1. If I have at most $10 in my pocket what does this mean? What symbol would you use for "at most"?2. If I have at least $10 in my pocket what does this mean? What symbol would you use for "at least"?


Answer 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1.\text{ }x\le10 \\ 2.\text{ }x\ge10 \end{gathered}[/tex]



In this case it means that you actually have $10 or less, so an inequality that represents the situation would be:



In this case it means that you actually have $10 or more, therefore, an inequality that represents the situation would be:


Related Questions

=O GRAPHINGFinding the next terms of an arithmetic sequence with integersThe first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are as follows.-5, -8, -11Find the next two terms of this sequence.5.-8.-11.008 OBx 6



Given the first three terms of an arithmetic sequence as;


An arithmetic sequence is a sequence with a common difference d, The common difference is the difference between two consecutive terms. Where;

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=a_2-a_1 \\ \text{Where;} \\ a_2=\text{ second term;} \\ a_1=\text{first term} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} d=-8-(-5) \\ d=-8+5 \\ d=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Also, the next term of the sequence can be known by adding the common difference to the previous term.

Hence, the next two terms are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} =-11+(-3) \\ =-11-3 \\ =-14 \\ \text{and } \\ =-14+(-3) \\ =-14-3 \\ =-17 \end{gathered}[/tex]



Part B: select the box or boxes under the coordinate pairs the represent solutions for the system.


The given system of inequalities is

[tex]\begin{gathered} y>\frac{3}{2}x-2 \\ y\leq-3x-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the solution is the area shaded by the 2 colors

Let us check the points

(-2, -5) it lies on the red dashed line

Since the line is dashed, then the points lie on it do not belong to the solution, then

(-2, -5) does not belong to the solution

(-2, -5) is not a solution

(-2, 2) it lies on the blue line

Since the line is solid, then the points that lie on it belong to the solution, then

(-2, 2) is a solution

(0, -4) it is out of the area of both colors, then

(0, -4) is not a solution

(-3, -1) it lies in the area of the common colors, then

(-3, -1) is a solution

(-1, 4) it is out the area of both colors, then

(-1, 4) is not a solution

(-20, 15) is in the area of the common colors, then

(-20, 15) is a solution

(15, 20) it is out the area of both colors, then

(15, 20) is not a solution

Then the solutions of the system are:

(-2, 2), (-3, -1), (-20, 15)

Zach puts $1000 into a savings account earning 5% compound interest for 5 years. How much
interest has Zach earned at the end of the the 5 years?
Do not enter the dollar sign as part of your answer


The amount of interest Zach earn in 5 years given the principal and interest rate compounded for 5 years is 276.3

What is the amount of interest Zach earned?

A = P(1 + r/n)^nt


A = principal + interestPrincipal, P = $1000Interest rate, r = 5% = 0.05Time, t = 5 yearsNumber of periods, n = 1

A = P(1 + r/n)^nt

= 1000(1 + 0.05/1) ^(1×5)

= 1000(1 + 0.05) ^5

= 1000(1.05)^5

= 1000(1.2762815625)

= 1,276.2815625




A = principal + interest

1, 276.3 = 1000 + interest

1276.3 - 1000 = interest

Interest = 276.3

Therefore, the amount of interest earned in 5 years is 276.3

Read more on compound interest:



6. 5.6% of 283 is what number?7. 55% sign of 104 is what number?


To solve the exercise you can use a rule of three:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 283\rightarrow100\text{\%} \\ x\rightarrow5.6\text{\%} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{5.6\text{\%}\cdot283}{100\text{\%}} \\ x=\frac{5.6\cdot283}{100} \\ x=\frac{1584.8}{100} \\ x=15.848 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 5.6% of 283 is 15.848.

Which inequality is represented by the graph


The inequality 4x - 2y < 12 is represented by the attached graph. which is the answer would be an option (B).

What is inequality?

Inequality is defined as mathematical statements that have a minimum of two terms containing variables or numbers that are not equal.

As per option (B),

4x - 2y < 12

We can see that the x-intercept is (0, -6), and the y-intercept is (2.5, 0) in the given graph which is determined by substituting the value of x and y is equal to 0 in the equation 4x - 2y = 12.

The inequality 4x - 2y < 12 is represented by the attached graph.

Hence, the answer would be option (B).

Learn more about inequalities here:



neeed double chedking on this


The area will be the area of the blue part minus the area of the white part:

9(8)-5(3)=72-15= 57 square centimeters

What does the constant 1.6 reveal about the rate of change of the quantity?


The form of the exponential growth/decay function is

[tex]f(x)=a(1\pm r)^x[/tex]

a is the initial amount

r is the rate of growth/decay per x years

We use + with growth and - with decay

Since the given function is


Where t is time per week

Compare the two functions

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=2700 \\ (1+r)=1.6 \\ x=7t \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since 1.6 is greater than 1, then

The function is growth

Equate 1.6 by (1 + r) to find r

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1+r=1.6 \\ \\ 1-1+r=1.6-1 \\ \\ r=0.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Change it to percent by multiplying it by 100%

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=0.6\times100\text{ \%} \\ \\ r=60\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since x = 7t then the time is every 7 weeks

The answer is

The function is growing exponentially at a rate of 60% every 7 weeks

Are the graphs of the equations parallel, perpendicular, or neither? y= 2x +6 and y= 1/2x +3


Given the equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x+6 \\ y=\frac{1}{2}x+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation has the form of slope - intercept form which is like:

[tex]y=m\cdot x+b[/tex]

Where m is the slope and b is y- intercept


The slope of the first equation = 2

The slope of the second equation = 1/2

The graphs of the equations are parallel when the slopes are equal

The graphs of the equations are perpendicular when the product of the slopes = -1


the slopes are not equal

The product of the slopes = 2 * 1/2 = 1

So, the graphs of the equations are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

which point is located at (0,8)


The point (0, 8) simply means the x axis is 0 while the y axis is 8. The answer is C.

what is 19,593 in expanded form?


The extended form of the given number is:


Each table represents a proportional relationship. For each, find theconstant of proportionality, k, and write an equation that represents therelationship. Write k as a simplified proper or improper fraction and use thegiven variables.


**For the first table:

*We determine the value of k, as follows:

[tex]30=k(18)\Rightarrow k=\frac{5}{3}[/tex]

The equation that represents the table is:


**For the second table:

*We determine the value of k, as follows:

[tex]18=k(30)\Rightarrow k=\frac{3}{5}[/tex]

The equation that represents the table is:


Kevin and Randy have a jar containing 67 coins all of which are either quarters or nickels. The total value of the coins in the jar $12.75 ... how many of each type of coin do they have?



47quarters and 20 nickel


Let the number of quarters be x

Let the number of nickels be y

If there are 67 coins in the jar, then;

x + y = 67 ....1

1 quarter = 0.25x

1 nickel = 0.05y

If the total value of the coins in the jar is $12.75, then;

0.25x + 0.05y = 12.75 ....2

Multiply through by 100

25x + 5y = 1275 ....2

Solve 1 and 2 simultaneously

x + y = 67 ....1 * 25

25x + 5y = 1275 ....2 * 1

Using Elimination method


25x + 25y = 1,675

25x + 5y = 1275


25y - 5y = 1675 - 1275

20y = 400

y = 400/20

y = 20

Substitute y = 20 into equation 1;

From 1; x + y = 67

x + 20 = 67

x = 67 - 20

x = 47

This means there are 47quarters and 20 nickel.

Runner A averages 5 miles per hour, and Runner B averages 6 miles per hour. At these rates, how much longer does it take Runner A than Runner B to run 15
1 hour
2.5 hours
1.5 hours
3 hours


If Runner A averages 5 miles per hour, and Runner B averages 6 miles per hour. At these rates, then it took 3 hours for runner A.

What is Equation?

Two or more expressions with an Equal sign is called as Equation.


Runner A averages 5 miles per hour, and

Runner B averages 6 miles per hour.

The time required for A to complete 15 miles is


3 hrs

Hence Runner A needs 3 hours to run 15 miles.

To learn more on Equation:



what is the slope - intercept form of a line that passes through points(2,12) and (4,17) ?


A line pass through points (2, 11) and (4, 17);

The slope-intercept form of a line is given as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ \text{Where m = slope} \\ c=\text{ y-intercept} \\ \\ \text{But slope m=}\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \text{Where x}_1=2 \\ x_2=4 \\ y_1=11 \\ y_2=17 \\ m=\frac{17-11}{4-2}=\frac{6}{2} \\ m=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Also, for the y-intercept c;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{But when x=2, y=11} \\ \text{let's use this point to get the c} \\ 11=3(2)+c \\ c=11-6 \\ c=5 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the slope intercept equation of the line is;

y = 3x + 5

3, -9, 27, -81,..... common difference/ratiod = 3r = 9r = -3 d = 12


To find the common ratio we divide the terms by the previous one. In this case we have:


Therefore, the common ratio is r=-3.

i need help simplifying 1/3(3n+9)





Given the expression:


To simplify, we first open the bracket.


We can then divide common factors:

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{3n}{3}+\frac{9}{3} \\ =n+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The simplified form is: n+3

Find the coordinates of the midpoint between (8, 1) and (0, - 9). F. (4, -5) G. (4, -4) H. (8, -5) J. (8, -8)



(4, -4)


In order to find the midpoint between two points we have to obtain the midpoint horizontally and vertically.

In this case, we have:

If anyone to solve this problem it will be greatly appreciated and I will be sure to give the best possible rating


Step 1

Graph the points from the table and make a plot that can help determine the possible line of best fit.

Hence, the equation of the line of best fit with values to the nearest hundredths will be;


which equation , together with y=-1.5x+3 , makes a system with just on solution.y = -1.5x+6y = -1.5x2y = -3x+62y + 3x = 6y = -2x + 3



Given the equation y= -1.5x + 3

In order to get a system with just one solution, the viable options are those that allow both lines to intersect in just one point.

Those equations are:

y= -1.5x

y=-2x + 3

The system of equations y=-1.5x+3 and y=-1.5x+6 has no solution because subtracting both expressions give us the result 3=0

The system y=-1.5x+3 and 2y = -3x+6, or in the same way the system y=-1.5x+3 and 2y + 3x = 6 has no solution because they have the same expression.

[the ending was select all that apply ] can somebody help me with this with an explanation on how to do it?


Answer: the goal is to isolate the variable so the answer is 12

Step-by-step explanation:

From a window 100ft above the ground in building A, the top and bottom of building B are sighted so that the angles are 70 degrees and 30 degrees respectively. Find the height of building B?



From a window 100ft above the ground in building A, the top and bottom of building B are sighted so that the angles are 70 degrees and 30 degrees respectively.

To find:-

The height of building B.

So now, the image of the given data is,

So now we find the value of PS. so we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \text{ 30=}\frac{100}{PS} \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt[]{3}}=\frac{100}{PS} \\ PS=100\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So now we find the height of QS,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \text{ 70=}\frac{QS}{PS} \\ 2.7474=\frac{QS}{100\sqrt[]{3}} \\ QS=100\sqrt[]{3}\times2.7474 \\ QS=475.84 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the total height is,


So the height of building B is 575.84

Jessica borrowed $1,450 for three months at an annual rate of 8.75%under a single-payment plan. How much interest must she pay?a. $0.30b. $31.72c. $4,893.75d. $108.75



Principal amount (P)= $1450

Rate (R) = 8.75%

Time (T)= 3 months

The interest is given by the formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{P\times R\times T}{100\times12} \\ =\frac{1450\times8.75\times3}{100\times12} \\ =31.71875 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Harold cut 18 1/2 inches off a rope that was 60 inches long. How is the length of the remaining rope written in decimals?


Substract 18 1/2 from 60 to determine the length of remaining rope.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 60-18\frac{1}{2}=60-\frac{37}{2} \\ =\frac{120-37}{2} \\ =\frac{83}{2} \\ =41.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So length of remaining rope is 41.5 inches.

help me with this question please



From the graph, we can clearly state that:

In 2 mins, there were 0 calls.

In 3 mins, there was 1 call.

In 4 mins, there were 4 calls.

In 5 mins, there were 6 calls.

In 6 mins, there were 4 calls.

Then, the number of calls that were answered to in 6 mins or less were 0+1+4+6+4 = 15

Simplify: (3x-8)+(4x-17)





Given the expression:


First, we open the brackets


Next, we rearrange bringing like terms together.

[tex]\begin{gathered} =3x+4x-8-17 \\ =7x-25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

it's late but I need help



X = weight of the puppy at thefirst visit

Click an item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers.Find the side of a square whose diagonal is of the given measure.Given = ft.


see the figure below to better understand the problem

In the given square ABCD

Apply the Pythagorean Theoren in the right triangle BDC

[tex]\begin{gathered} D^2=a^2+a^2 \\ D^2=2a^2 \\ we\text{ have} \\ D=12\sqrt{10}\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute given value

[tex]\begin{gathered} (12\sqrt{10})^2=2a^2 \\ 144(10)=2a^2 \\ 2a^2=1,440 \\ a^2=720 \\ a=\sqrt{720}\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]a=12\sqrt{5}\text{ ft}[/tex]

which choice is equivalent to the quotient below? sqrt 7/8* sqrt7/187/16/121/23/47/12


We can apply the following properties of radicals:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[n]{ab}=\sqrt[n]{a}\cdot\sqrt[n]{b}\Rightarrow\text{ Product property} \\ \sqrt[n]{\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{\sqrt[n]{a}}{\sqrt[n]{b}}\Rightarrow\text{ Quotient property} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Apply the product property} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}}\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{18}}=\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}\cdot\frac{7}{18}} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}}\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{18}}=\sqrt[]{\frac{7\cdot7}{8\cdot18}} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}}\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{18}}=\sqrt[]{\frac{49}{144}} \\ \text{ Apply the quotient property} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}}\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{18}}=\frac{\sqrt[]{49}}{\sqrt[]{144}} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{7}{8}}\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{7}{18}}=\frac{7}{12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the choice that is equivalent to the given product is:


The sum of two consecutive integers is 17. Which equations could be used to find the twoconsecutive integers? Select all that are correct.A.X+X+1=17B.X+x=17C.2x=17D.2x+2=17E.X+X+2=17F.2x+1=17



the answer to the question is option A

to solve a problem like this, let x represent the first number

x + (x + 1) = 17

x = first number

x + 1 = successive number

4) P(A) = 0.55 P(B) = 0.25 P(A and B) = ? *a.0.2b.0.21c.0.3d.0.1375


Since P (A and B) = P(A) · P(B)

Since P(A) = 0.55 and P(B) = 0.25, then

P(A and B) = 0.55 x 0.25

P(A and B) = 0.1375

The answer is d

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