2.Which data set is more likely to produce a histogram with a symmetric distribution? Explain yourreasoning.Data on the number of seconds on a track of music in a pop album.Data on the number of seconds spent talking on the phone yesterday by everyone in theschool.


Answer 1

A histogram with a symmetric distribution looks like this:

Leaving aside the quality of the drawing, the left and the right side of the histogram are identical if we split it by the red line. Is like having a reflexion axis.

Now, we have to discuss what of the 2 data sets may have such an histogram. This means that we must think which of them may have the same number of ocurrences for very short and very long durations, for regular to short and regular to long durations, and so on and so furth.

Pop album tracks:

In the same album we may have arround 12 tracks (small number), all of them with a duration of arround 3 minutes. We could imagine a histogram like the following:

All the songs last between 170 and 190 seconds, and one or two last a little bit more.

Phone talks:

In this case, we can think that there are some calls to say something like "mom, I'm on my way home" and other like "let me tell you the hole movie I saw yesterday night", so very short and very long calls, but they are no so common. There are a lot of "regular" calls that might last for 60 seconds.

Also, in this case, we are taking into account all the calls from people in the school in one day (yesterday), so, may be 1.000 calls? The actual number really doesn't matter, but the fact that the number is very big. Because of the big number, we can expect a symmetric distribution.

2.Which Data Set Is More Likely To Produce A Histogram With A Symmetric Distribution? Explain Yourreasoning.Data
2.Which Data Set Is More Likely To Produce A Histogram With A Symmetric Distribution? Explain Yourreasoning.Data

Related Questions

If the number of bacteria in a colony doubles every 236 minutes and there is currently a population of 9,085 bacteria, what will the population be 708 minutes from now?


We could state an exponential model.

Number of bateria will be given by:


where k=growth constant and t=time in minutes.

We're given that N0 is the initial population, which is:


We also know that, when t=236 min, N=2(9,085) = 18,170:


We're going to solve this equation to find the value of k:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{18,170}{9,085}=e^{236k} \\ 2=e^{236k} \\ \ln 2=\ln e^{236k} \\ \ln 2=236k \\ k=\frac{\ln 2}{236} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, our expression is:

[tex]N=9,085e^{\frac{\ln 2}{236}t}[/tex]

To find the population of bacteria after 708 minutes, we replace t by 708:


Therefore, the population of bacteria 708 minutes from now, is 72680.

The 1st x is to the 2nd power



x = 0 x = 1/3

Which ordered pair does NOT belong to any quadrant?
(1, 3)
(-1, -3)
(1, -3)
(0, 3)


The ordered pair (0, 3) does not lie onto any of the four quadrants.

What is the sign convention for quadrants?

We know in the cartesian plane there are four quadrants.

In the first quadrant (x, y).

In the second quadrant (- x, y).

In the third quadrant (- x, - y).

In the fourth quadrant (x, - y).

Given are some ordered pairs. We know when x = 0 the point lies onto the x-axis and when y = 0 the point lies onto the x-axis.

Out of the given ordered pairs (0, 3) does not belong to any quadrant as it lies onto the y-axis only at 3.

learn more about ordered pairs here :





The line y = 2x + 6 shown in the data is the line of best fit of the data

What is line of best fit?

There are many points of the data and by plotting the points on the graph, a single line cannot pass through all the points.

Line of best fit minimize the distance between the line and the points of the data

The points which are plotted on the graph in red are the points of the data and y = 2x + 6 is the line of best fit of the data.

To learn more about line of best fit, refer to the link-



Suppose at 21 inches of wire cost $.84 at the same rate how much incense for 14 inches of wire cost


Step 1:


The cost of wire varies directly to the length in inches

Step 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If 21 inches cot \$0.84} \\ \text{Then 1 inches will cost = }\frac{0.84}{21}\text{ = 0.04 \$/inch} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer

14 inches will cost = 14 x 0.04 = $0.56 = 56 cents

56 cents

what is the area of a circle with the diameter of 16 cm



201.06 square centimeters.


The formula for finding the area of a circle is:

[tex]\text{Area}=\pi r^2[/tex]

Given that the diameter = 16 cm

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Radius,r}=\text{Diameter}\div2 \\ =16\div2 \\ r=8\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, substitute r=8cm into the formula for area.

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi\times8^2 \\ =64\pi \\ =201.06\operatorname{cm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the circle is 201.06 square centimeters.

Choose the point on the terminal side of 135º.


We are given the following information.

We also know that the general equation of a line is given by


Where m is the slope of the line and b is the point at which it crosses the y axis.

Since the line given goes through (0,0), b=0. Now we just need to find m.

This can be done via the formula

[tex]m=\tan (\theta)[/tex]

In this case

[tex]m=\tan (135)=-1[/tex]

And so, the equation of the line given is


Now we simply need to see which of the options fit this equation. We can do this easily, because x and y are equal except for their sign.

As such, the point of the terminal side of 135° is (-1,1).

a coffee machine can be adjuste4d to deliver any fixed numer of ounces of coffee. if the machine has a standard deviation of 0.4 ounces, what should be the mean setting so that an 8 ounce cup will overflow only 0.5% of the time?


The mean μ=9 is the setting so that an 8 ounce cup will overflow when only 0.5% of the time.

A Z-score indicates how far a given value is from a standard deviation. A Z-score (standard value) is the number of standard deviations that a particular data point is above or below the mean. Standard deviation essentially reflects the amount of variability within a given data set.

The average is calculated as: From the Z-score formula:


Z-score associated with 0.5% is 0


Solving for x gives:


For μ=9, an intermediate setting such that the 8 ounce cup overflows 0.5% of the time.

To know furthermore about Z-Score at



3) Sketch a graph, labelling and scaling the axes, of the line y = 2x – 3.


y = 2x - 3

Put x = 0 and solve

y = 2(0) - 3

y = 3

We have a point (0, 3)

Put y = 0 and solve for x

0 = 2x - 3

2x = 3

x = 3/2

x = 1.5

The second point is (1.5, 0)

Below is the graph

For what value of x must ABCD be a parallelogram? 14-7=12x+1



Step-by-step explanation:





The average 12 ounce cola contains 33 grams of sugar. How many grams of sugar are contained in a 68 ounce bottle of soda?



There are 55 grams of sugar in a 20-ounce bottle of soda.

Step-by-step explanation:

So if your looking for a 68 ounce bottle of soda we know there would be about 165 grams of sugar just in 60 ounces. as then you would find the amount of 8 grams of sugar.

i really really need help on this qustion


The coordinates of R are (7, -3).

What is meant by ordered pair?An ordered pair is a composition of the x coordinate (abscissa) and the y coordinate (ordinate), with two values written within parentheses in a fixed order. It aids visual comprehension by locating a point on the Cartesian plane.An ordered pair's numeric values can be integers or fractions. An ordered pair is a pair of two numbers (or variables) separated by a comma and written inside brackets. (1, 2) is an ordered pair, for example.It represents a point in coordinate geometry and an element of a relation/cartesian product in set theory.Ordered pairs are also known as 2-tuples or sequences (or lists in a computer science context).


R are (7, -3)

P are (4,-3)

Q are (4,4)

To learn more about ordered pair, refer to:



Marc sold 500 tickets for the school play. Student tickets cost $2 and adult tickets cost $5. Marc's sales totaled $1,789.a.) Write a system of equations that can be used to determine how many of each type of ticket Marc sold.b.) Solve the system to determine how many adult tickets and how many student tickets Marc sold.


Given that:

- Marc sold 500 tickets for the school play.

- Student tickets cost $2.

- Adult tickets cost $5.

- The total amount of money from the sale was $1,789.

a.) Let be "x" the number of student tickets Marc sold for the school play, and "y" the number of adult tickets Marc sold for the school play.

You can represent the total number of tickets he sold with this equation:


You can represent the total amount of money from the sale with this equation:


Now you can set up this System of Equations that can be used to determine how many of each type of ticket Marc sold:

[tex]\begin{cases}x+y={500} \\ 2x+5y={1789}\end{cases}[/tex]

b.) You can solve the System of Equations using the Elimination Method:

1. Multiply the first equation by -2:

[tex]\begin{cases}(-2)(x+y)=(-2)({500)} \\ 2x+5y={1789}\end{cases}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{cases}-2x-2y={-1000} \\ 2x+5y={1789}\end{cases}[/tex]

2. Add the equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{cases}-2x-2y={-1000} \\ 2x+5y={1789}\end{cases} \\ ---------- \\ 0+3y=789 \\ 3y=789 \end{gathered}[/tex]

3. Solve for "y":

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{789}{3} \\ \\ y=263 \end{gathered}[/tex]

4. Substitute the value of "y" into the first original equation and solve for "x":

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+263=500 \\ x=500-263 \\ x=237 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answers are:


[tex]\begin{cases}x+y={500} \\ 2x+5y={1789}\end{cases}[/tex]


[tex]x=237\text{ \lparen Number of student tickets Marc sold\rparen}[/tex][tex]y=263\text{ \lparen Number of adult tickets Marc sold\rparen}[/tex]

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: Width = 5.7 feet, Length = 10.5 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the width be w. Then, the length is 2w-0.9.

[tex]w(2w-0.9)=59.85\\\\2w^2 -0.9w-59.85=0\\\\w =\frac{-(-0.9) \pm \sqrt{(-0.9)^2 -4(2)(-59.85)}}{2(2)}\\\\w =5.7\\\\\implies 2w-0.9=10.5[/tex]

What are the roots of 2x^2+4x+7 ? Show your work.


The roots of 2x^2+4x+7 are -1 + i√5 and -1 - i√5.

Define quadratic function.

A quadratic function has the generic form f(x)=ax²+bx+c. A parabola, a kind of two-dimensional curve, is the graph of a quadratic function. A polynomial function of degree two in one or more variables is known in algebra as a quadratic function, quadratic polynomial, polynomial of degree 2, or simply a quadratic. The phrase "quadratic" in mathematics refers to something that has to do with squares, the squaring operation, terms of the second degree, or equations or formulas that contain such terms. Latin's word for square is quadratus.


2x² + 4x + 7 = 0

ax² + bx + c = 0

x = [tex]\frac{-b +-\sqrt{}b^{2}- 4ac }{2a}[/tex]

a = 2

b = 4

c = 7

Using quadratic function,

x = [tex]\frac{-4\sqrt{} 4^{2} -4(2)(7)}{2(2)}[/tex]

x = [tex]\frac{-4+-\sqrt{-40} }{4}[/tex]


i = √-1

x = [tex]\frac{-4+-2i\sqrt{10} }{4}[/tex]


x = -1 +-√10/2

Roots are:

x = -1 + i√10/2

x = -1 - i√10/2

The roots of 2x^2+4x+7 are -1 + i√5 and -1 - i√5.

To learn more about quadratic function, visit:



multiply: 1/6 (-3/7) answer in simplest form


1/6 (-3/7)

[tex]\frac{1}{6}\cdot\frac{-3}{7}=\frac{-3}{6\cdot7}=\frac{-3}{2\cdot\text{ 3 }\cdot\text{ 7}}=\frac{-1}{2\cdot7}=\frac{-1}{14}[/tex]


-1 /14


a test has 30mmultiple choice questions with 4 choices each. how many different ways can the question be answered


The answer will be [tex]4^{30}[/tex]  different ways can the question be answered using permutation.

What is permutation?

A permutation is both an ordered combination and an ordered arrangement of results. For instance, 3 people are to sit in each of the 5 chairs. The first person can be seated in five different ways, the second person in four different ways, and the third person in three different ways. Accordingly, generalising this, we obtain n alternatives to fill the first chair, n-1 options to fill the second, and n-2 options to fill the third chair. As a result, nPr = n! / (n - r)! can be used to represent how many different permutations (arrangements) there are when there are r individuals and n chairs.

Each question has four choices. So, the total number of ways in which the questions can be attempted is [tex]4^{30}[/tex]

Hence the number of ways the question be answered is  [tex]4^{30}[/tex].

Learn more about permutation, by the following link



If a spring is stretched 10cm by a weight of 8kg how much will it be stretched by 3kg


The amount of string that can be stretched by 3 kg weight is 5/ 4× 3

= 15 / 4 = 3.75 cm

Given ; The string is attached to a weigh whose weight is 8 kg

the length of the string which is being stretched is 10 cm

The amount of string that can be stretched by 3 kg weight can be calculated by unitary method

According to the unitary method ;

the string when attached to a 1 kg weight the length will be = 10 / 8 = 5 /4

Thus the amount of string that can be stretched by 3 kg weight is 5/ 4× 3

= 15 / 4 = 3.75 cm

To know more about unitary method or related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below:



1. {(1, -2), (-2, 0), (-1, 2), (1, 3)}2. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 5), (4, 10), (5, 15}}Is the relation a function


To find if a relation is a function, identify if there is more that one value of y for the same value of x (if there are more than one value for one value of x is not a function)

Ordered pairs (x,y)


x y

1 -2

-2 0

-1 2

1 3

As there are two values of y when x=1. (1 , -2) and (1 ,3). The relation is not a function


x y

1 1

2 2

3 5

4 10

5 15

As there are no more than one value of y for the same value of x. The relation is a function.

Hello! I need some assistance with this homework question for precalculus, please?HW Q27


The expression is given to be:


Recall the rule of logarithms:

[tex]\log a^b=b\log a[/tex]

Thus the expression becomes:


Recall the rule:


Hence, we have the expression to be:


The answer is 86.

The inequality 2c−3<9 represents the amount of money a student can spend on c candy bars. Select the values that best complete the sentence. The solution to the inequality is , and it represents that the student can buy a maximum of whole candy bars.


He can buy 5 candy at most with this inequality 2c-3<9 as the inequality will result in c<6 as the definition of inequality says, "In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to one another".

What is inequality?

In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to one another. The equation-like form of the expression 5x 4 > 2x + 3 has an arrowhead in place of the equals sign. This shows that the left part, 5x 4, is bigger than the right part, 2x + 3. The greater than symbol (>), less than symbol (), greater than or equal to symbol (), less than or equal to symbol (), and not equal to symbol () are the five inequality symbols. Take the same amount away from both sides. Add the same positive number to both sides. Subtract the same positive number from both sides. Reverse the sign and multiply both sides by the same negative number.



add 3 both side,



divide both side by 2,


According to the definition of inequality, "In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to one another," he can only purchase a maximum of 5 candies with the inequality 2c-3<9.

To know more about inequality,



If a number is tripled and then subtracted from 15 the result is 5 more than twice the number?


The number in the word problem is 2

How to find the number

let the number be x

from the question it is deduced that

If a number is tripled and then subtracted from 15 = 15 - 3x

5 more than twice the number = 2x + 5

equating both sides

15 - 3x = 2x + 5

collecting like terms

15 - 5 = 2x + 3x

10 = 5x

x = 2

Learn more about equation here:



Simplify the expression 2n/6n+4 times 3n+2/3n-2


Answer:11n^3/9-2n^2/3+44n/3-8Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

PLEASE HELP!!! thank you


The congruent statement for the triangle is ΔVXW ≅ ΔRPQ

What are congruent triangles?

Two triangles are said to be congruent if all three corresponding sides are equal and all the three corresponding angles are equal .

In other words, two triangles are said to be congruent if pairs of their corresponding sides and their corresponding angles are equal.

Therefore, for the two triangles the to be congruent the corresponding sides are and the angles are equals also.


∠V ≅ ∠R

∠W ≅ ∠Q

∠X ≅ ∠P

Therefore, ΔVXW ≅ ΔRPQ

learn more on congruent triangles here: https://brainly.com/question/7223194


9=4/t Math Answer 6th grade problem



To solve for t

multiply both-side of the equation by t

That is;

[tex]9\times t=\frac{4}{t}\times t[/tex]

9t = 4

divide both-side of the equation by 9

That is;

[tex]\frac{9t}{9}\text{ =}\frac{4}{9}[/tex][tex]t=\frac{4}{9}[/tex]

In parallelogram PQRS, QP is entended to pointT and ST is drawn



Angle PST = 80°


Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

Angle R = 130° = Angle QPS

The sum of angles on a straight line is 180°.

Angle QPS + Angle SPT = 180°

130° + Angle SPT = 180°

Angle SPT = 180° - 130° = 50°

Then, we were told that ST = SP, so, the the base angles of triangle PST are equal.

Angle SPT = Angle STP = 50°

Sum of angles in a triangle = 180°

Angle SPT + Angle STP + Angle PST = 180°

50° + 50° + Angle PST = 180°

100° + Angle PST = 180°

Angle PST = 180° - 100°

Angle PST = 80°

Hope this Helps!!!

A linear function can be modeled using the equation 2x-y=2.

What is the Zero of this function


If linear function can be modeled using the equation 2x-y=2. Then x=1 is the Zero of this function

What is Graph?

Graph is a mathematical representation of a network and it describes the relationship between lines and points.



We need to write this in slope intercept form

The slope intercept form of a line is y=mx+b, where m is slope and b is the y intercept.


m=2 and y intercept is -2

Now take the values of x and y

x       0       1         2         3

y       -2      0         2         4

Hence the zero of this function is x=1

To learn more on Graph click:



Juan always saves the same amount of money from his weekly allowance. This table shows how much he has saved in dollars at different times. Which equation represents the situation, where ex is the time and why is the amount saved?


The equation represent the given situation is y=3x+10.

What is equation?

   A mathematical expression with an equals sign is referred to as an equation. Algebra is widely used in equations. When performing calculations but unsure of the precise amount, algebra is used. The definition of an equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions. For instance, the equation 3x + 5 = 14 consists of the two equations 3x + 5 and 14, which are separated by the 'equal' sign.

Here let us take the values of time and amount as x and y. Then take any two points ,


Now using slope formula,

=> slope m = [tex]\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

=> slope m = 9/3 = 3

Now using equation formula ,

=> [tex]y-y_1=m(x-x_1)[/tex]

=> y-19=3(x-3)




Hence the correct option is A)y=3x+10.

To learn more about equation refer the below link



In a bakery, the ratio of fruit scones to cheese scones is 3:4.
a) Given that there are 24 cheese scones, how many fruit scones are there?
If 6 fruit scones were sold, what would be the new ratio of fruit scones to cheese scones?



a) 18 and b)1:2

Step-by-step explanation:

for a i divided 24 by 4 (24:4) and got 6 the i multiplied 3 by 6 and got 18. also you could do a proportion and fruit scones would be x so you have to calculate x. if you don't know how to do proportions you can ask me i can explain.

for b since i got the count was 18:24. i took away those six from 18 and got with the ratio 12:24. i divided both sides by twelve and got 1:2


a) 18 fruit scones

b) 6:8

Step-by-step explanation:

a) The ratio is 3:4 given that there 3 fruit scones to 4 cheese scones so if there are 24 cheese scones, 24/4=6, 3*6=18 so there 18 fruit scones.

b)  The ratio is 3:4 given that there 3 fruit scones to 4 cheese scones so if there are 6 fruit scones, 6/3=2, 2*4=8 so there are 8 cheese scones. The new ratio would be 6:8

Let Ln denote the left-endpoint sum using n subintervals. Compute the indicated left sum for the given function on the indicated interval. (Round your answer to four decimal places.) L4 for f(x) = 1/x-1on [3, 4] L4 =


The indicated left sum for the given function on the indicated interval, the value L4 for f(x) = 1/x-1on [3, 4] L4 = 0.7595.

Let Ln denote the left-endpoint sum using n sub intervals.

We are given that

[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{x-1}[/tex]  [3,4]

We have to find L4

It means n = 4

x = [tex]\frac{b-a}{n} = \frac{4-3}{4} = \frac{1}{4}[/tex] = 0.25

Now, intervals are

[3, 3.25], [3.25, 3.50], [3.5, 3.75], [3.75, 4]


[tex]L_{4} = f(x_{0}) \triangle x+f(x_{1})\triangle x +f(x_{2})\triangle x+f(x_{3})\triangle x\\ \\ L_{4} = \frac{1}{3-1} (0.25)+\frac{1}{3.25-1}(0.25)+\frac{1}{3.5-1}(0.25)+\frac{1}{3.75-1}(0.25)\\ \\ L_{4} = 0.7595[/tex]

Hence the answer is the indicated left sum for the given function on the indicated interval, the value L4 for f(x) = 1/x-1on [3, 4] L4 = 0.7595.

To learn more about functions click here https://brainly.com/question/25638609


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