levers because they allow a large range of motion and speed, but at the expense of force. Third-class levers require a greater input force than the output force they produce. This means that the muscles that act as the input force have to work harder and faster than the load they are moving. Third-class levers are useful for tasks that require agility and precision, such as throwing, catching, or playing an instrument.

Find more information about the lever here;



29 Cardiac output is a product of which of the following variables?
A) Heart rate and a-vo2 difference
B) Stroke volume and heart rate
C) Heart rate and blood flow
D) VO2max and heart rate


Cardiac output, which is measured in liters per minute and computed as the product of stroke volume and heart rate. The most common way to define heart rate is how many times it beats each minute.

What is Cardiac output?

The amount of blood pumped by the heart's two ventricles per unit of time is known as the volumetric flow rate of the heart's pumping output, or cardiac output (CO), also known as heart output and typically denoted by the symbols "Q" or "dot q," or "dot q" c. (usually measured per minute).

The two components that make up cardiac output (CO), as shown in the formula, are heart rate (HR), or the number of beats per minute (bpm), and stroke volume (SV), or the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle every beat.

Hence, Cardiac output, which is measured in liters per minute and computed as the product of stroke volume and heart rate. The most common way to define heart rate is how many times it beats each minute.

Learn more about cardiac output click here:



Hypophosphatemia (vitamin D-resistant rickets) is inherited as an sex-linked dominant trait. The relevant gene is found on the X chromosome. What is the expected outcome of a cross between a homozygous recessive woman and a man with hypophosphatemia?
Fifty percent of their daughters and fifty percent of their sons exhibit hypophosphatemia
Seventy-five percent of their offspring exhibit hypophosphatemia
All of their daughters and none of their sons exhibit hypophosphatemia.
All of their sons and none of their daughters exhibit hypophosphatemia.


All of their daughters and none of their boys should have hypophosphatemia if a recessive allele woman and a man with the condition were to cross.

Hypophosphatemia: What is it?

Low blood phosphate levels are a symptom of the electrolyte disease known as hypophosphatemia. Weakness, breathing difficulties, and appetite loss are some symptoms. Seizures, comas, rhabdomyolysis, and bone softening are instances of complications. Burns, hyperventilation, diabetic ketoacidosis recovery, alcohol use disorder, malnutrition refeeding, and several drugs are among the causes. [1] Furthermore, it can happen in cases of Cushing syndrome, hyperparathyroidism, and hypothyroidism. A blood phosphorus level of less than 0.81 mmol/L (2.5 mg/dL) is used to diagnose it. if levels are less than 1.0 mg/dL (0.32 mmol/L).

To know more about Hypophosphatemia

How many atoms of aluminum are present in a sample that has a mass of 155.30 g?


The number of atoms of aluminum in a sample that has a mass of 155.30 g is equal to 3.466 x 10²⁴ atoms.

How to find the number of atoms in a sample?

Find the molar mass of aluminum.

The molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance, which is = 6.022 x 10²³ atoms.

The molar mass of aluminum is 26.98 g/mol, according to the periodic table.

Convert the mass of the sample to moles of aluminum. To do this, we need to divide the mass by the molar mass. This gives us the number of moles of aluminum in the sample.

moles of aluminum = mass / molar mass

moles of aluminum = 155.30 g / 26.98 g/mol

moles of aluminum = 5.756 mol

Convert the moles of aluminum to atoms of aluminum. To do this, we need to multiply the number of moles by the Avogadro's number, which is 6.022 x 10²³. This gives us the number of atoms of aluminum in the sample.

atoms of aluminum = moles of aluminum x Avogadro's number

atoms of aluminum = 5.756 mol x 6.022 x 10²³

atoms of aluminum = 3.466 x 10²⁴

Round the answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. The given mass has five significant figures, so the answer should also have five significant figures.

atoms of aluminum = 3.466 x 10²⁴

Therefore, the number of atoms of aluminum in a sample multiplied by Avogadro's number is 3.466 x 10²⁴ atoms.

Learn more on number of atoms here: https://brainly.com/question/14933551


The epithelial lining of the small inine is modified for what function?
removing debris


The function of epithelial lining is of absorption.

What is epithelial tissues?

Surface epithelial and solid organs are both included in the broad category of tissues known as epithelia

Surface epithelial create the boundary between various biological compartments and cover or line all body surfaces, including those in cavities and tubes.

For instance, the skin's epidermis is exposed to the environment, and the gastrointestinal tract's epithelial lining is exposed to partially digested food and microorganisms in the gut lumen.

The formation of a protective barrier, controlling the movement of molecules across compartments, and producing and secreting glandular products are all functions of epithelia.

One epithelium surface may display several of these key roles. The formation of keratin intermediate filaments, a characteristic of epithelial cells, can be used to identify epithelial cells.

To know more about epithelial tissue, visit:-



What does it mean to say that communication is a process?
a Communication is ongoing and always in motion
b It's hard to tell when communication starts and stops
c Communication evolves in clearly defined stages
d Communication is ongoing, always in motion, and evolves in clearly defined stages
e Communication is ongoing, always in motion, and it's hard to tell when it starts and stops


Communication is ongoing, always in motion, and it's hard to tell when it starts and stops does it mean to say that communication is a process.

What happens during communication?

The transmission of a message from one party to another utilizing a variety of channels is described by the communication process, which is a dynamic framework.

                     Its aim is to guarantee that the message is successfully decoded by the recipient and that they may quickly and easily provide response.

Why does communication involve steps?

A shared understanding between the sender and the receiver is only possible through communication.

                        People that follow the communication process will have the chance to improve their productivity in all facets of their work. Understanding comes through good communication.

Learn more about communication process



Since the MMPI is __________, the assessment concept known as reliability is increased.
Select one:
A. often interpreted by computer
B. made up of many scales
C. non-sexist
D. well-researched


Since the MMPI is often interpreted by computer., the assessment concept known as reliability is increased.

How to complete the blank

A. often interpreted by computer.

The MMPI is a standardized psychological test that measures personality traits and psychopathology. It is often interpreted by computer, which means that the scoring and interpretation of the test results are done by a software program that follows a set of rules and algorithms.

This reduces the human error and bias that might affect the reliability of the test results. Reliability is the degree to which a test produces consistent and accurate results over time and across different situations. A reliable test should yield similar scores for the same person or group when it is administered repeatedly or by different examiners.

B. made up of many scales.

The MMPI is made up of many scales, but this does not necessarily increase its reliability. The scales are designed to measure different aspects of personality and psychopathology, such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, schizophrenia, etc.

However, having many scales does not guarantee that the test is measuring what it intends to measure, or that the scales are consistent and valid. Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it claims to measure, and how well it predicts or correlates with other relevant outcomes. A valid test should have evidence to support its content, construct, criterion, and convergent validity.

C. non-sexist.

The MMPI is non-sexist, but this does not directly affect its reliability. The MMPI is non-sexist in the sense that it does not use gender-specific language or stereotypes, and that it does not discriminate or favor one gender over another. However, being non-sexist does not imply that the test is reliable or valid. It is possible for a test to be non-sexist but still have low reliability or validity, or vice versa.

D. well-researched.

The MMPI is well-researched, but this does not automatically increase its reliability. The MMPI is well-researched in the sense that it has a long history of development, revision, and validation, and that it has a large body of empirical evidence and literature to support its use and interpretation.

However, being well-researched does not ensure that the test is reliable or valid. It is possible for a test to be well-researched but still have flaws or limitations in its reliability or validity, or vice versa."

Read more about MMPI at



Since the MMPI is often interpreted by computer the assessment concept known as reliability is increased

what is MMPI?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is psychological test assesses personality traits and psychopathology.

It is primarily intended to test the people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues.The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of most commonly used psychological tests in United States. It's primarily used to help mental health professionals assess and diagnose mental health conditions, such schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety

This is personality assessment, therefore you can't pass or fail

learn more about mmpi at



Which of these areas of the United States would you expect to have the highest occurance of seismic activity?
a. Southeast
b. West
c. Central
d. Northeast


West areas of the United States would you expect to have the highest occurrence of seismic activity.

What are seismic activities?Low-frequency acoustic energy, such as that found in seismic waves, moves through the earth in waves. Typically, an earthquake, explosion, or landslide will result in the abrupt breaking of subsurface rock.Earthquakes typically result from subsurface rock breaking unexpectedly and rapid movement along a fault. The seismic waves that cause the ground to tremble are brought on by this quick release of energy.In general, a lower seismic hazard zone is located further away from a seismic zone and is closest to one where there are more earthquakes.

To learn more about Seismic activity.  refer,



The compound diagnostic term "dermatomycosis" actually means:


The compound diagnostic term "dermatomycosis" actually means: A skin infection caused by a fungus.

What is dermatomycosis?
Dermatomycosis, also known as ringworm, is a fungal infection of the skin. It is caused by a variety of fungi, including dermatophytes, yeasts, and molds. Symptoms of dermatomycosis include itchy, scaly patches of skin, ring-shaped patches of skin, or bald patches of skin. In severe cases, dermatomycosis may cause swelling, redness, and blisters. Diagnosis of dermatomycosis is usually based on visual inspection of the affected area. Treatment for dermatomycosis typically involves the use of antifungal medications, such as creams, ointments, or pills. In some cases, antifungal shampoo or other topical treatments may be recommended. It is important to keep the infected area clean and dry, as moist conditions can worsen the infection. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected skin.

To learn more about dermatomycosis

9. The primary hazard associated with most flammable liquids is:
A. Radioactivity
B. Fire or explosion
C. Faulty containers
D. Toxic vapors


Fire or explosion is the main risk that most flammable liquids present. Explosion and fire are the two main risks connected to volatile liquids. This standard tackles the main issues of design and construction, ventilation, ignition sources, and storage in order to prevent these hazards.

What is Fire or explosion?

Physical risks are based on the chemical's inherent characteristics. Physical hazards can be divided into five categories explosive, flammable, oxidizing, gases under pressure, and corrosive to metals. One ignition source that does not have a propensity to ignite is a power strip. Liquids that are combustible have a flashpoint of at least 100°F. Not the liquid itself, but the vapor burns.

A liquid's vapor pressure determines how quickly combustible vapors are produced by that liquid.

To learn more about Fire or explosion from given link



Which of the following aspects of the international context in which the petition was produced most likely strengthened the petitioners' demands?


Women's crucial contributions to the First World War effort on the home front. Housewives were essential to supporting the post-war economy because they were valued demand for their function as consumers.

What role did women play in World War I that was essential to the success of the Allies?

Thousands of sailors could join the fleet because they filled stenographer, clerk, radio operator, messenger, truck driver, ordnance worker, mechanic, and all other non-combat shore duty positions.

During World War One, how did the role of women change?

Women were more prevalent in the workforce when America entered the First World War. Women may now find employment in fields other than the typical ones for women, such as teaching and domestic work, including sales, clerical work, and textile and apparel manufacturing.

Learn more about war here:



The _______________ Turks defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert.


The Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert.

What is Battle of Manzikert?
Battle of Manzikert was a pivotal battle in medieval history. It took place in 1071 between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Turks. The Seljuk Turks, led by Sultan Alp Arslan, were victorious, inflicting a devastating defeat on the Byzantine forces. The battle marked the beginning of the decline of the Byzantine Empire, as well as the rise of the Seljuk Turks. It also opened up Anatolia to further invasions from the Seljuk Turks, who eventually established their own Sultanate. The victory of the Seljuk Turks also marked the beginning of the end of the Western Roman Empire, as the Byzantine Empire was its eastern counterpart. The Battle of Manzikert was a major turning point in medieval history and had far reaching consequences for the Middle East and beyond.

To learn more about Byzantine

The Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert.

What was the battle by Seljuk Turks about?

The Battle of Manzikert was fought in 1071 between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Turks, a nomadic people who had converted to Islam and expanded their power in Central Asia and the Middle East.

The Byzantine emperor, Romanos IV Diogenes, led a large army to confront the Seljuk sultan, Alp Arslan, who was invading the eastern provinces of the empire. However, the Byzantine army was poorly organized and suffered from internal divisions and desertions.

The Seljuk Turks used their superior mobility and archery skills to outflank and surround the Byzantine forces. Romanos was wounded and captured, and most of his army was killed or taken prisoner.

Therefore, The battle was a decisive victory for the Seljuk Turks, who gained control of most of Anatolia and weakened the Byzantine Empire. The battle also opened the way for the Crusades, as the Byzantines appealed to the Pope for help against the Muslim invaders."

Learn more about Seljuk Turks  from



Online medical control requires __________.
A. the presence of an advanced-level provider
B. a physician's presence on the scene of the call
C. written protocols approved by medical control
D. phone or radio contact with the medical director


Online medical control requires phone or radio contact with the medical director.

So, option D is correct.

What is online medical control?

Online medical control, also known as direct medical control, describes discussions between EMS personnel and a doctor to direct care for a specific patient or EMS incident, usually over the phone or radio. Online (direct medical direction), speaking with a medical director or an agent who has the authority to act on the medical director's behalf. Using a manual of protocols that provide authorization to conduct things without calling a doctor, off-line (indirect medical direction) is a method.

These doctors typically need to enroll in a base-station course and keep up with the latest EMS treatment guidelines. The vast majority of the medical professionals providing this kind of control are not EMS doctors or medical directors of EMS agencies.

Therefore, Online medical control requires phone or radio contact with the medical director.

Hence, option D is correct.

To know more about online medical control, visit:



Online medical control requires phone or radio contact with the medical director.

How to complete the blanks

To answer this question, we simply analyze each option

This is done as follows:

The presence of an advanced-level provider is not required for online medical control. An advanced-level provider is an EMS personnel who has more training and skills than a basic-level provider, such as a paramedic or an advanced EMT.

A physician's presence on the scene of the call is not required for online medical control. A physician may be present on the scene of some calls, such as a mass casualty incident or a specialized rescue, but this is not a common or necessary situation.

Written protocols approved by medical control are not required for online medical control, but they do not replace the need for online medical control in some situations."

Hence, the true statement is (d)

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If a perfectly competitive firm is producing a quantity at which marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue, profit:


If marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, the firm should raise output; if the opposite is true, output should be decreased.

What should a fully competitive corporation do when marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost?If marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, the firm should raise output; if the opposite is true, output should be decreased. Marginal revenue and marginal cost must match in order to maximize profits.An increase in quantity from Q to Q + 1 will result in a change in revenue. Because of this, the first-order condition states that the marginal revenue and marginal cost are identical when Q is operating at its profit-maximizing level.

To learn more about Marginal revenue refer to:



The dwarf planet Eris was discovered in 2005, orbiting the Sun at an average distance about twice that of Pluto. In which of the following ways do Pluto and Eris differ from the terrestrial and jovian planets in our solar system?
Select all that apply.
Both Pluto and Eris are smaller than any of the terrestrial planets.
Both Pluto and Eris travel in more elliptical orbits than any of the terrestrial or jovian planets.
Both Pluto and Eris are denser than any of the terrestrial planets.
Both Pluto and Eris are less massive than any of the terrestrial or jovian planets.
Both Pluto and Eris have more hydrogen gas than any of the jovian planets.


Pluto and Eris differ from the terrestrial and jovian planets in our solar system are both are smaller,elliptical,and less massive.that means 1,2,4 opt.

What's the distinction between Pluto and Eris?

Previous Hubble Space Telescope results had already allowed planetary scientists to determine that its diameter is 2,400 kilometres, which is also larger than Pluto's. "Pluto and Eris are essentially twins—except Eris is slightly pudgier," Brown says. "And a little colder," Schaller adds.

How does Pluto differ from the other Jovian planets?

Jovian planets have large masses and sizes, are far from the Sun, are composed of H, He, and hydrogen compounds, and have rings and many moons. Pluto, due to its distance from the sun and composition, does not fit either. Pluto is far from the sun, but it is made of ice and rock, so neither terrestrial nor jovian apply to it.

Why is Eris more massive than Pluto?

"Pluto is almost certainly the largest object in the Kuiper Belt," Plait writes for Slate. But Eris is still more dense and therefore more massive.

learn more about jovian planets visit:



You are caring for a patient with a suspected stroke whose symptoms started 2 hours ago. The CT was normal with no sign of hemorrhage. The patient does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. Which treatment is best?
a. start fibrinolytic therapy ASAP
b. hold fibrinolytic therapy for 24 hours
c. order an echo before fibrinolytic administration
d. wait for MRI result


The treatment that the patient ought to receive in this case is to start fibrinolytic therapy as son as possible. Option A

What is the best treatment?

This is the best treatment for a patient with a suspected ischemic stroke whose symptoms started within 4.5 hours and who does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. Fibrinolytic therapy can dissolve the clot that is blocking the blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of permanent brain damage or death.

Fibrinolytic therapy is also known as thrombolytic therapy or tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) therapy. It is a type of medication that breaks down blood clots by activating a natural enzyme called plasminogen. Plasminogen converts to plasmin, which digests the fibrin that holds the clot together.

The benefits of fibrinolytic therapy are time-dependent, meaning that the sooner it is given, the more likely it is to improve the outcome. The window of opportunity for fibrinolytic therapy is usually 4.5 hours from the onset of symptoms, but some patients may benefit from a longer window depending on their clinical and imaging characteristics. The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines recommend that fibrinolytic therapy be initiated within 60 minutes of the patient's arrival at the hospital.

b. hold fibrinolytic therapy for 24 hours. This is not a good option for a patient with a suspected ischemic stroke whose symptoms started within 4.5 hours and who does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. Holding fibrinolytic therapy for 24 hours would delay the potential benefit of restoring blood flow to the brain and increase the risk of irreversible brain damage or death. There is no evidence to support waiting for 24 hours before giving fibrinolytic therapy.

c. order an echo before fibrinolytic administration. This is not a necessary step for a patient with a suspected ischemic stroke whose symptoms started within 4.5 hours and who does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. An echo is a test that uses sound waves to create images of the heart and its valves. It can help diagnose the cause of a stroke, such as a cardiac embolism or a valvular disease. However, an echo is not required before giving fibrinolytic therapy, as it does not affect the decision to treat or not. An echo can be done after fibrinolytic therapy or as part of the secondary prevention strategy.

d. wait for MRI result. This is also not a good option for a patient with a suspected ischemic stroke whose symptoms started within 4.5 hours and who does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. An MRI is a test that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain and its tissues. It can help confirm the diagnosis of a stroke, identify the location and extent of the damage, and rule out other causes of neurological symptoms. However, an MRI is not necessary before giving fibrinolytic therapy, as it does not affect the decision to treat or not. An MRI can be done after fibrinolytic therapy or as part of the follow-up evaluation. Waiting for MRI result would delay the potential benefit of fibrinolytic therapy and increase the risk of irreversible brain damage or death.

Learn more about fibrinolytic therapy :https://brainly.com/question/4472733


You are looking after a patient whose symptoms of a probable stroke began last two hours. Starting fibrinolytic therapy ASAP is the best treatment.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

What is fibrinolytic therapy?

Fibrinolytic therapy is used to dissolve blood clots that have suddenly blocked your arteries or veins which causes breath problems to humans.

It enhances blood flow and guards against organ and tissue harm. This emergency treatment should be administered as soon as possible after a stroke or heart attack for the best outcomes.

The most common conditions for which fibrinolytic therapy is utilised are heart attacks (caused by clogged heart arteries) and stroke (blocked arteries of your brain). In addition, it can manage:

1. Pulmonary embolism (blocked arteries of your lung).

2. Acute deep vein thrombosis (blocked veins of your leg).

3. Acute arterial thrombosis (blocked arteries of your leg).

4. Blocked catheters, dialysis fistulas or surgical bypasses.

To know more about breath here: https://brainly.com/question/28065224


What is the basis of Mendel's laws?
the behavior of chromosomes during prophase I and prophase II of meiosis
the behavior of chromosomes during mitotic prophase
the behavior of chromosomes during prophase Il of meiosis only
the behavior of chromosomes during metaphase I and anaphase I of meiosis (x)


The basis of Mendel's laws the behavior of chromosomes during metaphase I and anaphase I of meiosis .

What are chromosomes ?

A chromosomal is a lengthy DNA molecule that contains all or a portion of an organism's genetic code. The very long, thin DNA fibres in most chromosomes are covered with packing proteins; in eukaryotic cells, the histones are the most important of these proteins. In order to preserve the integrity of the DNA molecule, these enzymes condense and adhere to it with the help of chaperone proteins. These chromosomes exhibit a complicated three-dimensional structure that is crucial in controlling transcription. Under a microscopic examination, chromosomes are typically only discernible during the metaphase of cellular division (where all chromosomes are aligned in the centre of the cell in their condensed form).

To know more about chromosomes



The basic argument of McCulloch v. Maryland centered on the _[blank]_ of the federal government within the boundaries of the individual states.


The focus of Maryland was on the jurisdiction of the federal government inside the borders of the various states.

Explain about the jurisdiction?

The power granted by law to a court to hear cases and provide judgments on legal issues pertaining to a specific geographic area and/or specific categories of legal proceedings. It is crucial to establish the court's jurisdiction prior to filing a lawsuit.

To begin, let's define jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is the formal right of a court to hear a case. If the court lacks jurisdiction, it will be unable to hear your case, and you will need to take it to the proper tribunal. The ability of a court to use its judicial powers in a particular case is known as jurisdiction.

To learn more about jurisdiction refer to:



11) Jones & Company, a major retail chain across the United States, offers a wide range of consumer goods such as clothing, furniture, home appliances, cosmetics, jewellery, and food. Jones & Company is best described as a ________.
A) supermarket
B) department store
C) specialty store
D) pop-up store
E) category killer


Jones & Company, a major retail chain in the United States, sells a wide variety of consumer goods, including clothing, furniture, home appliances, cosmetics, jewelry, and food. Jones & Company is best described as a department store.

What is a retail chain, and give an example?Any entity that owns or operates five (5) or more retail operations in the United States and/or Canada under the same or substantially the same tradename.or any five (5) or more stores operating in the United States and/or Canada under the same or substantially the same tradename pursuant to a franchise, license, partnership, or joint venture arrangement, is referred to as a retail chain.

      For example, a bank, an organized retail chain, or a service center agent (SCA).

To learn more about joint venture refer to:



Exponential smoothing can use constants higher than 1, but not more than 5.


Constants 0 to 1 can be used for exponential smoothing.

Explain about the exponential smoothing?

A time series forecasting technique known as exponential smoothing can be expanded to support data that have a seasonal or systematic tendency. It is an effective forecasting technique that can be utilised as an alternative to the well-known Box-Jenkins ARIMA family of techniques.

Forecasts are accurate when exponential smoothing is used. These forecasts are made with accuracy and dependability, and they anticipate the following time. Actual and anticipated demand are shown in the forecast. As a result, inventory levels can be predicted accurately and demand planning is made possible.

While regression uses only past data to predict the future, exponential smoothing uses both past forecasts and actual data.

To learn more about exponential smoothing refer to:



Exponential smoothing cannot use constants higher than 1, or lower than 0 and thus the statement is False.

What is Exponential smoothing?

Exponential smoothing is a technique for forecasting time series data that assigns different weights to past observations, with more recent ones having higher weights. The weights decrease exponentially as the observations get older, hence the name of the technique.

The smoothing constant, also known as the smoothing parameter or alpha, is a value between 0 and 1 that determines how much weight is given to the most recent observation. A higher value of alpha means that the forecast is more responsive to changes in the data, while a lower value means that the forecast is more stable and smooth.

Thus, If alpha is equal to 1, then the forecast is equal to the last observation, and no smoothing is applied. If alpha is equal to 0, then the forecast is equal to the mean of all past observations, and no weight is given to the recent data. Therefore, alpha must be between 0 and 1 to achieve some degree of smoothing.

Learn more about Exponential smoothing  from



- Choose a variety of foods from all food groups.
- Meet your nutrient needs primarily from foods.
- Pay attention to portion size.


Variety, portion size and nutrients are the foundations of a healthy food plan.

What are the foundations of a healthy food plan?You are promoting dietary balance if you choose largely nutrient-dense foods rather than meals high in empty calories. Planning your daily meal schedule and being mindful of portion sizes are essential to eating in moderation.Preserving variety by consuming items from a number of food classes and selecting several items, such as subcategories, from a certain food group. Variety is a key element of a healthy food plan and is defined as eating a variety of meals within any particular food group as opposed to sticking to the same item every single day. Despite having few calories, saturated fats, added sugars, or sodium, a food that is nutrition dense nonetheless contains many essential nutrients.So, options 2,3 and 4 are correct.

The complete question is :

What are the foundations of a healthy food plan?(Multiple select question.)

Periodically detoxify the body with a juice cleanse.Choose a variety of foods from all food groups.Meet your nutrient needs primarily from foods.Pay attention to portion size.

To learn more about food, refer:



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