3) How did the French Revolution differ from those that occurred in Latin America?
How was it similar?


Answer 1

Answer:   While the French Revolution produced changes within the borders of France, the Latin American Wars of Independence established independent countries throughout large portions of South America, including Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile.


Answer 2

Answer: In the revolutions of America, France, and Latin America there was a common thread that united these revolutions as well as some differences in why. The common theme in the revolutions in America, France, and Latin America was independence from foreign rule. In the American Colonies, the colonists rebelled and fought for their independence from Great Britain. In France, the people rose up against the monarchy, and in Latin America the people sought independence from Spanish/Portuguese colonial control.

American Revolution

The America Colonies declared their independence on July 4th, 1776, with the adoption of the The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America by the Continental Congress. It asserted, “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Declaring war was a last resort. The colonist wanted to be treated the same as any another citizen of the king’s empire and this included having a representative in Parliament because they were paying taxes to England, who had increased taxes to pay the debt incurred by the Seven Year War (Bentley, 2006 p.784), but had no representation in England. These pleas fell on the deaf ears of the king and his Privy Council and which lead to the revolt in the American Colonies (Trail, Images of the American Revolution). In 1787 the Constitution Convention laid out the plans for a new system of government which granted rights to male property owners but left out native Americans, landless men, slaves, and women (Bentley, 2006 p.785-786).


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what founding father was a delegate to congress from pennsylvania



Thomas Mifflin


The "Three Alls" policy is an example of which of
the following:
Total War
Guerrilla War
Civil War
Limited War



total war


The 3 alls policy is kill all, burn all, loot all. In total war, the rules of war are disregarded. The Japanese used this policy in WW2.

Which line from “A Smart Cookie” best summarizes Esperanza’s mother’s character?



A. I could’ve been somebody, you know


Trust me ;p

edge 2021


A.)I could’ve been somebody, you know?


Would you have gone to another store or website if the price of the product was lower there? Explain your answer.​



Well, probably because it's one, saving money, which I feel like everyone would want to do once in a while, and two, because it's easier instead of taking your car and going to the store which just might be a few miles away.


3. Which type of economy relies on social customs to answer the economic questions of the nation?

A) traditional economy
B) free market economy
C) command economy
D) mixed market economy





Detail how WWII led to support for civil rights in the US.



In many ways, the events of World War II set the stage for the civil rights movement.

Explanation:First, the demand for soldiers in the early 1940s created a shortage of white male laborers. ... Third, during the war, civil rights organizations actively campaigned for African-American voting rights and challenged Jim Crow laws.

What must you do to have eternal life with God?



No one can earn eternal life. These scriptures make it plain that eternal life is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus




Select all options that apply.

What serious problems did Richard Nixon face during his term of office?

Camp David Accords
Iran Hostage Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
Vietnam War



Vietnam War




Out of these choices, the above three are correct.

Nixon's biggest domestic issue was pursuing the Vietnam War; although the other two are rather pertinent.  Watergate was a significant scandal.

However if you have this same question and it has the option 'liberal supreme court' available, that is another issue Nixon struggled with.  He opposed liberalism because of how it affected society back then.

Hope it helps.

How is marginal analysis for a business similar to
the marginal thinking that you do as a consumer?



Marginal analysis is an examination of the additional benefits of an activity compared to the additional costs incurred by that same activity. Companies use marginal analysis as a decision-making tool to help them maximize their potential profits.


The physical process that leads to a reduction in the amount of arable land and crop output is __________.


Give me the drop questions to answer what are the choices?

Explain the history of banking system in the Philippines


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The short Explain the history of the banking system in the Philippines is the following.

We can begin the history of the banking system in the 1500s when some religious Spanish congregations arrived at the Philipines to evangelize and colonize the territory.

We could say that after some loan houses, the first truly bank institution was the Spanish Bank or Banco Filipino de España, created around the 1850s. It was located in Manila, the most important city of the Philipines.

Some European financial institutions tried to enter the Philippines at the end of the 1800s.

The Bank of the Philippines started operations in 1912 as a more solid financial institution. In 1916, another financial institution appeared: the National Bank of the Philippines.

On January 3, 1949, the Philippines has its first central bank that helped to regulate the entire monetary and financial system on the island.

A reformation of the Philippine legislation allowed the modernization of the new Central Bank on July 3, 1993.

Today the banks in the Philippines have rural and cooperative banks, commercial banks, and thrift banks. Among the most important banks in the Philippines, we find the Banco de Oro, Land Bank of the Philippines, and the Metropolitan Bank and Trust.

Please help me with this question i need it fast


Answer:North korean invasion of the south korea


help plz i’ll give extra points



Its government was ahead of its time period aswell as the military forces were famous for there battle techniques.


How did Johnson’s career change in 1952?



Johnson's Democratic superiors were election casualties, so he became minority leader. In the fall 1954 elections, the Democrats had regained control of the Senate, and when the Senate convened in 1955, Johnson became majority leader. It was a dizzyingly fast climb.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

In this, she changed her career from NASA to teaching physics.

What is a career?

One maintains the same line of employment when you have a career. A profession can consist of one or several jobs. One may work for a single corporation or several. A career education, experience, and professional experience. A career is often referred to as a "career path."

Johnson as well as two other males who were over the black people were the first ones to graduate from a University. After a particular point in time that she could work at NASA where there are various computing sections that have been available.

As other various that her only career change was from a data analyst to teaching physics as we have various interests in it, as well as she, was good at making the child and or anyone understand the basic nature of Physics.

Learn more about career, Here:



name and describe two control methods used by a dictator


They use propaganda to enforce that their good. They also use fear tactics

I deserve better treatment
than this. I have just written
a letter to my local
newspaper about how hard
I work and how much
money my factory makes,
yet ſhave no say in how this
country is run. Down with
the King.



is that a question


sorry for you keep going and don't care about people's bad opinions

The experience of mestizos in colonial Mexico is MOST comparable to which of the following?(A) The experience of Greek slaves in the Roman Empire.(B) The experience of serfs in Russia.(C) The experience of Jews in early modern Europe.(D) The experience of Hindus in the Mughal Empire



the answer Is < the experience of Hindus in the mughal empire>


I had this question on odyssee

The experience of mestizos in colonial Mexico is most comparable to the experience of Jews in early modern Europe. The appropriate response is option C.

Who are mestizos ?

A person with mixed European and Native American ancestry is referred to as mestizo when discussing race. It may also refer to persons who identify as culturally European despite when their forebears are not in particular regions, such as Latin America.

In Spanish, the word "mestizo" (which translates to "mixed") is used to describe persons who have a mixture of white European and indigenous heritage.

Castas of mixed racial origin were classified under this term as an ethnic/racial group throughout the Spanish Empire. Although mestizo generally refers to someone of mixed European and indigenous ancestry, the term did not have a clear definition during the Middle Passage and colonial era.

To learn more about mestizos



24. Which statement is true about capital expenditure? A It consists of the purchase of goods for resale. B It includes the costs of operating a non-current asset. It involves the buying of an asset to be used in the business for more than a year. D It should be written off during the year in which the expenditure arises.






B is most true


Captial expenditure is the amount of money is spent on assets such as buildings and cars that an entity or MNC owns.

B fits this the most, an argument could be made for where I think you meant to put C

"It involves the buying of an asset to be used in the business for more than a year."

but I believe B fits the most.

After studying rebellions throughout history, one can conclude that rebellion is caused by---
A government concerned about the political rights of their citizens
A government's refusal to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology
A government's failure to meet the political and economic needs of their citizens
A government's attempt to separate government from religion



the answer is C


it us very easy to 8identify it

Answer: I think its "A government's failure to meet the political and economic needs of their citizens"

Explanation: An example of this is the Russian Revolution where the workers weren't   recieving enough wages and while free ,former-serfs ts were heavilly indebted to the landowners.

Which philosopher believed that art was a representation of representation Aristotle,Plato,frued, or Dostoevsky


Answer: Plato


Plato believed that all of reality is simply a representation of a form. An underlying form that it takes its nature from.

He then believed that art is a representation of nature or rather the things in our world. If the reality - things in our world - is a mere representation of something else and art is a representation of reality, then art is a representation of a representation.

Which of the following was a result because America withdrew from South Vietnam?

A. South Vietnam took over North Vietnam.
B. South Vietnam dragged Europe into their war.
C. Cambodia invaded South Vietnam.
D. South Vietnam relocated to western Japan.



The correct answer is B. South Vietnam dragged Europe into their war.


Which trade barrier discourages trade by placing a tax on imported goods?


Tariff is the correct answer

Legislative Branch - Web Quest
Directions: Use the links below to complete the following questions. Write your answers on a separate
paper. Your Web Quest is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Good Luck!
1) House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/
2) Senate: http://www.senate.gov/index.htm
2) Clerk of the House of Representatives: http://clerk.house.gov/
3) Library of Congress: https://www.congress.gov/
4) Congressional Members: congress.org
Structure of Congress
Section A--Fill in the blank activity: fill in the blanks below. Provide the names, party affiliation, and st
each member in the Congress. Identify the role of each leadership position listed.
*Speaker of the House -
*House Majority Leader -
*House Majority whip -
*House Minority Leader-
House Minority whip -
Senate Majority Leader
Senate Majority whip -


Speaker of the house role- is responsible for administering the oath of office to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving Members permission to speak on the House floor, designating Members to serve as Speaker pro tempore, counting and declaring all votes, appointing Members to committees, sending bills. The house Majority leader role is The leaders serve as spokespersons for their party's positions on issues. The majority leader schedules the daily legislative program and fashions the unanimous consent agreements that govern the time for debate. The house majority whip role The Majority Whip is an elected member of the majority party who assists the Speaker of the House and the majority leader to coordinate ideas on, and garner support for, proposed legislation. The house minority leader role is The minority leader is responsible for leading the minority party in the U.S. House of Representatives. These responsibilities include speaking for the party and its policies, protecting the minority's rights, and nominating minority party Members to committees. The House minority whip role is The majority and minority whips (and their assistants) are responsible for mobilizing votes within their parties on major issues. In the absence of a party floor leader, the whip often serves as acting floor leader. The senate majority leader role is The leaders serve as spokespersons for their party's positions on issues. The majority leader schedules the daily legislative program and fashions the unanimous consent agreements that govern the time for debate. ... The majority leader has also come to speak for the Senate as an institution. The senate majority whip role is The main function of the Majority and Minority Whips is to gather votes of their respective parties on major issues. As the second-ranking members of Senate leadership, if there is no floor leader present, the Whip may become acting floor leader.

Which extermination camps started as a forced labor camp for Soviet prisoners of war?
A. Treblinka II
B. Sobibor
C. Majdanek
D. Belzec

ANSWER: Majdanek



C. Majdanek


The extermination camps that started as a forced labor camp for Soviet prisoners of war was Majdanek.

Majdanek was used as a concentration camp during the Second World War by the Nazis during their invasion of Poland.





Which is not a reason they didn’t get along?





B. Differences in their ideas of economics

Help please
23 points


The Answer is I think is A

Which issue do both posters address?

the rationing of food
the increase of industry
the purchase of liberty bonds
the conservation of resources



D. the conservation of resources


The issue addressed by both posters is the conservation of resources. Thus the correct answer is D.

What is a poster?

A poster is refer to a graphical or pictorial representation of any idea to promote or support something. These posters are utilized for advertisement or to create awareness among citizens regarding any issue or challenges faced in society.

The image of the poster is attached below-

The poster is given by the United states fuel administration about the conservation of resources. It is depicted in the poster by giving taglines as "save coal' save light" which symbolizes as limited consumption of resources and encourages conservation of it.

Therefore, option D the conservation of resources is appropriate.

Learn more about resources, here:



Abraham Lincoln‘s Gettysburg address and Martin Luther King Jr.‘s I have a dream speech where are separated by 100 years how were the two similar


“The Gettysburg Address,” a speech written by Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream” speech states the importance of freedom and equality. Yet, a difference is that King alludes to the Bible while Abraham Lincoln refers to the Civil War. Answer:


Is Fair Trade Fair?
(Your own words)



Yeah trade fair is fair. When u trade someone and then they trade u back that means each person is getting something from each other. To me that seems fair.


what was the role of chantry school in the middle ages​


Schools of this sort at first arose out of bequests by wealthy persons to support foundations for priests who should 'chant' masses for the repose of their souls. ... Since these religious duties did not absorb all the time of the priests, they were able to do some teaching.
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