-2.5 (-3 +4n + 8) how can i expand the expression


Answer 1


Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

[tex]-2.\text{ 5( -3 + 4n + 8 )}[/tex]

Step 2:

Expanding the expression, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2.\text{ 5 ( -3 + 4n + 8 )} \\ \text{solving the bracket first, we have that:} \\ -2.\text{ 5( 4n + 5)} \\ -10n\text{ - 12. 5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

From the graph identify the zeros of the quadratic function


The zeros of the function are the points where it crosses the x axis:

Answer: (1,0) and (3,0)

l will send u the pic


as they are in the same line, the measures of angles AOD and angle DOC they measure 180°

let f(x) = 10x-10. Find the value of (f o f^-1) (-10)a)0b)1c)10d)-10



We are given the following expression to evaluate:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=10x-10 \\ \\ \text{ Find:} \\ (f\mathrm{}f^{-1})(-10) \end{gathered}[/tex]

- In order to solve this question, we should apply the following theorem:


- Thus, in order to solve the question, we simply substitute x = -10. This is done below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(f^{-1})(x)=x \\ \text{put }x=-10 \\ \\ f(f^{-1})(-10)=-10\text{ (OPTION D)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer

The answer is:

[tex]f(f^{-1})(-10)=-10\text{ (OPTION D)}[/tex]

I need help please Question 9 Help for my homework


Given the figure of a triangular prism.

We will find the amount of wood to make the wooden play block

So, we will find the volume of the given block

As shown: the triangular side has a base of 4 cm and a height of 6 cm

The area of the triangular base =

[tex]\frac{1}{2}*4*6=12\text{ }cm^2[/tex]

the length between the triangular sides = 12 cm

So, the volume = base area * length =

[tex]12*12=144\text{ }cm^3[/tex]

So, the answer will be the first option 144 cm³

Suppose there is a triangle with sides a, b, and c and angles A, B, and C. Using the known given information below and the law of sines, what is the measure of side a? Round your answer to the nearest whole number, if necessary.c = 9 cmA = 22°C = 13°Answers24 cm40 cm5 cm15 cm



There is a triangle with sides a, b, and c and angles A, B, and C.


c = 9 cm

A = 22°

C = 13°

To find:

The value of a.


It is given that,

There is a triangle with sides a, b, and c and angles A, B, and C.


c = 9 cm

A = 22°

C = 13°

That implies,

By using sine law,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\sin C}{c}=\frac{\sin A}{a} \\ \Rightarrow\frac{\sin13\degree}{9}=\frac{\sin22\degree}{a} \\ \Rightarrow a=\frac{9\times\sin22\degree}{\sin13\degree} \\ \Rightarrow a=14.9875 \\ \Rightarrow a=15cm \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of a is 15cm.

find the length between the big circle and small circle.


First, we will calculate the hypotenuse of the first triangle

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos 51=\frac{11}{h} \\ h=\frac{11}{\cos51} \\ h=17.48 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now let's calculate the angle a

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=180-64-54 \\ a=65 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Total result

T = 17.48+12.204+2.62+4.72

T = 37.024

The answer would be 37.024

for all triangles input data entered: side a, b and angle γ.

Calculation of the third side c of the triangle using a Law of Cosines

[tex]c^2=a^2+b^2-2ab\cos \gamma[/tex]

Suppose f(x)=5x+6 . Describe how the graph of g compares with the graph of f . g(x)=f(x+5)


g(x) = f(x) + 5 relates to f(x) by shifting f(x) 5 units up.

What is a function?

The link between two independent variables and one dependent variable is described by a mathematical expression, rule, or law (the dependent variable).

An example of a rule is a function, which produces one output for a single input. Y=X2 is an illustration of this. You only get one output for y if you enter anything for x. We can infer that y is a function of x because x is the input value.

The function is given as:

f(x) = 5x+6

g(x) = f(x)+5

this gives,

g(x) = 5x+6+5

g(x) = 5x+11

g(x) = f(x) + 5 relates to f(x) by shifting f(x) 5 units up.

To know more about functions visit:



Find the area of this irregular shape.
[Round off to the nearest whole number.]
sq. units



grubby me and I will be there in a few minutes to talk to you about it do you


Step-by-step explanation:

nosediving the Gigi Hadid and wirt me and wirt me and I will be there in a few minutes to talk to you about it

An astronaut on the moon throws a baseball upward. The astronaut is 6 ft, 6 in tall, and the initial velocity of the ball is 30 ft per sec. The height s of the ball in feet isgiven by the equation s= -2.7t^2 + 30t + 6.5, where t is the number of seconds after the ball was thrown. Complete parts a and b.a. After how many seconds is the ball 18 ft above the moon's surface?After ____ seconds the ball will be 18 ft above the moon's surface.(Round to the nearest hundredth as needed. Use a comma to separate answers as needed.)



In order to find when the ball will be 18 ft above the moon's surface, we need to equal the expression to 18


then, solve the associated quadratic expression

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=-2.7t^2+30t+6.5-18 \\ 0=-2.7t^2+30-11.5 \\ using\text{ }the\text{ }quadratic\text{ }formula \\ x=\frac{-30\pm\sqrt{(30)^2-4\ast(-2.7)\ast(-11.5)}}{2\ast(-2.7)} \\ x_1\cong0.40 \\ x_2\cong10.72 \end{gathered}[/tex]


after 0.40 seconds the ball will be 18 ft above the surface

Suppose that the functions g and h are defined for all real numbers x as follows. 9g(x) = 2x ^ 2 h(x) = x - 3Write the expressions for (hg)(x) and (h + g)(x) and evaluate (h - g)(- 3) .



[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=2x^2 \\ h(x)=x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To write the expressions of

[tex]\begin{gathered} (h\cdot g)(x) \\ (h+g)(x) \end{gathered}[/tex]

And to evaluate,



It is given that,

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=2x^2 \\ h(x)=x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (h\cdot g)(x)=h(x)\cdot g(x) \\ =\left(x-3\right)\cdot\left(2x^2\right) \\ =2x^3-6x^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (h+g)(x)=h(x)+g(x) \\ =(x-3)+2x^2 \\ =2x^2+x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (h-g)(-3)=h(-3)-g(-3) \\ =(-3-3)-2(-3)^2 \\ =-6-(2\times9) \\ =-6-18 \\ =-24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (h\cdot g)(x)=2x^3-6x^2 \\ (h+g)(x)=2x^2+x-3 \\ (h-g)(-3)=-24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

guys please help
60% of = 45



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: 75

Use the equation is/of = %/100

Plug in the numbers to get 45/x = 60/100

Cross Multiply and you get 60x = 4500

Divide both sides by 60

X = 75.

Help Please!!use the drawing to form the correct answers on the graph complete the function table for the given domain and plot the points on the graph


The Solution:

The given function is


Step 1:

We shall complete the table.

Explanation of how the table was completed:

Substituting each value of x to obtain the corresponding value of y.

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(-1)=-(-1)^2+2(-1)+5=-1-2+5=2 \\ f(0)=-(0)^2+2(0)+5=5 \\ f(1)=-(1)^2+2(1)+5=-1+2+5=6 \\ f(2)=-(2)^2+2(2)+5=-4+4+5=5 \\ f(3)=-(3)^2+2(3)+5=-9+6+5=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Counting in bases less than ten



Step-by-step explanation:


Triangle ABC has coordinates A(-6,2), B(-3,6), and C(5,0). Find the perimeter of the triangle. Express your answer in simplest radical form.


we must know the measure of each side, for this we must calculate the distance between points

the formula is



[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{(-6-(-3))^2+(2-6)^2} \\ \sqrt[]{25} \\ AB=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{(-6-5)^2+(2-0)^2} \\ \sqrt[]{125} \\ AC=5\sqrt[]{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{(-3-5)^2+(6-0)^2} \\ \\ \sqrt[]{100} \\ BC=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now add all sides to find the perimeter

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5+5\sqrt[]{5}+10 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

the perimeter is


Re-write the equation in slope-intercept form: 3x - 2y =6


To write it in the slope intercept form we have to slove the equation to y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-2y=6\rightarrow \\ 2y=3x-6 \\ y=\frac{3}{2}x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Question Solve: s + 159 = 25.


We have to solve for s:

[tex]\begin{gathered} s+159=25 \\ s+159-159=25-159 \\ s=-134 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: s = -134

3. A savings account is started with an initial deposit of $1500.The account earns 1.8% interest compounded annually.(a) Write an equation to represent the amount of money inthe account as a function of time in years. 5 Points(B) how much more interest would be earned if the initial deposit is allowed to earn interest for 20 years vs 10 years


a) We would apply the formula for determining compound interest which is expressed as

A = P(1 + r/n)^nt


A = the total amount in the account at the end of t years

r = interest rate

n = the periodic interval at which it was compounded

P = the principal or initial amount deposited

From the information given,

P = 1500

r = 1.8/100 = 0.018

n = 1 because it is compounded once in a year

Thus, an equation to represent the amount of money in the account as a function of time in years ia

A = 1500(1 + 0.018/1)^1 * t

A = 1500(1.018)^t

B) If t = 20, then

A = 1500(1.018)^20

A = 2143.12

The interest earned would be the total amount - the principal

Interest earned after 20 years = 2143.12 - 1500 = 643.12

If t = 10, then

A = 1500(1.018)^10

A = 1792.95

Interest earned after 10 years = 1792.95 - 1500 = 292.95

Thus, the difference in interest earned between both years is

643.12 - 292.95

= $350.17

6:4= :2 I dont know what that is


Answer: x = 3

Let the missing number be x

6 : 4 = x : 2

ratio is the same as fraction

6/4 = x/2

Step2 : cross multiply

x * 4 = 6 * 2

4x = 12

Divide both sides by 4

4x/4 = 12/4

x = 3

Therefore, the missing number is 3

Two investments are made summing up to 8,800. For a certain year, theseinvestments yield P1,326 in simple interest. Part of the investment is allotted for14% and part for 16%. Find the amount invested at each rate



a.) Two investments are made summing up to 8,800.

b.) For a certain year, these investments yield P1,326 in simple interest.

c.) Part of the investment is allotted for 14% and part for 16%.

Recall: The simple interest formula.

[tex]\text{ I = Prt}[/tex]


I = interest

P = principal amount

r = interest rate

t = time (in year)

Step 1:

P = 8,800

But it's been made into two investments.


A = investment 1

B = investment 2

We get,

A + B = 8,800 = P (Equation 1)

Step 2:

Part of the investment is allotted for 14% and part for 16%.


For investment 1:

Ia = Art = A(14/100)(1) = 0.14A

For investment 2:

Ib = Brt = B(16/100)(1) = 0.16B

We get,

0.14A + 0.16B = 1,326 (Equation 2)

Step 3:

Substitute Equation 1 to Equation 2.

A + B = 8,800

A = 8,800 - B

0.14A + 0.16B = 1,326

0.14(8,800 - B) + 0.16B = 1,326

1,232 - 0.14B + 0.16B = 1,326

0.02B = 1,326 - 1,232

0.02B = 94

0.02B/0.02 = 94/0.02

B = 4,700

Let's now find A.

A + B = 8,800

A + 4,700 = 8,800

A = 8,800 - 4,700

A = 4,100

In Summary:

The amount invested at 14% is 4,100

The amount invested at 16% is 4,700

Create an expression that can be used to find the value of x


There are two possible expressions that can help to calculate "x"


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ cos 28 = }\frac{42}{x} \\ \text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\text{ sec 28 = }\frac{x}{42}[/tex]

Both are possible to find "x".

Hannah reads at a constant rate of 3 pages every 8 minutes. Write an equation that shows the relationship between p, the number of pages she reads, and m, the number of minutes she spends reading. Report a probler


Since we have that Hannah reads 3 pages every 8 minutes, we will construct the function by first knowing how many pages she reads in 1 minute, that is:

She reads 3/8 pages each minute, then we will construct the function as follows:


Where p is the number of pages and m is the number of minutes that she reads. We can see that this describes is if we solve for 1 minute and 8 minutes. If we solve for 1 minute, we get she read 3/8 pages and if we replace 8 minutes, we will get that she reads 3 pages.

which statement is true if the graph of the linear function passes through the points (-1, -6)and (5,6) function first if needed



The correct option is C


We check through each of the options to see if they are true

Option A is not true

The slope of the graph is as follows:

(6 - (-6))/((5 - (-1))

= (6 + 6)/(5 + 1)

= 12/6

= 2

Option B is not true

The zero of the graph is the point on the x-axis where y = 0, this is x = 2

Option C is true

The x-intercept is the point where the graph crosses the x-axis. This is (2, 0)

Option D is not true

Write the function in factored form.
y = -2x³-4x²+4x+30x
I need help :)


The factored form is  y = 2x(−x²−2x+17).

From the question, we have

y = -2x³-4x²+4x+30x





Finding the product of two or more numbers in mathematics is done by multiplying the numbers. It is one of the fundamental operations in mathematics that we perform on a daily basis. Multiplication tables are the main use that is obvious. In mathematics, the repeated addition of one number in relation to another is represented by the multiplication of two numbers. These figures can be fractions, integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, etc. When m is multiplied by n, either m is added to itself 'n' times or the other way around.

To learn more about multiplication visit: https://brainly.com/question/5992872


A garage has 60 vehicles for sale, which
are all either new or second-hand.
28 of the vehicles are cars and the rest are
Of the cars, 7 are second-hand.
5 of the vans are new.
a) By copying and completing the
frequency tree below to show this
information, work out the value that should
replace D in the frequency tree.
b) In total, how many of the vehicles are


The number of vehicles that are secondhand is 34.

There is a garage. The total number of vehicles in the garage is 60. The vehicles are for sale. The vehicles are all either new or secondhand. The number of vehicles that are cars is 28. The other vehicles are vans. Seven of the cars are secondhand. Five of the vans are new. We have to find the total number of second-hand vehicles.

First of all, we will find the number of vans in the garage. The number of vans is 60 - 28 = 32. The number of cars that are second-hand is 7. The number of vans that are second-hand is 32 - 5 = 27.

The total number of second-hand vehicles in the garage is the sum of the numbers of second-hand cars and vans.

N = 7 + 27

N = 34

Hence, 34 vehicles are second-hand in the garage.

To learn more about numbers, visit :



i only need help with question 3 thats in the attachment​



Step-by-step explanation:

3)  Parallel and equal

b/c the sides are parallel, and also,  b/c there is a right angle in the interior,  it makes the sides equal length also.

Is the LCD Going to be 5 • 7 •z = 35 ?


To add these fractions, we can do the following steps.

Step 1: Simplify each fraction.


Step 2: We add the numerators since the fractions have the same denominator.


Therefore, the result of adding the fractions is 13/y.

What is the sum of the first 19 terms of the sequence 9,2,-5,-12....2SEE ANSWERS





The sum of the first n terms in an arithmetic sequence is,


As we can see, we have to find the nth term of the sequence,


In this case, the first term is 9 and the common difference is -7 - note that each term is the previous one minus 7. So the formula for the nth term is,


We have to find the 19th term,


So the sum of the first 19 terms is,


Hence, the sum of the first 19 terms of the given sequence is -1026.

In a direct variation, y = -18 when x = -3. Write a direct variation equation that shows therelationship between x and y.Write your answer as an equation with y first, followed by an equals sign.Submit


The direct variation between y and x has the following

7. Let f(x) = 3x and g(x) = (x + 2)^2. Find the value of (f og)(-5)A.135B. -27 C. 169. D.27.


f(x)= 3x

g(x)= (x+2)²

Thursday: Word Problems 1 The plant growth is proportional to time. When Tia bought the plant, it measured 2 cm. It measured 2.5 cm exactly one week later. If the plant continues to grow at this rate, determine the function that represents the plant's growth.


We have the next informtion

initial measure = 2 cm


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