2 what particular governance devices are helping or hindering good governance in these countries that are changing their governance systems?


Answer 1

The instruments of governance that support or impede successful governance in these countries as they revise their governance systems include taxes and benefits.

What are the Taxes?

The taxes that businesses are compelled to pay on a regular basis as part of doing business are referred to as "business taxation." Whether you are a solo proprietor, a partner, a participant in a limited liability company, or a corporation, your business is responsible for adhering to tax regulations.

Taxes are required payments made to individuals or enterprises by a government agency, whether local, regional, or federal. Public infrastructure and services like roads and schools, as well as programs like Social Security and Medicare, are all funded with tax dollars.

Businesses should contribute to a stable society since it is essential for doing business. In addition to paying taxes on their income, businesses also have to pay taxes on their output, workforce, assets, and environmental impact.

Business requires a stable society,

To learn more about governance devices click on the given link:



Related Questions

What are good ways too be organized in the workplace?


Consider the subsequent approaches to live prepared at paintings: Set desires, Achievable desires let you live targeted and productive, Track progress, Use an schedule and Create to-do lists.

The required details for goal in given paragraph

A purpose is an goal or goal that a person is making an attempt to attain or achieve. Goal is likewise the cease factor of a race or some thing that a participant is making an attempt to position an item into as a part of a game. Goal has different senses as a noun. A purpose is an intention or goal which you paintings towards with attempt and determination. A purpose is an concept of the destiny or favored end result that someone or a collection of human beings envision, plan and decide to achieve. People enterprise to attain desires inside a finite time with the aid of using putting deadlines. Goals are a remarkable manner to maintain ourselves accountable, even though we fail.

Setting desires and operating to accomplishing them facilitates us outline what we actually need in life. Setting desires additionally facilitates us prioritize things. If we pick out to surely wander thru life, with out a purpose or a plan, that is genuinely our choice.

To know about goal click here



in response to a business communication that is vague, what do people tend to do? (choose every correct answer.)


People tend to make all decisions based on communication.

What is communication?

Communication is typically defined as transfer of information. The phrase can be used to describe both the broadcast and the field of study that studies such transmissions. There are numerous disagreements about its precise definition. According to John Peters, one of the reasons why communication is difficult to define is because it is both a universal phenomenon and a specific academic discipline. One definitional strategy is to restrict the scope of activities that are considered to be communications. This justification suggests that one definition of communication might be the activity of creating mutual understanding between objects or groups through the application of signs, symbols, and semiotic customs. Communication models go into great detail to describe the various steps and parties involved in communication.

To learn more about communication, visit:



frommer's travel guides describe out-of-the-way, inexpensive restaurants and hotels, but these establishments cannot buy a mention in the guides. this is an example of


This is an example of Public relations

Public relations (PR) is the exercise of dealing with and disseminating data from a person or a company (together with an enterprise, authorities agency, or nonprofit business enterprise) to the general public so as to steer their belief. Public relations and exposure fluctuate in that PR are controlled internally, whereas publicity isn't managed and is contributed through external parties. Public family members may additionally encompass a business enterprise or person gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news gadgets that do not require direct payment.

The exposure basically is media-based totally. This differentiates it from advertising as a shape of advertising verbal exchange. Public family members' goals to create or acquire insurance for customers without spending a dime also called earned media.

learn more about Public relations here:  https://brainly.com/question/20313749


a mining company in farmville, virginia markets its minerals to companies that make computer chips. this is an example of .


A mining company in Farmville, Virginia markets its minerals to companies that make computer chips. This is an example of  B2B marketing.

What is B2B marketing?

B2B marketing is the process of marketing goods or services to other businesses. This can be done through a variety of means, such as online advertising, print advertising, direct mail, or personal selling. B2B marketing is often more complex than B2C marketing, as businesses must take into account the needs and wants of other businesses.

In this case, the mining company located in Farmville is marketing minerals to another company that operates in computer chips. Hence, it is B2B marketing.  B2B marketing is a vital part of any business's marketing mix. Without it, businesses would have a difficult time reaching their target market. B2B marketing can be a great way to build relationships with other businesses and generate new leads.

It can be concluded that a mining company in Farmville, Virginia markets its minerals to companies that make computer chips. This is an example of  B2B marketing.

To know more about B2B marketing, check this link:



how would you describe fortis' strategy? what is the role of fortis' product line (equipment, tools, and strapping) and service/support in that strategy?


Fortis Strategies is an internationally recognized and award-winning communications, strategy, and public policy consultancy organization.

What does the company Fortis do?Fortis Strategies is an internationally recognized and award-winning communications, strategy, and public policy consultancy organization.Steel and plastic strapping are manufactured by Fortis Industries' packaging division. The company experienced a leveraged acquisition in 2007. The case examines the packaging division's need to maintain high profitability in a diminishing steel strapping industry. Fortis has been losing 1% of the steel strapping market every year since 1998. Prices have also declined significantly since then. The division president must choose between  lowering prices to achieve market share maintaining/increasing cash flow. The specific decision concerns the probable implementation of a price-flex system meant to allow selective discounting by the division's sales employees.

To learn more about cash flow. refer,



An alternative means of structuring an international sale when conventional means of payment are difficult, costly, or nonexistent is a.


An alternative means of structuring an international sale when conventional means of the payment are difficult, costly, and nonexistent is a countertrade.

What is a countertrade?

Countertrade is the practise of exchanging items for which payment has been made in full or in part using another item or service as opposed to cash. However, a monetary valuation may be utilised in countertrade for accounting reasons. Bilateral trade is the phrase used to describe transactions between sovereign states. Transactions between the former Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe and other parts of the world have primarily been undertaken through countertrade. Insufficient hard money is the reason why these nations have devoted a significant percentage of their trade to countertrade. Up to 25% of global trade may be conducted through the bartering of goods for other goods rather than for hard currency.

To learn more about countertrade, visit:



being able to reuse information that is created contributes to what critical success factor (which is also know as a key factor) for a high roi (return on investment)?


Being able to reuse information that is created contributes to what critical success factor (which is also known as a key factor) for a high Roi (return on investment) is Knowledge.

Its vital subject matter is that including manpower to a software program assignment this is not on time delays it even longer. This concept is thought as Brooks's law and is supplied alongside the second-machine impact and advocacy of prototyping. 978-0-201-00650-6 (1975 ed.), 978-0-201-83595-3 (1995 ed.) Brooks' Law refers to a famous software program improvement precept coined with the aid of using Fred Brooks in The Mythical Man-Month.

Learn more about investment here:


Which process refers to starting up a computer?


Which process refers to starting up a computer?

Ans: Booting

janine's current investment portfolio is 50% growth stocks, 10% foreign stocks, and 40% blue-chip stocks. she is interested in further diversification. which of the following mutual funds should be recommended to janine to meet her goals? a) aggressive growth fund b) global equity fund c) emerging market fund d) corporate bond fund


The mutual funds that would be recommended to Janine to meet her goals should be d) corporate bond fund.

How to find the better fund for diversification?

When diversifying one's investments, it is best to pick things that have returns moving in the opposite direction. In other words, some of the investments should bring in returns when the other investments can bring in losses. This limits your losses.

Janine is invested in different types of stocks which is the same investment class. Bond returns are often inverse to stocks so if she is looking to further diversify her investments, she should go in on a bond fund.

Find out more on diversification at https://brainly.com/question/29408009


buyer and seller enter into an agreement for builder to sell to buyer a new home using the trec new home contract (incomplete construction). buyer wants to change the tile in the bathrooms and completes a change order. the new tile costs less than what is allowed for in the specs. how is the decreased cost addressed in the contract?


The contract addresses a lower price without requiring the seller to consent to the revisions.

Price reduction is the act of lowering the selling price of a product. Contractual Reductions are the accruals for contractual discounts or rebates or similar contractual Dilution Factors relating to Eligible Receivables that are being accrued for by the applicable Seller or Borrower, without duplication.

A price reduction is a reduction in the contract price to correct one party's performance that does not adhere to the contract. The aggrieved party keeps the defective performance provided by the breaching party, while the latter receives only a reduced payment to account for the imperfection in its performance.

To learn more about the contract



when a manager uses comparative advantage to assign tasks in a workplace, then each worker learns how to do all tasks to increase flexibility in assignments. task is assigned to the worker with the lowest opportunity cost for performing the task. task is assigned to the worker who is best at doing the task. worker is assigned to the tasks for which he or she has the highest aptitude and efficiency.


The task is assigned to the worker with the lowest opportunity cost for performing the task.

Tasks will be assigned based on comparative advantage to a factor (labor) that has the lowest economic cost to complete those tasks. The technological expertise of a factor and its potential cost determine additional economic costs.

Additionally, a country with a high labor demand has workers with technical capabilities that have a low opportunity cost. In this case, they will be allocated to work in a nation with a high labor force.

The value or benefit forfeited by engaging in a specific activity in comparison to engaging in a different activity is known as the opportunity cost of that activity.

To learn more about Opportunity cost visit: https://brainly.com/question/12121515



Journalizing and Posting Payroll Transactions

please help and fill out the charts


The journal entries for the payroll transactions, and posting the transactions to cash payments journal is shown.

What is a journal entry?  

A Journal is the first place where a transaction is recorded. It contains records of transaction in order of date as they take place analyzed into debit and credit aspects.

The payroll tax expenses include the Social security tax, Medicare tax, and unemployment tax both federal and state.

The general journal and cash payment journal is completed in the images attached.

To know more about journal click here: https://brainly.com/question/25695199


When the real dollar figures are known and then these figures are compared to what was budgeted, this process is called.


This process where figures are compared to what was budgeted is called marketing spending.

What is marketing spending?

The sum of an organization's expenses for marketing-related operations is known as marketing spending. Advertising and non-price promotion fall under this category. It can also involve price promotions and sales force expenses on occasion. Nearly 200 senior marketing managers were polled, and 52% said they were extremely useful with the "marketing spending" statistic. A company must distinguish between fixed and variable selling costs in order to forecast how sales-related expenditures will fluctuate. Firms can take into account the relative risks connected with various sales tactics by understanding the distinction between fixed and variable selling costs. In general, strategies with variable selling costs are less risky because those costs will still be lower even if sales don't live up to expectations.

To learn more about advertising, visit:



employee benefits are a form of: a. direct compensation b. indirect compensation c. variable pay d. mandatory pay programs


Employee benefits are a form of:  indirect compensation Option B

Do perks fall within the category of direct pay?

Wages, salaries, commissions, and bonuses are all examples of direct compensation, which are payments made by an employer on a regular and consistent basis to an employee.

The terms "benefits," "retirement plans," "leaves," "employee services," and "education" all fall under the category of "compensation that is not deemed direct

The term "employee compensation" refers to any and all types of money that are distributed to workers as a result of their job.

Direct monetary payments (wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses) and indirect monetary payments (financial benefits such as employer-paid insurance and vacations) are the two primary elements that make up this type of compensation.

Direct monetary payments include wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses.

Read more about employee benefits



What is the difference between Sources of Information and
'Methods of Getting Information' in foreign employment?


The difference between Sources of Information and 'Methods of Getting Information' in foreign employment is network technology.

The network technology involves the use of data systems to manage and deliver digital resources over a computer network.

The sources of information in foreign employment as notice board, newspaper, electronic media ( radio, FM, television) with some online websites.

The Methods of Getting Information' are basically offline tools like notice board, public programs etc.

To know more about  network technology here,



Bill's bank charges $27.50 for overdraft fee and $3.50 for using an ATM out of network. Bill has $25 in his checking account at First Bank. Later that day he had a check clear his account for $50 and then added an ATM debit of $80. How much does Bill owe the bank. Explain your answer


Bill owes $36 the bank

As he has sum in his bank = $25

Cleared a cheque =$50

ATM Debit = $80

Total sum in bank = 25 + 50 - 80

Total sum in bank = -5

Now this $5 is overdraft for which bank charges $27.5

Also Bill used ATM service that costs $3.5

Total Sum he owe = 5 + 27.5 + 3.5

Total sum he owe = $36

What is Overdraft?

When an account reaches zero, a bank will lend a customer money through an overdraft to cover bills and other expenditures. A credit facility known as an overdraft allows for the withdrawal of funds from a current or savings account even when there is no money in the account or a balance as low as zero. A sort of bank credit limit expansion is the overdraft facility. It is argued that the permitted limit is "overdrawn."

To know more about Overdraft refer



The United Stated Supreme court is:
O Elected to six-year terms
O The supreme law of the land
O Restricted by state laws
O Restricted to decisions regarding federal law


The United Stated Supreme court is Restricted to decisions regarding federal law.

The federal law are bills that have passed both houses of Congress, been signed by the president, passed over the president's veto, or allowed to become law without the president's signature.

The Supreme court of the United State is the highest court in the American judicial system and has the power to decide appeals on all cases brought in federal court or those brought in state court dealing with federal law.

To know more about federal law here,



All processes of moving materials across the plasma membrane are classified as either.


All processes of moving materials across the plasma membrane are classified as either  A) diffusion or osmosis .

What is diffusion?

The definition of diffusion is the transfer of individual molecules of a substance from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable barrier.

Diffusion is the process of water from a high solute concentration to a low solute concentration until an equilibrium is attained, whereas diffusion is the movement of molecules from a low solute concentration to a high solute concentration.

Diffusion is the overall net movement of anything from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. A gradient in the Gibbs free energy or chemical potential drives diffusion.

To know more about diffusion, refer:



By the end of 2009, the economy had recovered slightly; however, the economy was still smaller than it was two years prior. From 2007 to 2009, real gdp had fallen from $15,762 billion to $15,356 billion. How deep was the recession? suppose that the long-run growth trend of real gdp was 3% per year. If the economy had grown at 3% per year since 2007, there was a shortfall of $ billion at the end of 2009. (give your answer to the nearest whole number).


Although the economy had significantly recovered by the end of 2009, it was still smaller than it had been two years before. Real GDP decreased from $15,762 billion in 2007 to $15,356 billion in 2009, and the recession cost $876.86 billion.

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary indicator of the total market value of all the final goods and services that nations produce and sell over a given time period. This measure is frequently revised before being regarded as a reliable indicator due to its complicated and subjective nature.

Here, real GDP growth was reported to be 3% annually.

Now, to determine the $billion shortage at the end of 2009,

The real GDP for 2009 was $15356 billion, as stated.

Real GDP as of right now is $15762

Assuming 3% real GDP growth for the time being:

2009's real GDP increased by 3% from 2007's real GDP.

Real GDP for 2009 is equal to 15762 plus [REAL GDP2007 times 3 divided by 100] = 15762 plus 472.86 = 16234.86.

Next, determine the gap by using the stated Real GDP for 2009 - 2009 Real GDP calculated based on 2007.

Real GDP = 15356 - 16234.86 = - 878.86

At the end of 2009, there was a deficit of $876.86 billion.

To know more about GDP, refer to this link:



a homeowner paid for an appraisal prior to putting his property on the market. the home was on a double lot with a three car garage and a pool with a hot tub, and was much larger than all the neighboring homes. he was devastated when the appraiser came up with a price that was much lower than he expected. what principle did the appraiser apply for the appraisal?


The appraiser apply the Principle of Regression when appraising the homeowner's home.

Real estate market is a part of regional and national economy. Hence, any changes happen in both aspects will influence the real estate market.

Appraisal is an assessment to calculate a prediction of price-taking clues in the real estate market. When valuing a property, there are some economic principles affected the appraisal results:

Principle of AnticipationPrinciple of Demand, Supply, and DesirePrinciple of SubtitutionPrinciple of BalancePrinciple of ProgressionPrinciple of Regression

Principle of Anticipation is related to the future benefit of a property. The value of a property will rise using anticipated benefits to be gained from the property in the future.

Principle of Demand, Supply, and Desire is related to the scarcity of a commodity. A value of a property will increase when the demand of similar kind of property is increasing.

Principle of Substitution sets the value of a property based on the cost of an equally desirable subtitute property.

Principle of Balance refers to the balance between the cost and benefits of a property.

Principle of Progression effects the value of a property based on the value of its location. The price of a property will escalate along with an increased perceived value of its location.

Principle of Regression is the opposite of the principle of progression. The price of a property will decrease along with a reduced perceived value of its location.

Learn more about The Appraisal Principles here: https://brainly.com/question/28169212


Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.
strategy in which a person goes with their first reaction
strategy in which a person delays making the decision until
someone else makes the decision or until options
disappear; deciding "by default"
strategy in which a person avoids a decision or makes up
an answer to deflect an injury
strategy in which a person hands over control or lets
someone else decide
:: Compliance :: Escape :: Impulse
:: Procrastination


1 Strategy in which a person goes with their first reaction is called impulse.

Impulse: A propensity or natural tendency that is typically not rational, such as a sudden, spontaneous urge or instigation to some usually unplanned action.

2 Strategy in which a person delays making the decision until

someone else makes the decision or until options

disappear; deciding "by default" IS Called procrastination.

Procrastination: To take longer than necessary to complete a task: to put off performing an action until a later time due to lack of motivation, laziness, etc. He put off submitting and missed the deadline.

3 Strategy in which a person avoids a decision or makes up

an answer to deflect an injury is called escape.

Escape: To liberate oneself from or avoid something

4 Strategy in which a person hands over control or lets

someone else decide is called compliance.

Compliance:The act of complying with established rules or requirements, or the process of doing so, is known as compliance.

To know more about procrastination visit



Calculate the amount of depreciation to report during the year ended december 31 for equipment that was purchased at a cost of $43,000 on october 1. The equipment has an estimated residual value of $3,000 and an estimated useful life of five years or 20,000 hours. Required: assume the equipment was used for 1,000 hours from october 1 to december 31 and the company uses (a) straight-line, (b) double-declining-balance, or (c) units-of-production depreciation. (do not round intermediate calculations. ).


(a) straight-line -  $ 2000

(b) double-declining-balance -  $ 4000

(c) units-of-production depreciation -  $ 2000.

Define the term depreciation?

A non-cash business investment called depreciation is assessed throughout the time that an asset is valuable to your company.

(a) straight-line

Cost - Salvage Value / Useful Life for the Straight Line Method of Depreciation

Depreciation using the straight line method is $43,000 - 3,000/5 = $ 8000.

For the fiscal year that concluded on December 31, 2013, total amount of depreciation calculated using the straight line method is

($8000/12) × 3 = $ 2000

For three months, the straight-line depreciation charge is $ 2000.

(b) double-declining-balance:

Straight Line Rate= 100%

Useful Life= 100%/5 = 20%

double-declining-balance = 2 × Straight Line Rate

double-declining-balance = 2 × Straight Line Rate

double-declining-balance = 2×20%

double-declining-balance = 40%

Year     Book Value      Dep          Dep               Accu.       Book

                                     Rate         Expense      Dep.          Value

1           40,000             40              16000          16000         24000

The total cost of depreciation for the year would be $16,000.

Depreciation costs calculated using the twofold declining approach for three months would be  ($16,000/12) = $4,000.

(c) units-of-production depreciation:

Depreciation per unit is equal to (Cost - Salvage value) / the total production units.

Depreciation per unit is equal to $43,000 – $3,000/20,000 = 40,000/20,000 = 2.

Depreciation Cost: Depreciation per unit multiplied by the number of units produced

Depreciation costs equal $2000 (2×1000).

Utilizing the units of production technique, depreciation costs would be $2,000 for three months. i.e. on October 31, 2013

To know more about the depreciation, here



a nation that imposes a fixed charge of $3 per barrel of oil imported into the country is relying on which instrument of trade?


A nation that imposes a fixed charge of $3 per barrel of oil imported into the country is relying on specific tariff.

What are the different kinds of tariffs?

A tariff can be either particular, ad valorem, or compound, which combines the two. A specific duty is a tax that is levied on an import at a set rate per unit, such as $1 per yard or per pound. On the other hand, an ad valorem tariff is computed as a percentage of the import's value.

Since they are the ones who create the policy and receive the funding, the importing nations benefit the most from tariffs. The main advantage of tariffs is that they generate income from imported products and services. Tariffs may also be used as a starting point for talks between two nations.

To know more about tariffs, refer:



ragtime company used a predetermined overhead rate of $39 per direct labor hour for the year. what was the cost of goods manufactured?


The cost of goods manufactured is $409,000.

Applied manufacturing overhead = $35 x 5,000 = $175,000

Cost of goods manufactured = $110,000 + $150,000 + $175,000 + $0 - $17,000 = $418,000

Overapplied overhead = $175,000 - $166,000 = $9,000

Unadjusted cost of goods sold = $0 + $418,000 - $0 = $418,000

Adjusted cost of goods sold = $418,000 - $9,000 = $409,000.

The cost of goods sold is the carrying value of the commodities sold during a given time period. To allocate costs to certain commodities, one of the several formulas, including specific identification, first-in-first-out, or average cost, is utilized. The cost of goods sold is the entire amount your business spent on costs directly related to the sale of items. This may also include raw materials, packaging, direct labor used in producing or selling the product, and products purchased for resale, depending on the type of your business. Cost of goods sold (COGS) may also be referred to as cost of sales (COS), cost of revenue, or product cost, depending on whether it is a good or a service. Every cost directly connected to producing a good or rendering a service is included.

Note that the full question is:

Ragtime Company used a predetermined overhead rate of $39 per direct labor hour for the year. Assume the only inventory balance is an ending Work in Process Inventory balance of $17,000. What was adjusted cost of goods sold?

To learn more about Cost Of Goods Sold: https://brainly.com/question/24561653


2. analyzing occupancy rates as you can see from the article in the prior problem, "rents hit all-time highs amid job growth and low vacancy rates," some people move out as a result of rent increases, while others are ready to pay an even higher rent. rent control adds yet another aspect by setting a ceiling on what the rental price can ultimately rise to. the supply and demand model can be used to illustrate the mechanism that leads to all these different market outcomes. consider the market for rental properties in los angeles and orange counties in southern california. suppose that while average earnings increased by about 10% in los ang


The demand for rental apartments and flats would increase, rent would go to an all-time high, and let's assume that average earnings in Los Angeles increased by around 10%.

What is meant by a pricing ceiling?

The imposed maximum price a seller is allowed to keep for a good or service is known as a price ceiling. Price ceilings are often imposed to necessities like food and energy supplies when they become unaffordable for average customers. Price ceilings are typically established by law. In short, a price cap is a form of pricing control.

Who stands to gain from a price cap?

The product will benefit those who are able to purchase it at the reduced price set by the price ceiling, but suppliers of will be in loss.

To know more about Price Ceiling visit:



Question 17 of 20
Trey's bank raises the interest rate on his line of credit without providing an
explanation. Which consumer protection law has his bank violated?


Trey's bank raises the interest rate on his line of credit without providing an

explanation. The consumer protection law that his bank violated is: "The Truth in Lending Act of 1968".

What are consumer protection laws?

The Truth in Lending Act of 1968 is a federal law in the United States aiming to encourage the informed use of consumer credit by requiring disclosures about its terms and prices to standardize the method in which borrowing expenses are computed and communicated.

Consumer protection laws protect consumers from faulty products and deceptive or fraudulent company activities.

It is to be noted that in the United States, a range of federal and state laws govern consumer affairs. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Truth in Lending Act, the Fair Credit Billing Act, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act are a few examples.

Learn more about Consumer Protection Laws in US:


Credit Card Accountability, Responsability, and Disclosure Act


a projet that costs $16,000 today will generate cash flows of $3,300 per year for seven years. what is the project's payback period


The project's payback period will be 3.88 years for a project that costs $16,000 today will generate cash flows of $3,300 per year for seven years.

What is Cash flow?

Spending that occurs in the normal course of business is included in cash flow from operations. Payroll, the cost of items sold, rent, and utility bills are a few examples of these cash outflows. When corporate operations are very seasonal, cash outflows might vary greatly. Add your net income and non-cash expenses, then deduct your change in working capital and capital expenditures to arrive at free cash flow. Cash flow (CF) is the change in the quantity of money that a company, institution, or person has. The phrase is used in finance to refer to the volume of money (currency) produced or spent over a specific period of time.

To learn more about Cash flow click,



Mathematics You are a delivery man ager at Blue Bag, a wholesale bakery. The bakery employs two drivers and owns two trucks. Each truck can deliver up to 175 crates of bread per day. The bakery has standing orders for 340 crates a day, but a new supermarket is opening up, and you expect orders to increase 225%. If you hire two more drivers, you can run two shifts. Will it be enough? Write a paragraph explaining how you found your answer.


So, if you hire two more drivers, you can run two shifts and so this will be enough.

Here, we take into account that each truck has a maximum capacity of 175 boxes of bread and that the bakery has 2 trucks. So, in order to find the maximum order capacity, multiply the number of boxes of bread by the number of trucks:

175 × 2 = 350

So, if you hire two more drivers, then you can run two shifts and so this will be enough in order to deliver the orders on time. As, after hiring there will be more people who can work to deliver.

Hence, after hiring two more drivers, you can run two shifts, which will be enough.

To learn more about maximum capacity here:



true or false: multinational corporations mostly refrain from using host-country managers at the middle- and lower-level ranks.


This is false. It is not true that multinational corporations mostly refrain from using host-country managers at the middle- and lower-level ranks.

What are multi nationals?

A corporate entity that owns and manages the production of goods or services in at least one nation other than its own is referred to as a multinational firm.

Typically, a company's first priority is to boost growth and profitability. It might think that opening operations abroad is worthwhile if it can expand its client base internationally and boost its market share there.

It is untrue that multinational firms tend to avoid hiring managers from host countries at the middle and lower levels of the organization.

Read more on multi nationals  here: https://brainly.com/question/913870


in the early 1980s the fed tightened monetary policy. over the next few years inflation a. remained high and unemployment rose. b. and unemployment rose. c. and unemployment fell. d. fell but unemployment rose temporarily.


In the early 1980s the fed tightened monetary policy. over the next few years inflation  remained high and unemployment rose.

What is monetary policy?The Federal Reserve's actions and communications to advance maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates—the three economic objectives that the Congress has directed the Federal Reserve to pursue—combine to form monetary policy in the United States.Reserve requirements, the discount rate, and open market operations are the three instruments the Fed has historically used to implement monetary policy.The actions performed by a nation's central bank to manage the money supply in order to maintain economic stability are referred to as monetary policy. For instance, policymakers use instruments like interest rates, reserves, bonds, etc. to manage the flow of money in order to increase employment, GDP, and price stability.

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which does not name an integer a.-35 b. 0 c. 3/15d. 10/2 use the equation of a parabola in standard form having a vertex at (0, 0), x^2= 8y.Solve the equation for "p" and then describe the focus (0, p), the directrix, and the 2 focal chord endpoints. Andre has been offered an entry-level job. The company offered him $46,000 per year plus 3% of his total sales. Andre knows that the average pay for this job is $64,000, What would Andre's total sales need to be for his pay to be at least as high as the average pay for this job? (Your answer should be accurate to 2 decimal places.) Solve the following inequality for kk. Write your answer in the simplest form.8k - 3 > 9k + 10 What is the correct electron configuration for Si atomic number O A. 1s22s22p 3s23pOB. 1s22s22p 3s3pO C. 1s22s22p63s2dO D. 1s22s22p63s3p What should your brain immediatelythink when it sees5(11 + 4y) How many joules of heat are needed to completely vaporize 24.40 grams of water at its boiling point?Given Hvap = 40.6 kJ/mol Given the regular decagon (10-sided polygon) pictured below, which statements are true? CHOSE 3 ANSWERS. EXPLAIN HOW YOU GOT THEM PLEASE!!A:The polygon has 90 rotational symmetry.B:The polygon has 144 rotational symmetry.C:The polygon has point symmetry.D:The polygon has 36 rotational symmetry. The diameter of a circle is 16 kilometers. What is the angle measure of an arc bounding a sector with area 8pi square kilometers? (Worth 80 points)PLEASE HURRY DO BY 11:59pmSummary of the book The Family: A world Historyby Mary Jo Maynes , and Ann Waltnerplease include 2 quotes from the book Can you hello me with number 2 using 3.14 and I have to round to the answer to the nearest tenth as well thanks The study of the interaction among living things with their non-living environment isO ChemistryO GeologyO AnthropologyO Ecology Consider this passage. How like a mirror, too, her face. Impossible! For how many people did you know who refracted your own light to you? People were more often torches, blazing away until they whiffed out.What could be the significance of these mirror and light and torch metaphors? We start with triangle ABC and seethatangleZAB is anexterior anglecreated by the extension of side AC.AnglesZAB and CAB are a linear pair by definition.We knowthat mZAB + mCAB = 180 by the .WealsoknowmCAB + mACB + mCBA = 180 because . Hello I need help with this please , I was studying it I dont get this The sum of a number and -2 is no more than 6. Bruce owns a small grocery store and darges per pound et produce Ir a customer orders S pounds of prodeer, om zich das Bruxe charge the castomert function POSThe expression(-4)(x) is equivalent to the expression x. What is the value of n?n = I really need help on this!!! Intermediaries are used by most producers to bring products to market. These intermediaries are known as _________________________.