5. What is the name of the girls that Ponyboy and Johnny meet? Why is this a conflict?​


Answer 1


where is the text??????


Answer 2


if you look it up u should be able to find t


Related Questions

Levi's homework is to write a report. He decides to write about his aquarium. He wants to tell readers how to set up an aquarium.
How should Levi organize his report?

.by describing the aquarium in detail
.by comparing and contrasting the aquarium
.by explaining problems and giving solutions ​


by explaining problems and giving solutions! this is the best fit because the other two might make sense at a first glance, but only explaining problems and solutions would be an effective way to teach people how to set up an aquarium by giving them examples of what to do and what not to do whereas the others are just him talking about his aquarium.

Select all that apply. What characteristics do these words have in common? dogs, cats, race horses, plgs house pets domestic (tame) animals four-legged animals mammals​


Answer: they are all animals.



Domestic animals, four-legged animals, and mammals.


in the bet, what is meant by the state is not god



it's bet


just look it up

This letter is about George Washington trying to tell us to be faithful and have justice toward all nations.

Explain the historical situation happening when this letter was written.



Well George Washington is trying to show us that in that time Christian religion was very much of a thing for everyone. He wanted to show that justice should be tword everyone just like in Christianity, were people are equal to all others.


there you go.

How does Solomon support his claim that the people who accept their depression are the most resilient in overcoming it?


Explanation: The people that recognize they have depression are most likely to get the help they need.

Select the correct answer.
Who did the speaker think was "rapping at the chamber door?
an illusion
a raven
a maiden
a visitor
by Edgar Allen Poe (adapted excerpt)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping suddenly there came a
As of some one gently rapping rapping at my chamber door.
Tis some visitor,' muttered, tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more.
Ah distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December
And each separate dying ember wrought its form upon the
Eagerly I wished the morrow: -- vainly I had sought to
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name
Nameless here for evermore,
And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never felt
So that now, to still the beating of my heart. I stood repeating
Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
This it is, and nothing more.



A Visitor.


Underline the tense and state the kind of it:-

1: she is teaching her students



She is teaching her students.

The Underlined above phrase 'is teaching ' is in Present Continuous Tense.

Which transitional word or phrase is most appropriate for an essay that is organize
o On the other hand,
O All in all,
O Next,
O However,





next, the other choices are for presenting an argument or the conclusion

When writers cite a source of information, they are

1. using their own words to retell information.
2. drawing a conclusion based on facts.
3. identifying where their information comes from.
4. pulling a direct quote from a source.


3. Identifying where their information came from


It's C (3)


Which best describes relationship between the two characters The adventure of Sherlock Holmes.



They seem strained around each other like strangers





They seem competitive.

1. (LC)
Which pair correctly uses a hyphen? (5 points)


Answer: three-fifths




The set of shared attitudes , goals and practices that characterizes a institution

“Remember, Cinderella,” warned her fairy godmother, “you must leave the ball at midnight. If you
stay later, everything will turn back as it was. Your coach will become a pumpkin again. Your gown
will become rags. Promise me you will remember."
“Of course, I'll remember,” said Cinderella, but as her coach carried her toward the ball, the warning
was replaced in her mind with images of dancing and music.

1.) Foreshadowing





Explanation: it is a warning or indication

This is the story of the hunter who kept on sneezing...



Story writing.


This is the story of the hunter who kept on sneezing. He was supposed to be hunting in the nearby forest when he was caught off-guard by the bout of sneezing that made him unable to concentrate or be quiet. So, he had no option but to wait to see if the sneezing would get over soon.

But even after hours of waiting, the sneezing did not stop. Thinking if he had inhaled some dust or pollen, he washed his face at the nearby brook. For a while, it seemed to solve the problem. Happy about the result, he went ahead to hunt. But just as he was about to silently get a deer, the sneezing bout came back, and, unable to control the impending sneeze, he frightened the deer so much it ran away.

Dejected in not getting any game and still stuck with the sneezing, he returned home empty-handed. The unending sneezing bout had taken the better of him and made him unsuccessful in his hunting.

I just notice my points did not go up or down


you got a lot of points but it’s normal tbh


because you have to much points that why

What can background images be used for in a public speech?
To distract from a nervous speaker
OB. To emphasise the point the speaker is making
To give important information the speaker doesn't have time to mention
OD. To brighten up the room



B. To emphasise the point the speaker is making

Which is the best way to paraphrase Nagaina’s answer to Nag’s question? Everything will be better when our eggs hatch. Our children are going to need an empty house to play in. When the house is emptied of people, the mongoose will leave and we will rule the garden. So long as the bungalow is empty, we are king and queen of the garden.




Explanation: ur welcome




When the house is emptied of people, the mongoose will leave and we will rule the garden.

Which of the extracts below show(s) evidence of bias?

Extract 1
Extract 2
Social media has been with us for less than two decades, yet its anti-social effects - from anxiety and depression to sleeplessness and compulsive behaviour - are already obvious.
'The rules must change or people need to stop using social media. Either way, this wholesale spying has to stop.’



im not quite shore about this. try thishttps://youtu.be/q4vEI4mk8g0

The second excerpt shows evidence of bias, as it presents an opinion, without presenting any evidence and without considering different aspects of social networks.

Bias is a precocious and distorted statement, which positions itself completely in only one aspect, unjustifiably, without presenting evidence and completely ignoring other aspects.

We can see that the second excerpt shown above has a bias because:

It positions itself completely against social media, without considering the positive points that social media can present.Claims the existence of espionage, without providing evidence.Determines what actions are taken, without giving reasons for doing so.

With this, we can conclude that whenever we need to position ourselves for or against something, we must consider all possible aspects and elements, so as not to assimilate an opinion that contains a bias. It is also important that we justify our opinions with evidence.

You can find more information about this at the link below:


Which factors are to be considered when using historical criticism to analyze a text? Select 3 options



Political events of the time

• The original audience

• Common beliefs of the period


The factors to be considered when using historical criticism to analyze a text includes;

• Political event of the period: This implies the structure of government of a particular place during a period of time such as monarchy, democratic and other system of government. It also involves the events that took place during the transfer of political power.

•The original audience: The original audience of the historical text refers to the people who are present during the period of time. Their mentality and culture should be taken into consideration.

• Common beliefs of the period: This takes into consideration the way of life of people during the period such as way of worship, dress, feed, take care of their health and treat other people. This is majorly the belief of what is right or wrong.





Use context clues or a dictionary to select the best definition for use of frauds. a copy meant to look like the original a person who is a sham or a poseur a forthright direct attack an instance of deception, trickery or deceit



An instance of deception, trickery or deceit


Fraud is an instance of deception, trickery or deceit. It is an intentional act of cheating others, for unethical & unjustified gain to self (at the cost of harm to others).

A copy meant to look like the original (for wrong purposes) is counterfeit. Sham or poseur who makes false identity & or expertise claims.

Eg : Many people are harmed in fraudulent financial activities.

Which words or phrases most clearly describe the meter of a poem?
A. DUM-da-da, DUM-da-da
B. cool : cold :: warm : hot
C. abba cddc
D. allusion


A. Dum-da-da, Dum-da-da

Why did Henry put his backpack on his desk like a wall? In the book of wonder​


The other students' in Auggie's homeroom kept their distance from him. the one student, Henry, placed his backpack on the desks between them to "build a wall." the students were not welcoming towards Auggie. Auggie is able to cover his face with a mask, in order to feel like every other kid.

I need help no links posted on My question or I will report you


the ones that say “I” in the sentence are first person and the ones that use names are third person

What are two types of solutions in a persuasive speech? Name them and explain them.



policy persuasive speech, and  value persuasive speech,

The two types of solutions in a persuasive speech  are policy persuasive speech, and  value persuasive speech.

What is speech?

Speech is a human vocal communication using language. Each language uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its words (that is, all English words sound different from all French words, even if they are the same word, e.g., "role" or "hotel"), and using those words in their semantic character as words in the lexicon of a language according to the syntactic constraints that govern lexical words' function in a sentence.

In speaking, speakers perform many different intentional speech acts, e.g., informing, declaring, asking, persuading, directing, and can use enunciation, intonation, degrees of loudness, tempo, and other non-representational or paralinguistic aspects of vocalization to convey meaning.

Learn more about speech,here:



Dad's Barbeque
1 As Mom pulled the car into the driveway, I stepped out and heard the sizzle of
2 barbecue. I walked towards the backyard and smelled the delicious scent of grilled
3 chicken. The sun was getting ready for its nightly rest and the moon prepared to take
4 its place. The picnic table felt as hot as a frying pan, but I sat down anyway. I looked
5 around the yard and realized that the grass was freshly mowed. Poised next to the
6 barbecue pit, Dad looked more dreamy than Tom Cruise. Soon, Dad carried to the table a
7 mountain of food stacked a mile high. Not caring what anyone thought, I pigged out on
8 chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers. I savored the sweet, sour, and salty flavors as they
9 danced on my taste buds. Dad is the best barbecue chef in the entire world!
20. In line 9, the author states that "Dad is the best barbecue chef in the entire world!" Why is
this sentence considered a hyperbole?
d. Dad's barbecue is just average
Oc. The author could not possibly have taste-tested all of the chefs in the world to verify dad's "best" status.
b. It is an opinion
a. Dad is really not an actual chef.


Answer: C

Why: It's true. A hyperbole is an exaggeration of something, and that's what answer  C is showing.

The author could not possibly have taste-tested all of the chefs in the world to verify dad's "best" status is this sentence considered a hyperbole. Hence, option C is correct.

What is hyperbole?

The deliberate use of exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and impact is known as hyperbole in rhetoric and literature.

The hyperbole should be understood to be an exaggeration by everybody who hears or reads it. Common hyperboles like "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse," "I've seen this movie a hundred times," and "That cost an arm and a leg" are certainly ones you've heard in regular conversations.

Extreme exaggeration is known as hyperbole. That shouldn't be interpreted literally. Hyperbole is a tool used by writers to convey ideas, accentuate emotions, or reveal information about a character.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about hyperbole, click here:



1. -
is the main point of a composition.
O Athesis
An analysis
O An introduction
O The body


it’s the thesis soo it’s A

How should this sentence be corrected to create parallelism?
Carlos, and his cousin Manny like hiking, swimming, and they ride horses,
A. Change hiking to to hike.
B. Change swimming to they go swimming.
C. Change they ride horses to horseback riding,
Remove his cousin.


I believe the answer is c ^^

What is de biggest problem in the book David Copperfield. Describe your answer​



Miss Betsy lost all her money so David has to support her.


What makes his need for money all the more dire is that his fiance (Dora's) father dies.

Which of the following was not one of the three lesson parts?
Developing a discussion
Claim/reason formatting
Managing time

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



claim/reason formatting


The answer is B- organization


EDG 2022

Read the following lines from "The Simulacra":
bluish tinge of the elms, steepness
of the other's eyes, glowworm hidden in its own glint...
Which best explains the technique the author is using?
A. The poet compiles a list of strange images to create an interesting
B. The poet focuses on describing a single object to make it seem
C. The poet emphasizes intimate feelings by using common



i believe its A (sry if its wrong)


The poet compiles a list of strange images to create an interesting tone is the best explains the technique the author is using. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the story behind Simulacra?

According to the Spark Simulacrum in SIMULACRA 1, the Simulacra hunt for victims to incorporate into digital emblems of perfection by killing their "material world" counterparts to build a flawless digital society.

something that uses its depiction to substitute reality. This concept is defined as follows by Jean Baudrillard in "The Precession of Simulacra": "Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential person, or a material.

Simulacra 3 is set in the formerly idyllic community of Stonecreek, where residents have started mysteriously disappearing and leaving only weird symbols in their wake.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about story behind Simulacra, click here:



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