2. The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket.why?​


Answer 1

The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket because they were in close contact with the British due to their interest in trade.

Related Questions

In Chapter 6, we learn that Genie and Ernie's uncle Sherwood dies. How did he die?
O a ln a fire
Ob In a car wreck
Ос As a baby
Od In the war



D in the war.


on page 104 of the book.

Q2: Which of the following is capitalized correctly? *
O "That leopard," We were informed, "Is a snow leopard."
O "That leopard," we were informed, "is a snow leopard."
O "That leopard," We were informed, "is a snow leopard."
O"That leopard," we were informed, "Is a snow leopard.



I think and hope it is the first one


"That leopard," We were informed, "Is a snow leopard."

"That leopard," we were informed, "is a snow leopard."

"That leopard," We were informed, "is a snow leopard."

That leopard," we were informed, "Is a snow leopard.

plz mark brainliest thx

Figuratively, it says, "His body seemed to have not only the weakness of a jelly, but it's translucency." In what sense is he now translucent?


he’s weak and doesn’t feel stable i hoped this helped bc there’s no answer choices

after one has completed a bachelor's degree,what are the next Three degrees one can obtain if accepted​


The Bachelet is 4 that’s what it obtains

The next three degrees that one can obtain if accepted are the master's degree, Ph.D. degree, and Postdoc certificates.

Criteria to be awarded Bachelor's certificate

Before any student can proceed to the college where bachelor's degrees are being issued, such student must have completed middle and high school and passed all required courses needed to be conferred a high school certificate.

The next three degrees that one can obtain if accepted

Masters degreesPhD degreePost Docs

Postdocs can extend as much as possible depending on individual interest in academics

Learn more on bachelor's degree studies here: brainly.com/question/22320498

What are some obstacles college students face in finishing their classes and what are some effective strategies to overcome the obstacles?



procrastinación, falling behind

1. Future: Pages 61-63 contain a list of people who attended Gatsby's parties
during that summer. Nick says that he recorded these names on an old timetable,
now "disintegrating at its folds" (61). That means that Nick is looking back from a
time that is in the future of the "now" of the novel. What is the effect on the reader
of reading this list?



it effects Nick


a thesis statement about reasearch essay about any topic



Thesis statement for a research paper

A thesis statement is a declarative sentence that asserts the position a paper will be taking. This statement should be both specific and arguable. Generally, the thesis statement will be placed at the end of the first paragraph of your paper. The remainder of your paper will support this thesis


Read the following passage: The year is 2186. Since the polar ice caps melted several decades ago, humans have been struggling to survive on a planet completely covered by ocean. They subsist only on seafood and fight over scarce fuel resources to power their watercrafts. Those who are able to produce fresh water rule over those who cannot. Based on this passage, which statement best suggests that the story's setting is a dystopia? O A. An authoritarian government controls all information, OB. A natural disaster has caused people to adapt their lifestyles. C. Power is based on the ability to obtain a necessity of life. D. Not everyone has equal access to scarce resources, PREVIOUS​



C. is the dystopian quality of this passage: Power is based on the ability to obtain a necessity of life.


Dystopian fiction is social commentary in the form of a story that exaggerates one aspect of today's society.

People who have the most access to essentials will always have power over those who do not. This is the exaggerated aspect. It shows a piece of our everyday lives under a microscope, so we can say "hey, this doesn't seem right."


The answer is c. Power is based on the ability to obtain a necessity of life


what should you avoid to include in your exposition??​



your essay should be in the third person so avoid using the words I and me in the essay

In this time of changes, migration, unemployment, and pandemic, do you agree with Evangelista that the world shall be borderless


yes the world shall be borderless.

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

ANTONY. Therefore I took your hands, but was indeed
Swayed from the point by looking down on Caesar.
Friends am I with you all, and love you all,
Upon this hope: that you shall give me reasons
Why and wherein Caesar was dangerous.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.
Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.
Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.
Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.
ANSWER is the last one



What is the central idea of this excerpt?

1)Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.

2)Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.

3)Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.

--->>>CORRECT--->>> 4)Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous


Edge 2021


D. Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.


The excerpt takes place after Antony has confronted the conspirators right after they had murdered Caesar and has been told that Caesar was too dangerous to be left alive. Antony says "you shall give me reasons why and wherein Caesar was dangerous." Antony is asking for the reason the conspirators thought Caesar was dangerous.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.

"Write about what true friendship is. Tell me about your best friend and what they are like, what you both like to do, how you both met."



My best friend is amazing. we met at school and we both love hanging out at the lakehouse together. We have a genuine friendship because we use communication and are able to easily support each other.


Answer: A true friendship is when you guys are able to communicate without a bunch of issues and you guys are there for each other no matter what. me and my best friend love talking and hanging out they are a really nice person they are there for me no matter what i am there for her no  matter what. We both met when she came to our school when we were in 2nd grade she didn't know where the class room was and i showed her where it was and where different classrooms were. We both like to be ourselves, we like arts and crafts, and many more things




Like the other person that answered, this should be an assignment that should be enjoyed. I can understand if you hate writing, don't know how to do it well, or can't come up with any ideas, but asking people on here to do it for you? I would've loved to do something like this.

You could write about anything, ranging from an event from your past to how someone deciding to pick up a plastic bag drifting through the street changed their life, for better or for worse. There are online plot generators that you can use to get a good start. What about searching up pictures from a preferred genre and revolving the story around that? There are endless possibilities when it comes to something like this, so you should enjoy it! If you're not, chances are you picked an idea you're not interested in. There are barely any limitations except the given requirements, which won't even affect your story in anyway. They're just basic writing elements. If worst comes to worst, take inspiration from another book/story you once read, like a certain concept, but do not plagiarize.

Wanna write a superhero/fantasy type thing? Go to superpower wiki and there's so much stuff there you could use. Seriously. You think of it, and they've got it.

Interested in horror? What's your favorite horror movie, and was/were the antagonist(s) like? Are they a person or evil being? Either way, make up your own that's similar to them.

If you wanna do mystery, take the same investigation/problem from something you know and put a twist on it. I'm really trying to help you come up with some stuff here, but I can't write an entire two-page story for you.

I empathize with you completely when it comes to procrastination and writer's block, but I know you can do this. You shouldn't have to turn to Brainly if you're too lazy, but I really hope you're not. Good luck, and I know you'll get a great grade!

Can you answer this question for me please
1.what can you see in the picture?
2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting?
3. Describe the artist character in three words



i dont know just dont dislike


What does it mean to "analyze a human rights issue"? (​



For the problem presented, "analyze a human rights issue" means to find out the details of the issue. The correct answer between all the choices given is the last choice

Why do people holiday in the hills, or the beach, or in forests? Do you think it is
because Nature rejuvenates people



people want to spend their holidays in hill,or the beach ,or in the forest because some people are very fond of theses places ,some of them are adventures , and some people wants some new in their lifestyle..

Yes .....

I thought of that old gentleman ... who declared that it
was impossible for any woman, past, present, or to come,
to have the genius of Shakespeare. He wrote to the papers
about it. He also told a lady who applied to him for
information that cats do not as a matter of fact go to
heaven though they have, he added, souls of a sort. How
much thinking those old gentlemen used to save one!
How the borders of ignorance shrank back at their
approach! Cats do not go to heaven. Women cannot write
the plays of Shakespeare.
-A Room of one's own,
Virginia Woolf
Which statement best explains how the rhetorical
device supports the central idea?
The author uses a rhetorical question to make the
old gentleman seem ridiculous.
The author uses an allusion to refer to a well-known
expert, showing that the central idea is valid.
The author reinforces the central idea by
understating the wise thoughts of the old
The author emphasizes the central idea by showing
the old man's foolishness through his use of





The author emphasizes the central idea by showing the old man’s foolishness through his use of overstatement.


D) The author emphasizes the central idea by showing the old man’s foolishness through his use of overstatement.


Got it right on edge

change the following sentence into a question, He invented a way to recycle rubber?​



How did he invent a way to recycle rubber?


ummm, hope this helps...

Look at all your members in your family and describe how different and similar all you of you are from one other. write down a little story to show how unique your family is​



Explanation:This lesson is the third in a series called “Family Tapestry.” One goal of these lessons is to help students recognize and accept differences among themselves and within the larger community. Another is to recognize how each student’s unique family contributes to a richer society. As students begin to understand themselves better, learning opportunities to explore biases and prejudices will likely emerge. In this lesson, students learn the concepts of “same” and “different,” read and answer questions about two types of families, and create a “same and different” graphic organizer that reflects similarities and differences between their family and a classmate’s family.

SETTING A PURPOSE In The Tempest, Prospero, who has
learned to cast spells from a book of magic, rules over a
mystical island. As you read, think about what Prospero plans
to do with his power and what that means for his character



Perhaps he wants to take over the world? That would result in his character being a bit more...greedy and selfish at the end.


If he where to have too much power he would become a bad ruler, because money doesn’t buy happiness.

but Oreos does.

Read the excerpt from a speech petitioning people to adopt animals in need.

I am here today to persuade you to see the benefit of adopting your next pet from the animal shelter instead of purchasing it from a pet store. It is crucial to see the value in adopting animals and hopefully putting pet stores out of business. The health and well-being of our animal friends is what is at stake here. Many people think it would be fun to get a cute designer animal from a boutique pet shop, but once we all know the truth behind their practices, we will be lining up at the shelter to fall in love with an animal in need. Your new dog may not be a purebred dog with official papers and a customized small size, but you will know that your animal is healthy and eternally grateful that you provided him with a warm home.

Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select two options.

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.
Animals bred through pet shops suffer health problems.
People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops.
Many people have a warm home and like animals.
More people need to decide to have pets in their



People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.


According to the excerpt from a speech petitioning people to adopt animals in need, the author encourages people to adopt new pets from an animal shelter rather than a pet store as they're helping give the animal a home, love, and warmth as compared to making purchases from a pet store.

The ideas from the excerpt that would be most appropriate to include in a summary are People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.

In “The Day the Mollets Get Their Moxie Back,” the girls are excited when they hear that Ricky wore a grass skirt and did a hula dance during a talent show. They say that it would be great to have their own talent show.

What could the reader predict after reading this passage from the story?

Ricky will come home soon to be with the family.

Ruth will grow up and be a hula dancer.

The girls’ father will find a job.

The girls will hold their own talent show.





Indicate whether each description applies to prose or poetry by dragging and dropping it into the correct category.
Prose and poetry




PROSE: contains sentences, is sectioned by chapters, follows grammatical rules. POETRY: is sectioned by stanzas, contains lines with breaks, can break rules of grammer.

In the town where Jose lives, the city is considering closing off a downtown street to cars and making it a "pedestrian mall." Jose is writing to his local newspaper to say he thinks this is a good idea. Which is the best introductory sentence for his letter?





The Missing Patent Wilbur and Orville Wright's official patent for their "flying machine," submitted in 1903, is an important slice of American history. The patent was supposed to be stored in the National Archives, where historical treasures are housed. However, in 2000, officials discovered that it seemed to have vanished. Researchers looked through storage vaults, filing cabinets, and archives around the country, to no avail. Some wondered whether the document had been stolen. Finally, Chris Abraham, newly assigned to the National Archives' document recovery program, volunteered to solve the puzzle. Abraham suspected that the patent might have been mistakenly sent to a huge storage facility in Kansas where other, less important patent documents were kept. Abraham was right: after searching through boxes and boxes of documents, he found the patent on March 22, 2016. What is the main idea of the passage
A. in 2000 research your discovered that wright brothers historic 1903 airplanes patent had been lost or stolen
B. a researcher with the national archives document recovery program offered to track down a missing pattern
C. a national archives researchersolve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​


a national archives researcher solve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​


C. A National Archives researcher solve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​

How does the author convey the purpose in screen time can mess with the body's clock



Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing melatonin. This prevents the body from getting the message that bedtime is near.


Stacey is analyzing this mechanism description of the imaging system for the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):

The Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) is an imaging system that has two camera channels with color capability provided by a set of selectable filters. It was developed by a team led by the University of Arizona, with contributions from scientists and engineers around the world. It consists of three physical parts: (1) a camera head, (2) an extendable mast with electronic cabling, and (3) two plug-in electronic cards, which plug into slots within the spacecraft.

Which statement best summarizes the main idea of this description?
The Imager captures color images using adjustable filters and some mechanisms.
The Imager is a two-camera system that is manufactured using many high-tech parts.
The Imager is a two-camera, color-capable tool that requires specialized parts to operate.
The Imager requires three specialized parts to operate and has color filters.
The Imager is created using advanced technology received from global partners.



C. the imager is two camera,color-capable tool that requires specialized parts ti operate.

1. Which of the following best describes the Bill of Rights?
A. The Bill of Rights establishes that the United States has
declared independence from Great Britain, and that the
new nation will be governed by the people.
B. These amendments explain how people accused of a
crime should be treated in the United States.
C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit
some of the powers of the federal government, and
reserve some powers to the states and the public.
D. The Bill of Rights asserts that freedom of speech is the
most important right promised to American citizens.



C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit

some of the powers of the federal government, and

reserve some powers to the states and the public.


Moist heat cooking methods can be useful for softening tough fibers in
meats making them more tender.





Which situation best shows irony?





yeah the answer is C.

Other Questions
Which of the following would be a preference for shopping in a smaller retail shop?A. You want to be more trendy and fashionableB. They have fewer selections and higher pricesC. They have more selections and lower pricesD. You have developed a relationship with the workers thereEdit: It's D Please help!! "simplify the expressionwrite your answer using a positive exponent"(3/7)^-6 x (3/7)^-1%(3/7)^-3 Name at least 5 angles for this diagramCongruent Angles Vertical AnglesAdjacent Angles Complementary AnglesSupplementary Angles corinna has $88. She wants to buy a $297 plane ticket. She will save up her earnings from working at the museum where she earns $19 per hour. Every 5 months, a fish grows 20 inches. How many inches would it grow in 8 months? The diagram below shows the moon at several places in it's orbit around the Earth... At which location would the moon most likely be in a CRESCENT phase (just a sliver of light showing)? *ABCDEF Hello please help me with this problem. For 38 points Its is algebra 1 Read this excerpt from "Just Another Sunday."He held [the antenna) over his head and whipped it in the air. Then he threw it toward me. Itlanded by my feet, and I bent over to pick it up. When I stood up, I saw Jay's dad comingtoward us."Oh no," Jay said. "Hide!" We all hid behind the car, but Jay's dad had already seen us.18. What does the description help the reader understand? (1 point)Jay has involved the narrator in his misbehavior.The narrator is confronting Jay about his actions.The three boys are enjoying their time together.Jay's dad wants to meet Jay's new friend. Steps to write a film review- Before watching the movie make a study of(a) The relevance of the title(b) The year of release(c) Name of script writer, producer, director, characters(d) The genre (Type of film)- dangal film Sunny has 3/5 yard of fabric and plans to cut it intopieces that are each 2/10 yard. How many pieces willshe have?Let p = the number of pieces Sunny will have. Evaluate the function f(x)=x+4 when x=3 what modern day connections can we make with Martin Luther King Jr's Arrest and the boycotts ? what was the outcome of the war for the United States? what was the outcome of the war for Mexico? Are 1/2x+3/4-5/8x-7/8 and 1/8(x+1) equivalent expressions? show your work. which faith would a persian person living in iran MOST LIKELY followa.sunni islamb.christianity c.shia islamd.judaism Fill in the blank. 1. La noche pasada mis amigos y yo al centro.2. Anoche yo la comida para la familia. Pleas help me solve the following inequality and graph the solution set on the number line2(x-3)-5x9 You are selling lemonade. You find that if you set the price at $2.00 per cup, you sell 14 cups over thecourse of a day. You also notice that for every $0.10 you decrease the price by, you sell 3 more cups overthe course of the day. Come up with a linear equation to model this situation. N - 5 x4 pls hellpppo This list refers to the contributions of which Founding Father?AnswerA John AdamsBBenjamin FranklinJames MadisonD John Jay