3. PART A: How does paragraph 7 contribute to the
development of ideas in the text?
O A. It shows how heartless the SS was because it knew
the prisoners wouldn't survive the death marches.
O B. It shows how strong prisoners were because many
were able to survive the treacherous marches.
O C. It proves how desperate the SS was to hide their
crimes because it went to extreme means to kill
O D. It proves how difficult it was to survive marches
because prisoners often faced life threatening

3. PART A: How Does Paragraph 7 Contribute To Thedevelopment Of Ideas In The Text?O A. It Shows How Heartless


Answer 1

The answer is D. It proves how difficult it was to survive marches because prisoners often faced life threatening conditions.

The death march was the march where the prisoners were forced to marched in harsh conditions under the guard,  for long distances.

The SS guard killed many prisoners and treated the brutally during the marches.

To know more about Prisoners



Related Questions

Explain, in your own words, the following expressions as used in the passage: the domestic granaries; items of barter; all corners of the world. For each of the following words, give another word or a phrase that means the same and can fit into the passage: (ii) sometimes; intentionally; gathered; (iv) nourishment; probably ​


In domestic granaries: It means the store room or a building to store threshed grain, farm feed etc,. It is also a region to produce a large amount of grain.

Items of barter: It is an act of exchanging goods and services for other goods and services without an exchange of any money.

All corners of the world: It is an idiom which means many different parts of the world. From all parts of the world even from the farthest reach.

(ii) We sometimes go to the farmhouse and intentionally throw stones on trees and gathered apples and peaches.

(iv) Most of people eats healthy food for nourishment, so that they can stay fit and healthy and probably to cure diseases too.

To know more about barter



Based on what you have read, describe how Elizabeth Partridge makes connections between Woody Guthrie’s life and his music.



Elizabeth Partridge connects Guthrie's life and his music by showing how he brought the events that occurred during his life into his lyrics.


this should help you get an understanding of what your'e asking.

In a paragraph of at least 125 words, explain the overlapping of the arts that occurred in Romantic times.


Romanticism, or the Romantic Movement in literature and arts, was influenced by the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars.

The movement was characterized by an intense interest expressed by intellectuals, artists, and philosophers at the time in nature, human psychology, and personal feelings. The key features of Romanticism include spontaneity, individualism, love for solitude, freedom from rules, and stress on imagination over reason. Romantic artists believed that the purpose of art was to move and inspire the audience. Several art historians believe that since artists fashioned art by focusing on personal expression and treating art as an outlet for the visuals pressing upon their minds, there is no singular way of defining Romantic art.

The features mentioned above can be noted in Romantic literature, Romantic music, and Romantic visual arts.

To read more about Romanticism, refer to:



10 people that influenced sam in the book the pact ?


I recall that Sam's mother and Reggie, his Kung Fu instructor, were major influences on him.

1. Where does the vote stand at the beginning of Act 3? In 12 angry man



The split is even, with six voting guilty and six voting for acquittal.


I believe this is the answer I'm not sure though

What reason does Washington provide to support the
claim in this excerpt?
O Society no longer places limitations on equality and
O It is impossible to overcome obstacles in your path
and pointless to try.
* People should ignore all of society's obstacles to
opportunity because they do not matter.
O Limitations to advancement should be seen as
inspiration to continue pushing





People should ignore all of society's obstacles to

opportunity because they do not matter.

O Limitations to advancement should be seen as

inspiration to continue pushing

Answer: Its D

just did it

Definition of foreshadowing is
O statement that appears illogical or self contradictory but might actually make sense.
An author indirectly hints what's coming later on in the story
use of an object, figure, event, situation or other idea to represent something else
O Series of words or phrases that start with the same sound



Definition of foreshadowing is literally be a warning or indication of (a future event).

That technique generally used by authors in novels etc.

So the answer is B

good luck!


An author indirectly hints at what's coming later on in the story


the definition of foreshadow: be a warning or indication of (a future event)

For example, ' It seemed silly at first to carry an umbrella on such a sunny day ' which indirectly hints that it might rain later on. Hope this is helpful!

8. Who does Walter face in his final fantasy? (1 point)
O a battalion of soldiers
O a firing squad
O headhunters
O circling sharks


Walter faces "a firing squad" in his final fantasy.

In the last scene of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Mitty finds the picture in a wallet that O'Connell gave to his mother, the last place he would have expected to search (Shirley MacLaine). As he reprimands Hendricks and finally speaks to Cheryl, he also musters the bravery that previously appeared to reside only in his daydreams.The most important lesson in the narrative and in his life may be learned from this fact: don't change who you are to please others. There are various different daydreams that start and continue the short narrative of Walter Mitty. He aspired to be a military pilot, doctor, sharpshooter, and captain in the story.

Thus the correct answer is B.

Refer here to learn more about Walter: https://brainly.com/question/20369898


What’s the name of Kabul beauty salon



i don't understand


beauty school, beauty academy pls i think the question is not correct

Is a hot dog a sandwich? Explain your reasoning



Merriam-Webster defines it as “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.” Simple enough. Essentially, anything can be a sandwich so long as it's between two slices of bread or inside a roll or bun. So by a technical definition, yes, hot dogs and are very much sandwiches.


Put this into your own words (: don't risk plagiarism.


YES, it is two bread pieces put together with meat inside it just like a ham sandwich


Can breaking the law ever be justified. Write an introduction




Breaking the law is morally justifiable and acceptable when the law in itself is iniquitous and if that law violates human rights and conscience; Certainly, rules are established for us to follow but we as human beings should be able to differentiate the right and the wrong and incase laws need to be violated for the right cause even with hard consequences, breaking the law can be justified; considering the situations and the purposes.

What are three important elements of an argumentative text?

a side comment
an entertaining introduction
a concluding statement
supporting evidence
a claim stated as a topic sentence


The three important elements of an argumentative text are:

a concluding statementsupporting evidencea claim stated as a topic sentence

What is an argumentative text?

An argument text is a text that requires the writer to either speak or write 'for' or 'against' an issue or subject, or presents the case for both sides. A usual instance of an argument text in schools which students may write about is whether science has done more arms than good.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about argumentative essay: https://brainly.com/question/22740197


if others do not love me_______​


Answer: I must love myself that much more


High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness
Based on the information in the article, which of the following would improve the happiness of the median U.S. household.
A. keeping their income below $52,000
B. keeping their income at exactly $52,000
C. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000
D. increasing their incomes to be greater than $75,000


To improve the happiness of the median U.S. household they need to D. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000.

What does the "High Income Don't Bring Happiness" article talk about?

Whether or not you can buy happiness with money is a contentious topic. In a 2010 study, economist Angus Deaton and psychologist Daniel Kahneman looked for a resolution to this controversy.

It depends on your definition of happiness, according to a recent research by Princeton economist Angus Deaton and psychologist Daniel Kahneman. The writers make a distinction between life evaluation, which is a person's opinions about their life (on a longer time scale), and emotional well-being, which is "the quality of a person's everyday experiences such as joy, fascination, anxiety, sadness, rage, and affection."

When researchers looked at data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, they discovered that while "life assessments grow continuously with wealth," emotional wellbeing starts to decline at roughly $75,000 per year.

               Beyond $75,000, money is crucial for evaluating one's life, but it has no impact on pleasure, enjoyment, unhappiness, or tension. Both aspects are critical; while it is beneficial to feel emotionally well, it is also beneficial to believe that your life is going well.

The median household income in the US was $52,000 in 2008, according to the most available census data, with nearly a third of households earning more than $75,000 per year.

To learn more about High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness from the given link



High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness

Based on the information in the article, which of the following would improve the happiness of the median U.S. household.

A. keeping their income below $52,000

B. keeping their income at exactly $52,000

C. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000

D. increasing their incomes to be greater than $75,000

Two stories of the same author



The Merchant of Venice and The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.


Anthem: The Next Chapter (Would be greatly appreciated)

Here is your chance to create the resolution to Anthem that you think it deserves. Write the final chapter to the novella in a way that answers questions that you may still have.

Write at least 4 paragraphs with 7-10 sentences each.
Include the following:
Name of his country/society and why it is named that Describe family/roles-do women work outside the home? school? Jobs? Etc.
Describe modern conveniences that are invented or rediscovered
Describe their food sources-how do they get it, what is it



Equality 7-2521 says that when, in the course of his reading, he first discovered and understood the meaning of the word "I," he wept — he who had never known tears.

Equality 7-2521 reads many books for many days. When he finally lays aside his studies, he calls the Golden One and tells her what he has learned. Her first words on hearing his discoveries are: "I love you." He tells her that the code of individualism requires each person to have their own name to differentiate them from the rest of humankind. He tells her of a figure about whom he has read. He was a legendary hero who lived far in the past, who took the light of the gods and brought it to humans. In this way, "he taught men to be gods." He suffered for his deeds as all bearers of light must suffer. His name was Prometheus. "It shall be your name," replies the Golden One. Additionally, he tells her of a heroine from the legends of the past. She was a goddess who was the mother of the earth and of all the gods. Her name was Gaea. He requests that the Golden One take this name, for she is to be the mother of a new kind of gods. The Golden One agrees.

Prometheus looks ahead and sees the future clearly before him. Prometheus says that he will continue to live in his own house and learn to grow food by tilling the soil. He will gain much knowledge from his books and use that knowledge in the coming years to re-create the achievements of the past. He is proud of the attainments he can reach, but also saddened by the inability of others to do the same, for their minds are shackled by the collectivist philosophy that keeps them enslaved.

Prometheus learns that the power of the sky was known to the freethinkers of the past; they called it electricity and used it to light their cities, heat their homes, and power their inventions. He has found the engine in the home that produces this power and will learn to repair it. He will study the wires that carry this power, learn how to use them, and then create a network of wires around his house and the paths that lead to his house. In this way, he will make the house impregnable from assault by others, for they have nothing with which to threaten him but their numbers. They use brute force, but he uses his mind.

Prometheus and Gaea will live on their mountaintop in peace and security. He says that she is pregnant with his child, who will be raised as a free man. Their son will be taught the word "I" and will learn reverence for his own spirit. He will learn what pride there is in being a human individual. When Prometheus's work is accomplished — when he has read the books, fortified their home, and tilled the soil — he intends to stealthily venture for the last time into the city of his birth. There he will call to him all those of independent spirit who remain — his friend International 4-8818 and all those like him. He will seek out Fraternity 2-5503, who cries without reason, and Solidarity 9-6347, who screams in the night. He will reach out to any of the men and women whose heads are still unbowed, who retain the slightest spark of autonomy and who yearn in some form for freedom. These individuals will flock to him, and they will return to his fortress. Prometheus says that here, in the uncharted wilderness, they will build their city and write a new chapter in the history of human freedom.


That the hero and heroine take new names is significant for several reasons. They reject the collectivist names that were imposed on them by the slave society in which they were raised. The name Equality 7-2521 stands for a particular aspect of collectivist thinking. The collectivists do not mean by the term "equality" the individualistic principle that all individuals possess the same legal rights and are to be treated identically by the law. The collectivists mean that all are equal in an absolute sense — that no individual is or should be better than the crowd, that no one possesses greater talent than others or greater intelligence or greater virtue. It is the equality of an ant colony, in which all individuals are equally subordinated to and enslaved by the rulers.


What figurative language type in present in the following quotes of the book Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson? (Include multiple types if possible)

a. simile, b. Metaphor, c. Symbol, d. Idiom, e. Analogy, f. Personification, g. Allusion, h. Onomatopoeia, I. Hyperbole

“I poked at the logs in the kitchen hearth, trying to summon back the bees so they would chase out the thoughts invading my brainpan.”

“I looked in my bowl. The dried apple bits curled like fresh-hatched maggots.”

“Walking down Broadway I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction.”

“The horses pulling carts and carriages whinnied nervously, bobbing their heads up and down and rolling their eyes in fear of the commotion and noise.”

“The thought washed over me like a river, sweeping away the dead bees that had filled my brainpan with confusion.”

“A gust of wind blew and carried with it the first hit of fall: canoe-shaped chestnut leaves, turned yellow ‘round the edges.”

“I searched for a familiar red hat but did not find it.” (MC is looking for a man who wears a red hat a lot.)

“The ratatatating of the drumsticks rattles through me, setting my teeth to shaking and waking the bees who had lately gone to sleep in my brainpan.”

“If I could cry a river, maybe I could swim away, or slip under the water to freedom.”

“Crack! The gavel cracked on the block of wood. “Next case.””

“A thought slid through me, quick and slimy as a cold eel.”

“Melancholy held me hostage…”

“Lightning danced at its edges like horses at a mad gallop, then the sky turned ink black and the storm crashed over us.”


The correct matching of the figurative language to the sentences is given below:

“I poked at the logs in the kitchen hearth, trying to summon back the bees so they would chase out the thoughts invading my brainpan.”

“I looked in my bowl. The dried apple bits curled like fresh-hatched maggots.” Simile

“Walking down Broadway I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction.” Metaphor

“The horses pulling carts and carriages whinnied nervously, bobbing their heads up and down and rolling their eyes in fear of the commotion and noise.” Onomatopoeia

“The thought washed over me like a river, sweeping away the dead bees that had filled my brainpan with confusion.” Simile

“A gust of wind blew and carried with it the first hit of fall: canoe-shaped chestnut leaves, turned yellow ‘round the edges.”  Allusion

“I searched for a familiar red hat but did not find it.” (MC is looking for a man who wears a red hat a lot.) Symbol

“The ratatatating of the drumsticks rattles through me, setting my teeth to shaking and waking the bees who had lately gone to sleep in my brainpan.” Onomatopoeia

“If I could cry a river, maybe I could swim away, or slip under the water to freedom.”  Idiom

“Crack! The gavel cracked on the block of wood. “Next case.”” Onomatopoeia

“A thought slid through me, quick and slimy as a cold eel.” Personification

“Melancholy held me hostage…” Personification

“Lightning danced at its edges like horses at a mad gallop, then the sky turned ink black and the storm crashed over us.” Simile

What is a Simile?

This refers to the figure of speech that is used in order to show the comparison between dissimilar things using like or as.

Read more about similes here:


Order these events chronologically as they take place in the biography.
Available Options (4 of 4)
sie Coleman ands success performing in America
Bessie Coleman goes to Europe to learn to fly planes.
PA-ELA: OCC129-008
Bessie Coleman is honored by thousands in various ways.
Bessie Coleman is killed in an accident.


Bessie Coleman was known as "Brave Bessie," "Queen Bess," and "The Only Race Aviatrix in the World" and was known for her flying feats. Her intention was to inspire African Americans and women to pursue their aspirations.

Bessie Coleman, who was born on January 26, 1892, in Atlanta, Texas, flew through the air as the first woman pilot who was both African American and Native American.

Her career was tragically cut short on April 30, 1926, when a plane crashed, yet her story continues to inspire people all over the world.

African American female pilots established the Bessie Coleman Aviators Club by 1977. The "Bessie Coleman Stamp" was created in 1995 as a tribute to all of her achievements.

To know more about question related to 'Bessie Coleman'

visit- https://brainly.com/question/26825625


what does the fly mean in
I heard a Fly buzz - when I died

The Stillness in the Room

Was like the Stillness in the Air -

Between the Heaves of Storm -

The Eyes around - had wrung them dry -

And Breaths were gathering firm

For that last Onset - when the King

Be witnessed - in the Room -

I willed my Keepsakes - Signed away

What portion of me be

Assignable - and then it was

There interposed a Fly -

With Blue - uncertain - stumbling Buzz -

Between the light - and me -

And then the Windows failed - and then

I could not see to see -



a reminder of what will happen to the speaker's body once he or she is (presumably) buried

"You won't believe THIS hack for younger-looking skin. Follow our routine to look like a teenager again and to live your best life!"

Which rhetorical appeal makes this clickbait ad effective?

A. Pathos
B. Logos
C. Ethos
D. Kairos



A. Pathos


Pathos involves the use of emotions or an appeal to the imagination to provoke a response.  For contrast, Logos appeals to reason/logic, Ethos leans on the qualifications/credibility of the author, and Kairos refers to the timeliness of an argument.


A. Pathos.


Took the test and got it right.

Have a nice day!

Is the one piece really real?


Answer: yes it is

I hope this helps

Answer: ye


White beard said so

Read this excerpt from "Look Homeward, Angel."

And whatever he touched in that rich fortress of his soul sprang into golden life: as the years passed, the fruit trees—the peach, the plum, the cherry, the apple—grew great and bent beneath their clusters. His grape vines thickened into brawny ropes of brown and coiled down the high wire fences of his lot, and hung in a dense fabric, upon his trellises, roping his domain twice around. They climbed the porch end of the house and framed the upper windows in thick bowers. And the flowers grew in rioting glory in his yard—the velvet-leaved nasturtium, slashed with a hundred tawny dyes, the rose, the snowball, the redcupped tulip, and the lily.

The author uses sensory details in this excerpt to create images of
excess and riches, to suggest interest in materialism.
bountiful blooms and harvests, to suggest agricultural success.
colorful visions and sceneries, to suggest artistic aptitude.
climbing vines and fruit, to suggest time standing still.



Uhhhh I chose B. Bountiful blooms and harvests-


I could be wrong!

John says, "It's winter in here yet." Explain the double-meaning of this line.

When they're speaking alone about Abigail, Elizabeth catches John in a lie. What's
the lie?


A is the awnser I got it right on my test

Reread paragraphs 1-2 of the first
selection, the Monster screenplay. How does Steve distinguish
himself from others in the jail, and why? Cite evidence.


Steve views himself as a kind guy but is unsure of who he really is and the poor choices he's made.

He feels different from how he was previously. He might not be as excellent as he once believed, or he might even be a criminal. Explain Detective Karyl's testimony in brief. Steve starts to question his morals and character as he is serving his sentence.He even worries that his parents no longer regard him as the nice son they once knew because of how other people perceive him. Thus, Steve constantly struggles between his own conviction in his goodness and other people's perceptions of him. He believes he is a morally upright young man.

Thus this is how Steve distinguished himself from others.

Refer here to learn more about Steve: https://brainly.com/question/28811717


In the text Biking Mackinac, the author states, "Cycling offers so many opportunities and allows people to see as much of the island as they wish. Mackinac Island has many biking paths and trails. This makes it ideal for both the experienced and amateur biker. You don't have to be particularly athletic to cycle on Mackinac Island. You just have to be willing and enthusiastic. You can plan an all-day trip or ride around the island for a few hours, and with all of the options of things to see, you can make the trip as easy or difficult as you'd like."

Select how this information supported the author's claim that biking is the best way to see the island.

It let the reader know that they don't have to be very athletic to tour the island by bicycle.
It shared with the reader that cycling is a great sport, but you have to be very enthusiastic.
It showed the reader that it takes a lot more time to tour the island by bicycle than by carriage.
It told the reader they have more choice about how much to see if they tour by bike.


The author's claim that biking is the best way to see the Mackinac island can be seen in the quote, "It let the reader know that they don't have to be very athletic to tour the island by bicycle".

Fudge is a popular sweet treat on Mackinac Island, which is also well-known for its rich history and horse-drawn carriages. During the busiest vacation season, 14 fudge shops produce more than 10,000 pounds of fudge daily, and visitors can sample some as they stroll around the downtown area.

In order to separate their town from Mackinac Island for perplexed mail carriers, the founders of Mackinaw City used the phonetic "aw" spelling. The spelling "aw" is still used for Mackinaw City today, but "ac" is still used for the bridge, straits, and island.

To learn more about Mackinac here:



Blank verse can be defined as

1. rhymed verses of poetry

2. repeating rhyming couplets

3. unrhymed lines having no fixed pattern

4. unrhymed iambic pentameter


Answer: 3. Unrhymed lines having no fixed pattern

Explanation: I just know we’ve been studying poetry in class lately

What are 5 situations that could put personal safety at risk?


1. following someone into there vehicle or house.
2. walking outside alone in the dark / at night
3. walking home from school by yourself
4. stopping to pick something up on the ground that caught your eye, ( most likely a trick )
5. texting someone on any social media your personal information is also never a good thing to do

Highlight details that show conflict.

I didn't know what to say. I had the same hot and cold feeling that I had when I first saw Grandpa in the street. The medicine bag was the dirty leather pouch I had found around his neck. "I could never wear such a thing," I almost said aloud. I thought of having my friends see it in gym class or at the swimming pool and could imagine the smart things they would say. But I just swallowed hard and took a step toward the bed. I knew I would have to take it.

What type of conflict do the details in this passage reveal?

character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
character vs. society



character Vs. character


I guess it's that one cause as u can see he firstly said that he could never wore the leather pouch which was very dirty.. and also he wanted an opinion of his friends . so yeahh

Answer: character vs. self

Explanation: I took the test and got it correct!

College is NOT Worth the Cost


People who argue that college is not worth it contend that the debt from college loans is too high and delays graduates from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married. They say many successful people never graduated from college and that many jobs, especially trades jobs, do not require college degrees.

Example: Using an apple pie to represent an American lifestyle.
Explain why the example is symbolism:


Apple pie symbol of  the "good old days," the dessert that soldiers stationed overseas tell their families they miss the most, the taste of Thanksgiving and fall in Pennsylvania

How does apple pie represent American culture?Apple pie represents the "good old days," the dessert that soldiers stationed overseas tell their families they miss the most, the taste of Thanksgiving and fall in Pennsylvania. However, apple pie has been misinterpreted as a symbol of patriotism across the decades, as have many other American emblems.Pie is the American synonym of wealth. Pie is the nourishment of the valiant. No pie-eating people can ever be permanently defeated." – From the New York Times in 1902. In America, we frequently qualify our patriotism in unusual ways.

To learn more about synonym  refer,



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