3. When was the first selfie taken, and who took it


Answer 1


Robert Cornelius is credited with taking the first known selfie in 1839.


Related Questions

What is agricultural mechanization? O a. Growth and maintenance of agricultural plants O b. Development of fertilizers and pesticides O c. Use of machines in the agricultural industry O d. Physical science in the context of agriculture​



it is ..........................wana be friends


help! will mark brainlist if right!!!



I think c

have a nice day

Best regarda

I think it’s C. Definitely C




whats the question





What is the answer???



I would say the one you chose is correct!!


Good Work!!

What was a Border Ruffian?


Border Ruffians was the name applied to pro-slavery settlers from the slave state of Missouri, who from 1854 to 1860 crossed the state border into Kansas Territory to force the acceptance of slavery there.
A group of proslavery Missourians during the period from 1854 until the beginning of the Civil War who used to cross the border into Kansas to vote illegally, make raids, and intimidate the antislavery settlers.

Please help with my history I will mark brainiest


Skin color, in ability to read or write, hopelessness for the future, trauma from past experiences

Hope that helped :)

please help
How did the relief projects try to help people during the Great Depression



They provided support for farmers, the unemployed, youth and the elderly. ... The programs focused on what historians refer to as the "3 Rs": relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy back to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.



they try to help them by making things to help or talk to you so u can get out everything so u will feel less stressed about stuff or anything ur stressed about


Who was the “Mighty Woman"?

From the new colossus


Answer:A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.


Your mom



Pleasssssee help 50 points plssss ill give brainiest



To keep peace throughout the world;

To develop friendly relations among nations;

To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;

To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals


The work of the United Nations impacts people around the world on issues related to peace and security, development and human rights; from disarmament to efforts to combat terrorism and extremism; from conflict prevention to peacekeeping and peacebuilding; from disease prevention to the promotion of gender equality and universal education; from refugee resettlement to humanitarian assistance; from the rule of law to the fight against transnational crime.

Yet, given the fundamental ways in which the world has changed over the last seven decades, there is a clear need to reform the United Nations and its principal organs.

One needs to look no further than the exponential growth of the membership of the Organization; from 50 countries in 1945 to 193 countries today. The United Nations needs to transform itself in line with current geopolitical realities to maintain its relevance and improve its effectiveness.

The General Assembly needs to be revitalized. The Security Council needs to be reformed. And the Economic and Social Council needs to be reinvigorated. Furthermore, the relationship between the General Assembly and the Security Council needs to be strengthened.

As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, we have an unprecedented opportunity to improve the everyday lives of people around the world, by putting “people at the centre of all we do”.

Identify ONE way in which European empires were different from the empires of Asia during the period of 1450-1750.


One way in which European empires were different from the empires of Asia during the period of 1450-1750:

- ming reestablished bureaucracy to get rid of mongol influence, europe controlled through monarchy

I hope that is helpful,
Good luck!

who were the leaders for each side in the amiens offensive



•Ferdinand Foch.

•Douglas Haig.

•Henry Rawlinson.

•Marie-Eugène Debeney.

•John Monash.

•Arthur Currie.

•Charles Kavanagh.

hope it's help

The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy (French: 3ème Bataille de Picardie), was the opening phase of the Allied offensive which began on 8 August 1918, later known as the Hundred Days Offensive, that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Allied forces advanced over 11 kilometres (7 mi) on the first day, one of the greatest advances of the war, with Gen Henry Rawlinson's British Fourth Army (with 9 of its 19 divisions supplied by the fast moving Australian Corps of Lt Gen John Monash and Canadian Corps of Lt Gen Arthur Currie) playing the decisive role. The battle is also notable for its effects on both sides' morale and the large number of surrendering German forces. This led Erich Ludendorff to later describe the first day of the battle as "the black day of the German Army". Amiens was one of the first major battles involving armoured warfare.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Taking away the right to vote did not have much impact on other rights of African Americans.
White supremacy groups rely on violence and intimidation to achieve their goals.
Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation and increased racism.
Black Codes attempted to reinstate slavery in the South after the Civil War.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


A becuase voting was 1 of the many things African Americans lost.


Answer is A



What does this advertisement depict?
economic aid to Europe under the Marshall Plan
O U.S. airpower over Germany during World War II
exports of U.S. agricultural goods to postwar Europe
resistance to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin


Answer: resistance to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin


Articles of confederation

What was the name of the first constitution of the United States



It's Articles of Confederation




Articles of confederation


umm....you already know the answer:/

help pleaseAccording to the video, what part did technology play in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

It allowed the US to take down Soviet air bases in Cuba.
It made it possible for the US to identify missile sites in Cuba.
It helped the US prepare troops for a possible invasion of Cuba.
It helped the US communicate with spies who were stationed in Cuba.



Its B


Just did it



B.) It made it possible for the US to identify missile sites in Cuba.


How is the term “sawdust empire,” which is used today to describe the Northwest region during the 1950s and 1960s, connected to the GI Bill?

a The timber industry was required to cooperate with veterans concerning employment conditions as part of the GI Bill.

b A suggested therapeutic remedy for veterans suffering from postwar trauma was to train as cabinet and furniture craftsmen.

c A great rush for timber occurred because of a building boom as veterans purchased houses as part of the GI Bill.

d Sawdust was provided to veterans by lumber companies as a low-cost fuel source negotiated through the GI Bill.


Answer: A great rush for timber occurred because of a building boom as veterans purchased houses as part of the GI Bill.

Explanation: k12 quiz

Which river impacted westward expansion by helping settlers travel through the Northwest Territory? (5 points)






Answer: Ohio river


which statement explains the importance of the United States to the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
The United States has a developing economy with a low standard of living
The United States is one of the largest importers and exporters of goods and services
The court system of the United States is used to solve international trade disputes.
The Federal Reserve of the United States must ratify treaties that establish free trade.





The United States significance to the World Trade Organization is demonstrated by the claim that the Federal Reserve of the United States must ratify accords establishing free trade. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is World Trade Organization?

The World Trade Organization is an intergovernmental organization that oversees and encourages international trade. States effectively collaborate with the UN system to create, amend, and enforce the laws that govern international trade.

The World Trade Organization is the only international organization responsible with monitoring the world's trade laws (WTO). Its main goal is maintaining the most fluid, predictable, unrestricted trade flow.

The WTO offers a common forum for member-state trade negotiations and the settlement of any trade disputes. It is in charge of 60 international and around 300 regional trade agreements. The standing of international law is given to the 60 trade agreements.

Learn more about the World Trade Organization here:



U.S. cities grew quickly during the early 1800s because:
A. declining immigration created more space in cities.
B. industrialization created new jobs in cities.
O C. Catholics and Protestants agreed to share cities.
D. poor transportation made it hard to leave cities.


B. Industrialization created new jobs in cities


B is the answer


I just took the quiz A.P.E.X

How does expanding our west and slavery connect?
Group of answer choices

It granted freedom to enslaved people in the Southern states.

Abolitioist began to protest the spread of slavery in the new territories while Southerner's felt there rights should not be restricted by geography.

The debate over slavery's expansion to the North is important.

The Civil War would have to bring an end to slavery.



hi! Hope this helps. Sorry if it doesnt :{


The westward expansion carried slavery down into the Southwest, into Mississippi, Alabama, crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana. Finally, by the 1840's, it was pouring into Texas. ... So that it was slavery itself which made the progress of civilization possible.

The events depicted in this chart that took place in 1933 led to which of the following in Germany
(1) a totalitarian dictatorship
(2) increased freedom of expression
(3) a communist revolution
(4) the start of World War I



the answer is number 1 trust


In 1933, there were certain events that took place which led to Germany becoming (1) a totalitarian dictatorship.

What happened in Germany in 1933?

In 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg and then there was a fire at the Reichstag.

This led to an Act being passed to come after the Communists who were believed to be behind the fire. Hitler used this Act to arrest his enemies and as time went on, made Germany a totalitarian dictatorship.

In conclusion, option A is correct.

Find out more on totalitarian dictatorships at  https://brainly.com/question/463275.

In a short paragraph, explain the role of the jury in administering justice. Include details about how the jury operates during the trial.



The jury listens to the evidence during a trial, decides what facts the evidence has established, and draws inferences from those facts to form the basis for their decision.


The jury decides whether a defendant is "guilty" or "not guilty" in criminal cases, and "liable" or "not liable" in civil cases.


A jury ensures that a case is tried fairly. They hear the evidence presented during the trial, deliberate, and reach a verdict. A jury decides whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. If guilty, the jury recommends a sentence to the judge. Sentences can include community service time, a fine, prison time, or in some states death.


Which event was a colonial response to a British policy after the French & Indian
1 point
Navigation Acts
Stamp Act
Boston Tea Party
Proclamation of 1763



navigation acts


war had to breakout

How did the beliefs of the Israelites differ from the beliefs of the Egyptians?



The Israelites only believed in one god. In Egypt they believe in more than one god.


2. Sketch: Draw a side view of the plate boundary before and after the plate motion. Draw an arrow to
show which way the plate moved.


Before and after example

Why do you like this quote? What does it mean?


Answer: Yes, I like this quote and it means that the things you go through help you grow and have the strength to get through the other things you will face tomorrow and everry day after that.

How did the issue of states' rights contribute to the outbreak of the Civil War?



One of the answers


States' Rights refers To the struggle between the federal government and individual states over political power. In the Civil War era, this struggle focused heavily on the institution of slavery and whether the federal government had the right to regulate or even abolish slavery within an individual state.

Which best explains why soldiers answered the call to enlist? to be part of the excitement and prestige to avoid being drafted to teach the other side a lesson in humility to invade their enemy and defeat them



depends on which war

the main answer if this is world war II would be excitement and prestige many young men wanted to go off and come home as heroes


How did aqueducts help unify the empire?




carried clean water from hilltops into cities and towns.

The freedom rides, freedom summer, and the march on Selma are evidence of what idea during the civil rights movement



Non-violent protesters were often victims of violence and aggression.


The Civil Rights movement by African Americans saw different forms of protest such as the freedom rides, freedom summer, and the march on Selma. These tactics showed that even though the protesters were non-violent, they were still met with aggression and violence.

Freedom Summer was a voter registration drive which was aimed at fighting local intimidation of black voters from voting centres across the country. Freedom Riders was a ride by protesters in buses in the South to protest the segregation laws by boarding buses in mixed racial groups.

March on Selma was a protest march against the injustice and murder of a protester Jackson, to which there was an agreed march to the state capital, Montgomery.

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