2 While the economy grew during the Reagan years of the 1980s, what was a negative result? O A large federal budget deficits OB technology businesses grew O C inability to start new businesses OD removal of Reagan from office​


Answer 1


i think its a but i dont know wait till someone conferms my answer

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How did the weekend redefine life for workers in the United States?



The number of workers in the U.S. working “part-time due to economic reasons” had ... work schedules, are related to work-family conflict as well as life and job satisfaction among nurses. ... Of the 42 percent whose work hours change from week to week, 58 percent work ... “Less Pay, More Weekend?



The United States redefined the workweeks of its public employees by extending the hours from Monday to Thursday to eliminate them on Fridays.

An organ, in any multicellular organism, would BEST be described as
several types of cells working together for a common purpose.
a group of the same kind of cells with a common structure and function.
a structure containing a single cell that is part of a large system.
a structure made of two or more tissues functioning together for a common



the answer is D





Which Empire had a city of the same name in Africa ?


I think it's Ghana Empire Wagadou

If you had been president, secretary of state, or a leading senator in the period 1898-1917, with
the power to alter U.S. foreign policy, what, if anything, would you have changed? What leads
you to believe that your change of policy would not only have been desirable but successful?


Hello u country world

Does appearance still influence our thoughts on a presidential candidate?





We still do not have a women for President

ano ang cohesive device?​


Ang Cohesive devices o, Kohesyong gramatikal ay mga salitang panghalili sa pangngalan sa isang pangungusap. Mayroong dalawang uri ng Kohesyong Gramatikal, ito ay ang mga sumusunod:

Anapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa hulihan ng pangungusap.

Katapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa unahan ng pangungusap.
Tatlong halimbawa ng Cohesive devices:

1) Ito
2) Dito
3) Siya


Read the section "How to Buy and Sell Stocks." Describe how stocks are purchased by investors.



Answer is below.


According to the question, investors purchase stocks by earning money on the purchase of shares in two ways at the same time: in the event of an increase in the price of the bought securities and of the payments of dividends. Generally, stocks must be bought and sold through an intermediary called a broker, who takes buy orders and purchases them on behalf of the investor. Discount brokers, such as online services that charge minimal fees for stock trading, are a popular way to buy and sell stocks. Although the average person generally invests in the stock market for the long term, hoping that the company's shares will rise over time, many professional investors buy and sell stocks constantly, sometimes even on the same day.In addition to being entitled to income from a share and the potential for profit if the value of the share increases, shareholders benefit from a number of other benefits. On the one hand, shareholders have the right to receive periodic updates on the performance of the company and may be invited to special events for shareholders.


its basically the same thing but i changed up some words so it doesn't strike you for plagerism


Investors purchase stocks by earning money on the purchase of shares in two ways at the same time of the event of an increase in the price of the bought securities and of the payments of dividends. Generally, stocks must be bought and sold through an intermediary called a Broker. They take, buy, orders, and purchases them on behalf of the investor. Discount brokers, like online services that charge smaller fees for stock trading, are a popular way to buy and sell stocks. Even though the average person generally invests in the stock market for long term, hoping that the company's shares will rise, many professional investors buy and sell stocks constantly, sometimes even on the same day. In addition to being entitled to income from a share and the potential for profit if the value of the share increases, shareholders benefit from a number of other benefits. But, shareholders have the right to receive periodic updates on the performance of the company and may be invited to special events for shareholders.

Please help! It’s urgent!!!





The opportunity to make a profit
drives people to put their money at
Producers determine the
supply, or availability, of a
Consumers determine the
demand for a product.
The features described in the above boxes best describe what type of economy?
o socialist economy
o free enterprise economy
o communist economy



B) Free enterprise economy


A free enterprise economy(Also known as capitalism) is driven by consumers and producers and their desire to buy good products and make money respectively. In the other two economies, supply and demand are controlled by the government.

Why was Rhod island founded


to escape the lack of religious tolerance found in the other New England colonies.

A government is a ____of laws and ___.
Fill in the blank.
Plz help



system or group of people governing an organized community, and generally a state.


Well i do about 10 minutes research then i think this is the right answers

How would I know if I was reading a fable? A short fenchol story with animals as characters.





it might read as the following "Jackal said " basically you would be told which animal is talking

16. Which major operation helped turn the tide in the Allies' favor?
the Battle of Dunkirk
Operation Barbarossa
the attack on Pearl Harbor
the D-Day landings

need a answer right away​



Im pretty sure the answer is the D-Day landings.



the answer is D


What did Russia build to more quickly transport coal and timber?
a/ the Politburo
b/ the Trans-Siberian Railroad
c/ the Duma
d/ the Bolshevik Route


Answer: I think the answer is B: The Trans-Siberian Railroad


it might be B good luck

The weak branch of the government has now become arguably




the judicial branch

78, the judicial branch of government is without a doubt the weakest branch. The judicial branch doesn't have the power to act only to judge and only the executive branch has the choice to carry the judgments or decisions out.

The Founding Fathers considered the US Supreme Court to be the weakest of the three branches of government since, as Alexander Hamilton noted, it held “neither sword nor purse strings.”

Yet while a US president may remain in office for two terms or a maximum of eight years, they are also able to influence public policy for decades to follow through appointments to the US Supreme Court. Indeed, justices serve until they retire, die, or are impeached. The average tenure of a justice is 15 years, though many serve longer.

Based on this chart, what is the marginal cost, in dollars, to produce four jackets? (5 points)









Most of the people killed by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust were
O Jewish people.
O Russian people.
O gay people.
O Roma people.



Jewish people



A. Jewish people.



016-17 SS
Cumulative Exam
As a result of economic growth during the 1950s, the percentage of Americans who were in the middle class
O increased slightly.
O increased greatly.
O decreased slightly.
O decreased greatly.



Option C-

Decreased slightly.

Economic growth during the 1950s, the percentage of Americans who were in the middle class decreased slightly.  Thus, option C is correct.

What is economic growth?

Economic growth increments state limits and the stockpile of public products. At the point when economies develop, states can burden that income and gain the limit and assets expected to give the public labor and products

Cultural changes and innovation and the downfall of associations and the job of globalization — everything have squeezed into what we see as the contracting of the working class and the shift of pay to upper-pay families

There will be changes that will be helping in the way that the middle class were the one that were getting the money. Also, there status of living was increasing. Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about economic growth, here:



Identify the region where the Underground Railroad maintained safe houses. (The big red circles are answer choices, and the arrows are the routes of the underground railroad)
A. Nebraska Territory
B. Michigan
C. Louisiana/Mississippi/Arkansas


I think it’s c if I’m wrong than B

Answer: B. Michigan

Explanation: Some of the arrows point to Michigan indicating it contained safe houses which would be used to house slaves who are trying to get to Canada for freedom.

what is ecosystem.......​


Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment

Hope it helped

What was the impact of the revolution on Native American, African Americans and women?



African-Americans fought for both sides, joining whichever side promised them freedom. Native Americans - Throughout the revolution some agreements were made with the natives where they agreed to remain neutral to the fighting.

England's Magna Carta limited the power of the...


England's Magna Carta limited the power of the government

Match the location with the type of environmental damage that most likely presents a problem for it.

Northern Forest _________
Midwestern River ________
Oceans _________

fertilizer runoff, acid raid, and thermal water pollution


Northern Forest: acid rain

Midwestern River: fertilizer runoff

Oceans: thermal water pollution

The Northern Forest region, which covers parts of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, is particularly susceptible to acid rain due to its high concentration of granite and other rock formations that cannot neutralize acidic precipitation. Acid rain can damage forests, lakes, and streams and lead to soil erosion.

The Midwestern River region is known for its heavy agriculture industry, and as a result, faces a significant problem of fertilizer runoff. Fertilizers from agricultural activities enter waterways and contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms, which can deplete oxygen in the water and lead to the death of fish and other aquatic life.

Oceans are impacted by thermal pollution, which is caused by the discharge of heated water from industrial processes, power plants, and other human activities.

This discharge can cause water temperatures to increase, leading to a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels and harming marine life. Thermal pollution also causes changes in water density, which can affect the movement of ocean currents and the distribution of nutrients.

for similar questions on environmental damage



What two policies did Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduce in the Soviet Union in the late 1980's? Why did he introduce these policies?



Perestroika and glasnost

One effect was the abrupt demand for Russian dictionaries in order to understand the content of Gorbachev's report.


In May 1985, Gorbachev gave a speech in Leningrad in which he admitted the slowing of economic development, and inadequate living standards. ... Gorbachev and his team of economic advisors then introduced more fundamental reforms, which became known as perestroika (restructuring).

The policies which were known as perestroika and glasnost was introduced by  Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980's because he believed that the Soviet Union was facing serious economic and social problems.

What was glasnost?

The policy of glasnost was aim of  promoting greater transparency and public participation in Soviet society. Gorbachev sought to lift restrictions on freedom of speech and the press, as well as allow greater political and social expression.

This involved allowing more public debate and criticism, promoting cultural and intellectual exchange with the West, and acknowledging past mistakes and abuses of power.

Mikhail Gorbachev introduced the policies of perestroika and glasnost,  so that greater openness and transparency would help to build trust and confidence within Soviet society.

Learn more about glasnost here:



What do you think was the most important factor that caused the French Revolution?

A) The wide gap between the rich and the poor

B) The fact that the issues and concerns of the people were not taken into account by the rulers

C) The fact that there had been a revolution across the Atlantic Ocean



it is a


the ignorance due to the rich. who used to rule over the poor which caused the french revolution


The reasons are all equal


A) The poor were starving and told to eat cake (which was basically saying if you are starving and have no dinner, just eat dessert instead) and this made them angry and caused the "Women's March." This was when a group of peasant women took axes, and pitchforks, and torches and marched through to capitol to protest the sky high price of bread.

B) The Upper Class got one vote (even though they were only 1% of the population), the Middle Class got one vote (even though they were only 10% of the population) and the Lower class got one vote (even though they were 89% of the population). Thus, the Upper and Middle classes voted for the Lower class to have to pay all of the taxes. This, along with the fact that the ruler were living in extravagant luxury, helped fuel the French Revolution.

C) Once the American Colonies had overthrown England, the French had a lot of hope for their own Revolution and had the morale to carry it out.

Sarah Raymond crossed the plains in a wagon train. List 3 of the hardships described in Sarah's diary. (Site 1)
For the online content on edg pls hurry


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Sarah Raymond crossed the plains in a wagon train. Three hardships described in Sarah's diary are the following.

1) Aggressive Nativen American Indian attacks.

2) Lonely roads where pioneers could be assaulted or killed.

3) The Dust bowls. The number of dust storms that affected humans and animals.

The news about the discovery of so much gold in the western lands attracted a large number of pioneers that wanted to cross the plans looking for fortune.

Sarah Raymond was a woman that decided to go and adventure and she and her father, mother, and brothers started their trip to Montana on May 1, 1865, according to her diary. They started their journey in Missouri. We do not know what was Sarah's age, because she doesn't mention it in the diary, but for the way she writes, readers assume she was a teenager.


Sarah Raymond was one of those who made the journey along with her ... Her diary doesn't reveal her age, but we can assume she was young, ... On June 12, 1865 - about 6 weeks after leaving Missouri - Sarah's group of wagons arrives at Fort ... As Sarah rides along with the wagon train she is approached by a friend


How is business investment different than spending on production?



In business investment you put your money in to get a larger amount if the business grows

In production you create items to be sold at a higher price

Business investment has more risk.


how do forests help in maintaining global climate​



they emit large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This contributes to climate change.


They help us live and keep the air clean realize carbon dioxide

Korea was similar to China in that it

encouraged contacts with outsiders
killed all foreigners in its territory
was part of a vast trade network
discouraged contacts with outsiders



discouraged contacts with outsiders.


Prior to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), China wasn't open about it's economic activities or policy to other countries across the world. This simply means the Chinese government was very secretive about the happening in it's country and as such wouldn't allow outsiders to see what it was doing or it's internal engagements.

However, joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) made them to be more open to other countries, which was a key factor for their unprecedented economic growth and development.

Hence, China was able to trade globally, capturing many markets and attracting foreign investment which boosted it's economy greatly

Additionally, Korea was similar to China in that it discouraged contacts with outsiders because it wasn't open to trade and diplomatic relations with other nations.

Some Americans were against the involvement of the United States in World War I. Which best describes how the United States was able to crack down on possible outbursts against the government?



Explore how President Wilson’s crackdown on dissent during World War I, which was strengthened by the Sedition Act in 1918, put civil liberties at risk, in this video adapted from The Great War: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. Anyone who spoke out against the United States government, the flag, or the armed forces could be arrested and/or imprisoned. This led to a “chilling effect” on civil liberties at the same time that the United States was fighting in a war to “make the world safe for democracy.”


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