18. Brayden is trying to figure out how petal shape is determined in two different roses. In the pink
rose, the copies of the gene are the same as each other. In the yellow rose, the copies of the gene are
different from each other. How does this affect how many types of proteins there are in each petal
The pink rose has one type of protein for the petal shape feature. The yellow rose has two
types of protein for the petal shape feature.
The pink rose has one type of protein for the petal shape feature. The yellow rose has one
type of protein for the petal shape feature.
The pink rose has two types of protein for the petal shape feature. The yellow rose has two
types of protein for the petal shape feature.
It is impossible to say anything about proteins from the given information.


Answer 1




they would have diffrent gene versions and protines to get their colors

Answer 2

In the pink rose, the copies of the gene are the same as each other, while the yellow rose has different copies, so it is concluded that the pink rose has one type of protein for the petal shape feature, while the yellow rose has two types of protein for the petal shape feature, as present in Option a.

What is the petal shape dependent on?

Generally, the characters are dependent on the genes that are present in the DNA; either the gene variants, such as the alleles, show pure dominance or they combine to produce the effect, and here the pink rose petal has the same alleles so they will express the single protein while the yellow has different alleles so it has the chance of the two proteins.

Hence, in the pink rose, the copies of the gene are the same as each other, while the yellow rose has different copies, so it is concluded that the pink rose has one type of protein for the petal shape feature, while the yellow rose has two types of protein for the petal shape feature, as present in Option a.

Learn more about the petal shape here.



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5. Muscular

6. Skeletal



He lifts his leg, meaning his using skeletal and he is removing waste from his body using muscular & excretory.

Anyways, just wanted to let you I think you're in my class. We go to the same school. Have a great summer break !

type fghj in 3/7 block so i know you saw my message :)

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B plants are better at absorbing carbon from the air than animals.
C they can only absorb carbon from the air at high temperatures.
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b plants are better at absorbing carbon from the aur than animals

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early all of the hydrogen consumed in the United States is used by industry for refining petroleum, treating metals, producing fertilizer, and processing foods. U.S. petroleum refineries use hydrogen to lower the sulfur content of fuels.



However, hydrogen is useful as an energy source/fuel because it has a high energy content per unit of weight, which is why it is used as a rocket fuel and in fuel cells to produce electricity on some spacecraft. Hydrogen is not widely used as a fuel now, but it has the potential for greater use in the future. So there you have it!


Have a great day, also branliest maybeee-

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ACATGCGGTTAAATG? Please write the full name of each amino acid--no commas, no

abbreviations, no dashes.



The correct answer is - cysteine Threonine Proline Isoleucine Stop


The polypeptide chain is formed by the two process protein synthesis which includes the first step of transcription and translation. Transcription is the process where the mRNA segment is produced by encoded from the particular DNA segment by complementary base seqences.

In the second process of translation, the amino acid is produced by the triplet codon present in the mRNA sequence with the help of tRNA and ribosome.

DNA :             ACA  TGC  GGT TAA ATG


Amino acid: UGU Cysteine

ACG Threonine

CCA Proline

AUU Isoleucine Stop

UAG Stop

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electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum


T/F mass wasting can also be a slow process, like creep, which is imperceptibly slow





hhfg fiduciaries management nub hygiene


I wanna say it's True but if it isn't I do apologize for that ^^

What are the 4 main divisions of plants?
1.Nonvascular (aka, bryophytes) (example: ______________________)
2.Vascular Seedless (aka, pteridophytes) (example: ______________________)
3.__________________ (example: ______________________)
4.__________________ (example: ______________________)



Points boiiiiiiisssssssssssss


3. Which would be considered to be a behavioral adaptation?

a. The cell walls of diatoms are clear, allowing sunlight to penetrate for photosynthesis.
b. A tuna’s body is torpedo-shaped, which reduces friction as the fish swims at high speeds.
c. Albatross perform a mating dance to attract partners.
d. Sargassum, a type of red algae, has air pockets that contribute to the organism’s ability to float.



c. Albatross peform a mating dance to attract partners

Please help!!!! Pretty sure this is, like, a month overdue!!!





An adaption is when they are getting comfortable and learning to live in the environment. Therefore, answer A is the best solution.

Once action potential is reached, the gated ion channel open to allow ___ to rush into a neuron
A) sodium ions
B) calcium ions
C) potassium ions


I think The answer is C

Explain why there are long necked tortoises in the galapagos Islands as opposed to the smaller ones found in North America. (Use the word
adaptation in your answer.)


The Galapagos tortoise has adapted to its environmental situation, such as the North American turtle has adapted.

During a normal synaptic transmission, after the neurotransmitters are released from the post synaptic membrane, what happens to the neurotransmitters?
A) They move into the post synaptic neuron.
B They are broken down by enzymes.

They return to the pre-synaptic neuron.

Both b and c.


Both b and c.

In order to remove the neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft, there are transporter proteins on the pre-synaptic neuron which transport neurotransmitters back into the neuron where they are repackaged into vesicles in preparation for repeated release later. There are also enzymes present in the synaptic cleft which degrade the neurotransmitters.

Extra info: There is a third way in which neurotransmitters leave the synaptic cleft, and this is that they simply diffuse away.

Please help

What is the moon phase positions relative to the sun?


I searched it for you

You want to reduce the amount of energy you use at home to reduce greenhouse gas emission. In complete sentences describe 3 things you could do to accomplish this goal.


i would stop using home specialties that create too much greenhouse gasses. some would be a fireplace, you could replace it with a natural gas fireplace. many other appliances can be lowered as well.

Describe the three stages of a volcano.



active, dormant, and extinct.


 An active volcano is one which has recently erupted and there is a possibility that it may erupt soon.

A dormant volcano is one which has not erupted in a long time but there is a possibility it can erupt in the future.

An extinct volcano is one which has erupted thousands of years ago and there’s no possibility of eruption.

Answer: active, dormant, and extinct.


An active volcano is one which has recently erupted and there is a possibility that it may erupt soon. A dormant volcano is one which has not erupted in a long time but there is a possibility it can erupt in the future.

what are the two physical processes that cause climate to change


Answer:Variations in the sun's energy - sunspot activity raises global temperature.

Volcanic eruptions , large quantities of volcanic dust in the atmosphere shields the Earth from incoming heat, (exposure to the Sun's rays), lowering global temperature.

Explanation:Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.

Could someone plz help me with this!!! with thorough answers!!! One who answers with the best answer gets the crown!



Melanin helps the mouse survive because of the fur color. Its color helps it to blend into its surroundings, making it a lot harder for predators to kill it, as the predators have a harder time seeing the mouse.



Twin Labrador Retriever puppies were born from a black mother and a golden father. One puppy was born black and the other was born golden. These two puppies have different traits because their DNA has___.

A. different amounts of deoxyribose sugars in their DNA molecules

B. different arrangements of nucleotides

C. different amounts of thymine nitrogen base

D. different numbers of proteins found within their cells








I'm pretty sure

waves motion that is parallel to wave direction describes a blank ​



a longitudinal wave the particles are displaced parallel to the direction the wave travels. An example of longitudinal waves is compressions moving along a slinky.

la maestra Leticia dice que para vivir en una democracia es indispensable saber lógica, por que requerimos saber argumentar para involucrarnos en los asuntos de la vida

¡ah! pues suena interesante su postura

yo no creo que sea cierto eso lo dice por que ella es maestra de logica es obvio que tiene que defender su trabajo

que falacia es


Translation??? Ingles.

25 POINTS! Please answer the following questions about Malaria. NO LINKS. This is for a project and is EXTREMELY important.
a. What type of pathogen caused the disease? Bacteria, viruses, fungi or
b. What is the name of the specific pathogen(s) that causes the disease?
In some cases this is the same name as the disease.
c. How is the disease spread? Does it infect people through physical
contact, blood, bodily fluids, or other?


A. Malaria is caused by a parasite.

B. The parasite that causes malaria is the Plasmodium parasite.

C. Malaria can spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

2. Which pair consists of terms that represent equivalent units of information? *
(10 Points)
Codon : DNA
Gene: polypeptide
Chromosome : protein
Nucleotide : amino acid


Gene: polypeptide are equivalent units of info




Both are 1/A


Dominate traits will always show up because they over power the recessive trait, the only way a recessive trait would show would be if it was hom0zygous recessive (hh), otherwise the dominate trait would show (HH/Hh)

It can be easy to remember the second question, (Ph)enotype is for (Ph)ysical appearance.


its 1 and a I think I'm not sure

Please help me with this.






A vole eats grass and seeds, and an owl eats the vole. This is an example of a ________________.
food web
food chain



B. This is an example of a food web.


A food web can be described as a "who eats whom" diagram.


D. Food chain


a food chain outlines what eats what and food webs are multiple food chains combined together

synthesis of protein with the help of ribosomes is​



Translation, or making a protein from an mRNA sequence, occurs on ribosomes. The amino acids are brought to the ribosome by transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The tRNA pairs up with the mRNA by matching up complementary nucleotides. This ensures that the correct amino acid is added to the protein.




The answer is D an egg cell with a disease-causing mutation in a gene fertilized with a sperm that also has a disease-causing mutation.

help meeeee?
write a description of the ecosystem including biotic and abiotic factors? plz​



The correct answer is - Biotic factors are any living factors and abiotic factors are anything non-living in an ecosystem.


An ecosystem consists of all living organisms, non-living organisms that are present in a physical environment in a particular geographical area. The physical environment consists of several factors such as landscape, pH, climate, salinity, and other factors that represent abiotic factors.

Any living organism present in an ecosystem is biotic factor Examples of biotic factors include are mammals, birds, trees, microbes, grasses, fish, bacteria, and many more.

Please provide me with the answer and an explanation to this question.


homologous structures
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