2. Why would the Supreme Court's decision excite too many people


Answer 1


Because the Supreme Court makes laws official which could anger or make a side happy.


Related Questions

Which of the following is both a right and a responsibility.
A. Celebrating a religious holiday
B. Obeying the law
C. Voting in an election
D. Getting good grades in school.​


D I think the others are obligations you are responsible for getting good grades


I think it's C because voting can be a right. You are aloud to choose wether you vote or not. And it can be a responsibility because it is your responsibility for choosing who you did

What is the name of the movement that starts in 1830s to try and end slavery?



The abolitionist movement???

5.03 beginnings of Roman culture


Compare and contrast
I will be comparing the life of a Roman of the upper class (left) to the life of a Grecian from the upper class (right).
Some differences of Grecians and Romans are that Romans speak Latin and Grecians speak Greek, some other differences are that Grecians had enough resources but Rome had to rely on other people.
Some similarities are that Rome was an empire and greek had an empire too. Another similarity is that they are both Mediterranean country's

List two things that limited royal power in England.?

Help please bc I need this short answer quick !!


Answer: Magna Carta of 1215 (received into law only in 1297)

Parliamentary sovereignty arising out of the English Civil War (1642–51)

But let’s not discount a third factor, which is also important in the grand scheme of things:—

The monarch’s willingness to have royal power reduced

Who does Karl Marx want to start a revolution?
(1 Point)
A. The bourgeoisie
B. The proletariat
C. Entrepreneurs


The answer is - The Bourgeoisie.


The bourgeoisie


plz rate a like  thank you

Please help i don’t understand?



From top to bottom, the blanks should be:

government record

organizational record

personal record

business record


Each type of record can be figured out based on who or what is keeping it.

what did fascists believe was the role of women
A. to be mothers and raise soldiers for the nation
B. to supervise men in factories
C. to serve in the army
D. to work in the fields alongside men.
plz answer this right


Answer: The Answer Would Be:

~A. To Be Mothers And Raise Soldiers For The Nation.

sorry if its wrong


have a nice day

what was the indian removal act​



The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy.


What was a Northern objection to the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A. It forced slave owners who traveled to those areas to free their
B. It said that those two areas would have to allow slavery.
C. It forced Northerners to help return slaves who had escaped to
D. It made it possible for slavery to be allowed in more areas.


Answer: D.) It made it possible for slavery to be allowed in more areas.

Explanation: The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the states to choose whether or not they want to become free or slave states. After the Missouri Compromise was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska act, Northerners were angry that the states were allowed popular sovereignty.

Answer: D.


it made it possible for slavery to be allowed in more areas

Why does Hamilton agree with the purchase
of New Orleans?



The Louisiana Purchase...Thanks to Alexander Hamiltonthe-aha-society.com › 88-hamilton-s-greatest-hits › 109...

Hamilton's significance If George Washington or John Adams were President, it also would have been offered and accepted. The important element in this deal was that Napoleon needed money and the United States had developed the financial credit established by Hamilton that was necessary for the deal.


Others feared the impact of the purchase on the political balance of power between slave and free states. Some, like normally far-sighted Alexander Hamilton, claimed it was unnecessary; he predicted that the vast region west of the Mississippi River might not be inhabited for “centuries to come.”



what were the negative effects of the French Revolution on the Catholic Church​



During a two-year period known as the Reign of Terror, the episodes of anti-clericalism grew more violent than any in modern European history. The new revolutionary authorities suppressed the Church, abolished the Catholic monarchy, nationalized Church property, exiled 30,000 priests, and killed hundreds more.

In order to satisfy an increased demand for a good or service, more __________ often appear in the market.





Answer:the answer is B producers


Which of these groups is described by the points listed in the box?
the Molly Maguires
the Knights of Labor
the American Federation of Labor
the International Workers of the World


D is the right one I think
I believe the answer is B

Which phrase best completes this list


I think it’s financial success
financial success best completes this list

So I want to start on my spiritual journey. Is there any tips that can help me start? Like what should I do? There has been an overwhelming feeling that I need to do something about it but i dont know what.


Don’t get overwhelmed.
Surround yourself with people that are good

When one central authority holds the power, what type of government is it?

A: unitary

B: democracy

C: federal

D: parliamentary


I believe the answer is A Unitary.

Which development was part of the Second Great Awakening?
A. The combining of many existing religions into fewer , larger ones

B. The existence of female preachers

C. The creation of new religious groups with more relaxed rules

O D. Stricter requirements for church membership​






C. The Creation of new religious groups with more relaxed rules.


Have a nice day

30 POINTS AND BRAINLIEST!! Which of the following individuals was the plaintiff in Brown v. Board of Education?



In the case that would become most famous, a plaintiff named Oliver Brown filed a class-action suit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, in 1951, after his daughter, Linda Brown, was denied entrance to Topeka's all-white elementary schools.


The case was heard as a consolidation of four class-action lawsuits filed in four states by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on behalf of African American elementary and high-school students who had been denied admission to all-white public schools. In Brown v.

What ability did Alexander Hamilton want the national bank to have?
the ability to loan money to private citizens
the ability to issue foreign currency
the ability to issue different types of money for businesses
the ability to lend money to the federal government Hurry pls!!!



the ability to lend money to the federal government


Alexander Hamilton, who was the primary secretary of the treasury in America needed the national bank to have the capacity to loan cash to the government mostly since he needed a national bank to pay off the obligation caused by the American Revolution. He contended that in arrange for the country to create, it required advances that as it were a national bank can provide so he needed the national bank to have the capacity to loan cash to the government.

This was correct on edge

Using the evidence you have collected from the documents, write a paragraph

that supports the topic sentence you created.

My topic sentence is: Washington feared that forming permanent alliances overseas might open the country to foreign influence and unnecessary wars.

Start your evidence paragraph with: To prove this Washington talks about how he.....

I have attached the screenshots of the 3 documents to this question.



Plato and Aristotle


. Plato was known for his theories on forms, which was metaphysical. He was known as the "maker of mathematicians"Aristotle was known for lots of things like logic, physics, biology, botany and a lot more Greek sculptors were particularly concerned with proportion, poise, and the idealized perfection of the human body, and their figures in stone and bronze have become some of the most recognizable pieces of art ever produced by any civilization.The greets columns Parthenon is a religious center Corinthian columns

Hey I need help! I’ll mark BRAINLIEST but please don’t answer if your not gonna give an answer or just write something random these are my last few points -w-“


Answer: social security- federal

sales tax- state

deducted from paycheck- both

overseen by IRS- federal

appears  on tax return- federal

last one state

Explanation: just a guess... i think its right thou

describe how the Quran was revealed to holy prophet between 610-632 AD? 10,



The Revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet between the years 610 and 632: The Prophet replied that he could not read since he had not received any formal education. The angel then hugged him tightly and asked him again to read.


5 point 1. Why does Romeo visit Friar Laurence in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A. To ask for passage to Sicily

O B. To tell the Friar he no longer loves Rosaline and wants to be released from his promise to her

O C. To ask the Friar if he will marry Romeo and Juliet later that day

O D. To help the Friar in his garden that monin​



O A. To ask for passage to Sicily


O ok

According to "The Most Forgetful Man in the World," what is the cause of
EP's memory loss?
a head injury
a brain disease
a side effect of old age
O a mistake during surgery



the answer to your question is a brain disease

As a result of the concept of nuclear deterrence during the Cold War,
a) both the United States and the Soviet Union were unwilling to build dangerous, destructive weapons, which would have encouraged war.
b) both the United States and the Soviet Union were willing to build weapons that were increasingly dangerous to stop the other side from attacking.
c) both the United States and the Soviet Union signed treaties to deter the development and testing of nuclear weapons.
d) both the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to work together to develop and test nuclear weapons to prevent future wars.





B. both the United States and the Soviet Union were willing to build weapons that were increasingly dangerous to stop the other side from attacking. edge 2021

What stands out the most about Anne frank?



Today, Anne Frank has become the most famous young author of all time, and The Diary of a Young Girl is one of the most widely read books in the world, translated into more than 65 languages. For educators, the diary provides a rare chance for students to learn about the Holocaust from someone their own age.


Which of the following is NOT one of the rationales for imperialism? A.Culture B.Nationalism C.Militarism D.Economics



C.Militarism because?




Not sure on this one, but I hope you get it right!

What rights did King Charles grant the British East India Company in the 1670s?



Around 1670, King Charles II of England gave the British East India Company rights to autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command fortresses and troops, to form alliances, to make war and peace, and to exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas.


Where is the executive branch located


The executive branch is located in Washington D.C.
It is located in Washington D.C.

(ancient china)
6. A clerk could lose his job if the ___________
found him sleeping at his desk.





A clerk could lose his job if the ____________ found him sleeping at his desk.


censor is the correct answer


hope it will help you

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