24. Predict the Products
a. Ca + H3N→
b. KF→
c. NaBr + MgO→


Answer 1

i,ii&iii only the alkanes forms 3-bromo-3-methylpentane as the major product when it's react with hbr.

What is alkane forms?

Alkanes are the series of a  compounds that is contain carbon and hydrogen atoms of the  with single covalently bonds. Theses are knowns as saturated if  hydrocarbons. This group of the  compounds consists of a  carbon and hydrogen and  atoms with single covalent bonds. Also it is comprises a homologous series of  having a molecular formula of NaBr+MgO.

Sol-this problem which of the following Elkins yields three bromo three metal painting as the major product upon addition of HBR. So let me just write an equation right? I'm writing here directly. So when HBR is reacted, so what will be the compound here? We will be getting a compound like this. Alright, so this is B. R. Again, we are processing here with H beyond right.

This is it. So now organic compound is going to be seen. This is beard. Right? So here you can point one more when you add here it's B. R. We will be getting here. Yeah, again, for this when weird it's beard. So again we will be getting to come home like this. So same compound we're getting that means this is this is nothing but three Bromo three metal contains as the major product. So all are having the same product and option is all of them is correct. Right? No next question it is asked at which of the following cardboard signs bill undergo At 1 2 metal shift. Right? So None of them ever was the correct answer because none of them will undergo 12 m shift.

To know more about alkanes click-



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Can you help me answer 13 and explain the answer


Assuming that this question is comparing two situations, only water as situation 1 and water + calcium chloride as situation 2. In this case, we will have the salt interacting with water in something called Colligative properties, which depending on the concentration of the solute, it will cause changes in physical state change of the solution. Salts in water tend to cause two things, regarding physical change, they raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point. Which is the case for this question, we have a solution with salt + water, therefore we will have a higher boiling point and a lower freezing point, number 3

Pls help me I don’t know how to do this asap help



[tex]17.65\text{ \%}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the percentage by mass of the water molecules in the given compound

To get this, we have to divide the molar mass of water by the molar mass of the percentage and write the answer as a percentage

The molar mass of water is 18 g/mol

The molar mass of MgCO3 is 84 g/mol

Thus, the percentage by mass of water will be:

[tex]\frac{18}{18\text{ + 84}}\text{ }\times\text{ 100 \% = 17.65 \%}[/tex]

17.65 hope this helped!

How are the chlorate and chlorite ions different from each other?How are they similar to the sulfate and sulfite ions?


Explanation and Answer:

formula of Chlorite ion = ClO₂⁻

formula of Chlorate ion = ClO₃⁻

The chlorite ion contains two atoms of O, and the chlorate ion contains three atoms of O.

They are both cations and their charges are -1 but, the main difference between them is that the oxidation state of Cl in the chlorite ion is 3+ and the oxidation state of Cl in the chlorate ion is +5.

formula of sulfite ion = SO₃²⁻

formula of sulfate ion = SO₄²⁻

Sulfite and sulfate are both cations with charge -2. The oxidation state of S in the sulfite ion is +4 and the oxidation state of S in the sulfate ion is +6.

How are the chlorate and the chlorite ions similar to the sulfate and sulfite ions?

When naming a polyatomic ion the sufix is related to the oxidation state of the main element.

common positive oxidation states of Cl = +1 +3 +5 +7

common positive oxidation states of S = +4 +6

When the element has two main positive oxidation states (like S) , the sufix for the lower oxidation state is -ite (sulfite = +4) and the sufix for the greater oxidation that is usually more stable is -ate (sulfate = +6).

When the element has four main positive oxidation states (like Cl), the two in the middle are named in a similar way to the previous one. The lower oxidation state must have -ite as a sufix (chlorite = +3) and the sufix for the greater is -ate (chlorate = +5).

Ions are the charged chemical species. Chlorate and chloride are two different ions of chlorine which are represented as ClO₃⁻ and ClO₂⁻, respectively. These are similar to sulfate and sulfite ions in the difference in the charge present on them.

What are ions?

An ion is an atom or a molecule which carry a net electrical charge. The electric charge is a result of the valency of the atom.

Chlorite and chlorate are the two charged ions of chlorine and can be represented as:

Formula of Chlorite ion = ClO₂⁻

Formula of Chlorate ion = ClO₃⁻

The chlorite ion contains two atoms of O, whereas the chlorate ion contains three atoms of O. Both of these ions are anions as they carry a net negative charge with a charge of -1. The main difference between these two is the oxidation state of Cl in the chlorite ion which is +3 and the oxidation state of Cl in the chlorate ion is +5.

The sulfate and sulfite ions are the two charges species of sulfur which can be represented by:

formula of sulfite ion = SO₃²⁻

formula of sulfate ion = SO₄²⁻

Sulfite and sulfate are anions with a charge of -2. The oxidation state of sulfur in the sulfite ion is +4 and the oxidation state of sulfur in the sulfate ion is +6.

These are similar to chlorate and chloride ions in oxidation states which are: Oxidation state of Cl = +1, +3, +5, and +7 and Oxidation states of S = +4 and +6

Learn more about Ions here:



Experiments were done on a certain pure substance X to determine some of its properties. There's a description of each experiment in the table below.In each case, decide whether the property measured was a chemical or physical property of X, if you can. If you don't have enough information to decide, choose can't decide in the third column.QA sample of solid X is carefully weighed and put inside a sealed flask. Pure hydrogen gas is added to the flask, and the mixture heated until the hydrogen starts being consumed. After hydrogen stops being consumed, the contents of the flask are removed and weighed, and from the increase in weight the value of may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide)MA small sample of X is put on the pan of a sensitive balance and its weight measured. Next, a magnet is brought near the pan, and the weight is measured again. From the difference of weights in and out of the magnetic field, the value of M may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide)CA sample of X is carefully weighed and put inside a sealed calorimeter. Pure oxygen gas is injected into the calorimeter, and the mixture ignited. After all of X has reacted with the oxygen gas, the temperature rise of the calorimeter is measured. From this change in temperature the value of C may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide)



A chemical property is one in which atoms are rearranged in the process.


Q) In this case, this is a chemical property because hydrogen starts being consumed when the flask is heated and hydrogen combines with the solid too.



M) This is a physical property because nothing happens to the atoms of the different substances in the sample. The metallic particles from the sample are removed with the magnet.



C) This is chemical property because a reaction is carried out inside.

Oxygen reacts with X


Q: Use the equation to calculate the following:2 NaOH(aq) + H1S04(aq)- Na2SO4(aq) + 2 H2O(/)(a) the moles of Na2SO4 produced from 3.6 mol H2SO4?


1) First, let's write the equation:


Please Help me solve ksp of AgOH = 2.0 x 10^-8



Silver hydroxide is almost an insoluble compound, its solubility product is 2*10^(-8). When it is in solution it dissolves like this way.

AgOH ----> Ag⁺ + OH⁻ Ksp = 2 * 10^(-8)

The expression for the solubilty product will be:

Ksp = [Ag+] * [OH-]

We are trying to dissolve the silver hydroxide in the silver nitrate solution. They have one ion in common, the silver cation (Ag+). Since the amount of silver hydroxide that can be dissolved is really small (because it is almost insoluble) we can consider that the concentration of the silver ion is governed by the concentration of the silver nitrate solution.

AgNO₃ ----> Ag+ + NO₃-

Since one molecule of silver nitrate has one nitrate ion we can say that the concentration of the silver ion will be the same as the concentration of the silver nitrate solution.

[AgNO₃] = [Ag+] = 0.270 M

Now that we know the concentration of the silver ion and the ksp, we can replace these values and find the concentration of the hydroxide ion.

Ksp = [Ag+] * [OH-]

[OH-] = Ksp/[Ag+]

[OH-] = 2 * 10^(-8)/(0.270 M)

[OH-] = 7.41 *10^(-8) M = [AgOH]

Answer: the maximum amount of silver hydroxide that will dissolve it 7.41*10^(-8) M

You are preparing a solution from 750 L of a 3.0 M NaCl solution.
How many L of a 1.5 M NaCl solution could you produce by
diluting the original solution?
O 0.006 L
O 6L
Q 3000 L
Q 1500 L
Q 375 L


You are preparing a solution from 750 L of a 3.0 M NaCl solution then 1.5 M NaCl solution could you produce by diluting the original solution is 1500L

Solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances in relative amounts that can be varied continuously up to what is called the limit of solubility.

Here given data is

Volume = V₁ =  750 L

M₁ =  3.0 M

M₂ =  1.5 M

V₂ = ?

We have to calculate  L of a 1.5 M NaCl solution could you produce by diluting the original solution = ?

So the formula is

M₁V₁ = M₂V₂

3.0 M ×750 L =  1.5 M ×V₂

V₂ = 1500L

Know more about volume



For the following reaction, how many grams of H2O will be produced if you react 3.7 grams of B2H6?B2H6 + 3 O2 → 2 HBO2 + 2 H2O



From the chemical equation we see that 1 mole of diborane (B2H6) will produce 2 moles of water.

We will firstly calculate the moles of diborane:

[tex]\begin{gathered} _nB_2H_6=\frac{mass}{molar\text{ }mass} \\ \\ _nB_2H_6=\frac{3.7g}{27.7\text{ }gmol^{-1}} \\ _nB_2H_6=0.134\text{ }moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

One mole of diborane produces 2 moles of water then to find the moles of water that is produced we:

[tex]\begin{gathered} _nH_2O=2\times0.134\text{ }mole \\ _nH_2O=0.268 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We then convert the moles of the water to mass:

[tex]\begin{gathered} mass=moles\times molar\text{ }mass\text{ }H_2O_ \\ \\ mass=0.268\text{ }mol\times18\text{ }gmol^{-1} \\ \\ mass=4.824g \end{gathered}[/tex]

Mass of water is 4.824g

Which part of an amino acid is different between the 20 different amino acids?• R-Group• Nitrogen Group• H-Group• COOH Group


The sides groups are what make each amino acid different from the others. Of the 20 side groups used to make proteins, there are two main groups: polar and non-polar. These names refer to the way the side groups, sometimes called "R" groups.

Using that,

In conclusion, the part of an amino acid that is different between the 20 different amino acids is the R-Group.



Express your answer is a chemical equations identify all the phases in your answer


We have a reaction between potassium oxide and water. They already present us with the chemical equation but we must balance it.

For this we add the coefficient two in front of the KOH molecule, in this way we will have on each side of the reaction:

K--->2 atoms

O---> 2 atoms

H---> 2 atoms

So, the chemical balanced equation will be:


The subscript "s" refers to the solid state, "l" to a liquid state, and "aq" to a solution of the solute in water.

What is the mass of 6.02 x 1023 molecules of CO2?




Given that

The number o molecules is 6.02 x 10^23 molecules

Firstly, find the number of moles using the below formula

[tex]\text{ mole = }\frac{\text{ number of molecules}}{\text{ Avogadro's number}}[/tex]

Recall, that the Avogadro's number is 6.02 x 10^23

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ mole = }\frac{6.02\text{ }\times\text{ 10}^{22}}{6.02\text{ }\times\text{ 10}^{23}} \\ \text{ mole = 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Secondly, find the mass of CO2 using the formula below

[tex]\text{ mole = }\frac{mass}{\text{ molar mass}}[/tex]

Recall, that the molar mass of CO2 is given as 44.01 g/mol

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ mole = }\frac{\text{ mass}}{\text{ molar mass}} \\ \text{ mass = mole }\times\text{ molar mass} \\ \text{ mass = 1 }\times\text{ 44.01} \\ \text{ mass = 44.01 grams} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the mass of CO2 is 44 grams

How do electrolytes conduct electricity


The electrolyte can conduct electricity because the molecules are broken up into ions.

When dissolved in water, electrolytes are compounds that release ions. Salts, bases, and acids can all be classified among them. Due to the mobility of the positive and negative ions, known as cations and anions, respectively, these solutions transmit electricity. For instance, the electrolyte of a lead-acid automobile battery is diluted sulfuric acid, which includes both positive hydrogen ions (H+, a cation) and negative sulphate ions (SO42-, an anion).

Electrolytes can be ionic compounds that dissociate into cations and anions when dissolved (such as ionic salts) or covalent chemicals that chemically react with water to form ions (such as acids and bases). When dissolved in water, compounds known as nonelectrolytes do not create ions.

To know more about  electrolyte visit : https://brainly.com/question/28699046


Discribe a dehydration reaction?


The question requires us to describe a dehydration reaction.

In chemistry, a dehydration reaction is defined as a chemical reaction that involes the loss of water from the reactant. In other words, a dehydration reaction happens when the water molecule is formed from the one (or two combined) reactant.

What is the following of element P and P^3- :Orbital DiagramLong NotationShort NotationValence LevelGroup on Periodic TablePeriod on Periodic Table


We are asked to find some characteristics of phosphorus. We start with the yu period group to which they belong in the periodic table. This information is found in the periodic table of elements.

Looking in the periodic table we find that phosphorus P is located in group VA (15) and in period 3.

The electronic configuration depends on the number of electrons of the element. Phosphorous has 15 electrons. We have an ion P^3-, this ion has three more electrons, so for this element, we will have 18 electrons. The electronic configuration will be:

The short notation depends of another element, in this case of Ne, so the shot notation will be:

[tex]\lbrack Ne\rbrack3s^23p^6[/tex]

The valence level is the last energy level, we see that the greatest coefficient is 3, so the valence level is 3

In summary, we have that the answer will be:

Orbital Diagram: Drawn in the picture

Long Notation: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Short Notation: [Ne] 3s2 3p6

Valence Level: 3

Group on Periodic Table: 15 or VA

Period on Periodic Table: 3

Which of the following would likely be a non -conductor of electricity?a) An aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)b) Gasolinec) An aqueous solute of sodium carbonate (washing powder)d) Carbonated soft drinksExplain your answer.


This would be the Gasoline, letter B, since gasoline is a hydrocarbon and these compounds are formed with covalent bonds, they share electrons and not gain or lose, forming ions and then conducting electricity, as we can see in the other 3 options, they all form ions.

A chemist wants to make 7,837 mL of a solution with a concentration of 2.45 M.How many liters of a 6.85 M solution should be used to make this solution?



The liters of a 6.85 M solution that should be used to make the solution can be calculated using the dilution formula.

The formula for calculating dilutions is:


C₁ = 2.45 M

V₁ = 7837 mL = 7837/1000 = 7.837 L

C₂ = 6.85 M

V₂ = unknown

The unknown volume, V₂ is the required volume needed to make the solution.

Therefore, the V₂ can be calculated using the formula above as follows:


I need help with my homework I need help with number 3Given: 1 foot is equivalent to 12 inches Given: 1 yard is equivalent to 3 feet Given: 1 mile is equivalent to 5, 280 feet The number of yards in 0.45 miles is



The number of yards is 792.


To convert 0.45 miles to yards it is necessary to use the equivalence from mile to feet, and then the equivalence from feet to yard:


So, it is 792 yards.

What is the percent concentration of a drug if 255 mg of the drug is found in 650 mL? Round your final answer to 3 decimal places if necessary.


1) List the known values.

Solute: 255 mg

Solution: 650 mL


Percent concentration:

2) Set the equation

[tex]\frac{mass}{volume}\%=\frac{grams\text{ }of\text{ }solute}{milliliters\text{ }of\text{ }solution}*100[/tex]

Convert milligrams to grams

1 g = 1000 mg


3) Plug in known values.

[tex]\frac{mass}{volume}\%=\frac{0.255g\text{ }of\text{ }solute}{650\text{ }mL\text{ }of\text{ }solution}*100[/tex][tex]=0.039231\%[/tex]

The percent concentration of the drug is 0.039%(m/V)


Which of the following can be observed without changing the identity of a substance? Select all that apply.Boiling pointFlammabilityDensityReactivity


1) Boiling point - It is easy to observe the boiling point of a substance because it is only a physical process, raising the temperature enough to get to its boiling point.

2) Flammability - Observing the flammability of a substance has the effect of decomposing the substance because of the combustion, therefore its identity is not preserved.

3) Density - We can observe the density of a substance without changing its identity since it is just the relation between mass and volume.

Reactivity - The way to observe the reactivity of a substance is by undergoing a reaction with it, resulting in products that differ from the initial substance, so it is not possible to observe reactivity without a change in the substance.

Final answer: Boiling point and density can be observed without a change in the identity of a substance

You dissolve 123g KBr into 689g of water. Calculate the mass percent.


Step 1

% by mass is defined as:

mass of solute ------ 100 g of solution


Step 2

The mass of the solution = mass of solute (KBr) + mass of solvent (water) = 123 g + 689 g = 812 g


Step 3


123 g KBr ------ 812 g solution

X ------ 100 g solution

X = 100 g solution x 123 g KBr/812 g solution = 15.1 g KBr = 15.1 % by mass

Answer: 15.1 % by mass

Select the structure that correspondsto the name.methyl butanoateA.iB.CH3OCCH₂CH₂CH3 CH3CH₂COCH 3C. both


The structure that corresponds to methyl butanoate is CH₃CH₂CH₂CO₂CH₃.

The chemical formula for methyl butanoate is C₅H₁₀O₂. It is also called methyl butyrate. Since the chemical formula is methyl butyrate, the structure should contain a chain of 4 Carbon atoms, one methyl group, and a keto group, that is C=O structure in it.

Methyl butanoate is an organic compound in the group of fatty ester acids. These compounds contains a fatty acid that is esterified with a methyl group.The general structure of the formula is RC(=O)OR' where R is the fatty aliphatic tail or organyl group and R' is the methyl group.

That is why the structure contains two oxygen atoms and a methyl group in it. Thus the structure of methyl butanoate is given by, CH₃CH₂CH₂CO₂CH₃.

To know more about organic compounds, click below:



Calculate the amount of heat needed to boil 41.1 g of water (H2O), beginning from a temperature of 84.7 C . Be sure your answer has a unit symbol and the correct number of significant digits.



We need to go through to stages to boil 41.1 g of water. We have to heat the sample of water from 84.7 °C to 100 °C (the boiling point) And then we have to provide enough heat to boil all the sample of water.

a) Heating from 84.7 °C to 100 °C:

This is calculated using the formula:

Q₁ = m * C * ΔT

Where Q₁ is the amount of heat, m is the mass of the sample, C is the specific heat of water and ΔT is the temperature change. We already know these values:

m = 41.1 g

C = 4.184 J/(g*°C)

ΔT = Tfinal - Tinitial = 100 °C - 84.7 °C

ΔT = 15.3 °C

Replacing these values we can get the amount of heat necessary for the first step:

Q₁ = m * C * ΔT

Q₁ = 41.1 g * 4.184 J/(g°C) * 15.3 °C

Q₁ = 2631 J

b) Boiling 41.1 g of water:

To find the amount of heat that we need to provide to the sample of water to completely boil it we can use this formula:

Q₂ = m * Cv

Where Cv is the latent heat of vaporization.

Cv = 2256 J/g

Q₂ = m * Cv

Q₂ = 41.1 g * 2256 J/g

Q₂ = 92721 J

c) Total amount of heat:

Qtotal = Q₁ + Q₂

Qtotal = 2631 J + 92721 J

Qtotal = 95352 J = 95400 J

Qtotal = 95.4 kJ

Answer: The amount of heat needed to boil the sample of water is 95.4 kJ or 95400 J.

29.Which of the following is not an example of an acid-base indicator?Select one:a. Phenolphthaleinb. Litmus paperc. Hydrion paperd. Filter paper



[tex]D\text{ : Filter Paper}[/tex]


Here, we want to select the option that is not an acid-base indicator from the options

Acid-base indicators are colored materials that are expected to change color based on the pH

A filter paper is a material used in filtration

As such, it cannot be used as an indicator

The most prominent line in the spectrum of magnesium is 285.2 nm. Other lines are found at 383.8 and 518.4 nm.

What is the energy of 1 photon of the light with the wavelength of the most energetic line?


The energy of the  1 photon of the light with the wavelength of the most energetic line is 6.9 * 10^-19 J.

What is the energy of a photon?

We know that a photon can only be explained as simply as possible as a bundle of light. The photon is emitted from an atom when an electron in the atom is seen to move from a higher to a lower energy level thereby emitting light of the appropriate wavelength.

Now we can see that the wavelength that is the shortest is the one that would have the greatest energy. This is because the energy of the photon is inversely proportional to the energy of the photon.

Now we have';

Wavelength of the photon = 285.2 nm or 285.2 * 10^-9 m

Speed of light = 3 * 10^8 m/s

Plank's constant = 6.6 * 10^-34 J/s


E =  6.6 * 10^-34 J/s * 3 * 10^8 m/s/ 285.2 * 10^-9 m

E = 6.9 * 10^-19 J

Learn more about wavelength:https://brainly.com/question/13533093


Write All Gas Laws Meaning And Example Situation.


Gas laws discover the relationship of pressure, temperature, volume and amount of gas.

1. Boyles Law

Boyle's Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the pressure decreases, meaning pressure is inversely propotional to volume.

Equation used for Boyles Law: P1V1 = P2V2

Example: A 17.50mL sample of gas is at 4.500 atm. What will be the volume if the pressure becomes 1.500 atm, with a fixed amount of gas and temperature?

So in this example we are given, P1 and P2, we are also given V1 and we want to know V2. What will happen to the volume if the pressure is increased.

V2 = P1V1/P2

V2 = (4.500 atm x 17.50 mL)/1.500atm

V2 = 52.50mL

This example proves that when the pressure is increased, the volume also increases.

2. Charles Law

Charles' Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the temperature increases. Volume is directly proportional to Temperature.

The equation used: V1/T1 = V2/T2

Example: A sample of Carbon dioxide in a pump has volume of 20.5 mL and it is at 40.0 oC (=313.15 K). When the amount of gas and pressure remain constant, find the new volume of Carbon dioxide in the pump if temperature is increased to 65.0 oC (=333.15 K).

V2 = (V1 x T2)/T1

V2 = (20.5 mL x 333.15 K)/313.15K

V2 = 21.8 mL

The volume increased as the temperature increased.

3. Avogadro's Law tell us that the volume of gas increases as the amount of gas increases. Volume(V) is directly proportional to the Amount of gas(n).

Equation: P1/n1 = P2/n2 and V1/n1 = V2/n2

Example: A 3.80 g of oxygen gas in a pump has volume of 150 mL. constant temperature and pressure. If 1.20g of oxygen gas is added into the pump. What will be the new volume of oxygen gas in the pump if temperature and pressure held constant?

This problem is asking for V2 of oxygen. We have to first calculate the number of moles of Oxygen.

n1 = 3.80/(15.999 x 2)

n1 = 0.1188 mol

n2 = 1.20/(15.999 X 2)

n2 = 0.0375 mol

V2 = (V1 x n2)/n1

V2 = (150.0mL x 0.0375)/0.1188

V2 = 47.3485 mL

4. The ideal gas law

The ideal gas law is the combination of the three simple gas laws.

Equation: pV = nRT

Example: At 655mm Hg and 25.0oC, a sample of Chlorine gas has volume of 750mL. How many moles of Chlorine gas at this condition?

So we want number of moles.

n = PV/RT

n = 655mmHg x( 1 atm/760 mmHg) x 0.75 L/0.082057L⋅atm⋅mol-1.K-1 x 298.15

n = 0.026 mol

The reaction 2Al + 6HCl -> 2AlCl3 +3H2 is classified as a:


You can see that aluminum (in the reactant) has an oxidation state of zero. Remember that when an element is 'alone' in a reaction, its oxidation state is always zero. In the case of HCl, H has the oxidation number of +1 and Cl -1, the algebraic sum between these two elements is zero.

In the products, the oxidation state of chlorine (Cl) remains unchanged whereas aluminum (Al) has the oxidation state of +3. Doing the algebraic sum of these ox. states of AlCl3, we obtain: -1 (3) + 3 = -3 +3 = 0. And hydrogen (H2) has an oxidation state of zero.

You can realize that aluminum is oxidating because it's changing its ox. state from 0 to +3 and hydrogen is reducing from +1 to 0, meaning that this is an oxidation-reduction reaction.

There are such types of chemical reactions. For this redox reaction, we can identify easily that the type of reaction is a single replacement reaction. A single-replacement reaction is a reaction in which one element replaces a similar element in a compound. We're replacin

Ksp= 2×10−19 for LaF3 Calculate the solubility of LaF3 in grams per liter in a solution that is 0.055 M in LaCl3


First, we write our reaction:

We call solubility to "S"

LaF₃(s) → La³⁺(aq) + 3 F⁻(aq)

Initial - 0.055M (LaCl3) 0

Change +S +3.S

Eq. 0.055+S 3.S

Ksp = 2×10^−19 = [La³⁺]x[F⁻]³ = (0.055+S)x(3.S)³

2×10^−19 = (0.055+S)x(3.S)³ => S = 5.12x10^-7 mol/L x (195.9 g/mol) =>

S = 1.00x10^-4 g/L

(195.9 g/mol = The molar mass of LaF3)

Answer: S = 1.00x10^-4 g/L

Calculate the % composition of Al2O3?Group of answer choices47.1% AL, 52.9% O52.9% Al, 47.1% O28.3% Al, 71.7% O71.1% Al, 28>3% O62.8% Al, 37.2% O


First, we need to find the values of molar mass of Al and O at the periodic table:

Al : 27 g/mol

O: 16 g/mol

Now let's calculate the molar mass of Al2O3:

(2x27) + (16x3)

54 + 48 = 102 g/mol

Now let's calculate the percent of each element:

For Al:

102 ---- 100%

54 ---- x%

x = 52.9%

For O:

102 ---- 100%

48 ---- y%

y = 47.1%

Answer: 52.9% Al, 47.1% O

Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions: a. HFb. C/4c. H₂0d. Pl3e. CS₂f. Na₂O₂g.H₂CO3h. NO 2i. SO2-4Deforming the oxidation numbers for iron oxide Fe-On (Recall that oxidation numbers are integers)


Some oxidation number rules

1) The oxidation number of a free element is always 0. The atoms in He and N2, for example, have oxidation numbers of 0.

2) The usual oxidation number of hydrogen is +1.

3 The oxidation number of oxygen in compounds is usually -2. Exceptions include OF2 because F is more electronegative than O, and BaO2, due to the structure of the peroxide ion, which is [O-O]2-.

a) HF, H = +1 F = -1


c) H₂0, H = +1 O = -2

d) Pl3, P = +3 I = -1

e) CS₂, C = +4 S = -2

f) Na₂O₂, Na = +1 O = -1

g) H₂CO3 H = +1 C =+4 O =-2

h) NO2 N = +2 O = -2

i) SO2-4 S =+6 O = -2

What volume of 1.00 M HCl in liters is needed to react completely (with nothing left over) with 0.500 L of 0.500 M Na2CO3 ?Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.



The volume of the acid is 0.5 L


Given that;

The molarity of HCl is 1.00 M

The volume of Na2CO3 is 0.500 L

The molarity of Na2CO3 is 0.500M

To find the volume of HCl needed, follow the steps below

Step 1; Write the balanced equation for the reaction

[tex]\text{ 2HCl\lparen aq\rparen }+\text{ Na}_2CO_{3(aq)}\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ 2NaCl}_{(aq)}\text{ }+\text{ CO}_{2(g)}\text{ }+\text{ H}_2O_{(l)}[/tex]

In the above reaction, 2 moles of HCl is needed to completely react with Na2CO3 .

Step 2; Apply the molarity concept to find the volume of the acid

[tex]\text{ }\frac{C_AV_A}{C_BV_B}\text{ = }\frac{n_A}{n_B}[/tex]


CA is the concentration of the acid

VA is the volume of acid

CB is the concentration of the base

VB is the volume of the base

nA is the number of moles of acid

nB is the number of moles of base

Step 3; Substitute the given data into the formula in step 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }\frac{1\text{ }\times\text{ V}_A}{0.5\text{ }\times\text{ 0.5}}\text{ = }\frac{2}{1} \\ \text{ Cross multiply} \\ \text{ 1 }\times V_A\text{ = 2 }\times\text{ 0.5 }\times\text{ 0.5} \\ \text{ V}_A\text{ = 0.5 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the acid is 0.5 L

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