5. What does Mr. P say will happen to Rowdy?


Answer 1


you didn't add a story or possible questions no one can answer this but give me brainliest plssss


Related Questions

A __________ list gives all the books, magazines, encyclopedia, and Internet resources used in your research.
A) reference

B) fact

C) research



The answer is Option A: reference


A works cited is necessary when you are writing a paper or writing project. The works cited explains all of the sources, or references, you used in that project.

The correct option is A: reference

What is the difference between a third-person limited narrator and a third-
person omniscient narrator?





The difference between a third person limited narrator and a third-person omniscient narrator is that the third person limited narrator has insight only to one character, while the third person omniscient narrator has an insight to all the characters and their thoughts.

Identify the climax of the story circle the correct answer???


The answer would be c, because an event is happening that moves the story further. It also creates suspense.


im not sure the exact context, but i would say C.


I'm sure you had a story to read before this, so go back and read it if you can, but here's how I see it:

A ) Exposition

B ) Rising Action

C ) Climax ***

D ) Falling action

Who is most responsible for Macbeth’s downfall?

I have to write an essay on this and need some ideas


Macbeth knows that everything he has done is wrong, his feelings and emotions show this. The main force that was predominately responsible for the downfall of Macbeth was his single flaw. This was his own ambition. Even though his ambition brought him to his height of power, it was also what led him to his downfall.

how did king find devante


Is there a story that this belongs too?

Which answer shares a word part
with the following word?
A. supply
B. lice
C. plies





B is the answer lice

Rights that everyone should have are called what?
A. segregation rights.
B. civil rights.
C. dream rights.
D. nonviolent rights.


Civil rights is the answer I think

When President Carter called Martin Luther King, Jr. a doctor to a sick society, he was using:

A) an analogy.
B) a rhetorical question.
C) figurative language.
D) None of the choices are correct.





When President Carter called Martin Luther King, Jr. a doctor to a sick society, he was using: "An Analogy" (Option A).

What is an analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two idea, persons or thing. The reason for analogies is to give more clarity.

Thus, it is correct to state that When President Carter called Martin Luther King, Jr. a doctor to a sick society, he was using: "An Analogy"

Learn more about analogies at;

Write the root word for the following. reload dismissed illogical



reload~ re                   dismissed~dismiss                 illogical~ logic


please help me .....





Unscramble the letters to form of meaning and rewrite the correct word in blanks :
1. BBYSHA-in poor condition
2. RATERAN- tell a story
3. LYUNR- very difficult to control
4. FIEDRITER- very frightened








why is judging wrong



Because they think that they are better than whoever they’re judging,and in todays society that happens a lot more often then it ever did before



it could end up as the wrong person in jail and alternatively be pretty

if the judge did hat


Read the excerpt from The Land by Mildred Taylor.
She said she was there to serve his table, not to sit at
it, though I think she was more concerned about how it
would look to others if she sat at his table. People
hearing that Edward Logan's children of color sat at his
table was one thing. A colored woman with her children
sitting at his table would have been another; that would
have been too bold.
Still, there were times when my mama and daddy did
sit together, though not at meals. Sometimes when my
daddy came into the kitchen, he would sit at the table
and talk to my mama as she worked, and sometimes
she would stop her work and join him.



I'm gonna go with A


ill let you know


the person above me is correct! its A


The boss asked him to leave the meeting (change into passive voice)



He was asked to leave by the boss.

Appreciation of the height of ridiculous



yah ikr


Yeah, I know right..

What details from a story best help develop the theme?



character motivation and plot


good at English will be able to help me will give brainliest ​


2. Factories
3. Workers
4. Conditions
5. Shop

please help me please will give brainliest
please read it ​



10. individuals

11. locations

12. human beings

good luck :)

hopefully, this helps

have a great day !!

Which audience appeal does Churchill mostly use here


An audience appeal is a quality of being attractive to an audience. There are three types of appeal to it which are:

Logical appeal.Ethical appeal and Emotional appeal.What is an Audience Appeal?

This is simply known to be a quality of being attractive to an audience, either through the use of emotions, logic or ethics.

Hence, we can see that the question is incomplete as the text was not given, a general answer was given to help you.

Read more about appeal here:



is mercutio an antagonist


Answer: Mercutio is antagonistic toward Tybalt


Yes, mercutio is an antagonist.

she really thought. i added her but she ain't saying nothing​


Yeah she ugly any way block her. Yes


Don't understand


Please elaborate. you have peaked my interest

Describe Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the death of her husband. Why do you think she feels this way?


Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the news of her husband's death is that of a woman freed from a long prison term. She is shocked into silent disbelief, overcome with emotion, struck with a sense of relief at being free from the burden of marriage. She is now a widow who will be accepted in society, free to make choices, to have friends, to attend social events, to decide each day what she will do, according to what she wants. No more bending to the will of a husband, whom she loved most of the time.
Mrs. Mallard's reaction is not the typical hysteria, crying and grieving of a wife who has lost her husband, the man she loves. Louise Mallard sits in her room, staring out the window, imaging the life she will now have, free to choose, to explore her likes and dislikes.
Mrs. Mallard lives a lifetime in the space of one hour as she imagines what she will do with all her new freedom. She journeys in her mind, wandering free to enjoy and appreciate the life she sees through her window.
Sadly, her new life is brief, cut short by the abrupt return of Mr. Mallard, who was not anywhere near the train accident. His poor wife, so overcome by his return, along with her bad heart, is so stricken, that she dies right there on the spot. Mrs. Mallard's heart gave out, she was unable to bear the thought of living under the control of her husband, not after she imagined the life she could have alone.

Hope this helps

Mrs. Mallard's response to the insight about her better half's passing is that of a lady liberated from a long jail term. She is stunned into quiet incredulity, defeat with feeling, hit with a liberating sensation at being liberated from the weight of marriage.

What happened when Mrs. Mmallard heard about her husband's death?

Mrs. Mallard's response isn't the regular madness, crying and lamenting of a lost her spouse husband, the man she cherishes. Louise Mallard sits in her room, gazing through the window, imaging the existence she will currently have, allowed to pick, to investigate her preferences.

She is currently a widow who will be acknowledged in the public eye, allowed to simply decide, to have companions, to go to get-togethers, to conclude every day how she will respond, as per what she needs. No more adapting to the desire of a spouse, whom she cherished more often than not.

Mrs. Mallard carries on with a lifetime over the course of about one hour as she envisions how she will manage all her new opportunity. She travels to her, meandering allowed to appreciate and value the existence she sees through her window.

Unfortunately, her new life is brief, cut off by the unexpected return of Mr. Mallard, who was not remotely close to the train mishap. His unfortunate spouse, so beat by his return, alongside her awful heart, is blasted to such an extent that she bites the dust not too far off on the spot.

Mrs. Mallard's heart gave out, she couldn't bear the prospect of living heavily influenced by her better half, not after she envisioned the existence she could have alone.

For more information about  Mrs. Mallard, refer the following link:



A and B are two cities.

a) Measure the bearing of B from A.

b) Measure the bearing of A from B.


measure the bearing of a from b


there is no image


Easy question

In 1990 Harry was 9 years. How old will Harry be in the year 2021​


I think the answer would be 40


I think the answer is 40 i'm not sure


besides 1990 is 31 years from 2021

What is the word for this definition?
"The process of starting to experience or suffer from a aliment of feeling"





Which customer is an internal customer of Eureka Computer Solutions? A. Adrian, a regular buyer of products sold by Eureka Computer Solutions B. Beth, a first-time buyer of a product sold by Eureka Computer Solutions C. Layla, a software engineer employed by Eureka Computer Solutions D. Nowzer, a sales distributor for Eureka Computer Solutions E. Jessica, a prospective customer for Eureka Computer Solutions



C. Layla, a software engineer employed by Eureka Computer Solutions.


An internal customer refers to any individual who has any connections to the said company either through employment or a partnership or any kind of relationship in helping the company get its products to the external customers. This means that the internal customer is someone who works or is a part of the company in any form.

Thus, an internal customer of Eureka Computer Solutions will be Layla, the software engineer who works in the company.


i believe the answer is c


i just did the test

Why is it good to have class pets? How does class pets teach students responsibility.


answer: having class lets give you reponsibily to take care of them and learn how to

Answer: Teachers have many unique ways to help students learn, from fun activities to quizzes and tests. Interactive learning is always an extremely valuable way to help kids understand new concepts. And beyond math and science, teachers are also working to teach kids important social skills and behaviors as well. They utilize unique activities and tactics to help teach students these important skills, preparing them for growing older and entering the real-world.

A classroom pet is a great way for teachers to enhance their classroom and improve student learning. It’s important for current and aspiring teachers to understand the work that goes into having a classroom pet, as well as the many pros that come from it.

Classroom pets need to have their cage or area cleaned regularly and be given food and water daily. They will also need to be homed during the holidays, and it’s extremely important that it doesn’t become a distraction for kids. While there is some work that goes in to having a classroom pet, there are also many benefits for teachers and students alike.

Stimulates learning.

Having pets inside the classroom can enhance the learning environment. A regular math lesson can turn into a unique learning opportunity when the problem focuses on how much food their classroom pet eats in a day or how much it weighs. Creative writing assignments that start with a prompt about the school pet can get interesting and exciting. Science lessons about different types of animals come to life with a school pet. Any subject can be transformed into something new and interesting with a class pet.

It’s been shown that school pets can offer teachers new and unique ways to approach their lessons. They add another option for teachers to create interactive learning opportunities for kids. And overall, having an animal in a learning environment can help inspire and motivate students in their learning.

Teaches responsibility.

Beyond teaching students subjects like math and science, a class pet can help teach students responsibility. Class pets need to be taken care of, fed daily, given fresh water, cleaned up after, and more. Teachers can help students learn about nurturing and caring for something else. They can assign chores for students each day to do to help care for their class pet. Sometimes over holidays or weekends, students may be in charge of taking the pet home with them. This teaches them even more responsibility as they are entirely in charge of making sure they are properly cared for the entire time they are away from the classroom.

Students are also responsible for making sure the class pet feels safe. They can learn about caring for something that is fragile and smaller than them, teaching them kindness and care.

Helps the emotional and mental growth of students.

74% of pet owners in the U.S. report an improvement in mental health due to their animal. Statistics show time and time again that animals can help relieve stress and anxiety, and regulate breathing and heart rates. Hospitals and therapy centers alike utilize animals to help make children and adults feel more relaxed. A pet in a classroom can provide a similar sense of peace and calm. Animals have been known to help calm children during panic attacks, and can be considered their friends, helping them feel less alone. A pet in a classroom can do this same kind of work. Students may feel at-ease when they can walk over and see their friendly pet. They may be able to relax and enjoy their day when they know they have their pet friend nearby.

During an anxiety or panic attack, a teacher may help students hold the pet to relax and feel better right away. Classroom pets can be a great tool in helping the class improve their mental and emotional health.

Enriches classroom experiences.

The classroom experience overall is enhanced with a class pet. Students who don’t have exposure to animals at home can still get the chance to interact with them. Students learn a sense of awareness when they are able to interact with animals regularly. Similarly, students have something exciting to look forward to when there is a pet in their classroom. Instead of dreading going to school, kids are excited for the chance to go and interact with their class pet! It gives them something exciting to expect every day in their classroom. Animals also help the class feel more excited about learning. They will enjoy doing math or science projects that involve their class pet. Students also are able to see how their actions affect others. They see that when they care for the pet, it is happy to interact with them. They see that when they feed and clean the pet, it is happier. Classrooms can greatly benefit from the richness that a pet can bring.


Hope this helps :) this took a long time to type but can u plz mark me branliest :)

Read the
When programming a universal remote, it is important to follow the step-by-step instructions. If the
instructions are not followed, the remote will not program properly. Once all of the steps are followed
appropriately, the remote will work, and the user will be grateful that the gadget was purchased.
What is the writer trying to accomplish in this paragraph?
• persuade consumers to purchase a universal a remote
• inform consumers of the differences between standard and universal remotes
inform consumers how to program their universal remotes
persuade consumers to abide by the universal remote's instructions


Persuade to follow instructions


D: persuade consumers to abide by the universal remote’s instructions


Exploitation, shaken baby syndrome,sudden infant death syndrome, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder



B: shaken baby syndrome

Answer: shaken baby syndrome


Shaken baby syndrome is a form of child abuse that causes severe brain damage. It can result from as little as five seconds of shaking. Babies have soft brains and weak neck muscles. They also have delicate blood vessels. Shaking a baby or young child can cause their brain to repeatedly hit the inside of the skull.

Choose the best meaning for the word appalled:

horrified, shocked

waste or garbage

the equal treatment of all people

to pass quickly



horrified, shocked





greatly dismayed or horrified.

"Alison looked at me, appalled"


Appalled is an adjective that describes feeling shocked and disappointed. Being appalled happens suddenly, like when you find out your little sister has been blogging about your family, telling embarrassing stories.


So A - Horrified, shocked, would be your answer


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