50 POINTS!!!!

Hi, I need catchy title ideas for my argumentative essay

The topic is social media being unblocked in schools, and my claim was that it should be unblocked on school computers.

I've already wrote the essay, I just need a title


Answer 1


you said 50 points but it has 25 points?


Answer 2

Answer:Play off a thought-provoking phrase, such as "The killer's innocence," which combines two different -- and seemingly opposing -- ideas. Especially when combined with words that clearly reflect your argument, such phrases make strong titles.


Related Questions

How does Washington interpret Truth's body language and voice inflection? Is it an accurate interpretation? Why or why not?


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Abolitionist and woman's rights advocate Sojourner Truth was an African American, and he claims he wants to “make the public, and particularly the kids, aware of her fight and contributions through creative musical composition.

What Washington interpret Truth's body language?

It is crucial to note that even though Denzel Washington has won two Academy Awards, when he is “being Denzel,” he is exposed to the same non-verbal cues as others who have never received formal acting training. Despite his knowledge and experience, he is unable to control them.

She did perform the song, although she was first associated with it in 1878, fourteen years after Miller's version appeared in the National Anti-Slavery Standard. The song was created for the first Michigan Regiment of coloured soldiers, and it was composed by Sojourner Truth during the war.

Therefore, Washington interpret Truth's body language and voice inflection.

Learn more about Washington here:



(Animal Farm Chapter 9) At the end of the chapter, the pigs are able to buy another case of alcohol. Where do you think this money came from?



Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. they made money off of

boxers death

The author of "Code Talkers” supports the idea that the code talkers were essential to America’s war effort by

illustrating why the code talkers chose to help the US by creating a code.
highlighting the complexity of the Navajo language the code talkers used.
highlighting the bravery of the soldiers the code talkers worked with.
illustrating how the code talkers provided a specific service in a major battle.



The author of "Code Talkers” supports the idea that the code talkers were essential to America’s war effort by:

B. highlighting the complexity of the Navajo language the code talkers used.


In "Code Talkers", Joseph Bruchac highlights the use of Native American languages as codes during the war. More specifically, he gives special attention to the Navajo language because of its complexity. The other languages could be more easily learned by German and Japanese students, who could then break the codes and relay messages to their countries. On the other hand, the Navajo language was so difficult that almost no one that was a non-Navajo could speak it. That made it much harder to break codes that used the Navajo language.


D) illustrating how the code talkers provided a specific service in a major battle.



Read this excerpt from Exploring the Titanic.

It was now almost two in the morning, very close to the exact hour of the Titanic’s sinking. Someone pointed to the clock on the wall. All of a sudden the room became silent.

The author mentions the exact time of the discovery to

explain why the crew was tired.
show why the ocean was quiet.
point out a strange coincidence.
describe a complicated process.


Answer:Its C


Trust me i got it right


C > Point out a strange coincidence


Great day or great night!

What is one feature that makes Hurston's essay literary nonfiction?
A. Hurston uses straightforward, intense arguments.
B. Hurston uses literary devices such as conceits.
C. Hurston uses high-level jargon to signify the complexity of her
D. Hurston includes kernels of truth at the core of otherwise
fantastic tales.



B. Hurston uses literary devices such as conceits.

Hurston uses literary devices such as conceit making literary nonfiction. Therefore, option B is correct.

What is the main idea of Hurston's essay?

In her 1928 essay "How It Feels To Be Colored Me," African-American author Zora Neale Hurston makes the case that race is not a fundamental characteristic that a person is born with but rather develops in particular social situations.

Hurston uses Janie's thoughts and deeds to illustrate how African Americans were attempting to define themselves and realise their goals of independence during Reconstruction.

Hurston starts the article by describing her upbringing in the Florida hamlet of Eatonville. She talks about watching white folks from her front porch and performing singing and dancing for them in exchange for payment. Hurston settles into her surroundings in Eatonville, a little town.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about Hurston's essay, follow the link:



I need help with my Project.Its due in 3 days time. English isn't my first language.

Question : You are a speaker in a debate on the motion “Modern movies do not provide Young people with a good model of human behaviour” .
Write your speech for or against the motion.​


Perhaps take from my answer. Sorry if this isn't good, i'm a bit tired. You can add on and change up the words. I was unsure what was exactly wanted for this.


Hello, as the speaker of this, I say the motion is correct. Modern movies are run by acting and scripts, while people are off script and anything could truly happen. Younger people tend to leach from what they see on T.V. and from elders, thus certain movies may give them bad views. Say with common action movies: That would most likely give the person a taste of violence as an answer. Humans can be violent, but are not always fighting like how thrillers and action movies show. People do break out into fights, just not like that. If someone was trying to figure out how some commonly interact and behave from a movie, it wouldn't be a good choice, since that would provide the wrong view. Unless it's a documentary or educational film, modern movies do indeed give a bad model. It is understandable for others to have different opinions on this matter, this is my own. Thank you for your time.

*Media Literacy*
Which option exemplifies a community?
A. people committed to stopping child labor.
B. A person interested in influencing others.
C. Buying a pair of shoes on the Internet.
D. Watching a television series on Hulu


your answer is the first option, A.


B. People dedicated to stopping kids from working

How does the time period of the setting in "Part 1: A Son's Adventures" shape Penelope? It causes her to spend more time weaving a cloth than a person using modern equipment would require. It forces her to have to outwit her suitors instead of having the option to merely refuse them. It causes her to learn to weave with a loom as all women did during her time. It makes her appreciate the many suitors who want to marry her.



It forces her to have to outwit her suitors instead of having the option to merely refuse them.


I took the test and got 100/

The time period of the setting causes Penelope to be forced to deceive her suitors instead of having the option to merely refuse them.

Who is Penelope?She is the wife of Odysseus.She is a lonely woman who doesn't know what happened to her husband.She is a woman who is being forced to marry another man.

As no one has heard from Odysseus for many years, everyone believes he is dead and this forces Penelope to find another husband. However, to maintain fidelity to her husband, Penelope is forced to deceive all of his suitors, until the moment when Odysseus returns.

You can learn more about Penelope at the link below:


I need help on this


The answer is retirement.
it’s retirement ! hope this helped

50 POINTS!!!! Which sentence reflects the central idea of the passage?
Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health. Most of the food items are fried and high in sugar and fat. Various studies have shown that eating high amounts of junk food can cause obesity, high cholesterol, liver and heart problems, and even issues in concentration. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children.
It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of pizza every now and then, but healthy habits are better!

A. Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food.

B. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health.

C. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children.

D. It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation.


Answer:  The sentence that reflects the central idea of the passage is It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person's health. Explanation: The central or main idea is the most important thought of a paragraph that tells the reader what the text is about.



to inform people and its b

Which sentence uses the
semicolon correctly.?
A. Brent slapped me on the back when I left the
office; for the weekend.
B. The coffee pot shut off, I would like another
C. When the clock gets to five minutes past the
hour; the class will begin.





B is the only one that connects two sentences.

Answer: I’d say B (I assume the “,” is supposed to be a semicolon since the other answer options have semicolons)

Explanation: For B, you could both say “The coffee pot shut off. I would like another cup.” as well as “The coffee pot shut off, I would like another cup.”, which is where the semicolon comes in.

Which revision corrects a misspelling in this sentence? Despite their best efforts, the team was bound to loose the game. O A. No change is needed. B. Change "their to "they're." C. Change "efforts" to "efferts." O D. Change "loose" to "lose."





change loose to lose.


D. Change "loose" into "lose"

HELPP PLEASE :( 20. What is a likely theme in "Death of a Salesman?"

A) The author argues to be a better salesman and driver.

B) The author argues that telling the truth and seeking forgiveness is important in

C) The author argues that you should never steal sporting goods.

D) The author argues that ungrateful children are a nuisance.





This is the most likely theme

Why does Bud think ideas are like trees?

The book is bud not buddy pls help


they change and are different based off of the area they are created (grown) in. the idea is a seed. the area it’s grown in (let’s say you live in ms, ppl are racist) so there’s less sun, less biased bc of the area it’s in.

Direct- indirect speech.

1]Kedr said to me , " i do my duty".
2]I said to sunita, "I am doing my duty."
3]Akash said to me, " I have done My duty".
4]Geeta said to me, "I have been doing my duty well".
5] Sachin said to the Manager,"I paid the bill, yesterday".

(plss plss guys give me fast and correct answers...) Who will give me correct and fast answer i will mark them as Branlist... ​



1. Kedr told me that he does his duty

2. I told Sunita that I was doing my duty

3. Akash told me that he had done his duty

4. Geeta told me that she had been doing her duty well.

5. Sachin told the manager that he had paid the bill yesterday


Direct speech is a type of speech that quotes the words of a speaker verbatim, while reported/indirect speech does not quote the speaker verbatim but conveys the word of the speaker in his own words.

Appeals to ethics or credibility are also known as?


That is known as Ethos

Please help me please please someone help me


the answer is counsel or whatever




Counsel, out of the four options, is the word that best completes the sentence. "Judge" does not fit in the context, as does "order" and "direct". Wang wants to help Charissa, not order her around and tell her exactly what fits. Usually, when one hears "counsel" they think of a counselor, one who helps you do things yourself.

— Hope this helps!! Brainliest appreciated

Rakesh car was stolen last night change into passive​



Someone stole Rakesh car last night.

1. What is an explanation or model backed by results obtained from many
tests or experiments?
Scientific Theory



Scientific theory


A hypothesis is need for experiment. Geocentric theory views the earth as center of the universe. Heliocentric views the sun as the center.

The option would be scientific theory

Can someone please help me I need this or I fail



1 is definitely sexism

2 is probably A

3 is probably conflict

these are my answers. and there is no dominance of men in todays society. all genders have equal opportunities and rights

Read this excerpt from the golem what do the stage directions show the reader about rabbi lows veiwpoint


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Read this excerpt from The Golem.


In a dream Rabbi Low sees fantastic versions of the symbols and shapes from his book, against a constantly shifting background.

Rabbi Low is surrounded by townspeople, pleading with him to help them. Their cries grow louder.

Rabbi Low reaches out for them, but his arms pass through them. They dissolve like mist. Their images are replaced by laughing, cruel faces. Rabbi Low shakes away these visions with his arms.

What do the stage directions show the reader about Rabbi Low’s viewpoint?

he does not believe in dreams

he fears rejection from others

he is afraid for his community

he lives in a daytime fantasy world


he is afraid for his community


According to the stage directions presented in the text, we can see that the rabbi sees his community in a cruel and mocking way. This causes him to have a certain fear of the community, having very uncomfortable visions with it, where he is extremely judged, oppressed and humiliated.


its c


how do tally express her love for david in uglies?(in a letter)



The moment of touching makes Tally feel real and makes her love for David feel real as well. This act of touch is also an act of liberation. Tally's freedom proves short-lived when Special Circumstances finds the Smoke anyway. The Specials kill David's father and turn Shay pretty against her will.

5. What does Mr. P say will happen to Rowdy?



you didn't add a story or possible questions no one can answer this but give me brainliest plssss


In contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides A a belittlement of her plight B a comic distraction C a moment of lightheartedness D a direct challenge to her reasoning E an indication of a possible misunderstanding​



C a moment of lightheartedness


In contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides a moment of lightheartedness.

This is because the tone is a teasing tone which is quite different from the tone that was used to discuss colonialism and is used as a sort of comic relief.

You sound... intellectual provides C. a moment of lightheartedness.

It should be noted that in the story, in contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides a moment of lightheartedness.

In the story, it should be noted that the tone used was a teasing tone. This was vital in order to create humor and therefore create a moment of lightheartedness.

Read related link on:


please can someone help my assignment in English​



that's so hard sorry I can't help you

In "The Man to Send Rain Clouds," how do the clanspeople want the priest, Father
Paul, to participate in Teofilo's funeral?
They want the priest to give the old man last rites so they will have a bountiful
growing season.
They want Father Paul to bless Teofilo so he will always be happy in the afterlife.
They have Father Paul wrap Teofilo in a blanket so he will always be warm.
They ask the priest to sprinkle holy water on the grave so the old man's spirit
will make it rain.



They ask the priest to sprinkle holy water on the grave so the old man's spirit

will make it rain.

What is pollination?
en of


That doesn’t make sense

Identify the descriptions of each word as being either denotative or connotative.



loud mouthed: means the voice of the freedom Who always has a loud and arrogant voice its denotativeirritating person : Here it is clear that it indicates the person who is causing the inconvenience its connotative



    excessively self- assertive:dentotavie

    a loud mouth irrating person: connotative


       precious stone or jewl: dentotavie

       person who is treausered: connotative


         high speed flying bird white in color:connotaive

         symbol of peace and humility: dentotavie


What can one person do to create a safe, welcoming place for all?( please try to do 3+ sentences please thank you)



This my answer


You can make a welcoming and safe place for all by making a place were people without a home can stay. You can also make a party at your house and invite your neighbors so they feel that they are wanted and important to be welcomed to a party.

That's all I could think of.

Which sentence from the PRO article supports
the idea that many people would prefer to live in
the suburbs rather than in big cities?
One of the most important is that many of the
best jobs are in big cities.
Crime and pollution remain far worse in cities
as well.
Traveling from suburb to city center will
become much less tiring.
Instead, they will stay put in nearby suburbs.


Is this multiple choice?
Other Questions
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One area of particular concern is the Inventory account, which has a year-end balance of $247,680. Discussions with the accountant reveal the following.1. Splish Brothers Inc. sold goods costing $50,590 to Hemlock Company FOB shipping point on December 28. The goods are not expected to reach Hemlock until January 12. The goods were not included in the physical inventory because they were not in the warehouse.2. The physical count of the inventory did not include goods costing $100,920 that were shipped to Splish Brothers Inc. FOB destination on December 27 and were still in transit at year-end.3. Splish Brothers Inc. received goods costing $25,880 on January 2. The goods were shipped FOB shipping point on December 26 by Yanice Co. The goods were not included in the physical count.4. Splish Brothers Inc. sold goods costing $54,220 to Ehler of Canada FOB destination on December 30. The goods were received in Canada on January 8. 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