(1) Hawaiian native Bethany Hamilton loves to surf.(2) Most days you’ll find her in the ocean paddling out to the waves, trying to catch a big one. (3) There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably if you saw her recognize Bethany. (4) She’s the surfer with only one arm.

(5) At the age of 13, Bethany was surfing off the coast of Kauai’s north shore after she was suddenly attacked by a 14-foot-long tiger shark. (6) The shark took a 17-inch bite out of Bethany’s surfboard. (7) It bit off most of Bethany’s left arm. (8) A friend’s father was nearby, and he quickly tied a tight band around Bethany’s upper arm to stop the bleeding. (9) Then Bethany was rushed to the hospital. (10) But who would have dreamed she would ever surf again? (11) Bethany, that’s who!

(12) Shortly after the shark attack, Bethany expressed her determination to begin surfing again. (13) Her parents thought she might need help copeing with the loss of her arm, but Bethany proved them wrong. (14) Just 10 weeks after the accident, Bethany was back on her surfboard. (15) She says the hardest part was learning how to paddle with one arm. (16) Bethany explains that it’s a little like doing “a one arm push-up. (17) Difficult as it was, she continued to practice, and before long she was successful. (18) In a matter of months, the young surfer was back in competitions again.

(19) Bethany has a prosthetic arm now, she doesn’t wear it much. (20) She has learned to do just about everything with one arm. (21) She can hold a soda bottle between her thighs and open it with her right hand. (22) She can peel a orange by sitting on the floor and holding it with her feet. (23) The only thing she hasn’t been able to do is braid her own hair. (24) But Bethany don’t waste any time thinking about what she can’t do. (25) She is grateful for what she can do- and that includes surfing!
Question 1 (1 point)
What is the BEST way to revise sentence 3?

Question 1 options:

Since there are lots of surfers in Hawaii. You would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

Even though there are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw Bethany.

There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably recognize her if you saw her.

Question 2 (1 point)
Which sentence could BEST follow and support sentence 9?

Question 2 options:

She had been surfing off the north shore of Kauai with her best friend Alana Blanchard and Alana’s brother and father.

Everyone wanted to get Bethany to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Bethany likes to surf early in the morning when the waves are the most challenging.

After emergency treatment and a few days of observations, Bethany was allowed to go home.

Question 3 (1 point)
What change should be made in sentence 13?

Question 3 options:

Change parents to parent’s

Change copeing to coping

Delete the comma

Change them to her

Question 4 (1 point)
What revision, if any, is needed in sentence 19?

Question 4 options:

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now, but she doesn’t wear it much.

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now. And doesn’t wear it much.

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now. That she doesn’t wear much.

No revision is needed

Question 5 (1 point)
What change, if any is needed in sentence 22?

Question 5 options:

Change a to an

Insert a comma after floor

Change by to buy

Make no change


Answer 1


GP Quiz 3: Bethany Hamilton

Q1. What is the best way to revise sentence 3?

C. There are lots of surfers in hawii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

Q2. Which sentence could best follow and support sentence 9?

D. After emergancy treatment and a few days of obversations, Bethany was allowed to go home.

Q3. What change should be made in sentence 13?

B. Change Copeing to coping.

Q4. What revision, if any, is needed in sentence 19?

A. Bethany has a Prosthetic arm now, but she doesnt wear it much.

Q5. What change, if any, is needed  in sentence 22?

A. Change A to an


For Question 1 I have a feeling it might be A but I chose C

As for the answers I chose them and got a B so if you want a B then choose those i guess I did take the test again and I got another B but with diffrent

answers here they are

Q1 - A

Q2 - D

Q3 - B

Q4 - B

Q5 - A

(1) Hawaiian Native Bethany Hamilton Loves To Surf.(2) Most Days Youll Find Her In The Ocean Paddling
(1) Hawaiian Native Bethany Hamilton Loves To Surf.(2) Most Days Youll Find Her In The Ocean Paddling
Answer 2


Q1 - A

Q2 - D

Q3 - B

Q4 - A

Q5 - A

I studied the person on tops answer for awhile, then picked these answers and got an A so there ya go :)

(1) Hawaiian Native Bethany Hamilton Loves To Surf.(2) Most Days Youll Find Her In The Ocean Paddling

Related Questions

Part A
Exercise 1
Circle I if the sentences have intransitive verbs. Circle T if the
sentences have transitive verbs.
1. We ate the whole pie.
2. The boy finished his schoolwork.
3. The store sells many good books.
4. Betty relaxed on the holiday weekend.
а) ннннння
5. Greg showered quickly before breakfast.
6. I'm going to drink a huge bottle of soda.
7. Is someone going to repair the printer today?
8. The mountain climber fell down the mountain.


I think 1 is good it’s rlly good for society and we are the whole pie

In “The Day the Mollets Get Their Moxie Back,” the girls are excited when they hear that Ricky wore a grass skirt and did a hula dance during a talent show. They say that it would be great to have their own talent show.

What could the reader predict after reading this passage from the story?

Ricky will come home soon to be with the family.

Ruth will grow up and be a hula dancer.

The girls’ father will find a job.

The girls will hold their own talent show.





Four ways in which one's acceptance of responsibility can effective communication



Good attitude

Acknowledgement of others POV or input

Reiterate what you hear so others know you are paying close attention and want to be on the same page

Eye contact, body language and being approachable

Explanation:Humility, discussion, acceptance of responsibility, teamwork, accountability. If a person accepts responsibility for what they say, they acknowledge awareness of consequences.

Taking Accountability of actions actually reflects the maturity of a person, and reflect their desire to talk about the conflict, and negotiate peace between them. Thus, acceptance of responsibility creates an open channel of communication, which is honest, constructive and understanding.

Is this correct I NEED HELP fill in the blanks to build a new sentence that helps explain the underlined text



The answer is work, young people, and characters.


Brainliest? Thanks!

The work of Marley and others has helped to show that young people need books written by diverse authors and featuring diverse characters.

What are books?

Books are a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages bound together and protected by a cover. The technical term for this physical arrangement is a codex. In the history of hand-held physical supports for extended written compositions or records, the codex replaces its predecessor, the scroll. A single sheet in a codex is a leaf and each side of a leaf is a page.

As an intellectual object, a book is prototypically a composition of such great length that it takes a considerable investment of time to compose and is still considered as an investment of time to read. In a restricted sense, a book is a self-sufficient section or part of a longer composition, a usage reflecting that, in antiquity, long works had to be written on several scrolls and each scroll had to be identified by the book it contained.

Each part of Aristotle's Physics is called a book.

Learn more about books, here:



Which situation best shows irony?





yeah the answer is C.

a thesis statement about reasearch essay about any topic



Thesis statement for a research paper

A thesis statement is a declarative sentence that asserts the position a paper will be taking. This statement should be both specific and arguable. Generally, the thesis statement will be placed at the end of the first paragraph of your paper. The remainder of your paper will support this thesis





Like the other person that answered, this should be an assignment that should be enjoyed. I can understand if you hate writing, don't know how to do it well, or can't come up with any ideas, but asking people on here to do it for you? I would've loved to do something like this.

You could write about anything, ranging from an event from your past to how someone deciding to pick up a plastic bag drifting through the street changed their life, for better or for worse. There are online plot generators that you can use to get a good start. What about searching up pictures from a preferred genre and revolving the story around that? There are endless possibilities when it comes to something like this, so you should enjoy it! If you're not, chances are you picked an idea you're not interested in. There are barely any limitations except the given requirements, which won't even affect your story in anyway. They're just basic writing elements. If worst comes to worst, take inspiration from another book/story you once read, like a certain concept, but do not plagiarize.

Wanna write a superhero/fantasy type thing? Go to superpower wiki and there's so much stuff there you could use. Seriously. You think of it, and they've got it.

Interested in horror? What's your favorite horror movie, and was/were the antagonist(s) like? Are they a person or evil being? Either way, make up your own that's similar to them.

If you wanna do mystery, take the same investigation/problem from something you know and put a twist on it. I'm really trying to help you come up with some stuff here, but I can't write an entire two-page story for you.

I empathize with you completely when it comes to procrastination and writer's block, but I know you can do this. You shouldn't have to turn to Brainly if you're too lazy, but I really hope you're not. Good luck, and I know you'll get a great grade!

This paragraph will discuss the physical benefits of weightlifting.

Strong: Claim

Weak: Not a Claim


weak: not a claim.....

.......... animal is her house.

a) shy

b) wild

c) safe





7 ways to deal with stress​









Figuratively, it says, "His body seemed to have not only the weakness of a jelly, but it's translucency." In what sense is he now translucent?


he’s weak and doesn’t feel stable i hoped this helped bc there’s no answer choices

Before you begin any writing assignment, look closely at the prompt and determine what information you have been asked to find. You may want to make a checklist that includes the subject, a list of requirements, and any open-ended questions the prompt expects you to answer.

Plan plenty of time for your research.

-When you start your investigation, relax and jot down all the sources you find along the way. You never know which source you may need more information from when you start writing.
-Write down interesting information and facts that support your answers to the prompt questions. Remember, every bit of evidence in your notes may not make it into your research paper. However, when writing your first draft, too much information is better than too little in your notes.
-Notes do not need to be perfect, but they need to withstand the test of time. Would you still be able to read and understand your notes if you had to stop researching for a few days? Could you relocate the original source if you needed extra information for your final draft? If not, slow down, write neatly, and add more details to your notes.
-Make sure your notes are in your own words. This will help you to avoid plagiarism when you begin writing. If you do like a quote, make sure you include quotation marks in your notes, or else you might accidentally use those words as your own.

Since you are writing a summary about an argument, you must gather information about both sides. Every argument has at least two sides. These sides are called claim and counter claim. Summaries of arguments require at least one paragraph summarizing the primary source's claim. For this essay, the summary paragraph about claim should not hold your personal opinion.

The summary of the counter claim will offer several details contesting the original claim. This paragraph should offer facts in the same straightforward fashion as in the summary of the claim. The counter claim paragraph will point out mistaken assumptions that the other side might hold or may have missed. By the end of your summary paragraphs, you should have an unbiased account of each side of the argument.



Thank you for this


Moist heat cooking methods can be useful for softening tough fibers in
meats making them more tender.





Which is the best behavior style to use in conflict situations

Social submissive
Quiet submissive



Companies today are expanding the role of teams in the workplace in an effort to empower employees and improve organizational effectiveness. The more we try to work as a team, the more important it becomes to recognize that people exhibit different behavioral styles. I use the term “behavioral style”, purposely avoiding the terms “personality” or “attitude”, because unless we are psychiatrists or psychologists, we are not qualified to evaluate such things. All that we can see and deal with is a person’s behavior.

There are four major behavioral styles: analytical, amiable, driver and expressive. Please note that I am using an extreme simplification of each particular style. It is doubtful that all people of a particular behavioral style exhibit all of the characteristics portrayed.

1. Future: Pages 61-63 contain a list of people who attended Gatsby's parties
during that summer. Nick says that he recorded these names on an old timetable,
now "disintegrating at its folds" (61). That means that Nick is looking back from a
time that is in the future of the "now" of the novel. What is the effect on the reader
of reading this list?



it effects Nick


Read the excerpt from a speech petitioning people to adopt animals in need.

I am here today to persuade you to see the benefit of adopting your next pet from the animal shelter instead of purchasing it from a pet store. It is crucial to see the value in adopting animals and hopefully putting pet stores out of business. The health and well-being of our animal friends is what is at stake here. Many people think it would be fun to get a cute designer animal from a boutique pet shop, but once we all know the truth behind their practices, we will be lining up at the shelter to fall in love with an animal in need. Your new dog may not be a purebred dog with official papers and a customized small size, but you will know that your animal is healthy and eternally grateful that you provided him with a warm home.

Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select two options.

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.
Animals bred through pet shops suffer health problems.
People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops.
Many people have a warm home and like animals.
More people need to decide to have pets in their



People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.


According to the excerpt from a speech petitioning people to adopt animals in need, the author encourages people to adopt new pets from an animal shelter rather than a pet store as they're helping give the animal a home, love, and warmth as compared to making purchases from a pet store.

The ideas from the excerpt that would be most appropriate to include in a summary are People need to adopt animals instead of going to pet shops

Many people want a designer dog from a boutique.

How do you do this? I don’t understand it




You are supposed to drag and drop the answer that you think belongs in that sentence. Drag the answer to where it says "drag and drop answer here".

Analyze the setting that Dante develops in Canto XXI. Examine how 1) the choices the author makes to describe the setting and 2) the characters he places in this setting affect the reader's understanding of the Eighth Circle of Hell. Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your ideas.



In Canto IV of Dante Alighieri's Inferno, Dante starts to explore the first circle of Hell, called Limbo. This circle is described as the false heaven for those who can not worship the Christian religion. This allows readers to understand that people suspended in this first circle of Hell were not sinners and were placed in a circle of hell so as to maintain order, giving people a place to live after death. Dante uses widely acknowledged figures, such as Aristotle and Socrates to portray Limbo to readers. He makes that to show the place where they live with human wisdom but without God's light, emphasizing that they lived on earth as intellectuals in the field of human wisdom.


Dante’s narrator of the tale in Canto I. It's the first tale about someone who feels lost in the world. He tells us that at a certain point in his life, he got lost in a dark wood, not understanding how to get there.

Its one is meant to depict the journey of life and the difficulties which we all face. It affects the reader's perception of the storyteller that lends the story ethical and existential importance.Dante's Inferno's Canto I serves as an introduction to both Hell and the entire Divine Comedy. Inferno is lost in a wood paneling as they meet his sees a light just at top of a hill, tries to run toward it, but is met with three beasts. Aeneas comes running downhill, where he finds Aeneas, a Roman poet who is his companion to the underworld.

Learn more:


The Missing Patent Wilbur and Orville Wright's official patent for their "flying machine," submitted in 1903, is an important slice of American history. The patent was supposed to be stored in the National Archives, where historical treasures are housed. However, in 2000, officials discovered that it seemed to have vanished. Researchers looked through storage vaults, filing cabinets, and archives around the country, to no avail. Some wondered whether the document had been stolen. Finally, Chris Abraham, newly assigned to the National Archives' document recovery program, volunteered to solve the puzzle. Abraham suspected that the patent might have been mistakenly sent to a huge storage facility in Kansas where other, less important patent documents were kept. Abraham was right: after searching through boxes and boxes of documents, he found the patent on March 22, 2016. What is the main idea of the passage
A. in 2000 research your discovered that wright brothers historic 1903 airplanes patent had been lost or stolen
B. a researcher with the national archives document recovery program offered to track down a missing pattern
C. a national archives researchersolve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​


a national archives researcher solve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​


C. A National Archives researcher solve the mystery of the missing rights Brothers 1903 airplane patent​

1: I.....(come)to John's when I...(meet) Marry last week.
2: The game...(start)at two o'clock.
3: Now we...(try) to do our homework.​



cange into which form??

What does parousia mean?

Please need help! ​



Its the greek word for ' the second coming '

Read this sentence from the speech. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Which theme does this sentence support? There is strength in numbers. Stand up for the freedom of others. Life without freedom is not worth living. There is no punishment greater than death.



C. Life without freedom is not worth living


Hope this helps! :)


Answer: life without freedom is not worth living.


to help others and to confirm the above is right

What are some obstacles college students face in finishing their classes and what are some effective strategies to overcome the obstacles?



procrastinación, falling behind

pick the odd man out
A. just
B. fair
C. equitable
D. biased
E. honest


D biased.
D is the “odd man out”

Can someone help me please





exclusive means like a one time place/offer

In Malcolm's slow, _________ handwriting, he copied everything from the dictionary into his tablet down to the last punctuation mark.





what should you avoid to include in your exposition??​



your essay should be in the third person so avoid using the words I and me in the essay

what does NBT stand for​


Search it up on the internet

It should be noted that NBT stands for National Bank Trust .

What is National Bank Trust ?

The National Bank Trust  can be regarded as an financial organization which serves as a provider of financial solutions as well as retail banking, and other services.

The National Bank Trust provides investment banking as well as risk management to their clients across the country.

Learn more about National Bank Trust  at;


SETTING A PURPOSE In The Tempest, Prospero, who has
learned to cast spells from a book of magic, rules over a
mystical island. As you read, think about what Prospero plans
to do with his power and what that means for his character



Perhaps he wants to take over the world? That would result in his character being a bit more...greedy and selfish at the end.


If he where to have too much power he would become a bad ruler, because money doesn’t buy happiness.

but Oreos does.

Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each
International trade
economic growth
International trade
the specialization of goods.
International trade
the types of goods and services available around



1. encourages

2. encourages

3. increases


Given that international trade is a term that describes the exchange of commodities, including capital, goods, and services across various international borders or territories, thereby given the countries involved business and market advantages.

The advantages of international trade are tremendous. From the available options, it can be concluded that:

1. International trade ENCOURAGES economic growth

2. International trade ENCOURAGES the specialization of goods.

3. International trade INCREASES the types of goods and services available around.

Other Questions
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The number of active TB cases according to the city register on June 30, 2008 was 264. The incidence rate of active cases of TB for the 6-month period was: Can someone urgently help me with my java code (I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST)?! Ive been working on it for hours and its not working! (please give an actual answer...)*examples of required output at the bottom*code: public class CircularList{private ListNode head;private ListNode tail;private int size;public CircularList(){head = tail = null;size = 0;}public int size(){return size;}public boolean isEmpty(){return (size == 0);}public int first(){if (head != null) {return head.getValue();}return -1;}public Integer last(){if (tail != null) {return tail.getValue();}return -1;}public void addFirst(Integer value){head = new ListNode(value, head);if (tail == null) {tail = head;}size++;}public void addLast(Integer value){ListNode newTail = new ListNode(value, null);if (tail != null) {tail.setNext(newTail);tail = newTail;} else {head = tail = newTail;}size++;}public void addAtPos(int pos, Integer value){if (pos == 0) {addFirst(value);return;}if (pos size) {return;}if (pos == size) {addLast(value);return;}ListNode ptr = head;for(int i=0; i = size) {return retVal;}if (pos == 0) {return removeFirst();}ListNode ptr = head;for(int i=0; iptr = ptr.getNext();}retVal = ptr.getNext().getValue();if (pos == size-1) {tail = ptr;tail.setNext(null);} else {ptr.setNext(ptr.getNext().getNext());}size--;return retVal;}public int findNode(Integer find){ListNode ptr = head;for(int pos=0; posif (ptr.getValue() == find) {return pos;}ptr = ptr.getNext();}return -1;}public void rotate(){addLast(removeFirst());}public String toString(){String output = "";ListNode iter = head;while(iter != null) {output += String.format("%d ", iter.getValue());iter = iter.getNext();}return output;}}size = 6 first = 50 last = 6050 20 10 40 30 60removeFirst = 50size = 5 first = 20 last = 6020 10 40 30 60removed = 30size = 4 first = 20 last = 6020 10 40 60size = 4 first = 20 last = 6020 10 40 60found at -1removed = -1size = 4 first = 20 last = 6020 10 40 60size = 4 first = 10 last = 2010 40 60 20 log x - log 6 = 2 log 4 Question 6 of 20 To determine how to divide the time you have to finish a project, what should you do? A. Don't worry about the time; just hurry up and finish B. Just jump in and start completing tasks C. Ask for help immediately D. Divide the number of days you have by the number of tasks you have to do plz help Solve the equation: 7 equals p over 5 Study the sentence below. Highlighting a word, phrase, or a sentence is used to emphasize or CALL ATTENTION to the text. Which word is highlighted? attention call emphasize highlight Last summer, 80 students signed up for a summer trip to Washington, D.C. This summer, 94 students signed up. To the nearest percent, what is the percent change in the number of students who signed up for the trip? how old do u have to be to get an idcard When 10 grams of water completely evaporate into water vapor, the volume of the water vapor is greater than the volume of the original liquid water, but the mass remains the same. Why does the mass stay the same? Which answer is correct?AThe temperature of the liquid water and water vapor is the same.The temperature of the liquid water and water vapor is the same.BThe density of the liquid water is the same as the density of the water vapor.The density of the liquid water is the same as the density of the water vapor.CThe number of atoms in the water vapor is equal to the number of atoms in the liquid water.The number of atoms in the water vapor is equal to the number of atoms in the liquid water.DThe distance between the water molecules is the same in the liquid and the vapor.The distance between the water molecules is the same in the liquid and the vapor. Please help me with this homework how do you finish graphing your line? The equation of the line l passing through (0, 3) and perpendicular to d: 5x + 3y = 0 is l: 5y bx = c. What is the value of c? NO FAKE ANSWERS PLZ I NEED HELP ASAP how many jars of peppermint candies are represented on the histogram? 19 brainly points and I will give you brainiest and I need help with all the questions so plz help which of the following has more particles6.02x10(small numbers)23 molecules CO29 moles PF210 mole NaCI18 g H2O