6. Which aspect of industrialization most directly encouraged advertisements with similar messages to the (1 point)
image shown above?
O expansion of railroads
O construction of factories
O investment in mining
O invention of farm machines


Answer 1
I would say either the first or second one seems the safest choice

Related Questions

How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the emergence of fascism in Italy?
The treaty restricted the size of the Italian military, lowering Italian morale.
The treaty did not give Italy control of the territory it wanted, angering the people.
The treaty imposed harsh reparations on Italy, devastating the Italian economy.
The treaty forced Italy to accept responsibility for World War I, humiliating the people.



B- the treaty did not give italy control of the territory it wanted, angering the people


during world war 1, italy joined the allied powers last minute after he saw that they were winning. Italy joined because they wanted to receive a lot of land for being on the winning team. This angered the Italian people, and led to more nationalism.

The Answer is B Tue treaty did not give Italy control of the territory it wanted angering the people

The region from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and along the Mediterranean Sea was known as
O the Red Sea
O the Knesset
O the Nile River
O Macedonia
O the Fertile Crescent
O Canaan


I believe this region is the Fertile Crescent

What are the benefits of people living together in a space? What are the drawbacks or issues?


Well the benefits of people living together are cheaper living. All people would help pay for the place you live in, so there’s less money spent from one person. As well as that there’s more hands to help clean and deal with chores.

However there’s less privacy more often, and you might live with people you don’t know so that can be a problem. Also there’s no telling if you like those people, so you’ll be stuck if you don’t. And there’s higher food and energy bills (although bills are easier to pay with more people giving in) but one person may be more selfish and take up more resources than others and everyone would have to pay for it together- even if one person is using more than others the payment will probably be equally shared.

Native Americans in the 1970s
wanted the U.S. government to do
which of the following?
A. assist them
B. pay them
C. stay away from them



assist them


After World War I, Europe experienced a crippling economic crisis. In an
effort to prevent an economic downturn after WWII, the ____ offered
European countries assistance with the___?
A. French; League of Nations
B. British; United Nations
C. Soviet Union; Warsaw Pact
D. United States; Marshall Plan





Please answer the question..I need this done fast



dude just search up the words and then a image

Who is the 30th president?



Calvin Coolidge


What is the Eightfold Path?



The eightfold path is a figurative path towards enlightenment in the Buddhist religion.


: the Buddhist teaching of the means of attaining Nirvana through rightness of belief, resolve, speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought, and meditation — see four noble truths.

What was the last year for a documented case of pollo in the U.S.?





Why do oligopolists frequently appear to act together?



When oligopoly firms in a certain market decide what quantity to produce and what price to charge, they face a temptation to act as if they were a monopoly. By acting together, oligopolistic firms can hold down industry output, charge a higher price, and divide up the profit among themselves.


Have a great day!

What was Wounded Knee?
a battle
a Native American Tribe
a massacre
a movie


The wounded knee was a massacre, hence the name “wounded knee massacre”

Germany was especially opposed to Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles because it forced Germany to reduce the size of its army and navy. forced Germany to reduce the size of its army and navy. returned the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France. returned the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France. awarded sections of eastern Germany to the new Polish state. awarded sections of eastern Germany to the new Polish state. held Germany (and Austria) responsible for the war and required reparations.


The correct answer is "held Germany (and Austria) responsible for the war and required reparations."

Germany was especially opposed to Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles because it held Germany (and Austria) responsible for the war and required reparations.

Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies laid responsibility for The First World War on Germany. It dictated that Germany would pay reparations and disarm its military. It·resulted in a substantial loss of territory for Germany. ·it helped set the stage for European conflict that would eventually result in World War II.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, and the signing represented the official end of World War II. It was signed in the Palace of Versailles, close to Paris, France.

Which diagram correctly shows how gross domestic product (GDP)
measures economic health?


The answer is C because your country is going to shrink and die off or they will out if u have less and less

Why is the miranda vs arizona case significant?



Miranda v. Arizona was a significant Supreme Court case that ruled that a defendant's statements to authorities are inadmissible in court unless the defendant has been informed of their right to have an attorney present during questioning and an understanding that anything they say will be held against them


Arizona was a significant Supreme Court case that ruled that a defendant's statements to authorities are inadmissible in court unless the defendant has been informed of their right to have an attorney present during questioning and an understanding that anything they say will be held against them.


Air offensive Europe campaign summary



The operation, however, was crucial in deciding the war's final outcome because the Allies engaged German forces that could have upset the balance in France with a bare minimum of force. June 1944, Europe. June 1944 was a watershed moment in World War II, particularly in Europe.

Explanation: Brainliest plz

Enter the word you received when you completed the Chapter 41 Highlights activity ​



the answer is Chad



The answer is indeed "Chad"


Cómo están organizadas las Naciones Unidas?



Los principales órganos de la ONU son la Asamblea General, el Consejo de Seguridad, el Consejo Económico y Social, la Secretaría General, el Consejo de Administración Fiduciaria y la Corte Internacional de Justicia.


espero que esto ayude.

Which countries made up the Axis powers in World War II? Which countries made up the Allied power in World War II? ( You can use the Main countries ).



Jermany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers and France, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union were the Allied powers.


i hope this helps have a good day -Mal

Will give Brainliest (if correct). What evidence indicates that federal government initiatives regarding housing were unfair to minorities?


The Fair Housing Act, which was passed in April 1968 as Title VIII of the Civil Rights. On the one side, the federal government sought to stabilize financial. Neighborhoods with a large population of African Americans and others. However, evidence shows that racial discrimination in the housing market.

How did Eleanor Roosevelt assist her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt?


Former President Theodore Roosevelt gave away the bride. As Franklin pursued a career in politics, Eleanor raised four children (a fifth died in infancy), volunteered in civic organizations and worked for women’s suffrage before becoming first lady.

Was Vietnam divided before or after the Korean War?


Before Korean war

The Vietnam were divided in two nations in  1954 to 1975  and the Korean war was 1950 to 1953

Each branch of government has power over the others.

Select the correct answer and explain. (no links please)
a. Articles of Confederation
b. Virginia Plan
c. Republic
d. Anti-federalists
e. Three-Fifths Compromise
f. Checks and Balances
g. Bill of Rights


Answer: So your answer here will be f. Checks and Balances

Explanation: To find the answer if you look up the definition of this phrase it is “counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups. By looking at this you find that the definition of this matches each branch of government has power over the others to ensure that one branch of government cannot yield more power than the rest.

Have a nice day!


Which statement best expresses the central idea of the text?
a. Experts learned about dentistry in ancient Rome by finding teeth in a drain and studying them
B. Dentistry has not changed much since the ancient Romans, as people still get cavities
C.The ancient Romans didn't know how to properly pull and dispose of teeth
D.The ancient Romans pulled teeth rather than fix them because it was faster and cheaper.


Answer: it could be B

sorry if it is wrong.

People who live in cities are less likely to want large families because of the higher
A. crime rate
B. cost of living
C. standard of living
D. unemployment rate
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



People who live in cities are less likely to want large families because of the higher COSTS.


B.Cost of living


ExplanatioPeople who live in cities are less likely to want large families because of the higher COSTS.

This conflict started in 1861.


The Civil War in the United States began in 1861, after decades of simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states’ rights and westward expansion.

How do prosperity and effective marketing influence the way Americans spend money?


The back-to-back shocks of a deadly virus, lockdowns and civil unrest have a growing number of Americans reevaluating not just their life priorities, but also how — or even, if — they’ll spend their money.

Good.Must.Grow, a Los Angeles-based firm, said its Conscious Consumer Spending Index, which tracks expected purchases of socially responsible brands, suddenly rebounded after trending down since 2017, jumping 15% in May from the previous study in November. Asked what criteria would influence their post-pandemic spending, almost 70% of respondents cited a company’s ability to make a positive impact on society and the environment. The firm polled more than 1,000 Americans.

Civil rights are important in the United States today because they:



They are important because they allow everyone to have a fair chance to achieve his or her full potential.


When did Congress pass the Sherman Antitrust Act? What did the Sherman Antitrust
seek to do?



1890. It was made to add the first measure passed by the U.S Congress to not allow cartels, monopolies, and trusts.


Please paraphrase when copy and pasting my answer. Thank you.


The act was passed in 1890. It was made to add the first measure passed by the U.S Congress to not allow cartels, monopolies, and/or trusts.


Which of the following BEST explains why Japan has a high gross
domestic product when it has few natural resources?
A, Japan relies on natural resources found in the ocean to make up
for its lack of resources on land.
B. Japan has invested in capital goods and human resources to make
it a larger producer of finished goods for trading.
C. Japan has placed tariffs on foreign goods which allows consumers
to pay lower prices because goods are produced domestically,
D. Japan can purchase many goods internationally to make up for
their lack of natural resources,


Answer: B


Explain the ways in which the standards of proof and potential penalties differ depending on the type of crime.


A standard of proof refers to the duty of the person responsible for proving the case. There are different standards of proof in different circumstances. The three primary standards of proof are proof beyond a reasonable doubt, preponderance of the evidence and clear and convincing evidence.
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