10) In a solution of NiCl2, the Cl- concentration is 0.059 M. How many grams of NiCl2 are in 462 mL of this solution?


Answer 1


5.299 grams



Concentration of Cl⁻ = 0.059 M

Volume of solution = 462 mL = 0.462 L

What to find:

The grams of NiCl₂ in 462 mL solution

Step-by-step solution:

The first step to write a balanced equation for the dissolution of NiCl₂:

[tex]\text{NiCl}_{2(s)}\rightarrow Ni^{2+}+2Cl^-[/tex]

From the balanced equation; 1 mole of NiCl₂ produces 2 moles of Cl⁻

Given that the concentration of Cl⁻ = 0.059 M, so the concentration of Ni⁺ will be:

[tex]\frac{\lbrack Cl^-\rbrack}{2}=\frac{0.059}{2}=0.0295\text{ }M\text{ }Ni^{2+}[/tex]

So that Molarity, M, of NiCl₂ = 0.059 M + 0.0295 = 0.0885 M

[tex]Number\text{ of moles NiCl}_2=Molarity\times Vol\text{ume in L}[/tex]

Number of moles of NiCl₂ = 0.0885 M x 0.462 L = 0.040887 mol

The last step is to convert the number of moles of NiCl₂ to grams using the formula below:

[tex]\text{Number of moles }=\frac{Mass}{Molar\text{ mass}}[/tex]

From the Periodic Table;

Molar mass of NiCl₂ = 129.5994 g/mol

So, mass of NiCl₂ in 462 mL solution = 0.040887 mol x 129.5994 g/mol = 5.299 grams

Related Questions

C3H7OH + O2 -> CO2 + H20balance the equation then find mole ratio of oxygen to water, how many mores of carbon dioxide are produced when 4.6 mol of oxygen react, and how many molecules of C3H7OH will react with 4.6 L of O2?



mole ratio = 9:8

moles of CO2 = 3.07moles

molecules of C3H7OH = 2.75 * 10^22 molecules


The balanced form of the chemical rreaction is as shown below;


The mole ratio of oxygen to water as shown in the equation is 9:8

Given the following parameter

mole of oxygen that reacted = 4.6moles

According to stoichiometry, 9moles of oxygen produces 6 moles of caron dioxide. The moles of CO2 that is required will be expressed as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of CO}_2=\frac{6}{9}\times4.6moles\text{ of O}_2 \\ moles\text{ of CO}_2=3.07moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the moles of CO2 that will be produced is 3.07moles

Also if 4.6L of O2 reacted, the moles of oxygen that reacted will be;

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of O}_2=\frac{4.6}{22.4}(1mole\text{ = 22.4L}) \\ moles\text{ of O}_2=0.205moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

According to stochiometry, 2 moles of C3H7OH reacts with 9moles of oxygen, the moles of C3H7OH required will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of C}_3H_7OH=\frac{2}{9}\times0.205 \\ moles\text{ of C}_3H_7OH=0.0456moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Convert the moles of C3H7OH to molecules as shown

[tex]\begin{gathered} molecules\text{ of }C_3H_7OH=0.0456\times6.02\times10^{23} \\ molecules\text{ of }C_3H_7OH=0.275\times10^{23} \\ molecules\text{ of }C_3H_7OH=2.75\times10^{22}molecules \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where do the following boxes on the right belong to?



According to the question, we are to categorize the definitions in the box as elements, compounds, or mixtures.


• Since element,s consist of only one kind of atom,, hence they are ,substances made up of one type of particle (atoms or molecules)

• Since matter is anything that has mass and occupies space and is made up of substances called elements, hence, they are anything that has mass and volume


• Cannot be broken into simpler kinds, of matter since elements are made of atoms.


• Compounds can only be separated by chemical means but not by physical means. Hence we can say that ,compounds cannot be separated by physical means, but can be chemically

• Consists of atoms of two or more different elements bonded together


• Has properties unique to the element that makes it up


• Since the mixture consists of, two or more different elements ,and/or compounds physically, hence they can be separated by physical means.

• They can be separated into simpler types of matter by physical means and keeps the, properties of parts, that make it up.

Need it quickly ples


Based on the model , the statement best compares the amounts energy in the reactants and the products of photosynthesis is since making sugar uses energy, the combined energy in the bond CO₂ and H₂O is greater than that in the bonds of O₂ and C₆H₁₂O₆

The plants make sugar using the energy that comes from sunlight and it will convert into the carbon dioxide and the water. this is called as photosynthesis. this  process occurs in the chloroplast in the plant cell.

Thus, Based on the model , the statement best compares the amounts energy in the reactants and the products of photosynthesis is since making sugar uses energy, the combined energy in the bond CO₂ and H₂O is greater than that in the bonds of O₂ and C₆H₁₂O₆

To learn more about photosynthesis here



When atoms become bonded with covalent bonds, the result is called a(n):A. ionic bond.B. ion.C. valence.D. molecule.SUBMIT



A covalent bond occurs when electrons are shared by atoms. Atoms will covalently bond with other atoms to gain stability.

A group of atoms held together by covalent bonds is called a molecule.

Answer: D. molecule

6. What is the percent composition of chlorine in calcium chloride, CaCl₂?a. 32%b. 36%c. 50%d. 64%


The first step we have to follow is to find the molecular mass of CaCl2.

[tex]\begin{gathered} Ca=40\times1=40 \\ Cl_2=35.45\times2=70.9 \\ CaCl_2=40+70.9=110.9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally divide the mass of Cl2 by the mass of CaCl2 and multiply this product times 100:


It means that the correct answer is 64%.

What is the purpose in the procedure of chemistry lab: Titration?


1) Titration. This is a common laboratory method used to determine the unknown concentration of a substance.

2) We use a solution with a known concentration. This solution can be an acid (or a base). We fill a burette with this solution.

3) In a flask, we have the solution with unknown concentration and a known volume. It can be a base (or an acid).

4) Let the solution out of the burette and into the flask. We have to do this until the indicator changes color. Read the volume in the burette.

5) Finally, we have to calculate the concentration of the solution.

To reduce dangerous swelling in the brain, physician sometimes administer intravenous hypertonic saline, a 5.0%(w/v) Solution of salt (NaCI) In water. Calculate the volume of the solution that contains 0.50 g of NaCl. Be sure your answer has unit symbol and his rounded to the correct number of significant digits


Percent weight/volume (% w/v) is a way of expressing the concentration of a solutuon. The definition of it is:

% w/v = mass of solute /100 ml of solution

We have to find the volume of the 5.0 % (w/v) solution that contains 0.50 g of NaCl. So we are given these values:

Concentration % w/v = 5.0 %

mass of solute = 0.50 g

Since our solution is 5.0 % w/v Nacl, we know that it has 5.0 g NaCl in 100 ml of solution. So if we want to find the volume of solution that contains 0.50 g we can:

0.50 g of NaCl * 100 ml of solution/(5.0 g of NaCl) = 10. ml of solution.

10. mL of solution is the volume that contains 0.50 g of NaCl

Atom A and B both have 10 protons A have 10 B has 11 neutrons, which statement is true A,b have the same element, theyvhave differnet elements, if they have the same mass, only atom b is a isotope


Atom A and B both have 10 protons A have 10 B has 11 neutrons is A and B are isotopes of same element.

Isotopes are the atoms of same elements , that has same number of proton but different number of neutrons , mass no. is depends on neutrons present in an atom. the given situation is :

                  number of proton      number of neutron

Atom A                10                               10

Atom  B                10                               11

Isotopes are the members of the same family of same elements.

Thus, Atom A and B both have 10 protons A have 10 B has 11 neutrons is A and B are isotopes of same element.

To learn more about Isotopes here



can someone help me with this question




P = 1.3 atm

V = 2.1 L

T = 75 °C = 75 + 273 = 348 K

R = 0.0821 atm.L / mol.K

n = ?


As, PV = nRT

therefore, n = PV/RT

n = 1.3 x 2.1 / 0.0821 x 348

n = 0.096 mole

Perform the following operationand express the answer inscientific notation.5.4x103 x 1.2x107[ ? ]x10[?]Coefficient (green) Exponent (yellow)tCoefficient (green)Enter


Since the operation is a multiplication, the order in which we made the multiplications doesn't matter, so we can reoprder it:


Now, we calculate each of them:


Which of the following would likely be a non -conductor of electricity?a) An aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)b) Gasolinec) An aqueous solute of sodium carbonate (washing powder)d) Carbonated soft drinksExplain your answer.


This would be the Gasoline, letter B, since gasoline is a hydrocarbon and these compounds are formed with covalent bonds, they share electrons and not gain or lose, forming ions and then conducting electricity, as we can see in the other 3 options, they all form ions.

A jug of vinegar is 15% (by mass) acetic acid. If a container holds 500 g of this product, how much acetic acid does it contain?



It contains 75g of acetic acid.


With the percent mass (15%) and the mass of the solution of vinegar, we can calculate the amount of acetic acid, using the percent by mass formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PercentByMass=\frac{MassOfSolute}{MassOfSolution}*100\% \\ 15\%=\frac{MassOfSolute}{500g}\times100\operatorname{\%} \\ \frac{15\%}{100\operatorname{\%}}*500g=MassOfSolute \\ 75g=MassOfSolute \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, it contains 75g of acetic acid.

2.Solid iron combines with oxygen gas to form solid iron(III) oxide. Which of the following equations best describes this reaction?Select one:a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D



option B


The chemical symbol of iron is Fe

The chemical symbol of oxygen is O2

[tex]\text{ 4Fe + 3O}_2\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ 2Fe}_2O_3[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is B

Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia according to the reaction show.
3H2(g) + N2 <- -> 2NH3.
What is the percent yield if 15.68g nitrogen and 10.74 g hydrogen react to form 5.24 g of ammonia?


The percent yield of the reaction if 15.68 g of nitrogen and 10.74 g of hydrogen react to form 5.24 g of ammonia would be 82.35%.

Stoichiometric problem

From the balanced equation of the reaction below:

[tex]3H_2(g) + N_2 < - - > 2NH_3.[/tex]

The mole ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen is 3:1.

The molar mass of hydrogen is 2 g/mol

The molar mass of nitrogen is 28 g/mol

Recall that: mole = mass/molar mass

Mole of 10.74 g hydrogen = 10.74/2

                                           = 5.37 mol

Mole of 15.68 nitrogen = 15.68/28

                                      = 0.56 mol

This means hydrogen is in excess while nitrogen is the limiting reactant. The mole ratio of nitrogen and ammonia is 1:2. Thus, the equivalent mole of ammonia produced would be:

0.56 x 2 = 1.12 mol

Molar mass of ammonia = 17 g/mol

Mass of 1.12 mol ammonia = 1.12 x 17

                                            = 19.04 grams

Percent yield of the reaction = 15.68/19.04 x 100

                                               = 82.35%

In other words, the percent yield of the reaction is 82.35%.

More on stoichiometric problems can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/14465605


Oxygen gas is made up of diatomic non-polar covalent molecules. This leads to very weak attraction between molecules. Which statement would this best support?


The oxygen gas is non polar because there is no interaction between the molecules of the gas.

What is a diatomic molecule?

A diatomic molecule is one that has only two atoms in it. These atoms are usually atoms of the same element in the majority of the cases that we encounter. Given the fact that the both atoms belong to the same substance, the electronegativity difference between the atoms is zero.

Given that the electronegativity difference between the atoms is zero, there is little or no interaction between the molecules of the substance. Thus the very weak intermolecular interaction is coming from the fact that there is no kind of interaction between the molecules.

Thus oxygen gas is covalent and the molecules do not interact with each other because the bond is nonpolar.

Learn more about diatomic molecules:https://brainly.com/question/11815815


Calculate the % composition of Al2O3?Group of answer choices47.1% AL, 52.9% O52.9% Al, 47.1% O28.3% Al, 71.7% O71.1% Al, 28>3% O62.8% Al, 37.2% O


First, we need to find the values of molar mass of Al and O at the periodic table:

Al : 27 g/mol

O: 16 g/mol

Now let's calculate the molar mass of Al2O3:

(2x27) + (16x3)

54 + 48 = 102 g/mol

Now let's calculate the percent of each element:

For Al:

102 ---- 100%

54 ---- x%

x = 52.9%

For O:

102 ---- 100%

48 ---- y%

y = 47.1%

Answer: 52.9% Al, 47.1% O

You have 6.0 g of C2H6 and 20.0 g of O2 for a combustion reaction. If you actuallyproduce 3.80 g of CO2 , What is the percent yield?



The percent yield is 24.2%.


1st) It is necessary to balance the chemical reaction:


2nd) From the balanced reaction, we know that 2 moles of C2H6 react with 7 moles of O2 to produce 4 moles of CO2. With the molar mass of C2H6 (30g/mol), O2 (32g/mol) and CO2 (44g/mol), we can convert the moles to grams:

- C2H6 conversion:


- O2 conversion:


-CO2 conversion:


Now we know that 60g of C2H6 react with 224g of O2 to produce 176g of CO2.

3rd) From the given values of C2H6 (6.0g) and O2 (20.0g), it is necessary to find out which one is the limiting reactant and which one is the excess reactant:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 60gC_2H_6-224gO_2 \\ 6.0gC_2H_6-x=\frac{6.0gC_2H_6*224gO_2}{60gC_2H_6} \\ x=22.4gO_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that the 6.0g of C2H6 will need 22.4g of O2 to react, but we only have 20.0g of O2, so O2 is the limiting reactant and C2H6 will be the excess reactant.

4th) Now, using the limiting reactant, we have to calculate the grams of CO2 that should be produced from the stoichiometry of the reaction (this is the Theoretical yield):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 224gO_2-176gCO_2 \\ 20.0gO_2-x=\frac{20.0gO_2*176gCO_2}{224gO_2} \\ x=15.7gCO_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

5th) Finally, we can calculate the Percent yield of the reaction, by using the Theoretical yield (15.7g) and the Actual yield (3.80g):

[tex]\begin{gathered} PercentYield=\frac{ActualYield}{TheoreticalYield}*100\% \\ PercentY\imaginaryI eld=\frac{3.80g}{15.7g}*100\operatorname{\%} \\ PercentY\mathrm{i}eld=24.2\% \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the percent yield is 24.2%.

31.The correct name for the compound that has the formula BaCl2 is...Select one:a. Baride chlorine.b. Barium chloride.c. Barium chlorine.d. Barium chlorite.



option B


Given that;

The molecular formula of the compound is given as BaCl2

The compound contain a metal and a non-metal

Ba means Barium

Cl2 is chloride because its a diatomic gas

Then BaCl2 is called Barium chloride

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

why do engineers come up with as many ideas to solve a problem as possible?


Engineers come up with as many ideas to solve a problem as possible is so as to choose the best which is applicable in helping people.

Who is an Engineer?

This is referred to as an individual or a professional which employs the use of scientific knowledge in the construction and building of different types of machines and tools.

An engineer is someone who has a good analytic and problem solving skills and comes up with many ideas so as to be able to choose the best from the set of alternatives in helping people solve their problems or issues.

Read more about Engineer here https://brainly.com/question/17169621


A chemist wants to make 7,837 mL of a solution with a concentration of 2.45 M.How many liters of a 6.85 M solution should be used to make this solution?



The liters of a 6.85 M solution that should be used to make the solution can be calculated using the dilution formula.

The formula for calculating dilutions is:


C₁ = 2.45 M

V₁ = 7837 mL = 7837/1000 = 7.837 L

C₂ = 6.85 M

V₂ = unknown

The unknown volume, V₂ is the required volume needed to make the solution.

Therefore, the V₂ can be calculated using the formula above as follows:


29.Which of the following is not an example of an acid-base indicator?Select one:a. Phenolphthaleinb. Litmus paperc. Hydrion paperd. Filter paper



[tex]D\text{ : Filter Paper}[/tex]


Here, we want to select the option that is not an acid-base indicator from the options

Acid-base indicators are colored materials that are expected to change color based on the pH

A filter paper is a material used in filtration

As such, it cannot be used as an indicator

What volume of 1.00 M HCl in liters is needed to react completely (with nothing left over) with 0.500 L of 0.500 M Na2CO3 ?Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.



The volume of the acid is 0.5 L


Given that;

The molarity of HCl is 1.00 M

The volume of Na2CO3 is 0.500 L

The molarity of Na2CO3 is 0.500M

To find the volume of HCl needed, follow the steps below

Step 1; Write the balanced equation for the reaction

[tex]\text{ 2HCl\lparen aq\rparen }+\text{ Na}_2CO_{3(aq)}\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ 2NaCl}_{(aq)}\text{ }+\text{ CO}_{2(g)}\text{ }+\text{ H}_2O_{(l)}[/tex]

In the above reaction, 2 moles of HCl is needed to completely react with Na2CO3 .

Step 2; Apply the molarity concept to find the volume of the acid

[tex]\text{ }\frac{C_AV_A}{C_BV_B}\text{ = }\frac{n_A}{n_B}[/tex]


CA is the concentration of the acid

VA is the volume of acid

CB is the concentration of the base

VB is the volume of the base

nA is the number of moles of acid

nB is the number of moles of base

Step 3; Substitute the given data into the formula in step 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }\frac{1\text{ }\times\text{ V}_A}{0.5\text{ }\times\text{ 0.5}}\text{ = }\frac{2}{1} \\ \text{ Cross multiply} \\ \text{ 1 }\times V_A\text{ = 2 }\times\text{ 0.5 }\times\text{ 0.5} \\ \text{ V}_A\text{ = 0.5 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the acid is 0.5 L

Determine the [H+] of a solution that has a [OH-] of 6.25*10-12. (Enter answer in expanded format not scientific notation)


answer and explanation

we are given the [OH] concentration as 6.25*10-12

and we know that

[H+][OH-] = 1.0*10^-14

an so using this relationship we can determine the [H+]

[H+][6.25*10-12] = 1.0*10-14

[H+] = 0.0016M

What is the chemical reaction for calcium



I think the answer is calcium reacts with oxygen, forming a thin layer of CaO


I hope this helps

Determine the mole fraction of methanol CH3OH and water is a solution prepared by dissolving 4.8 g of alcohol in 38 g of H2O.



Mole fraction of water = 0.066



mass of methanol = 4.8 g

mass of water = 38 g

We know:

Molar mass of methanol = 32,04 g/mol

Molar mass of water = 18,01528 g/mol


Step 1: Find the moles of methanol and water

n of methanol = m/M

n = 4.8g/32.04g/mol

n = 0.15 mol

n of water = 38g/18.01528

n = 2.11 mol

now mole fraction of methanol= mole of methanol/(mole of methanol + mole of water)

Mole fraction of methanol = 0.15mol/(0.15 mol + 2.11 mol)

Mole fraction of water = 0.066

How many grams of H3PO4 could be produced from 94 g of H2O and 186 g of PCL5 according to the equation below?



[tex]89.4\text{ g of H}_3PO_4[/tex]


Here, we want to get the mass of H3PO4 produced

We start by getting the balanced equation of reaction:

[tex]PCl_5\text{ + 4H}_2O\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ 5HCl + H}_3PO_4[/tex]

The mass of H3PO4 produced would be based on the limiting reactant

The limiting reactant here is the one that would produce less amount of the product H3PO4

Firstly, let us get the number of moles of H3PO4 produced by each of the reactants

To get this, we start by getting the number of moles of each that reacted

We get this by dividing the masses by the molar masses

For water, we have it that the molar mass is 18 g/mol

Thus, the number of moles would be:

[tex]\frac{94}{18}\text{ = 5.2 moles}[/tex]

From the balanced equation of reaction:

4 moles of water produced 1 mole of H3PO4

5.2 moles of water will produce x moles of H3PO4


[tex]\begin{gathered} x\text{ }\times4\text{ = 5.2}\times1 \\ x\text{ = }\frac{5.2}{4}\text{ = 1.3 mole} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For PCl5

The molar mass is 208 g/mol

Thus,we have the number of moles as:

[tex]\frac{186}{208}\text{ = 0.894 mol}[/tex]

From the equation of reaction:

1 mol of PCl5 produced 1 mol of H3PO4

That means 0.894 mol of PCl5 produced 0.894 mol of H3PO4

Since PCl5 produced a lesser amount of moles of water, that means, it is the limiting reactant

To get the mass of H3PO4 produced, we multiply this number of moles by

the molar mass of H3PO4

The molar mass of H3PO4 is 100 g/mol

Thus, we have the mass of H3PO4 produced as:

[tex]0.894\text{ }\times\text{ 100 = 89.4 g}[/tex]

10.The drink mix and water in a drink solution can be separated by...Select one:a. filtering out the drink mix from the water.b. evaporating the water.c. picking out the drink crystals by hand.d. drawing the drink crystals out with a magnet.



b. evaporating the water.


The ingredients in a solution cannot be separated by hand because of changes in the ingredients' physical properties. But evaporation can be used to separate some solutions. For example, just in the case of the drink mix and water in a drink solution given.

Maria is an 18 year old girl whose parathyroid has stopped functioning properly. What does this mean for the calcium levels in her


Maria is an 18 year old girl whose parathyroid has stopped functioning properly, this mean calcium levels in her body decreased.

Calcium (Ca) is a chemical element and an alkaline-earth metal from Periodic Table Group 2 (IIa). It is the fifth most abundant element in the Earth's crust and the most prevalent metallic element in human tissue.

The ancients made considerable use of lime (calcium oxide, CaO), a calcium compound. Sir Humphry Davy first extracted the lightweight, silvery metal itself in 1808 after distilling mercury from an amalgam created by electrolyzing a combination of lime and mercuric oxide. The Latin word for lime, calx, served as the inspiration for the element's name. The cosmic abundance of calcium is thought to be 4.9 104 atoms, and it makes up 3.64 percent of the crust of the Earth and 8 percent of the crust of the Moon.

To know more about  calcium visit : https://brainly.com/question/3569638


Use the equation: 3H2, + N2 —-2NH3, (all are gasses)If you need to make 467L of ammonia gas, how many grams of nitrogen gás do you need to start with?


1) First, let's rewrite the equation:

3 H2 + N2 ---> 2 NH3

If you need to make 467 L ammonia gas (NH3), let's find out how many moles of it do we need.

For this, we use the molar volume of gases: 22.4L/mol


467 L ------ x mol

22.4 L ----- 1 mol

22.4x = 467

x = 20.8 mol of NH3

2) Now we use the proportion of the chemical equation to find out the quantity in moles of N2 (nitrogen gas):

1 mol of N2 ---- 2 mol of NH3

x mol of N2 ----- 20.8 mol of NH3

2x = 20.8

x = 10.4 mol of N2

3) Now we use the molar mass of N2 to find the quantity in grams that we need to start with:

molar mass N2 = 2x14 = 28 g/mol

Now we use the following equation:

mass = mole × molar mass

mass = 10.4 × 28 = 291.2 grams of Nitrogen Gas

Answer: 291.2 grams of Nitrogen Gas

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) ---> CaCl2(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(ℓ)What would be the volume of CO2 (at STP) produced from the complete reaction of 10.0 grams of CaCO3?


The equation is balanced since the number of atoms of each element is the same on each side of the reaction.

Now, we will calculate the number of moles present in 10 grams of CaCO3. We will use the molar mass of CaCO3 for this

[tex]\begin{gathered} lesofCaCO3=gCaCO_3\times\frac{1molCaCO_3}{MolarMass,\text{gCaCO}_3} \\ MolesofCaCO3=10.0gCaCO_3\times\frac{1molCaCO_3}{100.0869gCaCO_3}=0.1molCaCO_3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Assuming that the rest of the reactants are in excess, 0.1 mol of CaCO3 will react and form 0.1 mol of CO2, since the ratio is 1 to 1.

Now to calculate the volume, we can apply the ideal gas law which tells us:



P is the pressure (STP) =1 atm

V is the volume in Liters

n is the number of moles = 0.1 mol CO2

R is a constant = 0.08206 (atm L)/(mol K)

T is the temperature (STP)= 273.15K

Now, we clear the volume and write the known values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{nR_{}T}{P} \\ V=\frac{0.1\text{mol}\times0.08206\frac{atm.L}{mol.K}\times273.15K}{1atm} \\ V=2.2L \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume of CO2(at STP) produced would be 2.2L

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