25% of what number equals 100


Answer 1


its 400

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Mr. Jensen owed $34.75 on his Internet service. He accidentally paid $37.45. When his next statement came, it showed a balance of –$2.70. Which statement about this bill is true?
Mr. Jensen needs to pay $2.70 more on his next bill
Mr. Jensen needs to pay $2.70 less on his next bill.
Mr. Jensen needs to pay $5.40 more on his next bill.
Mr. Jensen needs to pay $5.40 less on his next bill.




Step-by-step explanation:

if he pays 2.70 more than he is supposed to and gets a bill that says -2.70 they took that money off his next bill


the answer is b :To break even, Liza must answer 2 questions correctly to give her 6 points, because she now has –6 points and the result would be a score of 0.

Step-by-step explanation:


Indicate below whether the equation in the box is true or false 4/10=1/2




Step-by-step explanation:

4/10's numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) can both be divided by 2. Therefore, when we do that, it will be equal to 2/5. 2/5 is not equal to 1/2. Therefore, the answer is false.

If this helps please mark as brainliest

math math math math math pls help



100-16π ft2

Step-by-step explanation


100-16π ft2

Step-by-step explanation:

Hank spins the spinner shown in the diagram 30 times. His results are as follows:
Yellow: 4
Blue: 7
Red: 5
Green: 6
Orange: 3
Purple: 5
What is the theoretical probability of landing on yellow?


It’s D) 2/15 I am 100% sure

evelyn packed this box with 1-inch cubes. which expression does NOT show how evelyn can find the volume of the box



[tex]Volume = 2 + 3+6[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Length = 2[/tex]

[tex]Width = 3[/tex]

[tex]Height = 6[/tex]

See attachment for box


Which does not represent volume?

The volume is calculated as:

[tex]Volume = Length * Width * Height[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]Volume = 2 * 3 * 6[/tex] ---- (b) represents volume

Multiply 2 and 3

[tex]Volume = 6 * 6[/tex] ---- (d) represents volume

The above product can be converted to addition, as:

[tex]Volume = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6[/tex] ---- (a) represents volume


[tex]Volume = 2 + 3+6[/tex] --- does npot represent volume

I need the answer to the Problem RIGHT NOW


I believe it’s 48 hope this helps

Salma Serra purchased a truck. last year she drove the truck 12,340 miles. the fixes costs totaled $1,428 , while variable cost totaled $2,998. how much did it cost per mile to operate the truck?




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

The solution is : cost of driving per mile is $0.42.

What is addition?

Addition is a way of combining things and counting them together as one large group. ... Addition in math is a process of combining two or more numbers.

here, we have,


Luisa Díaz drove her vehicle about 7,200 miles last year.

Total fixed cost = $1,058.40

Total variable cost = $1965.60

Question asked:

How much did it cost per mile ?


Total cost of driving 7200 miles = Total fixed cost + Total variable cost

                                                    = $1,058.40 + $1965.60

                                                    = $3024

By unitary method:

Cost of driving 7200 miles = $3024

Cost of driving 1 mile = $3024  7200

                                  = $0.42

Thus, cost of driving per mile is $0.42

To earn more on addition click:



complete question:

Luisa Díaz drove her vehicle about 7,200 miles last year. Her fixed costs totaled $1,058.40 and her variable costs were $1965.60 how much did it cost per mile

The volume of a sample of oxygen is 200.0 mL when the pressure is 3.00
atm and the temperature is 310 K. What is the new temperature if the
volume increases to 400.0 mL and the pressure decreases to 2.00 atm?*
482.8 K
O 413.3K
686.0 K


9514 1404 393


  C  413.3K

Step-by-step explanation:

Temperature is proportional to volume and pressure. Pressure has decreased by a factor of 2/3, and volume has increased by a factor of 400/200 = 2. So, the new temperature is ...

  (310 K)(2/3)(2) = 413 1/3 K ≈ 413.3 K

Angle a and b are supplementary angles, and a is x-3 and b is x+14 what are the measures of angle a and b



a = 81.5

b = 98.5

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the scenario, computation of the given data are as follows,

a = x-3

b = x+14

In supplementary angles , the formula are as follows,

a + b = 180

By putting the value, we get

x - 3 + x + 14 = 180

2x + 11 = 180

2x = 180 - 11

2x = 169

x = 169 ÷ 2

x = 84.5

So, a = 84.5 - 3

= 81.5

b = 84.5 + 14

= 98.5

Michael is placing cubic blocks into a box that measures 8 inches by 12 inches. each block is 1 cubic inch. he has packed the first layer of the box with 96 blocks. the box is 10 inches high. how many blocks will Michael be able to pack into the box in all?




Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we can find the volume of the whole box:


then find the area of the blocks:


Finally, we divide them to find how many fit in to the box:


So 960 of the blocks will fit into the box.

The correct answer is 960

. What is the difference between a right triangle and a obtuse triangle?​



In a right triangle two of these are merged into the same square, so there are only two distinct inscribed squares. However, an obtuse triangle has only one inscribed square, one of whose sides coincides with part of the longest side of the triangle.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following describes independent events A and B?
1) P(A)=0.70 P(B)=0.70 P(A and B)=0.40

2) P(A)=0.40
P(A and B)=0.28

3) P(A)=0.40
P(A and B)=0.40

4) P(A)=0.70 P(B)=0.40
P(A and B)=0.30


i think it is going to be 3. please let me know if you need more information

There are 15 children at a birthday party.
The mean age of the 15 children is 7 years.
9 of the 15 children are boys.
The mean age of the boys is 5 years.
Work out the mean age of the girls.




Step-by-step explanation:

Let c = sum of ages of all children.

mean age of all children = c/15 = 7

c = 15 * 7 = 105

The sum of the ages of all children is 105.

Let b = sum of ages of the 9 boys.

mean age of boys = b/9 = 5

b = 9 * 5 = 45

The sum of the ages of the boys is 45.

The sum of the ages of the girls is c - b.

c - b = 105 - 45 = 60

The number of girls is 15 - 9 = 6

mean age of girls = (sum of ages of the girls)/(number of girls) =

= 60/6 = 10

another math question




Step-by-step explanation:  1/2 probability, 10 / 2 equals 5


The best prediction possible for the number of times it will land on tails is 5 times.

Step-by-step explanation:

Because there are two sides to a coin, that means there will be a 50% chance of landing on a side. Since you are flipping 10 coins, the best prediction to make is that 50% of the flips, or 5 flips, will result in tails.

If $10,000 is invested at an annual rate of 11%, compounded quarterly, find the value of the investment after the given number of years.
a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 15 years



[tex]a) A\simeq17204.28[/tex]

[tex]b) A\simeq29598.74[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

The amount formula in compound interest is:

[tex]A=P(1+\frac{r}{n} )^{nt}[/tex]


P = principal amount

r = annual interest

n = number of compounding periods

t = number of years

We already know that:

P = $10000

[tex]r = 11\% = \frac{11\%}{100\%}=0.11[/tex]

n = 4 (quarterly in a year)

a ) t = 5 years

[tex]A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{(4)(5)}\\\\A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{20}\\\\A=17204.28431\\\\A\simeq17204.28[/tex]

b) t = 10 years

[tex]A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{(4)(10)}\\\\A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{40}\\\\A=29598.73987\\\\A\simeq29598.74[/tex]

c) t = 15 years

[tex]A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{(4)(15)}\\\\A=10000(1+\frac{0.11}{4} )^{60}\\\\A=50922.51361\\\\A\simeq50922.51[/tex]


Solution given;

principal [p]=$10000


time[t]= 5 years

we have

compound amount quarterly =P(1+r/400)^4t


1) In a school of 3600 students, number of boys is twice the number of girls. Find the number of girls.


Answer: 1200

Step-by-step explanation:

x is the number of boy

The number of boys is twice the number of girls: [tex]\frac{1}{2} x[/tex]

Total is 3600 students: x + [tex]\frac{1}{2}x[/tex]= 3600 → x = 2400

Therefore, the number of girls is: 2400/2= 1200

Answer: There are 2400 boys and 1200 girls

Step-by-step explanation:

x represents girls

2x represents boys



3x =3600


x =1200

Number of girls = 1200

1200 * 2 = 2400

When 6 times a number, x, is added to 7, the result is equal to thirteen more than 7 times the same number, what is the value of x



x = -7

Step-by-step explanation:

Seven times a number and seven is equal to six times a number.

Word problems can be tricky no matter what level of math or science you are in.

First look at the question for words that indicate mathematical symbols.

"times" indicates multiplication

"and" indicates addition

"a number" means we have a variable, x, to solve for

Now we can go from left to right and write it in a mathematical equation

7x + 7 = 6x

Then, solve for x

7x + 7 = 6x

7 = 6x - 7x

7 = -1x

7/-1 = x

x = -7

Finally, we check our work.

7x + 7 = 6x

7(-7) + 7 = 6(-7)

-49 + 7 = -42

-42 = -42 √

The answer is x = -7

What is 4^4 in algerbra mathematics?




Step-by-step explanation:

4 to the exponent of 4 = 256

Erik buys a new combination for his locker at the gym.The lock has 3 dial, each with the number 0 through 9. The probability that he sets the combination as 4-3-9 is


Answer: 0.001

Step-by-step explanation:


The lock has 3 dials, each with the number 0 through 9.

The first place can be filled in 10 ways and the probability of selecting number '4' out of the 10 is  [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex]

Similarly for selecting '3' and '9' is also [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex]

Therefore the probability of getting a combination of 4-3-9 is

[tex]\Rightarrow P=\dfrac{1}{10}\times \dfrac{1}{10}\times\dfrac{1}{10}\\\\\Rightarrow P=\dfrac{1}{1000}\\\\\Rightarrow P=0.001[/tex]

John wrote the equation tim.0 to represent there in decrees er a substance had been tested for minutes Describes be temperature of the substance and the been heated A The temperature initially de trees Cels B. The temperature increased by dores every 0. Based on John's equation, how many minutes does the substances to be heated to reach a temperature of 100 decrees Celtus?​



ur english is so bad i can barely discern what ur trying to say and the correct answer is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

600 students sat a Math exam. If 86% of students passed the exam, the percentage of people who FAILED is



the percentage of student who failed r 14%

and their number is 84.

stay safe healthy and happy.

600 is 100%
So 100%-86%=14% (84 students)

Please help me with this. Use implicit rule



a.option is the correct answer

Algebra homework question pls answer.



um I think it's f I'm not sure tho

Use photo math on the answers and hit show graph

7x7x7 x 7 7 can be simplified to:
A 57
B 75
C 7x5
D 75
E 77 777​


well first of you start off by multiplying 7x7x7 which is 343 and then you multiple 343x77 which is 2,401. That’s your answer overall! Now to simplify: it can’t be E. It can’t be A. And it can’t be C. So that leaves us with B and D. And both B and D are the same exact answer so guessing i would say !

Hope that helps have a good day and please consider brainliest!!



is correct answers

Which is an
equation of the line that has a slope of -2/3
and passes though (-1, 3)?



y = -2/3x + 7/3

Step-by-step explanation:

y = -2/3x + b

3 = -2/3(-1) + b

3 = 2/3 + b

7/3 = b

Find the solution of the system of equations.




First solve for x in -2x-6y=8, and you will get -7. Then plug -7 into x for -6x-6y=0 and you will get 7.

Where can I find I ready answers? specifically math.


Answer: you could problem look in help.k12

Step-by-step explanation:


here on brainly it will answer you ask your question and it will answer it

You roll a cube which has the numbers 11, 12, 11, 12, 20, and 20 on it. You then spin a spinner which has 3 sections. The letters on the spinner are G, H, and J. P(20 and H)



1 / 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the number cube :


Spinner : (G, H, J)

Probability = required outcome / Total possible outcomes

P(20) = 2 / 6 = 1/3

P(H) = 1 / 3

P(20 and H) = P(20) * P(H) = 1/3 * 1/3 = 1 /9

Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with a rational denominator


Answer: 4√2

Step-by-step explanation:

The triangle is a special right triangle. Using this, you know that the legs of the triangle are 1 and 1 as the 45, 45, 90 triangle has the sides of 1, 1 and √2. That being said,

4 x 1 = 4 - This is one of your sides

4 x 1 = 4 - This is your other side.

4 x √2 = 4√2 = This your your hypotenuse or your x.

My teacher played me this song to help me remember 45, 45, 90 and 30, 60, 90 triangles. Look up "45 45 90 30 60 90 song" and look for the channel, "Scalar Learning"

I hope this answered your problem.

i think 4/2 is the answer

What is 20% of 387?



hope this helps you



Step-by-step explanation:

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