10 points for each answer brainliest as well
Based on the Nebular theory, which of these is a step in the formation of the center of a new planetary system?
A. evaporation of condensed gases due to heat
B. combination of condensed gases due to gravity
C. contraction of condensed gases due to nuclear fission
D. expansion of condensed gases due to nuclear fission


Answer 1


The answer is the evaporation of water. As the gas begins to collapse, thermonuclear fusion as a result of the immense gravity at the center of the cloud results in the generation of immense heat and radiation that turns solids and liquid into gaseous form, close to the center of the cloud.


This resulted in the nuclear fusion of gases and dust to create the sun and planets at the outer flattened portion of the disk." The sun forms in the center of the cloud since the gravitation effect that drives thermonuclear fusion are strongest in this region. Planets form in the outer regions of the accretion disks where matter attract each other into clumps and gain even more gravitational pull to yank even more matter.

Hope this helps.

Answer 2


A: evaporation of condensed gases due to heat.


Here are the 6 steps:

Nebula, protosun forming, spinning planetary disk, protoplanets forming,

Shock waves from a nearby supernova explosion.

It also begins to flatten.


When the gravitational forces begin to fuse hydrogen into helium (fusion)


Inner protoplanets - most of their lightweight gases are boiled away

The last step is the answer.

Related Questions

Why is important that oils and chemicals not be dumped into our sinks and drains?


Answer: It makes its way through your pipes and gets into the sewer, where it joins up with the area's wastewater. This giant, greasy mess can clearly cause a lot of damage to the sewer, but it can also clog up your pipes as well.

Complete the table below about how each element is stored and cycled between living and non-living things.

10. Water
11. Carbon
12. Nitrogen
13. Phosphorus
Where is it stored?

How does it get into animals?

How does it get into plants?

How does it get recycled again?





it get recycled again when it becomes old

Phosphorus is stored and cycled between living and non-living things.

What is non living things?

In biology, anything devoid of life, such as an inanimate item or body, is referred to as a non-living thing. A non-living creature lacks the traits that define a living thing as compared to the one that has life.

A non-living entity, for instance, lacks the essential component of life, a living cell that develops, metabolizes, reacts to environmental cues, reproduces, and adapts.

There are two representations of inanimate objects. On the one hand, a non-living thing refers to an object that once had life but has since passed away. A non-living thing, on the other hand, is one that never had life and never will have life.

Therefore, Phosphorus is stored and cycled between living and non-living things.

To learn more about phosphorus, refer to the link:



Wyjaśnij jakie znaczenie ma fakt, że smak gorzki jest wykrywany już przy bardzo niewielkich ilościach substancji.





Have a Nice Day

The atmosphere is a dynamic system, meaning it changes continuously. It is affected by
A) sunlight
B) carbon dioxide
C) Oxygen
D) human activities
E) all of the above



All of the above


All of the above is what it should be

A ray of light travelling in medium 1 strikes and travels into another transparent medium, medium 2. If the speed of light is greater in medium 1, the ray will


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A ray of light travelling in medium 1 strikes and travels into another transparent medium, medium 2. If the speed of light is greater in medium 1, the ray will ............ *

refract away from the normal.

undergo total internal reflection.

refract towards the normal.

have an angle of incidence smaller than the angle of refraction.​


refract towards the normal.


Refraction refers to the bending of light waves or change in the direction of light waves as a result of change in the speed of light at the boundary between two media.

Whether the rays bend towards or away from the normal depends on the density of the both media. When light travels from medium 1 to medium 2 and medium 1 is less dense than medium 2(shown by a greater speed of light in medium 1 than medium 2) then the ray of light refract towards the normal and vice versa.

During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replicate?

A. S phase of interphase

B. G1 phase of interphase



A. S phase of Interphase


I hope this helped :)

In my opinion it’s A
I hope it’s help

The function of the menstrual cycle is to prepare the egg for fertilization true or false?


There are many parts to the menstrual cycle but the longest part of it is getting the egg to get fertilized. After beginning to fertilize there will be a a “window” where the egg will be the most fertilized. This phase is called the ovulation phase. If the egg isn’t fertilized, the body gets ready to dispose of the egg and now the egg is disposed through what is known has the period

Fact, fiction, or opinion.

1. Humans are more evolve than reptiles

2. There are no transitional fossils

3. If evolution can be disproven, then creationism must be true


first one is definitely a fact


1. Fact



¿a que llamamos uniones quimicas ?


La unión química se define como lafuerza de atracción que mantiene unidosa los átomos, moléculas e iones, la cualsiempre es de naturaleza eléctrica.

7 points each answer and brainliest
Which of these would most likely happen if Earth stops revolving around the sun but continues rotating on its axis?
A. only summers in the northern hemisphere
B. only summers in the southern hemisphere
C. no seasons in any part of Earth
D. two seasons in every part of Earth


I’m pretty sure it’s either A or B. Sorry I can’t help more :((

4. Genetic Equilibrium...explain it.


Answer: Genetic equilibrium is a situation where allele frequencies in a gene pool are not changing. In other words, the population is not evolving. The conditions to maintain the genetic equilibrium are no mutation, no gene flow, large population size, random mating, and no natural selection. The equilibrium can be disrupted by deviations from any of its five main underlying conditions.

An example of this in humans would be a heterozygote for brown eye color. The person would carry both a dominant brown allele “A” and a recessive blue allele “a” yet have brown eyes. The dominant brown allele masks the recessive blue allele. Genetic equilibrium is the state in which allele frequencies remain constant.

Overfishing causes the yellow perch population in the food
web in the diagram to decrease.
Cord grass
Which population is most likely to decrease as a result?







I hope it helps







Which part of the atom carries a positive charge and determines the atomic number?


The answer is a neutron
neutron is the answer

What are some of the ways that pollen can travel from one flower to another?



pollinators + the wind


pollinators is probably the best answer here... pollinators are bugs like bees and butterflies that spread the pollen from one plant to another.


Flowers must rely on vectors to move pollen. These vectors can include wind, water, birds, insects, butterflies, bats, and other animals that visit flowers. We call animals or insects that transfer pollen from plant to plant “pollinators”.


pls ion have that much time
Which of the following statements best compares homologous and analogous structures? Homologous structures occur because of a common ancestor. Analogous structures show a common evolutionary path. Analogous structures occur because of a common ancestor. Homologous structures show a common evolutionary path. Both homologous and analogous structures occur because of a common evolutionary path. Both homologous and analogous structures occur because of a common ancestor.



Hello, It should be "Homologous structures occur because of a common ancestor and Analogous structures show a common evolutionary path


Have a great day! If your like me, this is a question off of an exam on oddessyware so if it is good luck!


"Homologous structures occur because of a common ancestor. Analogous structures show a common evolutionary path." is correct :)

Hypothesize what could happen if finches from one island of the
Galapagos were relocated to another island.

Someone help me please


Ummmmm I need. More information...

A severe thunderstorm, known as a supercell, forms. It begins in an area where cold, dry, polar air meets warm, moist, tropical air, and the atmosphere is unstable. The wind coming into this storm begins to swirl, creating a swirling area of very low pressure. Which of the following is likely to occur in these conditions?

A. lightning

B. hurricane

C. cold front

D. tornado



Tornadoes that come from a supercell thunderstorm are the most common so the answer would be

D) tornado

The layer is above stratosphere and below thermosphere, this is where meteors and rock fragments burn up and is
the coldest layer of the atmosphere. This is
A) troposphere
B) stratosphere
C) mesosphere
D) thermosphere


the answer is C. the coldest place on Earth. mesospher the layer in which most meteors burn up after entering Earth's atmosphere and before reaching Earth's surface

Order the events to describe ionic compound formation
Attraction of oppositely charged ions
Formation of ions
Transfer of electrons from metal to nonmetal



Transfer of electrons from metal to nonmetal, Formation of ions, Attraction of oppositely charged ions.

I am very late, sorry ):

In what ways can the
environment impact the traits of an organism?



Heyaa!! My name is Pinky and i'm here to inform you that your answer is...


!!! an organism will adapt to survive an environment. For example if an environment is very cold the organism will develop a thicker coat to trap in heat. Another example is if it is an environment with many trees, an organism might develop claws to climb trees or a tail to assist with balance and climbing !!!

Have a nice dayy!!


Answer: Environmental factors such as diet, temperature, oxygen levels, humidity, light cycles, and the presence of mutagens can all impact which of an animal's genes are expressed, which ultimately affects the animal's phenotype. Similarly, drugs, chemicals, temperature, and light are among the external environmental factors that can determine which genes are turned on and off, thereby influencing the way an organism develops and functions. include temperature, food, pollutants, population density, sound, light, and parasites. brainliest?


Which form of evidence for evolution was not available to Darwin in 1858?
A. The fossil record
B. Comparative anatomy
OC. DNA evidence
D. Artificial selection


I believe it is B.
Don’t hate me if I am wrong :,)
Pretty sure it’s B or so I think it is

define target cell and explain why all cells are not target cells for all hormones


Codocytes, also known as target cells, are red blood cells that have the appearance of a shooting target with a bullseye. ... These cells are characterized by a disproportional increase in the ratio of surface membrane area to volume.

While all cells are exposed to hormones circulating in the bloodstream, not all cells react. Only a hormone's "target" cells, which have receptors for that hormone, will respond to its signal. When the hormone binds to its receptor, it causes a biological response within the cell.

Why do you think the winter layers are darker than the summer layers in the ice core?

Screen shot is included



Why do you think the winter layers are darker than the summer layers in the ice core? The winter layers are darker than the summer layers because little snow falls in the winter. ... The summer layers are lighter because the snow that falls in the summer is cleaner; there are fewer particles caught in the snowfalls.


You can put it in your own words if you want. Hope this helps!

The winter layers are darker than the summer layers in the ice core because the summer snow is less tightly packed with particulate matter, therefore, it is brighter while the winter snow is more tightly packed due to the compaction and therefore it is darker.

What do you mean by Ice core?

Ice core may be defined as a structure of ice in a cylindrical shape which are plugged from the ice sheets or glaciers.

In winter, the snow that falls on the earth's surface is mixed with the more particulate matter due to compaction and hence it looks more darker as compared to summer snow.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Ice cores, refer to the link:



I need help on this 1 question.


A it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What percentage of the global water supply is fresh water? 6 percent 35 percent 1 percent 10 percent


Answer: i know it woluld be 48 because you add all the numnbers that you provided then you subtract it from 100 and get 48%


pls mark brainliest

Some people worry that the increasing number of cell phones will cause cancer because of the energy of the radio waves they emit. Cell phones are a new technology that only recently became widely used. And because cancer takes years to develop, the amount of risk is not yet known.

Research this issue, and summarize what’s known so far. In your summary, include information about the energy of radio waves. Be sure to only use credible sources. Based on what you learned from your research, do you think people should limit their cell phone use? Why or why not?


Answer: Yes.

Explanation: Because if it causes disease or problem then why continue to do it?

Answer: Well, from what my research is saying. cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. It can also referred to as radio frequency (RF) energy. And as stated by the National Cancer Institute, "there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in humans. So, it has not been proven weather or not you could get a tumor or cancer from the energy waves.

Some information about a radio wave is that we can have an energy of around 4 x 10-10 eV.

Okay so, I do think people should limit their cell phone use for other reasons. For one, Phones can be overly addicting, I do speak from experience. Phones can also take up way to much of your time is you're just scrolling around on them.

Explanation: So at least that's what I would say. Hope this helped! :)

Choose from these ecosystems:









Coral Reefs


Salt Marshes

Mangrove Swamps
Florida Ecosystems

Once given your Florida ecosystem, you will research and present the topics listed below about your ecosystem. Please include visuals.

Briefly tell us where in Florida your ecosystem is often found and general characteristics

---average amount of water

---general physical characteristics

---unique characteristics of your ecosystem

List and describe 3 common producers found in your ecosystem

---include information such as what type of species prey on these producers, what the producer needs in order to survive and thrive, etc.)

List and describe 6 common consumers found in your ecosystem

---In your descriptions please include what the animals are preying on, where they build shelters, what their niche is, etc.)

Try to find at least one decomposer and/or scavenger in your ecosystem

--- What is it eating/decomposing? How is this helpful to the ecosystem?

List and describe one example of mutualism, one example of commensalism and one example of parasitism in your ecosystem

---Name the species involved and explain the relationships

List any endangered, threatened or extinct species from that ecosystem

Explain 1 food chain in your ecosystem

Explain competition between species in your ecosystem

please help fast am giving 20 points and brainiest ok I posted the same question 2 time please stop whoever is stealing the points please stop am running out of points



No entiendo kakskiaoaoaoaooap


Streams can be found in Palm Beach County and include the Miami river.


Florida's rivers are characterized by their acidity and their rapidness of the river, from moderate to swift.

Average amount of water: 14,300 million gallons

Unique characteristics: they provide shelter for many animals during the winter

3 common producers:

1.  Black bear - wolves

2. Alligator - raccoons eat small ones

3. Algae - zooplankton


6 common consumers:

1. blues whales

- prey on krill, Gulfs as shelter, niche: temperate seas

2. manatees

- herbivores, eat floating vegetations and turtle grass, warm water springs, niche: natural areas for winter refugees

3. shrimps

- prey on clams and snails, built shelter in sponges located on muddy, sandy places, niche: water floor

4.  barracuda fish

- prey on fishes like small tunas, shelter is mainly sea, niche is water that is salty

5. crocodiles

- insects, fish, frogs, shelter: mound nest, niche: warm environment

6. lobster

- fish and crabs, shelter: rock and gravel with algae on top of it,  niche: rocky waters


Scavenger: opossums are helpful because they eat unpleasant insects

mutualism: alligator and birds, teeth cleaned alligator, bird gets food from teeth

parasitism: lichen, on surface of algae

commensalism: bird flies in alligator mouth, decomposer break down prey when done

Endangered: shortnose sturgeon and piping plover

Food chain:

grass eaten by grasshopper, eaten by frog, eaten by snake, eaten by raccoons, eaten by alligator

Competition between species:

need the same food which is limited in supply of resources. Animals also need good living conditions.

Pls help!!!
Graph (see next page for graph paper grid)
Using the data from the Coal Production Table, create a graph of coal usage in each region over
the years. The x-exis should be years, and the y-axis should be coal production. Use a different
symbol or color to represent each region. Remember to include titles and labels.
Scan or take a picture of your graph and submit it with your assignment
Changes over time are called trends. You can see on the graph a downward trend in the
Appalachian and Interior regions and an upward trend in the Western region.
Try predicting future coal production. Using a ruler, draw the lines for each region. Go beyond
2011. Draw the line with the same pattern it follows on the graph. The extension of the lines is
based on what you predict will happen with coal production.
1 인
1. How much coal will be produced in the year 2020 for each region?

2. What trend would you predict for the next ten years for each region?
3. If people keep using coal in the same way, scientists say there may be enough coal reserves
to last 200 to 300 years. Does your graph show trends that match what scientists say? What
kinds of factors might cause them not to match?
4. Can you think of any problems that could come from using only 15 years of data to predict
trends for the next 100 years? Explain your answer. How could you prevent some of these



Try this.


       I'm not too sure because the teacher never gave me enough information (Need Bigger Graph). Get bigger graph paper as it says "The X-axis should be years and the Y-axis should be coal production." On the X-axis (Horizontal Line) write "Years" and on the Y-Axis (Vertical Line) write "Coal Production."

Now, your gonna start listing all the years on the X-Axis 1996 through 2011, And on the Y-Axis list all the coal productions 145 and all the numbers through 634. Make sure you have the regions, Appalachian, Interior and Western.

     I'm sorry if this didn't help, this is what I did and it helped me, I thought it might help you too.


Use the terms on the right to complete the sentence. Starting with a diploid parent cell containing 32 chromosomes, determine what mitosis and meiosis would yield. NOTE: Some terms may be used twice, or not at all. Incorrect answers will cancel out correct answers. 16 chromosomes 2 haploid cells 2 diploid cells 8 chromosomes 4 haploid cells 32 chromosomes 4 diploid cells Mitosis would yield _____ cells with _____ chromosomes in each daughter cell. (2 options, 1 point each) Meiosis would yield _____ cells with _____ chromosomes in each daughter cell. (2 options, 1 point each)



Mitosis would yield _2 diploid_ cells with __32__ chromosomes in each daughter cell. Meiosis would yield _4 haploid_ cells with _16_ chromosomes in each daughter cell.


There are two principal types of cells in the organism: Somatic diploid cells (2n) that reproduce by the process of mitosis, and germ cells that are diploid reproductive cells in charge of gamete production. Germ cells divide by mitosis and meiosis. Through the process of mitosis, they originate more sexual cells, but through the process of meiosis,  they give place to haploid gametes, called sperm and egg cells, through the gametogenesis process.

Both somatic cells and germinal cells will end their cycle becoming two daughter cells with the same genetic dotation.

Gametes´destiny is to merge during fecundation, and a new diploid cell called zygote emerges through fertilization. The zygote is a complete cell and suffers successive mitosis to form the new organism.

Meiosis produces four daughter haploid cells (n) from a diploid germ cell (2n). Each daughter cell is haploid because they have half the number of the chromosomes of the original one.  

Mitosis produces two daughter diploid cells (2n) from a diploid somatic cell (2n). During mitosis, the whole-cell first duplicates and then separates.

Other Questions
ia had 50 carrot sticks for herstudy group to snack on. There were6 people eating the carrot sticks, andeach person ate an equal number ofcarrots until there werent enoughleft to share equally. How manycarrot sticks were left over? Explain. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS 7. Which of the following is NOT a function of money * 3 points A Unit of account B Store of value C Protection against inflation D Medium of exchange Solve the equation below for x.9(x - 5) = 4x - 5 What did Jack and Jill promise to Prince Charmant?O They will eat all their vegetables.O They will not try to stop the wedding.O They will give him a present.O They will behave. Someone help me out with this Find the probability of two persons being born on the same day? Question: How do we read chemical formulas? A 36-foot guy wire is attached to a utility pole to provide support for the pole. The wire forms a 60 angle with the ground. How high up the pole is the wire attached? Write your answer in simplest form. The wire is attached to the pole feet above the ground. Help! Solve for the value of x. What series of decays would allow you to turn Lead, Pb-207 into Gold, Au-199? Atlanta lost its spot as the busiest airport in the world. Who took the spot? A cone has a diameter of 12 meters and height of 2 meters is the volume of the cone in terms of ? (x+16)* x* what is x? Show an example of how to evaluate a trigonometric function using reference angle (without a calculator/ you may use left hand rule or unit circle) 6cm, 15cm, 6cm does it make a triangle Section A - ClaLet's tell and write the answers as quickly as possia) Natural numbers less than 10 areb) Whole numbers less than 10 arec) The least and the greatest natural numbers ared) The least and the greatest whole numbers aree) Are all natural numbers whole numbers?f) Are all whole numbers natural numbers?g) Is the sum of 5 and 4 a natural number?h) Is the difference of 5 and 5 a natural number?i) Is the difference of 5 and 5 a whole number? 2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer toPart A?Commonlit : Can television be considered literature and taught in English classes A "The idea of television as a form of literature that should betaught in classrooms remains controversial." ( Paragraph 4)B Together, these three changes ushered in the golden era oftelevision, allowing TV shows to tell more complex stories." (Paragraph 5)C "When novels deal with similar themes, they are not visual.TV shows place those themes directly before the viewer." (Paragraph 8)D "Using these written materials, television can be taught inschools without sacrificing reading and writing skills orexposing students to graphic images." ( Paragraph 18) Which best describes what kind of speaker Chase is?Chase and his classmates are discussing local serviceopportunities. Chase is excited to share his idea ofproviding sack lunches for those in need. During thediscussion, Chase offers information about his serviceproject. He listens carefully to the questions of thegroup and answers respectfully,Chase is not an effective speaker because he usesvery informal language.O Chase is not an effective speaker because he is notconfident about his idea,O Chase is a very effective speaker because hecomes prepared to share.O Chase is a very effective speaker because hecommunicates non-verbally.Mark this and returnSave and ExitSubmit A cylinder and a cone have the same volume. The cylinder has a radius of 2 inches and a height of 3inches. The cone has a radius of 3 inches. What is the height of the cone?Show your work.Plz help