7. A box contains 10 black, 12 white, and 18 red balls. One ball is drawn at
random and replaced. (a) Find the theoretical probability that the ball
drawn is black. (b) Balls are chosen and replaced 40 times. Look at the
table below, find the experimental probability that the ball drawn is black.
(c) Compare the experimental probability of the black ball drawn to its
theoretical probability.
Color. Times picked
black. 15
white. 12
red. 13


Answer 1


1. 10/40 = 1/4

1b. 15/40 = 3/8

1c. 10/40 = 1/4 and 15/40 = 3/8

Step-by-step explanation:

1. So since there are 40 balls (18 + 12 + 10) and 10 of those balls are black the theoretical probability would just be 10 over 40, ([tex]\frac{10}{40}[/tex]).

1b. On the table there are 15 black balls so that would be, [tex]\frac{15}{40}[/tex].

1c. The theoretical probability is 1/4 and the experimental probability is 3/8.

Related Questions



Answer: 20 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Brainliest pls help
Find the surface area and volume of the prism. Round your answer to nearest tenth.



With this prism, first separate it into a rectangular prism and a right triangle prism.

First, with the rectangular prism, it would have the units 5 * 5 * 6.3. Then with the right triangle prism, it would take the rest of the remaining space of it, being 3 * 5 * 6.3

The equation for the volume of a rectangular prism is L*W*H and the equation for the volume of a right triangle prism is (L*W*H) / 2.

With this, plug the numbers in for both prisms to get the volume of each of them:

Rectangular prism Volume



Right triangle prism Volume

(3*5*6.3) / 2

94.5 / 2


Lastly, combine these two values to get the total volume:

157.5 + 47.25 = 204.75 (Round Up) -->

204.8 cm^3 = Total Volume

Surface Area:

Next, with the surface area of the prism. For this, lets combine all of the faces of the prism then add them all up.

First, lets do the bottom of the prism, or the base. It uses the lengths 8 cm and 6.3 cm. Lets do L * W to get the area of this face:

8 * 6.3 = 50.4

Next, lets do the slant side of it, which has the lengths 5.8 and 6.3.

5.8 * 6.3 = 36.54

Then, the top side with the lengths 5cm and 6.3 cm.

5.3 * 6.3 = 33.39

After that, the left side face that opposite to the slantly one:

5 * 6.3 = 31.5

Saving the most tedious part of it for last, the right trapezoids. Luckily, there is an equation for this:

1/2 x (Sum of parallel sides) x (perpendicular distance between the parallel sides).

So, within each of these right trapezoids, there's the parallel sides of 5 and 8. There's also a perpendicular side of 5cm. With this, we can plug this into the equation to solve for this part:

1/2 x (5+8) * (5)

1/2 x (13) * (5)

1/2 x (65)


Since there's two of them, times this by 2:

32.5 * 2 ---> 65.

Now, with the area of all of the faces, these can be added up for the total surface area:

50.4 + 36.54 + 33.39 + 31.5 + 65 ---> 216.83 (Round Down)-->

216.8 cm^2 = Total Surface Area

Let u=ln(x) and v=ln(y). Write the expression below in terms of u and v


Answer:  (1/2)u - v


Work Shown:

We'll apply these log rules

[tex]\text{Log Rule 1: } \ \ \ \ln\left(\frac{x}{y}\right) = \ln(x) - \ln(y)\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\text{Log Rule 2: } \ \ \ \ln\left(x^y\right) = y\ln(x)\\\\[/tex]

These log rules can be used for logs of any base, and not just natural logs.

[tex]z = \ln\left(\frac{\sqrt{x}}{y}\right)\\\\z = \ln\left(\sqrt{x}\right)-\ln\left(y\right) \text{ ... Use log rule 1}\\\\z = \ln\left(x^{1/2}\right)-\ln\left(y\right)\\\\z = \frac{1}{2}\ln\left(x\right)-\ln\left(y\right) \text{ ... Use log rule 2}\\\\z = \frac{1}{2}u-v\\\\[/tex]


[tex]\ln\left(\frac{\sqrt{x}}{y}\right) = \frac{1}{2}u-v\\\\[/tex]

when [tex]u = \ln(x) \ \text{ and } \ v = \ln(y)\\\\[/tex]

Solve triangle ABC
B=56 degrees, a=14


I believe B - 56 and the other two would be 17? but I’m not completely sure

If P=(5,4), Find the image of P under the following rotation.
180° counterclockwise about the origin.
([?], [?])



(–5 , –4)

Step-by-step explanation:

when you rotate 180° whether clockwise or counterclockwise, the value of x and y will remain the same, but you need to change the + to – and – to +

help me please. thank you if you do​




Step-by-step explanation:

A billing company that collects bills for​ doctors' offices in the area is concerned that the percentage of bills being paid by medical insurance has risen.​ Historically, that percentage has been 31​%. An examination of 8,606 ​recent, randomly selected bills reveals that 32​% of these bills are being paid by medical insurance. Is there evidence of a change in the percent of bills being paid by medical​ insurance



Following are the responses to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]H_o : p =0.31\\\\H_a: p \neq 0.31\\\\n = 8606 \\\\ p^ = 0.32[/tex]

[tex]TS = \frac{(p^ - p)}{\sqrt{(\frac{pq}{n})}}[/tex]

      [tex]= \frac{(0.32-0.31)}{\sqrt{(\frac{0.31\times 0.69}{8368})}}\\\\=\frac{0.01}{5.4}\\\\=0.00185\\\\[/tex]

Hi plz help, if you can ill mark you 5 starz! :)



79 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

(5×1 )(5 1/2 ×3 )(6×4 )(6 1/2 × 3)( 7×2)= 79 hours

14. Which step should be placed in the blank to make the solution correct?
V25 = 5 = 51 =
= (5 - 5)2 = 25
A. 5 * = 5 + 5
52+2 = 52.52
C. (51)
D. 52 + 5


The correct answer would be A

Solve the system of equations:


A.) (-5.5, -61)

B.) (-55, -6100)

C.) (-5.5, -610)

D.) (-55, -610)


The answers is B.(-55,6100)

please please help me!!!!!!!​


Answer: there is your answer and how

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help me out


Answer= i believe it’s gonna be “100” as well

Select the correct answer.

If , what is the value of ?










heres the answer :) uhh i need 20 wrds so uhhhhhskcljadj

Ms jaegar can type 280 words in 4 minutes on her computer. If this is her average rate, How much word will she type in 10 minutes?
Show your work



700 words

Step-by-step explanation:

280: 4


280/4 = x/10

4times x is equal to 4x and 280 times 10 is equal to 2800


2800 divided by x is 700.

The answer is 700 words per 10 minutes.

280x2=560. 8min

280/2= 140. 2min.

560+140=700. 10min.

The success of an airline depends heavily on its ability to provide a pleasant customer experience. One dimension of customer service on which airlines compete is on-time arrival. The tables below contain a sample of data from delayed flights showing the number of minutes each delayed flight was late for two different airlines, Company A and Company B.
Company A
34 59 43 30 3
32 42 85 30 48
110 50 10 26 70
52 83 78 27 70
27 90 38 52 76
Company B
46 63 43 33 65
104 45 27 39 84
75 44 34 51 63
42 34 34 65 64
(a) Formulate the hypotheses that can be used to test for a difference between the population mean minutes late for delayed flights by these two airlines. (Let μ1 = population mean minutes late for delayed Company A flights and μ2 = population mean minutes late for delayed Company B flights.)
A)H0: μ1 − μ2 = 0
Ha: μ1 − μ2 ≠ 0
B) H0: μ1 − μ2 ≤ 0
Ha: μ1 − μ2 > 0
C)H0: μ1 − μ2 < 0
Ha: μ1 − μ2 = 0
D) H0: μ1 − μ2 ≠ 0
Ha: μ1 − μ2 = 0
E) H0: μ1 − μ2 ≥ 0
Ha: μ1 − μ2 < 0
(b) What is the sample mean number of minutes late for delayed flights for each of these two airlines?
Company A______ min.
Company B______ min.
(c) Calculate the test statistic. (Round your answer to three decimal places.)
test statistic=
What is the p-value? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)
p-value =
Using a 0.05 level of significance, what is your conclusion?
A) Reject H0. There is statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in terms of their population mean delay time
B) Do not Reject H0. There is statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in
terms of their population mean delay time.
C) Do not reject H0. There is no statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in terms of their population mean delay time.
D) Reject H0. There is no statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in terms of their population mean delay time.



A)H0: μ1 − μ2 = 0

Ha: μ1 − μ2 ≠ 0

(b)  Means

Company A___50.6___ min.

Company B___52.75___ min.

c)The t-value is -0.30107.

The p-value is 0 .764815.

C) Do not reject H0. There is no statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in terms of their population mean delay time.

Step-by-step explanation:

A)H0: μ1 − μ2 = 0

i.e there is no difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines

Ha: μ1 − μ2 ≠ 0

i.e there is a difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines


Company A___50.6___ min.

Company B___52.75___ min.

Mean of Company A = x`1= ∑x/n =34+ 59+ 43+ 30+ 3+ 32+ 42+ 85+ 30+ 48+ 110+ 50+ 10+ 26+ 70+ 52+ 83+ 78+ 27+ 70+ 27+ 90+ 38+ 52+ 76/25

= 1265/25= 50.6

Mean of Company B = x`2= ∑x/n =

=46+ 63+ 43+ 33+ 65+ 104+ 45+ 27+ 39+ 84+ 75+ 44+ 34+ 51+ 63+ 42+ 34+ 34+ 65+ 64/20

= 1055/20= 52.75

Difference Scores Calculations

Company A

Sample size for Company A= n1= 25

Degrees of freedom for company A= df1 = n1 - 1 = 25 - 1 = 24

Mean for Company A= x`1=  50.6

Total Squared Difference (x-x`1) for Company A= SS1: 16938

s21 = SS1/(n1 - 1) = 16938/(25-1) = 705.75

Company B

Sample size for Company B= n1= 20

Degrees of freedom for company B= df2 = n2 - 1 = 20 - 1 = 19

Mean for Company B= x`2=  52.75

Total Squared Difference (x-x`2) for Company B= SS2=7427.75

s22 = SS2/(n2 - 1) = 7427.75/(20-1) = 390.93

T-value Calculation

Pooled Variance= Sp²

Sp² = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22)

Sp²= ((24/43) * 705.75) + ((19/43) * 390.93) = 566.65

s2x`1 = s2p/n1 = 566.65/25 = 22.67

s2x`2 = s2p/n2 = 566.65/20 = 28.33

t = (x`1 - x`2)/√(s2x`1 + s2x`2) = -2.15/√51 = -0.3

The t-value is -0.30107.

The total degrees of freedom is = n1+n2- 2= 25+20-2=43

The critical region for two tailed test at significance level ∝ =0.05 is

t(0.025) (43) = t > ±2.017

Since the calculated value of t=  -0.30107.  does not fall in the critical region t > ±2.017, null hypothesis is not rejected that is there is no difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines.

The p-value is 0 .764815. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.

In this exercise, it is necessary to use the knowledge given by the airlines and the flights, having as a solution:

a)[tex]H_0: \mu_1 -\mu_2 = 0\\H_a:\mu_1 -\mu_2\neq 0[/tex]

b)  Means: Company A 50.6 min.

Company B 52.75 min.

c)The t-value is -0.30107.

The p-value is 0 .764815.

C) Do not reject H0. There is no statistical evidence that one airline does better than the other in terms of their population mean delay time.

A)[tex]H_0: \mu_1 -\mu_2 = 0[/tex]

There is no difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines:

[tex]H_a:\mu_1 -\mu_2\neq 0[/tex]

There is a difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines.

(b) Mean of Company A[tex]= x_1= \sum{x/n} = 1265/25= 50.6[/tex]

Mean of Company B [tex]= x_2= \sum{x/n} =1055/20= 52.75[/tex]

C) Difference Scores Calculations:

Company A:

Sample size for Company [tex]A= n1= 25[/tex]

Degrees of freedom for company [tex]A= df1 = n1 - 1 = 25 - 1 = 24[/tex]

Mean for Company [tex]A= x_1= 50.6[/tex]

Total Squared Difference for Company [tex]A= SS1: 16938\\s21 = SS1/(n1 - 1) = 16938/(25-1) = 705.75[/tex]

Company B:

Sample size for Company [tex]B= n1= 20[/tex]

Degrees of freedom for company [tex]B= df2 = n2 - 1 = 20 - 1 = 19[/tex]

Mean for Company[tex]B= x_2= 52.75[/tex]

Total Squared Difference for Company [tex]B= SS2=7427.75\\s22 = SS2/(n2 - 1) = 7427.75/(20-1) = 390.93[/tex]

T-value Calculation

Pooled Variance= Sp²

[tex]Sp^2= ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22)\\Sp^2= ((24/43) * 705.75) + ((19/43) * 390.93) = 566.65\\s2x_1 = s2p/n1 = 566.65/25 = 22.67\\s2x_2 = s2p/n2 = 566.65/20 = 28.33\\t = (x_1 - x_2)/\sqrt{s2x_1 + s2x_2} = -2.15/\sqrt{51} = -0.3[/tex]

The t-value is -0.30107.

The total degrees of freedom is [tex]= n1+n2- 2= 25+20-2=43[/tex]

The critical region for two tailed test at significance level ∝ =0.05 is [tex]t(0.025) (43) = t > 2.017[/tex]

Since the calculated value of t=  -0.30107.  does not fall in the critical region t > ±2.017, null hypothesis is not rejected that is there is no difference between the means of delayed flight for two different airlines.

The p-value is 0 .764815. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.

Learn more: brainly.com/question/14356533

A property has been assessed at $225 000. The mill rate is 14.5. To find the property tax, you would multiply the mill rate by: *
a) 0.10
b) 0.001
c) 0.01
d) 0.0001


A would be the answer

To find the property tax, you would multiply the mill rate by 0.01

To find the property tax, you would multiply the assessed value of the property by the mill rate.

Given that the assessed value is $225,000 and the mill rate is 14.5, we need to multiply these two values to calculate the property tax.

Property Tax = Assessed Value × Mill Rate

Property Tax = $225,000 × 14.5

To simplify the calculation, we can convert the mill rate to a decimal by dividing it by 1,000.

Mill Rate = 14.5 ÷ 1000 = 0.0145

Property Tax = $225,000 × 0.0145

Property Tax = $3,262.50

Therefore, to find the property tax, you would multiply the mill rate by 0.01 (option c).

To know more about property tax click here :



what is a decimal in mathematics



a decimal number can be defined as a number whose whole number part and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point. The dot in a decimal number is called a decimal point. The digits following the decimal point show a value smaller than one.

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 15t—7=28 + 8t​


So t=5

One more question 50 points



5 complete scarves

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Total yarn = (amount of yarn per scarf) (amount of scarfs)

(8/9) = (1/6) (amount of scarfs)

amount of scarfs = (8*6)/9 = 48/9 = 5. 33333, so the amount of complete handkerchiefs she can make is 5.

3x-8= 4
What is the first and second steps in solving this equation?

a. Multiply each side by 3

b. Divide each side by 3
c.Add 8 to each side

d. Subtract 8 from each side


I believe the answer is D

Which factored form of 10x + 120x + 320 reveals all the zeros of the function it defines?
A) 10(x + 6)^2 – 40
B) 10(x + 8) (x + 4)
C) 10x (x + 12) + 320
D) 10(x^2 + 12x +32)




Step-by-step explanation:

Someone please help me!!!!!


Here is your answer wish you good luck

write an addition equation for a triangle with side lengths of 3, √2, √7



3² = (√2)² + (√7)²

Step-by-step explanation:

The given sides to us are 3 , √2 and √7. We can check if these are the sides of right angled triangle.

For that , we can use Pythagoras Theorem , which is = + . Here 3 is the longest side so , it can be hypotenuse.

=> h² = p² + b²

=> 3² = (√2)² + (√7)²

=> 9 = 2 + 7

=> 9 = 9

Hence the ∆ is right angled .

Hence the addition equation is 3² = (√2)² + (√7)² .

Find the surface area of the prism.



104 in

Step-by-step explanation:


You need to select a pair of socks from the draw and then a t-shirt. You have eight different colors of sock pairs and ten different color t-shirts. If you pull one from each draw, what are the possible combinations of socks and t-shirt that you will get?




Step-by-step explanation:

You only have 8 socks and its a combination of both socks and t-shirts.  Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:


Donna wants to save $700 to buy a TV. She saves $17 cach week. The amount, A (in dollars), that she still needs after w weeks is given by the following
A(w)= 700 - 17w
Answer the following questions.
(a) How much money does Donna still need after 6 weeks?
(b) If Donna still needs $411, how many weeks has she been saving?



Part A:

She would need $598 after 6 weeks of collecting money.

Part B:

She would have waited 17 weeks to have $411 left.

Step-by-step explanation:

Part A:

Replace w in 700 - 17w with 700 - 17(6).

This would give you $598 left until $700 has been reached.

Part B:

Replace w in 700 - 17w with 700 - 17(17).

This would give you $411 left until $700 has been reached.

Help me plz what is the theme

Making new friends is too difficult, so you shouldn’t try.

You have to take risks in order to get rewards.

Jared felt lonely and sad because he was too afraid to take a chance.

Honesty is always the best policy.


Do you have the text like as in the passage ? If so upload it


There is no passage/short story etc. to base this question off of, but if you copy and paste it I'll come back and edit my answer :)

Can someone solve this?




Step-by-step explanation:

O.40 × 3.00 = 1.2

1.2 × 18 = 21.6

$21.60 was the owners profit yesterday.

Sarah's dad bought her a scooter that cost $89.95. He figures he can spend up to $30.05 on a helmet before he spends too much money in all. Let x represent how much money Sarah's dad wants to spend in all. Which inequality describes the problem?



x - 89.95 ≤ 30.05= x ≤ 120

add 89.95 to both sides of the equation. Since on the right side 89.95 is already there it cancells eachother out leaving x. After adding 89.95 to 30.05 you should get an answer of 120.

The money Sarah's dad wants to spend in all if Sarah's dad bought her a scooter that costs $89.95, He can spend up to $30.05 on a helmet, which is less than or equal to $120, x ≤ 120.

What is inequality?

Inequality is a relationship that compares two numbers or other mathematical expressions in an unequal way. Inequalities are the name given to certain algebraic mathematical expressions.


Sarah's dad bought her a scooter that cost $89.95,

He can spend up to $30.05 on a helmet,

Assume the x is the money Sarah's dad wants to spend in all,

Write the inequality as shown below,

x - 89.95 ≤ 30.05

Solve the inequality by adding 89.95 on both sides,

x - 89.95  + 89.95   ≤ 30.05 + 89.95  

x ≤ 120

To know more about inequality:



Jaylin Earned $36 for 3 hours of work and $60 for 5 hours of work. What is the Constant of Proportionality?


I believe it would be 12$ per hour or aka constant proportionality!! I hope I get brain-list!!
36 divide by 3 = 12
60 divide by 5 = 12
So twelve is your answer
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