1.La energía es la capacidad de un cuerpo para producir trabajo.

2.La energía se clasifica solamente en renovables.

3.Las ondas se pueden propagar en un medio o un espacio vacío.

4. Las ondas se pueden clasificar en longitudinales y transversales.

5. La energía cinética es aquella que se encuentra en movimiento.

6. El núcleo de la Tierra está formado
por metales, principalmente hierro y níquel, y en menor
cantidad por azufre y oxígeno.

7. La corteza terrestre está compuesta por rocas
8. La contaminación se puede
definir como la presencia o acumulación de sustancias en el medio ambiente
que afectan negativamente el entorno.

9. Los elementos de la tabla periódica se clasifican de acuerdo con sus propiedades y características

II. Escoge

1. Son fuentes de energías renovables:

2. Son fuentes de energías no renovables:

3. Partes de las ondas:
15. La ciencia que estudia los seres vivos es:

16. En la biotecnología se incluyen las áreas de:

17. Consiste en la liberación de sustancias químicas a la atmósfera que alteran su composición.

18. Se debe a la presencia de desechos en el agua. La contaminación de mares, ríos y lagos se produce por
las actividades del ser humano.

19. Se debe a la acción humana (los residuos y la basura arrojada en cualquier superficie terrestre).

20. Cuando el contaminante es una sustancia química que procede normalmente de los usos industriales.

21. Surge con la emisión de fluidos a elevadascontaminación.

22. La actividad humana produce mucho ruido, y los altos decibelios en un determinado lugar por encima de sus niveles naturales marcan la contaminacion.​


Answer 1


La actividad humana produce mucho ruido, y los altos decibelios en un determinó do lugar por encima de sus niveles naturales marcan la contaminación.


Creo que es la respuesta

Related Questions

The picture above shows some of the organs of the human body. Which organ does the letter W point to?



I'm sorry but there is no picture above you-

imagine a species of butterfly that comes in in a variety of colors


What is the question here? There’s multiple answers

4) A molecule has been isolated from a cell. The molecule is found to be in a ring shape made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a 1:2:1 ratio. Choose all the statements that apply to this molecule. A) The molecule is an enzyme. B) The molecule is likely a sugar. C) The molecule is likely a carbohydrate. D) The molecule is produced during photosynthesis. E) The molecule comprises the largest component of the cell membrane.


B, C, and D.

Ring shaped compound with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen in 1:2:1 ratio is certainly a sugar molecule. Sugars are carbs. Sugars are made in photosynthesis.

Most of the constellation were discovered by_____

please help me ​



Ptolemy: 48 constellations described in his great work, The Almagest, in the 2nd century AD.


The 88 Constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

Picture A
Picture B
Name the process occurring in Picture A.



Explanation they r the same



the process in picture A is called meiosis , a special type of cell division which is used by gametes

Would you mind answering this one

Which fact supports the conclusion that it is important for handlers to perform regular visual inspections of livestock?

O Some diseases that affect animals can be passed on to humans.

O Viral diseases are often spread through the air and on surfaces.

O Extemal parasites can cause serious infections if left untreated.

O Bacterial infections are often caused by unsanitary environments.

please help quick



O Extemal parasites can cause serious infections if left untreated.

Define the following ecological term biosphere​


Biosphere, relatively thin life-supporting stratum of Earth's surface, extending from a few kilometres into the atmosphere to the deep-sea vents of the ocean.

A compound with the molecular formula of C5H1005 would be classified as which organic molecule?

A) Proteins
B) Carbohydrates
C) Lipids
D) Nucleic acids


C I think because I am right
The answer is C.Lipids

Explain how temperature and amount of precipitation can affect the type of plants and animals found in the desert biome?



A influência da vegetação sobre o clima acontece de diferentes formas, influenciando tanto no albedo quanto na umidade e nas variações de temperatura. Isso significa dizer que alterar a cobertura vegetal de um dado local é também propiciar alterações climáticas no local da intervenção e também em outras partes do planeta. A consequência de uma maior umidade do ar é a menor amplitude térmica (a diferença entre a maior e a menor temperatura), ou seja, a ocorrência de médias de temperaturas mais constantes. Isso ocorre em razão do calor específico da água, responsável por conservar o calor por mais tempo.


Answer: In the desert biome the temperature's are extreme. They could get to over 100 degrees. Plants and animals adapted to their environment over man centuries. The amount of precipitation a plant or animal get can effect how they grow. Plants need lots of water so the can grow and flourish and animals need it so they can live. If the don't get enough then they could die. Th plants there need to endure long-spread drought. So they need deep roots so they can soak up lots of water. animals like the coyote go out in the night. when it's cooler. they hunt lizards.    In the desert biome the temperature's are extreme, they could get to over 100 degrees. Plants and animals adapted to their  environment over many centuries. The amount of precipitation a plant or animal get can effect how they grow, plants need lots of  water so the can grow and flourish. Animals need it so they can live, if the don't get enough water they could easily die. The  plants there need to last long-spread drought, they are able to do this because of  deep roots that can soak up lots of water.  Animals like cayotes go out at night time and hunt for things like reptiles.


Which option distinguishes the type of greenhouse that would be best in the following scenario?

A wealthy homeowner in Siberia, where the growing season is short, wants fresh tomatoes all year round.

Quonset hut greenhouse

hydroponic greenhouse

plastic sheeting greenhouse

polycarbonate greenhouse



hydroponic greenhouse.


Hydroponic greenhouse is a type of greenhouse that would be best in Siberia  where the growing season is short and we wants fresh tomatoes all year round. Tomato plants are able to grow takes less time in hydroponic greenhouse because plants grow 30% to 50% faster in hydroponics than when grown in soil. Under the right conditions, the productivity of tomato is higher three and 10 times as compared to traditional methods of tomato cultivation.

In what ecosystem have many organisms adapted to a changing salt content in the water?
A. intertidal area
B. estuary
C. swamp
D. salt marsh



intertidal area



most likely a salt marsh


what makes a good scientific argument?



the claim (or the explanation), the evidence (or the observations), and the rationale (or the reasoning). Reasoning that explains the evidence and why it supports the claim.


Hope this helps!


Breaking their Theory and throwing liquid chemicals at their shirt and they get fired


A___is where an organism lives ,and their ___is their way of life in that place






a habitat is where an organism lives,and their niche is their way of life in that place .

Is a fish a living organism?????????????????????????



yes a fish is a living organism




it can move, eat and produce

Why do chondrites have metal?



Most chondrites contain the anhydrous silicate minerals olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, as well as the nickel-iron minerals kamacite and taenite and the iron sulfide troilite.


Which of the following is not a kingdom of


Hey, just a heads up there’s no picture ^*

Question is not complete....

The wetland plant purple loosestrife was imported to North America from Europe. Since its introduction, the loosestrife has spread, which has resulted in a dramatic decline in the biological diversity of native wetland plants. A likely reason for the spread of the purple loosestrife is that it can:_______.



Reproduce prolifically.  


Purple loosestrife, also known as Lythrum salicaria, is a tall Eurasian plant that spreads quickly. It can attack home gardens and grows mainly in wetlands and ditches. Purple loosestrife can rightly produce over 2 million seeds per plant, which can easily spread by wind and water and also remain viable in soil for several years. The insects and diseases that helps reduce the population of these plants are not found in North America

How does Botox reduce the appearance of wrinkles?


From what I know it fills the skin in more causing it to stretch taking the wrinkles away.

Someone please help!

Don’t send links


There is no image there or anything can’t see

1. The diagram above shows a bacterial cell.
What does structure A do? sc.6.L.14.6
It helps the bacterium obtain food.
® It helps the bacterial cell move.
© It helps keep the bacterium from drying
0 It helps control all processes of the



answer is C


As a rule, the amount of energy that is transferred from one trophic level to the next higher level is about
A. 0%
B. 10
C. 50%
D. 90%


B.10% Hope it’s correct

How is Earth’s outer layer similar to a cracked hard-boiled egg?



They're similar because both Earth's layer and a cracked hard boiled egg have a thin brittle shell.


The earths crust is broken up into several sections called tectonic plates just like a cracked boiled egg. The crust is also very thin similarly to the eggs shell.

A ______ is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.


Answer: stimulus


A stimulus is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.

A stimulus is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.

why is it important to determine the manner/mechanism of death


no i decide when someone death is coming. and i’m always right like i can say your death is tomorrow and u will pass away tmr !!

How does the climate change that scientist are observing now compare with climate change in the past?



In this new generation the scientists are observing the climate change with the help of equipment of the science invention. In earlier time the climate change is observed by the some priests and some guessing mind of old peoples. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU. GIVE ME THANKS.

What will most likely be the result of destroying the rain forest for timber harvesting and creating farmland?

an improvement of local water supplies as the soil is stabilized and decaying vegetation from the trees disappears

an increase in the populations of underpopulated areas of Earth, which should ease overcrowding in more populated areas of the planet

a decrease in biodiversity caused by loss of habitat and increased global warming


Answer: i would say c beccause the animals and more wont have a place to live so it may be hard for them to survive


pls mark brainliest

If you dont really know don't answer please. Thanks
What is the per capita growth rate of a population of frogs that has a per capita birth rate of 1 frog and a per capita death rate of 2 frogs?
a. 1
b. 2
c. -1
d. 0



c. -1


When 1 frog is born, 2 frogs die, so it is +1 and -2.

Add them together to get the answer: 1 + -2 = -1

The per capita growth rate of a population of frogs that has a per capita birth rate of 1 frog and a per capita death rate of 2 frogs is -1. The correct option is C.

What is the growth rate?

The growth rate is the specific rate of change of the variables of a specific place and specific time. Growth rate is calculated by collected data of a place, and it is compared to the former population.

The growth rate of frog is here given, the growth rate is also depended upon the death rate of the population, death rate is subtracted by the population

The per capita growth rate is 1

The per capita death rate is 2

When 1 frog is born, 2 frogs die, so it is +1 and -2.

Adding them together:

1 + -2 = -1

Thus, the correct option is c. -1.

To learn more about growth rate, refer to the link:



chemicals such as carbon and
nitrogen cycle through ecosystems. So energy _____________ through an ecosystem and
matter ________________.



flows, cycles


Lou’s board games are all on a shelf with a length of 30 inches, a width of 12 inches, and a height of 14 inches. If his games take up half of the shelf, which expressions show how to calculate the volume of the space that the games are taking up? Check all that apply.
One-half(30 + 12 + 14)
30 + 12 + 14



4 6 8


Just took the test

The answer is;

D, F, and H!

Which statement best describes how the visible energy from the sun is different from the non visible energy.
answer choices:
A. it travels at a different speed.
B. it travels at a different distance.
C.it has different wavelengths.
D. it has different amplitudes.

Plz help ty ;D



A.it travels at a different speed

bisible energy from the sun is different from the non visible energy.

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