10 Natalie uses a 15% off coupon when she buys a camera. The original price of the camera is $45.00. How much money does Natalie save by using the coupon.?


Answer 1

Given data:

The given discount through coupon is d=15%.

The original price of camera is c=$45.00.

The discount on the given amount is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=(\frac{15}{100})(45) \\ =6.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the amount saved is $6.75.

Related Questions

how to solve 2(q+4)=16how to solve 7j+2=12+5jhow to solve 12z=60-3z



Given that to solve

a) 2(q+4)=16

we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\mleft(q+4\mright)=16 \\ 2q+8=16 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]2q=16-8[/tex][tex]2q=8[/tex]

Dividing 2 on both sides we get,


Answer is: q=4


we get,


Dividing 2 on both sides, we get


c) 12z=60-3z

we get,


Dividing 15 on both sides we get,


The illumination provided by a car's headlight varies inversely as the square of the distance from the headlight. A car's headlight produces an illumination of 3.75 footcandles at a distance of 40 feet. What is the illumination when the distance is 50 feet?


The illumination should be represented by y, while the distance from the headlight should be represented by x, therefore the inverse relationship between both variables is shown as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{k}{x^2} \\ \text{When y=3.75, then x=40. Therefore;} \\ 3.75=\frac{k}{40^2} \\ 3.75=\frac{k}{1600} \\ 3.75\times1600=k \\ k=6000 \\ \text{Hence, when the distance (x) is 50 feet} \\ y=\frac{k}{x^2} \\ y=\frac{6000}{50^2} \\ y=\frac{6000}{2500} \\ y=2.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The illumination at a distance of 50 feet is therefore 2.4 footcandles

Which expression has a quotient of about 7? F 7:2 G 23 : 7 H 36 : 5 J 13:6 Type here to search O | a 3


The question simply means when you divide two numbers, the one that will result to 7


36 ÷ 5 = 7.2

H is the correct option

17. What is the value of x in the rhombusbelow?AC(x+40)B3x"D


Remember that

In a rhombus, diagonals bisect each other at right angles (perpendicular)


that means

(x+40)+(3x) =90 degrees ---------> by complementary angles

solve for x





Can I please get some help with this equation? Evaluate and simplify log of csc(5pi/6) multiplied by csc(pi/4). Explain your work.


1) Considering that the 1st property of Logarithms tells us:

[tex]\log _ab\text{ =c}\Leftrightarrow a^c=b[/tex]

2) Let's evaluate that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \log _{\csc (\frac{5\pi}{6})}(\frac{\csc \pi}{4})=x\Rightarrow\csc (\frac{5\pi}{6})^x=\csc (\frac{\pi}{4}) \\ \\ \csc (\frac{5\pi}{6})^x=\csc (\frac{\pi}{4}) \\ \log \csc (\frac{5\pi}{6})^x=\log \csc (\frac{\pi}{4}) \\ \text{x}\log \csc (\frac{5\pi}{6})^{}=\log (\sqrt[]{2}) \\ x\log (2)=\text{ log(}\sqrt[]{2}) \\ x=\frac{\log\sqrt[]{2}}{\log\text{ 2}} \\ x=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

• Notice that we've descended that exponent x, to become a factor (3rd line).


• Then divided both log with a common base, in this case, base 10.

3) Hence that equation yields 1/2 as its result.

I need help question



as x approaches 8, x approaches 8

it's just 8

What is eight times the square root of two square root of two


Given expression is


Now, solving it as:




is the required solution.

If ABCDE is reflected over the x-axis and then translated 3units left, what are the new coordinates B?E..ADO A. (1, -2)O B. (7,-2)C. (4, -2)D. (-7,2)CBX


Recall that the rule of transformation for a point (x,y) reflected over the x-axis is:


and the rule of transformation for a point translataled n units to the left is:


Therefore, point B(4,2) reflected over the x-axis:


and then translated 3 units to the left has as image the following point:


Answer:[tex]\begin{equation*} (1,-2). \end{equation*}[/tex]

Tyler has already taken 35 credit hours and plans on taking 15 hours per semester until he graduates. Does this describe a linear or exponential function?



Tyler has already taken 35 credit hours.

He plans on taking 15 hours per semester.

Let the number of semesters = x

So, the function that describes this will be:


So, the function represents a line.

So, the answer will be a Linear function.

Sandra has a bag of animal cookies. The bag contains the cookies below. What is the probability that Sandra chooses a bear cookie first, eats it, and thenselects a lion cookie?9 lions5 elephants 3 tigers9 Bears 18/5218/5181/65081/676



The probability of choosing a bear first then a lion is 81/650


This is a permutation and probability problem

The total cookies are 26

The combination for the total cookies is 26 * (26-1) = 26*25

The permutation for choosing a bear then a lion is 9 * 9

The probability is the permutation of choosing the bear over the permutation in total combination for total cookies


an average bath use 35 liters if water,while a five minutes shower only uses 12.5 liters of water.how many milliliters are you saving if you take a five minutes shower instead of a bath


To find the saving of water you have to substract the average bath to the average shower


So you save 22.5 liters of water.

Now we have to convert the liters to mililiters, this can be done if we rememeber that a liter contains 1000 mililiters, then we multiply our result by 1000.


Therefore we save 22500 mililiters of water.

For which equation would x = 12 NOT be a solution?Options:X\1=12x\4=2x\3=4x\2=6




is given.


Which option is not appropriate.


Now we check all the option for this

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{1}=12 \\ x=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

which is appropriate

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{4}=2 \\ x=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

which is not appropriate

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{3}=4 \\ x=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

which is appropriate

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{2}=6 \\ x=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

which is appropriate

Final answer:

Write (3-2i)^3 in simplest a + bi form.



We want to write

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(3-2i\mright)^3\text{ in simplest form } \\ a+bi \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means we have to expand


Applying perfect cube formula, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(a-b\mright)^3=a^3-3a^2b+3ab^2-b^3 \\ \text{where } \\ a=3,\: \: b=2i \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (a-b)^3=a^3-3a^2b+3ab^2-b^3 \\ \mleft(3-2i\mright)^3=3^3-(3\times3^2\times2i)+(3\times3\times(2i)^2)-(2i)^3_{} \\ =27-(27\times2i)+(9\times(2i)^2)-(2i)^3_{} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This becomes

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{note that i = }\sqrt[]{-1} \\ i^2=\sqrt[]{-1^2}=-1 \\ So\text{ we have } \\ =27-(27\times2i)+(9\times(2i)^2)-(2i)^3_{} \\ 27-54i+(9\times4i^2)-(8i^2\times i) \\ 27-54i+(9\times4\times-1)-(8\times-1\times i) \\ 27-54i-36+8i \\ -9-46i \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the answer is


4. Write an equation for a line that isperpendicular to y = -4.


The equation y = -4 is a horizontal line at the point -4 in the y-axis.

In order to find a perpendicular line to this equation, we can choose any vertical line in the form:


Where 'a' is any real constant.

So an equation for a line perpendicular to y = -4 would be:


determine whether the graph of the given equations are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.y=2x+15y= -2x+3


1. When two lines have the same slope they are parallel.

2 . When the quotient of two lines is -1 they are perpendicular.

The slope of

y = 2x + 15 is 2

the slope of

y = -2x + 3 is -2

since -2/2 = -1 they are perpendicular :)

A=1/2(a+b)h solve for h can you please explain as well?


h = 2A/(a+b)



To solve for h, we will make h the subject of formula

The first thing we will do is bring the 1/2 to the other side of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A\text{ = }\frac{(a+b)h}{2}\text{ cross multiply} \\ 2A\text{ = (a+b)h} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To make h stand alone, we would divide both sides by the values in the bracket:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2A}{(a+b)}\text{ = }\frac{(a+b)h}{(a+b)} \\ h\text{ = }\frac{2A}{a\text{ + b}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, h = 2A/(a+b)

Solve in inequality 0.2 (30 + x). - 0.3 (30-x) >2


The inequality 0.2 (30 + x) - 0.3 (30 - x) >2 is solved to get x > 10

How to solve the inequality

The given inequality is 0.2 (30 + x) - 0.3 (30 - x) >2

0.2 (30 + x) - 0.3 (30 - x) >2

expanding the parenthesis

6 + 0.2x - 9 + 0.3x > 2

collecting like terms

6 - 9 + 0.2x + 0.3x > 2

-3 + 0.5x > 2

0.5x > 2 + 3

0.5x > 5

dividing by the coefficient of x which is 0.5

x > 10

Learn more about inequality here:



If points P and Q lie in the interior of ∠ABC, then overline{PQ} lies in the interior of ∠ABC.True or false?


PQ is just the line segment that connects the points P and Q, so if both point are in the interior of and angle, the line segment connecting them has to be also in the interior of this angle, so true.

ine temperaturtemperature at midnight?-53Allie scores 4 points in the first round of a card game. In the next round, she loses 6 points. Then she scores 4more points. How many points does Allie have after three rounds?on



Allie scores 4 points in the first round of a card game. In the next round, she loses 6 points. Then she scores 4.

How many points does Allie have after three rounds?

First round: 4 points (positive)

Second round = lose 6 points (negative)

Third round = scores 4 (positive )

Add and subtract all the points

4-6+4 = 2

if 1/4 of the class is girls and one half of the girls in the class are wearing dresses what fraction of the class are girls with dresses one eighth 1/6 1/5 1/4


Given that one-fourth of the class are girls;


And one half of the girls in the class are wearing dresses;


The fraction of the class that are girls with dresses is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(G\cap D)=\frac{1}{4}\times\frac{1}{2} \\ f(G\cap D)=\frac{1}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the fraction of the

a researcher wants to determine the number of televisions in a household.he conducts a survey of 40 random select house and I obtains data in accompying tabe. what is the relative frequency distribution of the data


The relative frequency (RF) can be calculated as follows:

[tex]RF=\frac{F}{\sum ^{}_{}F}[/tex]

where RF is the relative frequency, F is the value of the frequency, and ∑F represents the sum of all frequencies.

Using a spreadsheet, we can get the following table:

Based on this table, we can see that ∑F = 40. Thus, we have to divide each frequency by 40 to get the relative frequency. As an example, using the first, second, and third row:



At the end of the first half of a basketball game, UCONN and SCSU were tied. During the second half UCONN scored 48 points and SCSU scored twice as many points as they had in the first half. What was the final score of UCONN won by 2 points?


Okay, here we have this:

Let's take the endpoints of UCONN as x and those of SCSU as y. So:



So the UCONN points of the first half are: x/3. And since they were tied SCSU had the same points at the first half.

And those UCONN points of the second half are 2x/3, and the SCSU points at the end were then x/3+48.

So, we obtain that:








And, replacing in y:


Finally we obtain that the final score was: UCONN 75: SCSU 73

An experiment consists of spinning the spinner shown. All outcomes are equally likely. Find P(<7). Express your answer as a fraction in simplest forn


There are 8 total outcomes. Now, we need to find where P(<7).

This means the outcomes where the number is less than 7.

There are 6 numbers under the 7 = 1,2,3,4,5,6

The probability is given by the next formula:

[tex]P=\frac{\text{Number of favorable outcomes}}{\text{Total of possible outcomes}}[/tex]


Number of favorable outcomes = 6

Total of possible outcomes = 8

Replacing these values:


Simplify the expression, divide both numbers by 2:


The correct answer is the second one.

Given that f(x) = 9x2 - 180 = 0, find x. A) x = +2 V5 B) x = +3 v5 C) x = +5 V2 D) x=+5 v3


Given data:

The given function is f(x)=9x^2-180=0

The given expression can be written as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x^2-180=0 \\ 9(x^2-20)=0 \\ (x^2-20)=0 \\ x=\pm2\sqrt[]{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, option (A) is correct.

Sindy surveyed a group of students. The table represents the hours, h, they spent studying and their scores, s.What does the slope of the trend line equation s = 32.4h + 302.6 represent? For an increase of 1 h in study time the test score will increase by approximately 302.6.For an increase of 302.6 h in study time the test score will increase by approximately 1.For an increase of 32.4 h in study time the test score will increase by approximately 1.For an increase of 1 h in study time the test score will increase by approximately 32.4.



The slope of the trend line is 32.4, and it represents the change of s per 1 hour.

Then, as the slope is 32.4 it represents: For an increase of 1 h in study time the test score will increase by approximately 32.4

put each improper fraction into a mixed number 50/9


Divide the numerator by the denominator:

50 divided by 9 = 5 with a reminder of 5

Write the whole number (5) , and use the remainder as a numerator and 9 as the numerator:

5 5/9

.The balance on Mr. Finch's credit card is -$210. It is 3 times the balance on Mr. Nguyen's credit card. Find the quotient -210 ÷ 3 and explain what it means in this context.


Given: Balance of Finch's card is = -$210.

This is 3 times the balance on Mr. Nguyen's credit card.

To find: -210/3.


Let the balance on Mr. Nguyn's card be = x.

The balance of Mr. Finch's card is 3 times Mr. Nguyen's card.

Mathematically this can be expressed as:


Now, the value of x or "Mr. Nguyen's credit card balance" can be calculated as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-210}{3} \\ x=-70 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the term -210/3 represents Mr. Nguyen's credit card balance and its value is -$70.

Final Answer: The term -210/3 represents Mr. Nguyen's credit card balance and its value is -$70.

What is the slope of y= -4



We have the equation of the line y = -4.

Let's put this equation in a cartesian plane:

Notice that this equation will be always constant. So, as we just have a straight line with no inclination, the slope is 0.

Determine the point estimate of the population mean and margin of error for the confidence interval.
Lower bound is 17, upper bound is 29.
The point estimate of the population mean is
The margin of error for the confidence interval is


The point estimate of the population mean is 23 and the margin of error for the confidence interval is 6.

In the given question, we have to find the value of the point estimate of the population mean and the margin of error for the confidence interval.

From the given question,

Lower bound is 17.

Upper bound is 29.

So the point estimate of the population mean is

Point Estimate = (Lower Bond+Upper Bond)/2

Point Estimate = (17+29)/2

Point Estimate = 46/2

Point Estimate = 23

Now finding the margin of error for the confidence interval.

Margin of error = Upper Bound-Point Estimate

Margin of error = 29-23

Margin of error = 6

To learn more about Margin of error link is here



In January, it snowed 36.45 inches. In December it snowed 19.7 inches. How many more inches did it snow in January than in December?


Determine the difference in height of snow.

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=36.45-19.7 \\ =16.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, 16.75 inches more snowed in

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