1.which of the following dramatically reduced death rates due to infectious diseases during the 20th century? a.access to health care, health insurance, and better trained physicians b.economic wealth, improvements in medicine, and the automobile c.vaccinations, antibiotics, and better sanitation d.better nutritional foods, vaccinations, and antibiotics


Answer 1

Better nutritional foods, vaccinations, and antibiotics  dramatically reduced death rates due to infectious diseases during the 20th century. Thus, option D is correct.

What is the death rate?

The death rates give an overview of current health issues, reveal persistent patterns of risk in specific localities, and demonstrate trends in specific causes of death across time.

Many causes of mortality are avoidable or curable, thus public health preventive efforts should focus on them. During the 20th century, improved nutritious meals, immunizations, and medicines drastically reduced infectious illness deaths.

As a result, a high death rate often suggests that a population's death rate exceeds its birth rate.

Therefore, option D is correct.

To learn more about the death rates, refer to:



Related Questions

how many people stop in front of the world-famous holiday windows at macy’s every hour?


In New York City, 10,000 people pass by the Macy's world-famous holiday windows every hour. Unfortunately, nobody keeps track of how many individuals stop in front of the iconic windows every hour.

Visiting the colorful department store window displays is one of the most popular holiday activities in NYC. The oldest and greatest holiday window decorations are at Macy's. Macy's was the first shopping center in the United States to decorate its windows for the holiday season in 1874, when it was located on 14th Street. Macy's graces the windows, which run all along the Broadway side of the store that is now situated on 34th Street.

On the Thursday prior to Thanksgiving, they are traditionally unveiled, and the decorations stay up until the start of the year. Ever since its beginning, Macy's has selected a different theme every year.

Learn more about holiday season here: brainly.com/question/29771941


rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan is called its


The company's advertising plan is its entire marketing strategy.

What methods of advertising are there?

Newspapers, magazines, TV and radio shows, mailings, banners, posters, transit advertisement, and other media are traditional forms of advertising. Advertisers have exploited digital technology to draw more attention to their products and causes in the twenty-first century.

Describe advertising with an example:

Newspaper, magazine, and brochure ads, among other print media Radio and television commercials are examples of broadcast advertising. Hoardings, posters, flags, wraps, etc. are examples of outdoor advertising. Digital and online device advertisements are referred to as "digital advertising.

To know more about advertising visit:



compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.


If the world charge is greater than the autarky price, trade leads to exports and a upward jab in the home fee in contrast to the world price.

-There are universal beneficial properties from exchange because producer features exceed the client losses. -Exporting industries produce goods and services that are sold abroad.

What one is the principal economic principle that sustains the significance of international trade?

Ricardo showed that what was once essential was once the comparative gain of every country in production. The principle of comparative benefit holds that even if one kingdom can produce all items more cheaply than can every other nation, each countries can nevertheless change underneath prerequisites the place every benefits.

Free alternate advantages a country's customers if its reservation rate is no longer lower than the world common reservation price. condition. Hence, if all international locations have the equal reservation price, all consumers are higher off under free exchange compared to autarky.

Learn more about international trade  here:


the risk-free rate of return is 3.5 percent, the inflation rate is 2.9 percent, and the market risk premium is 7.5 percent. what is the expected rate of return on a stock with a beta of 1.43? 14.2% 8.7% 11% 13.1% 4.6%


the risk-free rate of return is 3.5 percent, the inflation rate is 2.9 percent, and the market risk premium is 7.5 percent. The expected rate of return on a stock with a beta of 1.43 is 14.2%

How do you calculate the expected return on a stock?

An investor can calculate the expected return by multiplying all possible outcomes by the probability of them occurring and adding those outcomes together to arrive at the total expected return. Expected rate of return is a simple measure of probability, used to determine the likelihood and rate of return that a particular investment will yield.

Risk free rate= 3.5%

Inflation rate= 2.9%

Market risk premium= 7.5%

Beta= 1.43%

Therefore the expected rate of return can be calculated as follows

= Risk free rate of return₊ (Beta ×  Market risk premium)

= 3.5 + (1.43 × 7.5)

= 3.5  ₊ 10.725

= 14.225%

To learn more about the expected rate of return, visit:



hat is the present worth of a two-part legal settlement if the interest rate is 4%? $100,000 is received at the end of year 1 and $400,000 at the end of year 5


The current value is $ 424924.69.

Here, r is 4%,

So, PV = 100000/1.04 + 400000/1.045 = 96153.85 + 328770.84 = 424924.69$.

What is PV, or present value?

The current value of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows at a certain rate of return is known as present value (PV). The discount rate is how future cash flows are discounted, and the higher the discount rate, the lower their present value is.

With an example, what is present value?

The value of some amount of money in the future at the present time is known as the present value. For instance, if you are promised $110 in a single year, the present value is the $110's current value.

To learn more about Present value here



an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment..A. TrueB. False


An employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment. The correct answer is (A) True.

Employee insurance is a type of benefit which is given to employees of a certain company and the benefit shall remain active for as long as the employment remains active. The standard insurance for employees usually covers medical expenses with an addition of extended coverage of dental and optical insurance for certain larger corporations. The insurance coverage will typically be terminated upon resignation of the employee or termination of the employment, meaning that the company will stop paying for the medical, dental, and optical bills as soon as the employee is no longer working for the company.

To learn more about employee insurance visit: https://brainly.com/question/28454911


bruce, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. in particular, selas, a senior marketing manager, seems to resist his direction and tries to influence team members to go in another direction. the source of conflict in this case may be multiple choice workplace incivility. ambiguous jurisdictions. inconsistent goals. status differences.


The source of conflict in the case of Bruce is status differences under cross-functional team where he leads. Option D is correct.

What is Status Differences?

Conflicts over people's relative status positions within their group's social hierarchy, often known as status differences or status conflicts, are a regular occurrence among groups and organizations. Despite their widespread occurrence, there are still many aspects of the status conflict process that are not fully understood.

Some conflicts due to status differences:

Lack of definition of the function, not apparent who is in charge of what task or portion of a project.Poor procedures.communication difficultieslack of performance guidelines.a scarcity of resources.unjustified time restrictions.

Therefore the reason behind the source of conflict in the case of Bruce is status differences.

Learn more about status differences refer:



If Bruce, whose main responsibility is managing a small production team, cannot count on the support of his whole cross-functional team. Thus, option 'A' (status difference) is the correct option.

What are status differences?

When status beliefs that correlate more social respect and competence with persons in one group than with those from another evolve and become broadly accepted throughout society, a simple difference in people's characteristics turns into a status difference. A prejudice toward persons with a perceived lower status might result from status discrepancies.

Even if his information and presenting abilities are strong, a junior or lower-level employee who is required to deliver a presentation to a group of upper-level managers may first struggle to hold their attention. A person's perceived prominence, privilege, and honor in society are measured by their social position.

Learn more about status differences, here:



What are the four 4 Factors to Consider in packaging?


The four Factors to Consider in packaging are secure and durable, affordable, widely available, and eco-friendly packaging.

The eco-friendly packaging supplier is adhering to all of the necessary state and national laws. The packaging encourages all businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and sustainable packaging is a bog part of eco-friendly packaging.

The secure and durable in which all packaging should be reasonably strong, the amount of protection needed will depend on the fragility of product.

The affordable packaging is the longer it will take you to prepare products for sale. If the packaging is not integrated with your branding or brand design, make sure that it doesn't interfere with or disrupt it.

The widely available, packaging in which the supplier are one of those things that will run out from time to time for sales and                                                                                                                                                           manufacturer that can meet your demands.

To know more about eco-friendly packaging here,



a positive externality arises in a situation where a third party, outside the transaction:_____.


When a party not involved in the transaction fails to distribute resources effectively, there is a positive externality.

What is a transaction?

An agreement or communication between a buyer and a seller to trade products, services, or assets in exchange for money is a financial transaction. Any transaction involves a shift in the financial situation of two or more entities, whether they be people or businesses. There are always one or more financial assets involved in a financial transaction, most frequently money or another pricey object like gold or silver.

Financial transactions come in a wide variety of forms. The most frequent kind, purchases, take place when a consumer is sold a thing, service, or other commodities in exchange for money. The majority of purchases are made with cash, which can be physical money, debit cards, or checks.

Learn more about transactions, from:



or the year ending december 31, beard clinical supplies co. mistakenly omitted adjusting entries for (1) $9,800 of unearned revenue that was earned, (2) earned revenue that was not billed of $10,200, and (3) accrued wages of $7,000. indicate the combined effect of the errors on (a) revenues, (b) expenses, and (c) net income.


a. Revenues: $20,000 increase

b. Expenses: $7,000 increase

c. Net Income: $12,000 increase

Calculate the effect of the errors on revenues:

The effect on revenues due to the errors is an increase of $9,800 + $10,200 = $20,000.

Calculate the effect of the errors on expenses:

The effect on expenses due to the errors is an increase of $7,000.

Calculate the effect of the errors on net income:

The effect on net income due to the errors is an increase of $20,000 - $7,000 = $13,000.

For more questions like Effect of errors click the link below:



omega company has sales of $340,000 and cost of goods sold of $220,000. the cost of goods sold is a variable cost. the company incurred $24,000 of fixed operating expenses and $44,000 of variable operating expenses. based on this information a(n) 13% increase in revenue will produce a


15% change in profit percentage.

How is profit change calculated?

The formula is the sum of a given year's net income and the net income of the previous year divided by the net income of the previous year. Then, the result is multiplied by 100.

Normal Production by Particulars Change in Production by 10% Sales $300,000 $330,000 Cost of Goods Sold $200,000 $220,000 Contribution $1,00,000 $1,10,000 Fixed Operating Expenses $20,000 Variable Operating Expenses $40,000 $44,000 Net Profit $40,000 $46,000

In view of this data a 10% increment in income will deliver a *15.0 % change in overall gain.

Change in profit percentage equals the difference between the change in profit for the current year and the profit for the previous year multiplied by 100 = ($40,000 - $46,000) $6,000 / $40,000 * 100 = 15.0%.

To learn more about change in profit here



if the money supply in an economy is $750 billion, the velocity of money is constant at 3, and the price level is 5, then what will be the country's real output?'


The country's real output or real GDP is $ 1258.06 billion

real gdp x price level = money supply x velocity

real gdp = 750 x 5.2/3.1 = 1258.06

Real gross domestic product (real GDP) is an inflation-adjusted degree that reflects the cost of all items and offerings produced by using an economy in a given year. actual GDP is expressed in base-12 months charges and is frequently referred to as regular fee, inflation-corrected, or constant dollar GDP.

GDP is important because it gives data about the dimensions of the financial system and how an financial system is appearing. The increase charge of actual GDP is frequently used as a hallmark of the general fitness of the financial system. In large terms, an boom in real GDP is interpreted as a sign that the economy is doing nicely.

Real GDP is nominal GDP adjusted for inflation. real GDP is used to degree the real growth of production with none distorting results from inflation.

Learn more about Real GDP here : https://brainly.com/question/13527379


What are the examples of transnational companies in the Philippines?


Nestle, Ford Philippines, Shell Philippines, Unilever, etc. are some examples of transnational companies in the Philippines

Any corporation with a registered office and that conducts business concurrently in more than one nation is referred to be a multinational corporation. With its corporate headquarters in one nation and operating fully or partially owned subsidiaries in one or more more nations, a transnational or multinational corporation has operations worldwide.

TNC investments bring money into the country, resulting in economic growth. Intellectual property like design and technology concepts may be shared between parent firms and their subsidiaries.

To learn more about transnational companies refer here:



When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of the principle.

The key to determining whether a principal is liable for contracts made by his agent is authority is was the agent authorized to negotiate the agreement and close the deal in which  it would not be sensible to hold a contractor liable to pay for a whole load of lumber merely because a stranger wandered into the lumberyard saying, “I’m an agent for ABC Contractors; charge this to their account.” To be liable, the principal must have authorized the agent in some manner to act in his behalf, and that authorization must be communicated to the third party by the principal.

To learn more about liability and the principle.



chantel decided to raise the price of her rose gold bracelets even higher to $750. to her surprise, though, demand went down. based on this information, the rose gold bracelets are most likely a


Prestige goods are those that are thought to be of the highest caliber due to the additional worth they provide to their consumers. The cost of prestige goods is typically high.

Chantel, who resides in Denver, Colorado, made the decision to start their personal luxury business. She borrowed the bank's money and also used her retirement money to do so. Chantel was successful in opening a store with an adequate supply of goods. She refers to the jewels as being among the "highest form inside this Western." A $550 rose gold bracelet is the best-selling item that Chantel offers for sale. Chantel has fixed expenses of $6,000 per monthly. Her indirect expenses typically run around $400.

Popularity, however, decreased, which surprised her. Considering this evidence, it is most plausible that the gold glitter bangles are a product.

To know more about Prestige click here



what is the practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before​ customizing?


The practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before customizing Small agencies in the US may find this version to be especially helpful. The right response is A) postponement

Financial impact and being cut off from their foreign suppliers.Local optimization aims to improve a single distinct aspect inside the supply chain network. This approach to supply chain optimization places less emphasis on the impact that changes may also have on other supply chain components. Local optimization is a delivery-chain.

Challenge best defined as postponement can take many different forms, from simple packaging and labelling, bulk packing, or particular customization to more complex ones like localization, assembly, testing, and integration of the finished product. To be implemented successfully, the delay-related products and processes need to be properly redesigned.

complete question:

What is the practice of keeping a product generic

as long as possible before customizing?

A) postponement

B) keiretsu

C) vendor-managed inventory

D) forward integration

E) backward integration

To know more about product generic visit:



an insurance company needs to assess the damage from a wildfire so it can quickly pay out claims. in which two ways might gis provide value for the company? choose two. visualize the extent of the damage to a particular area rewrite the insurance coverage documents identify insurance properties that fall within the affected area process payroll of the insurance adjustors 2. which two examples describe possible uses for gis? choose two. tracking shipping container assets creating project time lines assessing retail buyer's market managing salary expenses


The "vector model" and the "raster model," two forms of geographic models that are used by geographic information systems, are fundamentally distinct from one another. The vector model encodes and stores information about points, lines, and polygons as a set of x,y coordinates.

Which two products might a company utilize to enable Web GIS for the exchange of data and maps?

Two comprehensive products, ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online, give all sectors access to organization-wide mapping, analysis, data management, sharing, and collaboration tools.

Which of the following are potential GIS applications?

Science-related research, resource management, and development planning can all be done using GIS technology. GIS is a popular tool used by retail companies to choose the best location for a new store.

To know more about GIS technology visit:-



in liquidity preference theory, an increase in the interest rate, other things the same, decreases the quantity of money demanded, but does not shift the money demand curve. a. true b. false


The answer to the given statement about the Liquidity Preference Theory is True. Increase in the interest rate does not shift or affect the money demand curve.

The demand for money is liquid according to the notion of liquidity preferences. People hold assets that earn interest rather than money when the interest rate is higher because there is a decreased demand for cash. The demand for money, on the other hand, rises when the interest rate drops.

Keynes' book The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money contained the introduction to the liquidity preference theory. Keynes breaks down the idea into three factors that influence the demand for liquid assets:

According to the transactions motive, people seek liquidity because it ensures that they will always have enough money on hand to cover their essential daily demands. To put it another way, stakeholders have a strong demand for liquidity to meet their short-term responsibilities, such as paying their rent or mortgage or for groceries. Higher living expenses translate into a greater requirement for cash and liquidity to cover those daily necessities.

To learn more about liquidity preference theory click here



a monopolist can maximize profits by: select one: a. selling as much as he can produce. b. producing at the level of output at which mr


The correct answer to the given question about monopolistic market is option B)  producing output where MR = MC and charging a price along the demand curve.

A market is said to be monopolistic if just one business is allowed to sell goods and services to the general public. A totally competitive market, where there are an infinite number of enterprises operating, is the antithesis of a monopolistic market. In a truly monopolistic model, the monopoly firm can limit output, raise prices, and make long-term profits that are above average. English law is where the word "monopoly" first appeared to refer to a royal gift. A concession of this kind allowed one firm or merchant to trade in a certain good while barring all other companies or merchants from doing the same.

When a single producer gained exclusive legal advantages from the government, such as the agreement signed between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and AT&T, monopolistic market places have historically developed.


A monopolist is able to maximize its profits by:

A) setting the price at the level that will maximize its per-unit profit.

B) producing output where MR = MC and charging a price along the demand curve.

C.) setting output at MR = MC and setting the price at the demand curve's highest point.

D.) producing maximum output where the price is equal to its marginal cost

To learn more about monopolistic market  click here



You just deposited $4,000 in cash into a checking account at the local bank. Assume that banks lend out all excess reserves and there are no leaks in the banking system. That is, all money lent by banks gets deposited in the banking system. Round your answers to the nearest dollar. If the reserve requirement is 14%, how much will your deposit increase the total value of checkable bank deposits? 22222 If the reserve requirement is 5%, how much will your deposit increase the total value of checkable deposits? 57143 Decreasing the reserve requirement increases the money supply.


The increase in total deposit when reserve requirement is 14% is $28,571.

The increase in total deposit when reserve requirement is 5% is $80,000.

Decreasing the reserve requirement increases the money supply. True.

What is the increase in total deposit?

In the fractional banking system, a portion of deposits are kept as reserves while the others are lent out.  The amount that is kept as reserves is determined by the reserve requirement.  

The reserve requirement is the percentage of deposits that must be kept as reserves with the Central Bank of a country.

The increase in money supply can be determined by dividing the amount deposited by the reserve requirement.

Increase in total deposit when reserve requirement is 14%   = amount deposited / reserve requirement

Increase in total deposit = $4000 / 0.14

Increase in total deposit = $28,571

Increase in total deposit when reserve requirement is 5% = $4000 / 0.05

Increase in total deposit = $80,000

To learn more about reserve requirement, please check: https://brainly.com/question/15969230


you overhear the governor of the bank of canada reveal that the bank of canada is going to lower interest rates. this will come as a complete surprise to the market. if you wanted to profit from this knowledge, then which investment strategy would you adopt? a. short sell long maturity bonds b. short sell short maturity bonds c. buy long maturity bonds d. buy short maturity bonds


we use the investment strategy of buying long-term bonds

Short selling is the act of selling a decreasing security (like a share or a bond) for a profit while not really holding it. Investors who anticipate a bear market frequently start a short position by selling a borrowed security at par in the hopes of repurchasing it at a cheaper rate (at which time they would return it to the original owner).In the stock market, short sellers are typically focused on their predictions for a company's future earnings, which are the primary determinant of stock price, whereas small investors of bond are mostly focused on expected future bond yields.

to know more about sellers, visit to :-



an air freshener company created a marketing strategy after analyzing its various resources within the company. this is an example of a marketing strategy:


A marketing strategy is a long-term plan for attaining a company's objectives through comprehending client needs and forging an identifiable and long-lasting competitive advantage.

What are the four different sorts of marketing tactics? Product, pricing, place, and promotion make up the four Ps.They serve as an illustration of a "marketing mix," or the collection of tools and techniques utilized by marketers to accomplish their marketing goals.A company's overall plan for reaching out to potential customers and converting them into buyers of their goods or services is referred to as a marketing strategy.The value proposition of the business, critical brand messages, information on target customer demographics, and other important components are all included in a marketing plan.Marketers should: Work through the 4Ps' components, setting them up to give value to customers in connection with the corporate objectives, in order for the marketing strategies and objectives to fit with the business strategy when a firm defines its business strategy.

To learn more about marketing strategy  refer



after the restructuring, there are twenty fewer job titles in your organization. what does this reflect?


After the restructuring, there are twenty fewer job titles in the organization, this reflects that there is division of labor. It helps in improving work efficiency and productivity.

What is the Division of Labor?

The separation of a work process into a number of jobs, each of which is carried out by a different person or group of people, is known as the division of labor.

Division of Labor is the process in which Labor is divided into parts among the workforce in order to enhance productivity and efficiency.

One becomes specialized in the production of those goods for which he or she is best suited.

Learn more about the division of labor here:



How are interest groups formed ?


Interest groups form to try to influence governmental choices, and patrons supply the groups with the initial funding they require. People can more easily find others who share their political views and mobilise for political action at the national level thanks to changes in the political environment and new technology.

A special interest group (SIG) is a collection of people who work together within a larger organization to advance a certain area of knowledge, education, or technology. Members may communicate, physically meet, and organise conferences as they collaborate to influence or create solutions in their specialised fields. The word was originally used in 1961 by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a professional and academic computer group. Later, CompuServe, an early provider of online services, rose to prominence for SIGs, a section of the site dedicated to particular interests. These interest organisations speak on behalf of organisations that defend and assist weaker communities. For instance, the Sierra Club prioritises protecting both the environment and the world's wild areas.

Learn more about interest groups from



effective execution requires managers to build a foundation for execution within which three core processes found in any business?


To complete tasks on time, an execution culture connects the three essential business processes of people process, strategy, and operating plan.

Execution that is effective and efficient involves having a crystal-clear understanding of both the actions that must be taken and the ones that must be avoided in order to achieve the desired results. Success depends on how things are done. Execution refers to a methodical procedure or a logical sequence of connected tasks that enables a company to take a strategy and make it effective. Strategic goals cannot be accomplished without a meticulous, well-thought-out execution strategy. the execution of a strategy, directive, or plan of action. the execution of a death sentence on a condemned individual. The quality of being exceptional or exceptionally good is what is meant by excellence.

Learn more about Execution from



as the interest rate falls to equilibrium in the market for money , a. the quantity of money demanded rises, which would reduce a shortage of money. b. the quantity of money demanded rises, which would reduce a surplus of money. c. the quantity of money demanded falls, which would reduce a surplus of money. d. the quantity of money demanded falls, which would reduce a shortage of money.


As the interest rate falls to equilibrium in the market for money, the quantity of money demanded falls, which would reduce a surplus of money. Option C

What is equilibrium in the market?

Generally, A market is said to be in a condition of equilibrium when supply and demand are in a state of balance with each other, resulting in prices that are unchanging.

When there is an excess supply of an item or service, prices tend to fall, which in turn leads to increased demand.

On the other hand, when there is an inadequate supply or shortage, prices tend to rise, which in turn leads to decreased demand.

Read more about equilibrium in the market



which of the following choices are characteristics of stock options? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. employees may choose not to exercise their options if the market value of the shares is below the strike price. if the market price is below the strike price, the employee may purchase the stock at fmv and sell it to the company for the option price. employees may exercise their options by paying the strike price to the employer anytime between the vesting and expiration dates. the employee will receive the stock on the vesting date without having to pay for it. employees may purchase the stock on the grant date, but can not sell their shares until the vesting date.


Employees may exercise their options by paying the strike price to the employer anytime between the vesting and expiration dates. This is the correct option of the given statement.

What exactly is an option's strike price?

The cost necessary to exercise a put or call option is known as the strike price of the option. As the exercise price, it also goes by that name. When choosing a particular option, a trader or investor must make two crucial decisions: the strike price and the time to expiration.

What takes place if a sale is made before the strike price?

A call option is said to be "out of the money" and expires worthless if the stock price falls below the strike price. Following that, the call buyer forfeits their entire investment while the call seller keeps the premium received for the call. Analyzing a case in point The share price of XYZ stock is $50.

To know more about strike price visit:



How many types of bank account are there?


Current accounts and savings accounts are the two main categories of bank accounts. Both offer readily accessible cash, are simple to open with your ID, and pay little or no interest. They also have a significant operational capacity, though.

A savings bank account is a type of deposit account that can be held by a bank, building society, or other financial institution. You can make one-time or monthly deposits into your savings account, and you will earn interest on the remaining balance. There are several types of accounts, and some have limitations on deposits and withdrawals. You can open a savings account and deposit funds into it at a bank or credit union. The bank will then add interest to your balance. You can continue to add money to your savings using one or more of the following strategies, depending on the bank: ATM check or cash deposits.

Learn more about account from



companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make. t or f


It reflects a true statement in that organizations often use more than one capital budgeting method in order to determine which capital investment to make.

Capital budgeting methods assist in estimating the financial viability of capital investments over the life of the investment. Unlike some other sorts of investment analysis, capital budgeting methods focus on cash flows rather than profits. Companies typically utilize more than one method of capital budgeting in order to plan expenditures on fixed assets and determine which capital investment to make.

You can learn more about capital budgeting at



bramble corp. recorded operating data for its shoe division for the year as follows: sales $14500000 contribution margin 580000 controllable fixed costs 160000 average total operating 1160000 assets what is the controllable margin for the year? 50% 25% $420000 $580000


The controllable margin for the year is $420000.

Controllable margin is a measure of a company's profitability that takes into account only those costs and expenses that the company can control. It is calculated by subtracting the controllable costs from the company's gross profit. A controllable margin is used to evaluate a company's performance over time and to compare it to its competitors.

Controllable margin = Contribution Margin - Controllable Fixed Costs

Controllable Margin = 580000 - 160000

Controllable Margin = $420000

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Which answer choice reversed the United States's statedgoal of helping Cuba gain its independence from Spainwith no further U.S. interference? How was Ottobah Cugoano freed? I think of a number,take away 4 and multiply the result by 2. hcl(g) and nh3(g) react to form nh4cl, a white solid. if nh3(g) and hcl(g) are introduced at opposite ends of a 60.0cm tube, how far from the hcl end will the white ring of nh4cl form? kalpakjian and schmid, problem 8.131. a 20-mm-diameter drill is being used on a drill press operating at 300 rpm. if the feed is 0.125 mm/rev, what is the material removal rate? what is the mrr if the drill diameter is tripled? 5 points 1945 men and 2849 women regiter to audition for a inging competition. The number of participant who are not ucceful in their audition what five time the number of thoe who are ucceful. How many participant were ucceful What are 5 facts about the Brooklyn Bridge? Emily is 1.65 meters tall. At 3 p.m., she measures the length of a tree's shadow to be 28.15 meters. She stands 22.9 meters away from the tree, so that the tip of her shadow meets the tip of the tree's shadow. Find the height of the tree to the nearest hundredth of a meter. nancy has a diamond ring worth $50,000 that she inherited from her grandmother. thinking she may need to file bankruptcy in the future, nancy gives the ring to her brother as a gift on january 1, 2019. on june 1, 2020, nancy files bankruptcy. will the brother get to keep the ring? g of the following is the shortest length? question 5 options: 400 pm 4.0 x 10-10 cm 4.0 nm 4.0 x 10-4 m what is the molecular formula for a compound with a molar mass of 52 g/mol and an empirical formula of ch? farik wants to practice his new soft skills of customer service. he is an introvert and practicing with a coworker makes him nervous. his manager suggests trying simulations. why? they are methods used to represent real-life situations. they are inexpensive to develop and maintain. they are used to teach only management and interpersonal skills. they prevent trainees from seeing the impact of their decisions in a risk-free environment. they provide limited opportunities for trainees to relate to actual jobs. i need help 50 points, please answer correctly __________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees. Families in the city of Flint, Michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes PLEASE I REALLY NEED HELP!!! 100 points if answer right keiko tosses one penny and ephraim tosses two pennies. what is the probability that ephraim gets the same number of heads that keiko gets? express your answer as a common fraction. mina 15. a car gets $12$ miles per gallon uphill and $24$ miles per gallon downhill. if the car goes to the top of pike's peak and back ($48$ miles uphill followed by $48$ miles downhill), what is the car's gas mileage, in miles per gallon, for the entire trip? What makes Filipinos unique from others? a three tape turing machine cannot be converted to a single tape one. group of answer choices true false