1.) Your 3 year investment of $20,000 received 5.2% interested compounded semi annually. What is your total return? ASW


Answer 1

Let's begin by listing out the information given to us:

Principal (p) = $20,000

Interest rate (r) = 5.2% = 0.052

Number of compounding (n) = 2 (semi annually)

Time (t) = 3 years

The total return is calculated as shown below:

A = p(1 + r/n)^nt

A = 20000(1 + 0.052/2)^2*3 = 20000(1 + 0.026)^6

A = 20000(1.1665) = 23,330

A = $23,330

Related Questions

Write and solve addition equations3/8 + n = 7/8



We're going to solve:


For n:

[tex]\begin{gathered} n=\frac{7}{8}-\frac{3}{8} \\ \\ n=\frac{4}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, n=4/8

hello I am stuck on this problem in need of help please thank you


First let's do a quick table to help us, when we have S = 0 we cannot make any cookies, then N = 0. When we have one cup of sugar S = 1 we can make 30 cookies, then N = 30. For S = 2, which means, 2 cups of sugar we can make 60 cookies, and so on, then we can do a table like

Then we can see that the relation between N and S is 30, because N = 30.S, for each unit of S that we put we get 30 more cookies, then the equation is


And if we want to solve it for S


Looking at the graph we can see that S is in the y-axis, therefore we are going to use the equation where we have S on the left side, which means, solved for S. Then we are going to plot the equation:


This equation is a line, a very simple graph! you can plot two points and then draw a line, for example, use the point (30,1) and (60,2), if we plot these points we get

Now we draw a line that connects these two points, and we have the graph!

Kyla is filling a water bucket that holds 5 and 1/4 gallons using a container that holds 3/4 of a gallon per container (a) Create a division problem that finds how many containers Kyla will need to use. Evaluate this quotient(b) Check your answer to (a) by using a product. Show your work


Given a water bucket that holds


A container with the measurement below was used to fill the water bucket


(a) The division problem that shows how many containers are needed to fill the water bucket is


The quotient is as solved below:

[tex]5\frac{1}{4}=\frac{5\times4+1}{4}=\frac{21}{4}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5\frac{1}{4}}{\frac{3}{4}}=\frac{\frac{21}{4}}{\frac{3}{4}} \\ \frac{21}{4}\frac{\square}{\square}\frac{3}{4} \\ =\frac{21}{4}\times\frac{4}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\frac{7\times1}{1\times1}=7[/tex]

Hence, the quotient is 7 Containers

(b) Checking the answer using a product as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7\times\frac{3}{4}=5\frac{1}{4} \\ \frac{7\times3}{4}=\frac{21}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\frac{21}{4}=5\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Hence, the product of 7 and 3/4 gallons container will fill 5 1/4 water bucket

Place the following from least to greatest 9square root of 6square root of 101.53.14159


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{6}=2.44\cdots \\ \sqrt[]{10}=3.16\cdots \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the given number ordered from least to greatest is:


Given the following angles of a regular polygon, 120°, (4*x+-3)°, (x+14)°, 45°, 135°, (x-31)°, and (x*6+20)°, what is the value of x?


Since the polygon has seven angles we deduce it is a heptagon. In that case the sum of the interior angles must be equal to 900°. We can formulate the following equation accordingly.

120°+(4*x-3)°+ (x+14)°+ 45°+ 135°+ (x-31)°+ (x*6+20)° = 900°

120°- 3° +14° + 45° + 135° - 31° + 20 + 4x + x + x + 6x = 900° (Organizing)

300 ° + 12x = 900° (Operating like terms)

12x= 900° - 300° (Transposing 300° to the other side of the equation)

12x= 600° (Subtracting 300° from 900°)

12/12x= 600° / 12 (Dividing by 12 on both sides of the equation)

x= 50°

Answer is: x= 50°

The graph of f (in blue) is translated a whole number of units horizontally and vertically to obtain the graph of h (in red).Write down the expression for h *(x)The function f is defined * x/-=(x)/^ q


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=-\sqrt{x} \\ f(x)\text{ is shifted 4 units to the left, hence} \\ f(x)^{\prime}=-\sqrt{x+4} \\ f(x)\imaginaryI\text{s sh}\imaginaryI\text{fted 3 un}\imaginaryI\text{ts up, hence} \\ h(x)=-\sqrt{x+4}+3 \\ The\text{ function h\lparen x\rparen is -}\sqrt{x+4}\text{+3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

An accountant charges a fee of $100 to complete a company's taxes. The accountant also charges an additional $35 per hour to complete the taxes. Which of the following equations can be used to describe this problem? y = 35 − 100x y = 35 + 100x y = 100 − 35x y = 100 + 35x


We have that 100 is a fix amount and if x describes the additional charges per hour we have that the equations is 100 + 35x. The answer is y = 100 + 35x

1 2 3 At the beginning of the day the temperature was - 17°C. At noon the thermometer read -2°C What is the total change in degrees Celsius?


The total change in temperature = temperature at noon minus temperature at the beginning of the day


What is the answer for x?


By the concept of parallels lines the value of x is 4 .

What are parallels lines?

Coplanar, straight lines that don't intersect anywhere are considered parallel lines in geometry. Lines in the same three-dimensional space that never cross one another and are said to be parallel. Curves that are parallel to each other and maintain a setting a minimum distance do not touch or intersect. Lines in a plane that consistently have the same separation are said to be parallel. Nothing can cross a parallel line. Lines that cross at a straight angle of 90 degrees are called perpendicular lines. Two lines in the same plane that are equally spaced apart and never cross each other are referred to in geometry as parallel lines. Both vertical and horizontal can be used. Parallel line examples abound in daily life, such as the rows of notebooks and zebra crossings.

9x - 6 = 6x + 6

3x = 12

x = 4

To know more about parallels lines , visit:



I need help with this practice problem, I am struggling to solve It’s from my trigonometry prep guide



Corey stepped 59.71 ft away


The situation is sketched in the following diagram.

The distance from the foot of the tree is y and x for angles 41 and 68 degrees respectively.

Therefore, the distance Corey has to step away is y - x.

Now, from trigonometry, we know that

[tex]\tan (68^o)=\frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{adjacent}}[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow\tan (68^o)=\frac{\text{8}0}{\text{x}}[/tex]

We solve for x and get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow x\tan (68^o)=80 \\ \Rightarrow x=\frac{80}{\tan (68^o)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

since tan (68) = 2.475.., the above becomes


Now, for angle 41 we have

[tex]\tan (41^o)=\frac{opposite}{\text{adjacent}}[/tex][tex]\tan (41^o)=\frac{80}{y}[/tex]

solving for y gives

[tex]y=\frac{80}{\tan (41^o)}[/tex]

since tan(41) = 0.869..., the above becomes

[tex]y=\frac{80}{0.869\ldots}[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow y=92.0295\ldots[/tex]

Therefore, the distance Corey has to step away from the tree to get a better view is (rounded to the nearest hundredth)


13. A table costs $439. It is on sale for 40%off. a How much do you save? b. What isthe sales price? Solve question#3 parts a &b.a. I saveb. The sales price isу


A table costs 439, and it is on sale for 40%. That means we shall deduct 40% of 439 from the actual cost as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Sales}=\text{Cost}-\text{Discount} \\ \text{Sales}=439-(439\times\frac{40}{100}) \\ \text{Sales}=439-(439\times0.40) \\ \text{Sales}=439-175.60 \\ \text{Sales}=263.40 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The savings is $175.60

The sales price is $263.40

Find the lateral surface area of the following cylinder:r = 3 cmh = 3 cmLSA = [?]π cm?Leave your answer in terms of pi


In order to calculate the lateral surface area of the cylinder, we can use the following formula:

[tex]\text{LSA}=2\pi rh[/tex]

Where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

Using r = 3 and h = 3, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{LSA}=2\pi\cdot3\cdot3 \\ \text{LSA}=18\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the LSA is equal 18π cm², therefore the answer is 18.

write your own multiple event probability problem and solve it as if you are explaining your reasoning to a friend.



You and your sister have six-sided dice each one. What is the probability that if both roll your dice, you get an even number and your sister get an odd number.

Now, each dice has 6 numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6

The even numbers are: 2,4,6 (3 options)

The odd numbers are: 1,3,5 (3 options)

Now, the probability of rolling an even number is:


And the probability of rolling an odd number is:


Then, the probability that you get an even number and your sister an odd number is the product of the probabilities of each event:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(e\cap o)=P(e)*P(o) \\ \\ P(e\cap o)=\frac{3}{6}*\frac{3}{6} \\ \\ P(e\cap o)=\frac{9}{36}=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability is 1/4

15% of 80 is 60% of what number?


Let x be the required number.

[tex]15\text{ \% of 80 =}60\text{ \% of x}[/tex]

[tex]15\text{ \% }\times\text{ 80 =}60\text{ \% }\times\text{ x}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{15}{100}\text{ }\times\text{ 80 =}\frac{60}{100}\text{ }\times\text{ x}[/tex]

Using the cross-product method, we get


Hence 15% of 80 is 60% of 20.

The answer is 20.

In New York State, the minimum wage has grownexponentially. In 1966, the minimum wage was$1.25 an hour and in 2015, it was $8.75.Algebraically determine the rate of growth to thenearest percent.


The Solution.

In 1966, which is the initial year(t); t = 0, and minimum wage(y), y = $1.25


In 2015, t = 49 years , (that is, 1966 to 2015), and y = $8.75

The rate of growth to the nearest percent is

[tex]\text{Rate of growth =}\frac{y_2-y_1}{t_2-t_1}\times100[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Where y}_2=8.75,t_2=49\text{ years} \\ y_1=\text{ \$1.25},t_1=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting into the formula above, we get

[tex]\text{Rate of growth =}\frac{8.75-1.25}{49-0}\times100[/tex][tex]\text{Rate of growth = }\frac{7.5}{49}\times100=15.31\approx15\text{ \%}[/tex]

Hence, the correct answer is 15%

Question 18 of 30Use the formula below to solve the given problem. In the formula, drepresents the distance an object falls, in meters, and trepresents the timethat an object falls, in seconds. Round to the nearest tenth and do not includeunits in your answer.A screw from the space shuttle in outer space falls from the space shuttle.How far would the screw fall in 11 seconds?ſa=t•2.8Answer here



We were asked to find how far the screw will fall in 11 seconds.

How far simply means the distance. So we will find the distance using the formula they gave to us.

[tex]\begin{gathered} So\text{ from the formula }\sqrt[]{d}\text{ = t . 2.8, } \\ \sqrt[]{d}\text{ = t }\times\text{2.8, d = distance that we want to find, t = time = 11seconds} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{d\text{ }}\text{ = 2.8t, when we multiply t by 2.8 } \\ \text{Now, we will take the square of both sides to remove the }\sqrt[]{\text{ }}\text{ } \\ (\sqrt[]{d})^2=(2.8t)^2 \\ d=(2.8\times11)^2 \\ d=30.8^2 \\ d\text{ = 948.64} \\ d\text{ = 948.6 to the nearest tenth} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 948.6 to the nearest tenth

5. Logan is cooking carrots as part of his dinner. He is in a rush so he wants them to cook as fast as possible. He decides to cut them into small pieces so they cook faster. Will this work? Use the dimensions of two pieces of carrot to justify your answer.


Let's imagine a piece of carrot that has a shape of a cylinder, and the total surface area of the carrot is S.

If we cut the carrot in half, with a cut parallel to the cylinder base, we will have two smaller cylinders, but the total surface area will increase, since the "internal" part of the bigger cylinder will now be an external area for the new 2 pieces:

In the drawing, the green circles in the right image will add to the total surface area.

If only the base of the cylinder is touching the pan, the surface area will double (from pi*r² to 2*pi*r²), since we will have two pieces of carrot instead of one, with the same base area.

If a bigger surface area is in contact with the pan, the carrots will cook faster. Therefore the answer is YES.

Use the point highlighted in the graph below to write the equation in point slope form for the line provided.


Making the equation of the graph using the Point-Slope Form:

[tex]\text{ y - y}_1=m(x-x_1)[/tex]

Since slope was not given, let's compute first for the slope (m) using this formula,

[tex]\text{ m = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1_{}}[/tex]

From the graph, we have one set of coordinates given: (2, 3)

However, we cannot solve the slope with one point alone, thus let's find another point that's along the line and easier to find. From the graph, we get (0,4).

Let's now compute for the slope (m).

[tex](x_1,y_1)=(0,4);(x_{2,}y_2)=(2,3)_{}[/tex][tex]\text{ m = }\frac{3\text{ - 4}}{2\text{ - 0}}\text{ = }\frac{-1}{2}[/tex]

Let's now make the equation using the Point-Slope Form using (2,3) as (x1,y2),

[tex]\text{ y - y}_1=m(x-x_1)[/tex][tex]\text{ y - 3 = (}\frac{-1}{2})(x-\text{ 2)}[/tex][tex]\text{ y - 3 + 3 = -}\frac{1}{2}x\text{ + }\frac{2}{2}\text{ + 3}[/tex][tex]\text{ y = }\frac{-1}{2}x\text{ + 1 + 3 = }\frac{-1}{2}x\text{ + 4}[/tex]

Thus, the equation of the line is,

[tex]\text{ y = }\frac{-1}{2}x\text{ + 4}[/tex]

Find the exponential function f(x)=Ca^x whose graph is given below.



f(x) = 2[tex](\frac{1}{3}) ^{x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

exponential in the form

f(x) = C[tex]a^{x}[/tex]

to find C and a use points from the graph

using (0, 2 ) , then

2 = C[tex]a^{0}[/tex] ( [tex]a^{0}[/tex] = 1 ) , so

C = 2

f(x) = 2[tex]a^{x}[/tex]

using (2, [tex]\frac{2}{9}[/tex] )

[tex]\frac{2}{9}[/tex] = 2a² ( divide both sides by 2 )

[tex]\frac{1}{9}[/tex] = a² ( take square root of both sides )

[tex]\sqrt{\frac{1}{9} }[/tex] = a ⇒ a = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

f(x) = 2 [tex](\frac{1}{3}) ^{x}[/tex] ← exponential function

Find the absolute value of -1818-181/18-1/18Find the opposite of -2525-251/25-1/25


the absolute value of a number does not contain negative sign

so the absolute value of the given expression (-18) is,

= 18

thus, the answer is option A.


the opposite of -25 will be,

= -(-25)

= 25

thus the answer is for the second question is option A

Examine the figure below.If AABC is similar to ADEF, determine the measure of


We have two similar triangles.

They will have proportional sides and equal measures.

Then, if we have to evaluate Then, we can write:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle A=m\angle D \\ 3x+18=4x+2 \\ 3x-4x=2-18 \\ -x=-16 \\ x=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Knowing x, we can calculate m[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle A=3x+18 \\ m\angle A=3\cdot16+18=48+18=66\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer: the measure of A is 66º

A group of biologists is surveying the mice population in a forest. The equatio n=75 times 3t gives the total number of mice, n, t years after the survey began. What does the number 3 mean in the situationA: the common difference B: The original population of miceC: the common ratioD: the slop


I think the equation should be


where 3 is the common ratio of the exponential function

so the answer is C.

Now finish solving the equation. What is the value of m?-(m - 6) = 3m + 14-m + 6 = 3m + 14-m + 6 - 3m = 3m + 14 - 3m-4m + 6 = 14m=


[tex]\begin{gathered} -4m+6-6=14-6 \\ -4m=8 \\ -\frac{4m}{-4}=\frac{8}{-4} \\ m=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The engines of a plane are pushing itdue north at a rate of 300 mph, andthe wind is pushing the plane 20°west of north at a rate of 40 mph. Inwhat direction is the plane going?O[?]Round to the nearest tenth.



What to find?

The direction in which the plane is going.


From the question given; the engines of a plane are pushing it due north at a rate of 300 mph, and the wind is pushing the plane 20° west of north at a rate of 40 mph.

We know that;

Find the area of the triangle below.Carry your intermediate computations to at least four decimal places. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.9 ft13 ft6 ft



The area of the triangle is 27 square feet


The area of a triangle is given as:


Where b and h are the base and height of the triangle respectively

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{1}{2}(9\times6) \\ \\ =27ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

How is a dilation different from all other transformations in this unit?O A dilation changes both angle size and side lengths of the pre-image.O A dilation changes side lengths.O A dilation does not have a pre-image.A dilation is not a transformation.< Previous


A dilation is a non-rigid transformation, which means it changes the size of the shape. Specifically, it changes the sides, not the angles.

Therefore, the answer is A dilation change side lengths.

select all the sets of the value that could be the side length of Triangle z.sides are 7,4,10


We will determine if the sets are proportional, if they are, then those will be the sets of lengths that would belong to triangle z, that is:



So, set a is not one.



So, set b could be a set of lengths that belong to triangle z.



So, set c is not one.



So, set d could be a set of lengths that belong to triangle z.



So, set e could be a set of lengths that beling to triangle z.

So, the options that could be candidate are: b, d & e.

lax and tip word pr You might need: 3 Calcu The sales tax in your city is 4.4%. and an item costs $3 before tax. How much tax would you pay on that item?


[tex]\begin{gathered} 4.4\text{\%}=\frac{4.4}{100}=0.044 \\ \text{Tax}=0.044\times3 \\ \text{Tax}=\text{\$}0.132 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Tax = $0.13(nearest hundredth)

4. A cylinder has a volume of 198 cm^3,and itsbase has an area of 22 cm^2.What is theheight of the cylinder?Please hurry


1) Let's find out the height of that cylinder, by plugging it into the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\pi\cdot r^2\cdot h \\ 198\text{ =}\pi\cdot rh \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) The Base area is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_B=\pi\cdot r^2 \\ 22=\pi\cdot r^2 \\ \frac{22}{\pi}=\frac{\pi}{\pi}r^2 \\ r=\sqrt[]{\frac{22}{\pi}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So now let's plug that radius


Spread of Data Worksheet
1. Construct the box-and-whisker plot for the number of episodes in each season of the TV show "The
Number of


The Box and Whisker Plot is shown in the graph below .

Box and Whisker Plot :

It is plotted to display variation in a set of data . In most cases, a histogram analysis provides a sufficient display, but a box and whisker plot can provide additional detail while allowing multiple sets of data to be displayed in the same graph.

How to construct a box and whisker plot ?

The left and right sides show the lower and upper quartiles of the data resp. . The box covers the interquartile interval where half the data is found .The vertical line that split the data in two is the median of data .

To learn more on Box and Whisker Plot follow link :



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