12. Which two elements have chemical properties that are most

A.C and N
B. Cl and Ar
C.K and Ca
D.Li and Na


Answer 1

Li and Na two elements have chemical properties that are most similar

The element that have the most similar chemical properties are those in the same group or column of the periodic table and one such group includes lithium sodium potassium these element are all shiny and conduct heat and electricity well and have similar chemical properties and the element in a group have the same number of electron in the outermost shell hence they have similar chemical properties

Know more about element



Related Questions

What are the coefficients when the chemical equation below is balanced?___ Fe + ___ H2SO4 -> ___ Fe2(SO4)3 + ___ H21,1,1,12,3,3,32,3,1,33,2,3,1



2, 3, 1, 3.


Remember that a balanced chemical equation is when we have the same number of elements for reactant and product side.

Let's see the unbalanced equation:

[tex]Fe+H_2SO_4\rightarrow Fe_2(SO_4)_3+H_2.[/tex]

You can note that we have:

You can realize that we have Fe, S, and O unbalanced, but if we put '2' moles beside Fe, we will balance Fe, like this:


Now, if we put '3' moles beside H2SO4 we will balance S and O, obtaining 3 moles of S, and 12 moles of O for both sides:


But H is unbalanced because on the left side we have 6 hydrogens but on the right side we have 2 hydrogens, so if we put '3' moles beside H2, we obtain the balanced chemical equation:


The order of the coefficients is 2, 3, 1, 3.




I took the test

I just want to know if I did this correctly


First, let's count down the number of carbon. There are six carbon, so the name have "hex"

There are no double or triple bonds, sou hexane.

The compound is a cyclo, so cyclohexane

There are 2 chlorines, one in position 1 and other in position 2 of the cyclo.

The right name is:


When the reactants have less enthalpy than the products, then __________.A. the reaction will be completeB. heat energy is absorbedC. heat energy is given outD. None of these


Chemistry => Thermochemistry => Exothermic and Endothermic Processes

The type of chemical reaction will depend on whether the reaction absorbs or releases energy.

When the reaction releases energy, it is because there is an excess of it and it is called exothermic. This excess occurs because the energy of the products is lower than that of the reactants.

Now, when the products have more energy than the reactants, it means that the reaction needs energy since there is a lack of energy. We call these types of reactions endothermic.

Now, according to the establishment, if the reactants have less energy (or enthalpy), it means that heat must be adsorbed in order to obtain the products that have higher energy (or enthalpy).

Therefore, the answer will be:

B. heat energy is absorbed

When the temperature of a gas is increased and the pressure is held constant what happens to the density of the gas?



The density of the gas will increase.


From the Charles's law of Ideal gases, we know that, if the pressure is constant, the behavior of the gas will be represented like:


So, if the temperature of a gas is increased, the volume of the gas will decrease, because temperature and volume (in the charles's law, that is with constant pressure) are inversely proportional.

Now, to analyze what happens with the density, we can see the density formula:

[tex]\text{ Density = }\frac{\text{ Mass}}{\text{ Volume}}[/tex]

So, if the volume of the gas decrease, the density of the gas will increase, because in the density formula, volume and density are inversely proportional.

Finally, if the temperature of a gas is increased and the pressure is held constant, the density of the gas will increase.

reaction of alkanes with potassium permanganate solution​


Alkanes are paraffins and that means they don't react a lot. SO when potassium permanganate solution is introduced to alkanes, it will not react with KMnO4 & the pink color of the solution shall persist as there is no change in the reaction.

Alkanes do not react with potassium permanganate solution.

Alkanes are the least reactive type of compound. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that are slightly stable due to the presence of only single bonds. Double bonds are absent in them. Two important reactions they undergo are combustion, which is the reaction with oxygen and halogenation, and which is the reaction with halogens. Potassium permanganate is a potent oxidizing agent that dissolves in water to give the purple solution.

Alkanes do not react with potassium permanganate solution because potassium permanganate is an oxidizer and alkanes have no functional groups such as double bonds that can be further oxidized. Thus, alkanes do not react with potassium permanganate.

To learn more about alkanes and potassium permanganate,


How many grams of hydrogen are in 25 g of (NH4)2SO4?



The mass of hydrogen in 25g of (NH4)2S04 is 1.5152 grams


Given information

[tex]\text{ The mass of \lparen NH}_4)_2SO_4\text{ is 25g}[/tex]

To find the grams of hydrogen, please follow the steps below

Step 1: Find the molar mass of (NH4)2SO4

Recall, that

The unit mass of nitrogen is 14u

The unit mass of hydrogen is 1u

The unit mass of sulfur is 32u

The unit mass of oxygen is 16u

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ \lparen NH}_4)_2SO_4\text{ = \lbrack\lparen14 + \lparen1}\times4)]\times2\text{ + \lparen32\rparen + \lparen4 }\times16) \\ \text{ \lparen NH}_4)_2SO_4\text{ = \lparen14 + 4\rparen}\times2\text{ + 32 + 64} \\ \text{ \lparen NH}_4)_2SO_4\text{ = 18}\times2\text{ + 32 +64} \\ (NH_4)_2SO_4\text{ = 36 +32 +64} \\ \text{ \lparen NH}_4)_2SO_4\text{ = 132 g/mol} \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the calculations, the molar mass of (NH4)2SO4 is 132 g/mol

Step 2: Find the number of moles of the compound

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Mole = }\frac{\text{ mass}}{\text{ molar mass}} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Mass = 25g

Molar mass = 132 g/mol

Substitute the given data into the formula above

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Mole = }\frac{25}{132} \\ \text{ Mole = 0.1894 mol} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The number of moles of (NH4)2SO4 is 0.1894 mol

Step 3: Find the moles of hydrogen in the compound

There are 8 hydrogen atoms in (NH4)2SO4

Hence, we can find the number of moles of hydrogen below

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Mole of hydrogen = 8 }\times\text{ 0.1894} \\ \text{ Mole of hydrogen = 1.5152 moles} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4: Find the mass of hydrogen using the below formula

[tex]\text{ Mole = }\frac{mass}{\text{ molar mass}}[/tex]

Recall, that the molar mass of hydrogen is 1.000 g/mol

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 1.5152 = }\frac{\text{ mass}}{\text{ 1}} \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ mass = 1.5152}\times\text{ 1} \\ \text{ Mass = 1.5152 grams} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the mass of hydrogen in 25g of (NH4)2S04 is 1.5152 grams

For each of the given elements, list two other elements with similar chemical properties.
a. iodine (1)
b. barium (Ba)
c. iron (Fe)



Iodine - > Fluorine, Bromine

Barium - > Beryllium, Magnesium

Iron - > Hassium, Osmium


Name each of the following Acids and BasesH3PO3



The compound:


Can be called as:

Phosphorous acid

Write the balanced molecular chemical equation for the reaction of solid lithium with aqueous chromium(III) acetate. If no reaction occurs, simply write only NR. Be sure to include the proper phases for all species within the reaction.


The balanced molecular chemical equation for the reaction of solid lithium with aqueous chromium(III) acetate is given below:

3 Li (s) + Cr(CH₃CO₂)₃ (aq) ---> 3 LiCH₃CO₂ + Cr(s)

What are chemical reactions?

Chemical reactions are reactions that involve the rearrangement of atoms of the substances reacting such that new substances are formed.

Chemical reactions are usually represented using chemical equations.

Chemical equations can be written as molecular equations or as ionic equations.

Learn more about molecular chemical equations at: https://brainly.com/question/28851961


Carbon dioxide and water react to form methane oxygen like this: CO2(g)+2H2O(g)——>CH4(g)+2O2(g)The reaction is endothermic. How was the mixture of CO2, H2O, CH four and O2 has come to equilibrium in a closed reaction vessel. Predict that changed, if any, the perturbations In the table below will cause In the Composition Of the mixture in the vessel. Also decide whether the equilibrium shifts to the right or left.Perturbation: The temperature is raisedChange in composition:Pressure in the H20 will?Go up, go down, not change.Shift in equilibrium:To the right, to the left, none.Perturbation:The temperature is loweredChange in the composition:The pressure of the CH4 will?Go up, go down, not change.Shift in equilibrium:To the right, to the left, none.



An increased temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right and the pressure of water will be decreased.

A decreased in temperature will shift the equilibrium to the left and the pressure of the


Firstly, we need to write out the balanced equation of the chemical equation.

[tex]CO_{2(g)}+2H_2O_{(g)}\rightarrow CH_{4_{((g)}}+2O_{2(g)}[/tex]

What is chemical equilibrium?

Chemical equilibrium is the condition in the course of a reversible chemical reaction in which no net change in the amounts of reactant and products occurs.

According to the balanced equation, it shows that the reaction is an endothermic reaction. This means that heat was absorbed from the surroundings during the reaction.

To study the change in the equilibrium shift, we need to apply Le Chatelier's principle.

Le Chatelier's principle states that when an external constraint such as (temperature, pressure, or concentration) is imposed on a chemical system in equilibrium, the equilibrium of the system shift in order to annul or neutralize the effect of the constraints.

When the temperature of the chemical system is increased, the products side of the system will be favored. This is because an increase in temperature will lead to a faster collision between the two reactants, hence, producing more methane. Therefore, the equilibrium will shift to the left.

When the temperature is increased, the equilibrium will shift to the right.

The pressure of water will be decreased when the temperature is increased. This is because has no effect on the equilibrium system

When the temperature is lowered, the reactants side is favored and the equilibrium will shift to the left.

Looking at the balanced equation critically, the number of moles at the reactant side is equal to the number of moles at the sides of the product.

When the temperature is lowered, the pressure of methane gas will be decreased

10. Which of the following would speed up the rate of a the reaction A(s) + B(aq) → AB(aq) +heata.Add more of reactant Ab. Add more of product ABC. Crush reactant A into a powderd.Cool the reaction vessel


In this question, we need to determine which option can speed up the rate of a chemical reaction, and there are a few ways possible in order to speed up a reaction, usually we have: Increasing temperature, increasing surface area, increasing the concentration of reactants

In this case, increasing temperature would not make the reaction occur faster, since the reaction is exothermic, therefore there is no need to input energy for the reaction to occur

Increasing the concentration of reactants, is the option A, but there is a small problem, A is a solid compound and B is an aqueous compound, if we add more A, we can speed up the reaction but we can also turn the extra amount of A insoluble, which would not make the reaction to occur faster

The best way, in this case, is to crush reactant A into powder, because this would make the surface area of A to increase, making A and B interact more and then the reaction would occur faster

The best option will be letter C

what’s the mass of NaCL is in 0.625L of 0.207M solution



The mass of NaCl is 7.5 grams


Given that;

The volume of the solution is 0.625L

The molarity of the solution is 0.207 M

Follow the steps below to find the mass of NaCl

Step 1; Find the number of moles using the below formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Molarity =}\frac{moles\text{ of solute}}{\text{ volume of solution}} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 0.207 = }\frac{\text{ moles of solute}}{\text{ 0.625}} \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ moles of solute = 0.207 }\times\text{ 0.625} \\ \text{ moles of solute = 0.1294 mole} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2; Find the mass of NaCl using the below formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ mole = }\frac{\text{ mass}}{\text{ molar mass}} \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ mass = mole }\times\text{ molar mass} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Recall, that the molar mass of NaCl is 58.44g/mol

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ mass = 0.1294 }\times\text{ 58.44} \\ \text{ mass = 7.5 grams} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the mass of NaCl is 7.5 grams

What is the value of the equilibrium constant / Kc?


answer and explanation

in order to determine the equilibrium constant we have to use the ICE method

the initial concentration of PCl5 is given as 0.300M and at this stage, the concentration of PCl3 and Cl2 are zero

the equilibrium constant is 0.5

What volume of water should be used to make a saturated solution with 150 grams of solute at 30 degrees?


According to the given graph, at 30 degrees, the solution is saturated with 200g of solute per 100mL of water.

It means that if we have 150 grams of solute:


75mL should be used to have a saturated solution.

number of moles in 16.23 liters of hydrogen sulfide h2s gas at stp?


The number of moles in 16.23 liters of hydrogen sulfide h2s gas at STP is   0.7245 moles.

Standard temperature and pressure (STP) refer back to the nominal situations within the surroundings at sea stage. these conditions are zero degrees Celsius and 1 ecosystem (atm) of pressure.

A mole is a completely important unit of size that chemists use. A mole of something manner you have got of that aspect, like how having a dozen eggs approach you to have twelve eggs. Chemists should degree the use of moles for very small such things as atoms, molecules, or different debris.

The mole, symbol mol, is the unit of quantity of substance inside the worldwide machine of gadgets. the amount quantity of the substance is a degree of what number of elementary entities of a given substance is in an item or pattern. The mole is defined as containing exactly 6.02214076×10²³ simple entities


mole at STP = volume in liters/22.4

                   =  16.23 liters /22.4

                  = 0.7245 moles.

Learn more about moles here:-https://brainly.com/question/15356425


Calculate the percent yield if 1.95 g of Ca(OH)2 reacts with excess HCl to produce 2.50 g of CaCl2. Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + 2H2OTheoretical yield?Percent yield?


The first step is to write a balanced chemical equation.

[tex]Ca(OH)_2+\text{ 2HCl}\rightarrow CaCl_2+2H_2O[/tex]

The above equation is already balanced.

Now lets write what we have.

Ca(OH)2 = 1.95g

CaCl2 = 2.50g

We already know that HCl is in excess, meaning Ca(OH)2 is the limiting reagent.

%Yield = (actual yield/theoretical yield) x 100

Lets first calculate the theoretcal yield. To find this we need to first calculate the number of moles of CaCl2.

n = m/M where m is the mass and M is the molar mass of CaCl2

n = 2.50g/110,98 g/mol

n = 0.0225 mol

Theoretical Yield is the amount of product that would have been produced if all of the limiting reagent reacted and it was 100% pure. The limiting reagent is used up first in a reaction and controls the amount of product that can be produced.

The actual yield of CaCl2 we were given, which is 2.50g of CaCl2.

For every 1 mole of Ca(OH)2, 1 mole of CaCl2 is produced

n = 1.95g/74.09 g/mol

n = 0.0263 mol

Therefore the number of moles of CaCl2 = 0.0263 mol

mass of CaCl2 = nM

m = 0.0263 mol x 110,98 g/mol

m = 2.92 g

So the theoretical yield of CaCl2 = 2.92g

percentage yield = (2.50g/2.92)*100

percentage yield = 85.62%

One measure of solubility is concentration in grams per liter. What is the concentration of copper(II) ions, in grams per liter, measured in a 0.200 L sample of water in which 0.00026 g of copper(II) ions are present?


One measure of solubility is concentration in grams per liter concentration of copper(II) ions, in grams per liter, measured in a 0.200 L sample of water in which 0.00026 g of copper(II) ions are present is 0.0013 g/L means 1.3×10⁻³g/L

Concentration is defined as mass per unit volume

Here given data is

Volume = 0.200 L

Mass = 0.00026 g

We have to calculate concentration = ?

Concentration = mass/volume

Concentration =  0.00026 g/0.200 L

Concentration = 0.0013g/L = 1.3×10⁻³g/L

1.3×10⁻³g/L concentration of copper(II) ions, in grams per liter, measured in a 0.200 L sample of water in which 0.00026 g of copper(II) ions are present

Know more about concentration



Boron has a greater atomic radius than fluorine true or false?



false trust me gang^^^


REACTION; C5H12 + 8O2 5CO2 + 6H2OWhen 2.50 moles of C5H12 react with 12.0 moles of O2, what is the maximum amount of H2O that can be produced in moles?


The first thing we do is to verify that the equation is balanced. We are going to count the atoms of each element on each side of the reaction.

Reagents side:

Carbon (C) = 5 atoms.

Hydrogen (H) = 12 atoms.

Oxygen (O) = 16 atoms.

Products side:

Carbon (C) = 5 atoms.

Hydrogen (H) = 12 atoms.

Oxygen (O) =16 atoms.

We have the same number of atoms on both sides of the reaction. So, the reaction is balanced. Now, we must determine which is the limiting reagent.

For each mole of C5H12 that reacts, 8 moles of oxygen are needed and 5 moles of CO2 and 6 moles of H2O are produced.

So, if we have 2.5 moles of C5H12 we will need:

Moles of O2 = 2.5 moles of C5H12 x 8 = 20 moles of oxygen.

We only have 12 moles of oxygen, we don't have enough moles to react to 2.5 moles of C5H12. So oxygen is the limiting reagent. So we will calculate based on the number of moles of oxygen.

So, for every 8 moles of oxygen 1 mole of C5H12 reacts, if we have 12 moles of the oxygen we divide this amount by 8 to know how many moles of C5H12 react.

Moles of C5H12 that reacts = 12 moles of oxygen / 8 = 1.5 moles of C5H12

For each mole of C5H12 6 moles of H2O are produced. So the number of moles produced will be:

Moles of H2O produced= 1.5 moles of C5H12 x 6 = 9 moles of H2O

So, the maximum amount of H2O that can be produced is 9 moles.

A balloon is floating around outside your window. The temperature outside is 37 ∘C , and the air pressure is 0.800 atm . Your neighbor, who released the balloon, tells you that he filled it with 3.60 moles of gas. What is the volume of gas inside this balloon?



[tex]114.53\text{ L}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the volume of the gas inside the balloon

Mathematically, from the ideal gas equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PV\text{ = nRT} \\ V\text{ = }\frac{nRT}{P} \end{gathered}[/tex]


P is the pressure which is given as 0.8 atm

V is the volume which we want to calculate

R is the molar gas constant which is 0.0821 L.atm/mol.K

T is the temperature in Celsius which we can convert to K by adding 273 (273 + 37 = 310 K)

n is the number of moles which is 3.6

Substituting the values, we have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ V = }\frac{3.6\text{ }\times0.0821\times310}{0.8} \\ \\ V\text{ = 114.53 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the mass percent concentration of a solution containing 30.0 g NaCl and 170.0 mL of water? Assume a density of 1.00 g/mL for water.


The expression used to calculate the mass percent concentration is: % (m/m) = (mass of solute) / (mass of solution (solute + solvent)) x 100.

First let's transform mL into grams of water:

1 g of water ---- 1 mL of water

x g of water ---- 170 mL of water

x = 170 g of water

Now let's calculate the mass of solution:

mass of solute = 30 g of NaCl

mass of solvent = 170 g of water

solute + solvent = 30 + 170 = 200 g

% (m/m) = (mass of solute) / (mass of solution (solute + solvent)) x 100.

% (m/m) = (30g/200g) x 100.

% (m/m) = 15.0%

Answer: 15.0%

A 13.5- L scuba diving tank contains a helium-oxygen (heliox) mixture made up of 24.0 g of He and 5.00 g of O2 at 298 K . Calculate the mole fraction of each component in the mixture.


13.5- L scuba diving tank contains a helium-oxygen (heliox) mixture made up of 24.0 g of He and 5.00 g of O2 at 298 K then mole fraction of each component in the mixture is ˣHe = 1.15 and ˣO₂ = 7

Mole fraction is the ratio of number of moles one component of a solution or other mixture to the total number of moles representing all of the components

Here given data is

Helium = 24.0 g

Oxygen = 5.00 g

Temprature =  298 K

Here we know the mass of both helium and oxygen, in order to obtain the mole fractions we first need the compute the moles by using their atomic masses 4.00 g/mol and 32.00 g/mol respectively as shown below then

ⁿHe = 24.0 g×1 mol He/4.00g He = 6 mol He

ⁿO₂ =  5.00 g×1 mol of O₂/ 32.00 g = 0.15 mol O₂

Then the mole fraction are

ˣHe = ⁿHe/ⁿHe + ⁿO₂ = 6/6 + 0.15

ˣHe = 1.15

ˣO₂ = ⁿO₂/ⁿO₂ + ⁿHe = 0.15/0.15 + 6

ˣO₂ = 7

Know more about mole fraction



In this set of chemical reactions, which is a singlereplacement reaction?Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaCl(aq) → PbCl2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)CuSO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → BaSO4(s) + CuCl2(aq)K2504(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → BaSO4(s) + 2Cl(aq)AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)



[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Zn}_{(s)}+\text{ H}_2SO_{4(aq)}\rightarrow\text{ ZnSO}_{4(aq)}\text{ + H}_{2(g)} \\ \text{ option D} \end{gathered}[/tex]


A single replacement reaction is also called a single displacement reaction.

A single replacement reaction is a type of reaction where one element is substituted for another element in a compound during a chemical reaction.

Below reaction is an example of a single replacement reaction

[tex]\text{ A + BC }\rightarrow\text{ B + AC}[/tex]

From the given options, you will see that the reaction between Zn and H2SO4 is a single replacement reaction

Zn will displace H2 because it is more reactive than hydrogen

Hence, the correct option is D

2 H₂O + electricity → 2 H₂ + O₂15. In which type of cell would this reaction most likely occur?(1) a chemical cell, because it is exothermic(2) an electrolytic cell, because it is exothermic(3) a chemical cell, because it is endothermic(4) an electrolytic cell, because it is endothermic



(4) an electrolytic cell, because it is endothermic.


You can see that we're using electricity to carry out the reaction, so this reaction is occuring in an electrolytic cell.

Remember that electricity is a form of energy. In an exothermic process, the energy is released but in an endothermic process, the energy is being absorb, and the process would required energy.

As you can note, this reaction requires electricity, it required energy, so this would be an endothermic process.

The answer would be (4) an electrolytic cell, because it is endothermic.

6.The ability to do which of the following is a chemical property of a substance?Select one:a. React with oxygen.b. Conduct electricity.c. Be drawn into a wire.d. Be worked into different shapes.



[tex]A\text{ : React with oxygen}[/tex]


Here, we want to select the option that represents a chemical property

A chemical property is one in which there is a chemical change

Asides from the first option, the other are physical

By reacting with oxygen, entirely new substances are formed

If you start with 512 grams of aluminum and 1147 grams of copper chloride to make aluminum chloride and copper, what is the limiting reagent?2Al + 3CuCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3CuA. AlCl3B. CuClC. AlD. Cu


Chemistry => Stoichiometry => Limiting reactant

The limiting reactant corresponds to the reactant that produces the least amount of moles of products, that is, it will be the reactant that theoretically reacts completely.

To find the limiting reactant we will first calculate the moles of each reactant. For that, we divide the given mass by the respective molar mass of the compounds.

Molar Mass Al = 26.98g/mol

Molar Mass CuCl = 98.999g/mol

Moles Aluminum


Moles Copper Chloride


Now, to find the limiting reactant we divide the moles found in each compound between the stoichiometry coefficient from the balanced equation.

So, we will have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Al\rightarrow\frac{19.0}{2}=9.50 \\ \\ CuCl\rightarrow\frac{11.6}{3}=3.87 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The compound with the smallest quotient will be the limiting reactant.

So, the limiting reactant will be CuCl

Answer: B. CuCl

Find the total molarity of the acid? MaVa = MbVb Ma= what you are looking forVa= 100mLMb = 1MVb = 25 mL


In this question, we have to find the molar concentration of the acid, and the question already provides us with the formula and each required data:

MaVa = MbVb

We have:

Ma = ?

Va = 100 mL

Mb = 1.0 M

Vb = 25 mL

Now we add these values into the formula:

Ma * 100 = 1 * 25

100Ma = 25

Ma = 25/100

Ma = 0.25 M

Density is the ratio of a substance's _______ to its volume.Question options:A) weightB) forceC) thicknessD) mass



D) mass


The density of a substance is a ratio of its mass to volume.

Therefore, density is the ratio of a substance's mass to its volume.

The correct answer is option D) mass

Now, provide the following information: Molecular formula


The molecular

Step-by-step explanation:

Molecular formula consists of the chemical symbols for the constituent elements followed by numeric subscripts. The numeric subscripts only tell us the number of atoms of the constituent elements

[tex]\begin{gathered} _{}_{}_{}_{} \\ \text{ Molecular formula of water} \\ H_2O\text{ } \\ \text{The constistuent elements are hydrogen and oxygen} \\ \text{Water has 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Molecular mass of water can be calculated as follows


The molar mass of hydrogen is 1

The molar mass of oxygen is 16

Since water has two atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen

Molecular mass of water = 2(1) + 1(16)

Molecular mass of water = 2 + 16

Molecular mass of water = 18g/mol

Hence, the molecular mass of water is 18g/mol

The correctly drawn Lewis structure for CH2CH2 will have ____1. 4 single bonds to carbon2. 2 single bonds to carbon and 1 double bond to a carbon3. 2 single bonds to carbon and 1 singic bond to hydrogen4. 3 single bonds to carbon and 1 single bonds to a carbon5. 2 single bonds to carbon and 2 double bonds to carbon



[tex]2\text{ : 2 single bonds to carbon and 1 double bond to a carbon}[/tex]


Here, we want to describe the correct Lewis diagram for the molecule

For the molecule, we will have a double bond between the two central carbon atoms. Then, we will have 2 single bonds from each carbon atom to the hydrogen atoms.

Thus, the correct answer choice here is 2 single bonds to carbon and 1 double bond to a carbon

The correctly drawn Lewis structure for CH₂CH₂ will have 2 single bonds to carbon and one double bond to carbon. Therefore, the correct option is option 2.

A Lewis structure is a representation of a molecule or ion that shows the arrangement of atoms, the bonding between them, and the distribution of valence electrons. It is a simplified way to visualize the electronic structure of a compound.

In a Lewis structure, atoms are represented by their chemical symbols, and valence electrons are represented as dots or lines. Dots are placed around the atomic symbols to indicate non-bonding electrons, and lines represent covalent bonds between atoms. Lewis structures help in understanding the bonding and molecular geometry of a compound, as well as predicting its chemical behavior.

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Correct any issues with comma in the followingsentences:1. He worked hard yet he was not feeling tired.2. As Felix watched the cat ate her basket of Tuna Delight.3. Last semester I had Professor Roop for history which has always been my favorite subject.4. Yawning Mumia put down his book and went to bed.5. Geoffrey my oldest brother usually comes for Thanksgiving.6. Ben's favorite book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis in1950.7. In summer I get up very early8. Driving in the Indianapolis 500 which is one of America's premier races, was an immensethrill for Sharleen.9. Taken together hot weather and no increase in electrical supply forebode even morewidespread rolling blackouts.10. Having gotten lost twice already Doug thought maybe it would be wise to ask fordirections at the service station.11. The recipe specifically called for ripe, large, red tomatoes.12. This fall Eliot was reading Thomas McGuane, Rick Bass and Alice Walker.13. For this reason the committee voted to change the policy. What is the limiting reactant if 2.50 moles of zinc react with 1.00 mole of sulfur? Zn + S-> ZnS study types and methods Complete the table and answer the questions below.a) without graphing, which equation from above has the steepest line? How do you know?b) without graphing, which equation describes a decreasing line? How do you know? A simple machine does 30 J of work with an efficiency of 28%. How much energy was put into the machine? 1) Compare the following numbers. Choose the correct inequality symbol 10 pointsto go in the circle. *Remember the inequality symbol eats the biggernumber!8 + 3 ? 8 + 3 Nolan just drove at a constant rate for 5 hours here is now 340 miles from where he started. A. At what rate was he driving? B. Nolan has another 204 miles to go. If he continues to drive at the same rate, how long will it take him? which represents the inverse of the fuction f(x)=4x?a. h(x) = x + 4xb. h(x) = x - 4c. h(x) = 3/4xd. h(x) = 1/4x RewritingInstructions: Rewrite the equation in Slope-Intercept Form.y-2=-5(x- 2)Check Which particles orbit around the nucleus? 8th grade mathWhich quadrant is the answer to this system of equations in?A. Quadrant 1B. Quadrant 2 C. Quadrant 3D. Quadrant 4 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences. The first three terms of a sequence are given. Round to the nearest thousandth (if necessary). 1. This is a two part question. If you are going 65 kilometers per hour how many meters per second are you traveling? a) What conversions will you use to solve this problem? b) Complete the conversion. Show your work. Make sure to include units Which statement best explains the relationship betweenlines AB and CD? The Fighting Irish won 7 games, lost 2 and tied 1. What percent of their games did they win? 1-15 gina fox has started her own company, foxy shirts, which manufactures imprinted shirts for special occasions. since she has just begun this operation, she rents the equipment from a local printing shop when necessary. the cost of using the equipment is $350. the materials used in one shirt cost $8, and gina can sell these for $15 each. Which ordered pair does not lie on the graph of Y=x/4+5?A (-8,3)B (-4,6)C (12,8)D (20,10) 5. What is the sum of 3 5/24, 6 7/24, and 9 9/24?,A. 14/3B. 14 1/8C. 18 7/8D. 13 1/2 Hi!!With the help of diagram explain how exchange of gases occurs in leaf of a plant.Please I need it asap how does new traits become common?