06.08 Evaluación Escrita

What to include in your rough draft:
Start with a hook:

☐ Write one question in Spanish to ask the reader if he/she knows an interesting fact about a natural disaster. Remember: Use saber in the imperfect tense.


☐Write one sentence in Spanish to describe something that was being done because of the natural disaster. Remember: Use one progressive tense verb in the preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

First fact:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember: Use one persuasive phrase. Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

Second fact:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember: Use one persuasive phrase. Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.


☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to demonstrate a way to protect people from the natural disaster. Remember: Use one regular or irregular verb in the future tense.


☐ Write one sentence in Spanish that concludes your essay and supports your claim. Remember: Use one impersonal expression.


Answer 1



Write one question in Spanish to ask the reader if he/she knows an interesting fact about a natural disaster. Remember: Use saber in the imperfect tense.

¿Sabías que el Huracán Gilberto ha sido uno de los huracanes mas catastróficos de México?

Write one sentence in Spanish to describe something that was being done because of the natural disaster. Remember: Use one progressive tense verb in the preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

"Cuándo el huracán llegó a las costas del Golfo de México yo tenía mucho miedo y no sabía que hacer"

Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember: Use one persuasive phrase. Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

Cuando el huracán arreciaba en su intensidad le pedía a mis compañeros de habitación que mantuvieran la calma.

Write one sentence in Spanish to demonstrate a way to protect people from the natural disaster. Remember: Use one regular or irregular verb in the future tense.

Para protegerse de un desastre natural yo les diría a las personas que pudiesen enfrentar un desastre natural que tuviesen siempre a la mano sus documentos personales.

Write one sentence in Spanish that concludes your essay and supports your claim. Remember: Use one impersonal expression.

Estar siempre bien preparado para enfrentar un desastre natural es la mejor herramienta para salir adelante de mejor manera de este tipo de catástrofes.

Answer 2

¿Sabías que México es una región sísmica y que frecuentemente se ve afectado por innumerables sismos de diferentes escalas, todos los días?

Esa frase sería nuestra introducción o Hook.

Ahora, vayamos al "Claim:"

2.- Write one sentence in Spanish to describe something that was being done because of the natural disaster. Remember: Use one progressive tense verb in the preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

Cuando México vivió el "Terremoto de 1985," me espanté tanto que esa memoria sigue guardada en mi recuerdo. Me dio miedo, me paralicé y tardé en reaccionar. Pues como no, si este ha sido el terremoto más fuerte en los últimos cincuenta años.

First fact.

3.- Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember: Use one persuasive phrase. Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

En los momentos de mayor intensidad de ese temblor de septiembre de 1985, pude reaccionar un poco y logré que mis compañeros de clase salieran del salón con cierto orden para no causar un accidente.

Second fact.

4.- Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember: Use one persuasive phrase. Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.

Esos fueron momentos críticos ya que la gente reaccionó con pánico, por lo que yo procuré mantener la calma y la de mis compañeros.  


5.- Write one sentence in Spanish to demonstrate a way to protect people from natural disasters. Remember: Use one regular or irregular verb in the future tense.

Es muy importante estar preparado para eventos como un terremoto, de ahí que frecuentemente hay que realizar simulacros para que la gente aprenda a reaccionar con tranquilidad, en lugar de reaccionar con pánico.


6.- Write one sentence in Spanish that concludes your essay and supports your claim. Remember: Use one impersonal expression.

Es preferible mentalizarse de que en México seguirá temblando toda la vida, en lugar de rezar y pedirle a Dios que no vuelva a temblar.

Como conclusión de este tema, podemos observar que una buena estructura en nuestro ensayo le dará la oportunidad a los lectores de comprender el significado y la intensión de lo que deseamos compartir.

Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:


06.08 Evaluacin Escrita HELP!!! What To Include In Your Rough Draft:Start With A Hook: Write One Question

Related Questions

12) ¿ Symbols tú leche en el desayuno?


Do you mean if you drink milk in breakfast?

Spanishhhhh helpppppppp plsssssssssss


Answer: 1) hacia, llovio, quedamos , salimos

2)tuve, rompi, estaba, cambie, subiendo, bajando


i couldn't finish it right now

Can y’all help me with this please



1. los calcetines amarillos.

2. la camiseta rosada.

3. el traje negro.

4. los zapatos marrones.

5. las faldas verdes.

6. el vestido blanco.

7. los guantes anaranjados.

8. las blusas rojas.

9. la corbata roja.

10. las gorras azules.


the model you follow shows it has to have the same ending but on some of them it couldn't be done.

I hope this helps!

Read and choose the correct option with the verb in the preterite tense to complete the sentence.
La semana pasada, mis padres y yo ________ en la casa de campo de los señores Vidal.





Correct answer is “comimos”
Because it makes more sense that way

Spanish worksheet describe what is going on in the lic



El senor de camisa roja esta bordando el tren. El empleado del tren esta diriguiendo a los pasajeros. los pasajeros abordan el tren.

Explanation: The man in red is boarding the train. The employer is directing the passengers in. the passengers are boarding the train.

Necesito identificación, entonces mamá
da mi pasaporte a mi."



La respuesta seria me


Answer is me

por si acas

Diana trabaja con un grupo de ayuda social. Ella ___ recomienda.



Las : Diana works with a social aid group. She recommends them.
Diana trabaja con un grupo de ayuda social. Ella LOS recomienda.

En estos tiempos modernos, la manera más rápida de mandarle un mensaje a un amigo es por _______.

el identificador de llamadas
el teléfono de línea
el teléfono inteligente
el teléfono público



telefono intelijente


el telefono intelijente es la forma mas facil de poder enviarle mennsaje a cualquier individuo

Help me pls I got a 58 in Spanish, I don’t wanna fail Pls :(


yo voy a la escuela de danza para ir a bailar


Estoy muy cansada de tanto trabajar y tenemos examen hoy, ya estare dormida antes de que empieze.

A. Conversation & Greetings
Introducing Yourself
My name is:
I am from:
I am a student at:
Nice to Meet You:

Getting to Know Someone
What’s your name:
Where are you from:
How are you:

Subject Pronouns
Las chicas – Myself -
Mis profesores – Paco -
Mi amigo & I – You -
Talking to my sis – El chico -
Los chicos – I –
Juan y María – Tú y yo -
María y Eva –
You all -

please help me!!! ​



mi nombre es :Natalie

yo soy de: mexico

yo soy una estudiante de:oxford

gusto en conocerte: alyson

cual es tu nombre:natalie

de donde eres:soy de mexico

como estas: estoy muy bien gracias


Look at the image, read, and choose the option, with the correct words, that completes the sentence. (1 point)

Boy eating a banana

Es Jason. 1. ________ come 2. ________.
1. Él 2. la banana
1. Ella 2. la fresa
1. Él 2. la fresa
1. Ella 2. la banana



Es Jason el come la banana



1. Él 2. la banana


I took the test and got it right

Il me faudrait une réponse argumentée a cette question (au moins avoir quelques axes possibles)
¿La realidad, a través de las grandes figuras míticas o de los héroes,
influye en las creaciones artísticas y cinematográficas ?





As you walk atriums the cafeteria you notice some pretty interesting lunchtime choices use the correct way indirect object pronouns and forms of gustar to finish the following description of what everyone likes for lunch.



1. le gusta

2. le gustan

3. les gusta

4. le gusta

5. le gusta

6. les gusta

7. le gusta

8. Ella prefiere/ A ella le gusta (the 2 are fine so use whatever u want)

9. Le gusta

10. Les gusta

11. Le gustan

12. Le gusta

13. Les gusta

14. Le gustan

15. Les gusta

Explanation: here are the answers, it makes me laugh the sentences that they put because they are too weird but it doesn't matter, I hope they help you and REMEMBER that you don't have to change any letter because if you do it changes the whole sentence, take care<3

Jorge Bucay, el gurú de la felicidad ___ dice a la gente que hay que vivir con una actitud positiva.



El Pronombre Objeto Indirecto adecuado para completar la oración dada, teniendo en cuenta el sustantivo al cual se refiere es: "le".

¿Cómo son los Pronombres Objeto Indirectos en Español?

Los pronombres objeto indirectos, teniendo en cuenta los pronombres personales son:

Yo: meTú: teUsted: leÉl: leElla: leEllo: leNosotros / Nosotras: nosVosotros / Vosotras: osUstedes: lesEllos / Ellas: les

Para identificar el POI apropiado en cada oración, se debe identificar el sustantivo en la oración, reemplazarlo con el pronombre personal apropiado y finalmente usar el POI correspondiente con la ayuda de la guía anterior.

Más información sobre Pronombres Objeto Indirectos: https://brainly.com/question/2528261


How does hard-work help a business make progress​


Success in business is about setting goals and achieving them, and the secret, as many people will agree, is hard work. All the successful people work very hard. ... Because, if you are a hard worker, you automatically do the other 2 things that lead to success in business: you will improve yourself and you will persist.

Mi hermana
pregunta la hora a míy a mi papá. *
- le



Mi hermana le pregunta la hora a mi a mi papà.

Form a sentence in Spanish that starts with “Ella rompe”.


Ella rompe la mesa
Ella rompe la lámpara

Ácido que es un sustantivo o un adjetivo?



la palabra acido es un adjetivo.



la palabra acido es un adjevito

¿Qué tipo de descubrimiento hicieron los Mayas?
el arroz
el cacao
el chocolate
el trigo





Tras los Olmecas, los mayas de Tabasco expandieron el consumo del cacao al territorio maya de la Península de Yucatán y Centroamérica, al imperio azteca en el Altiplano Central, y a la cultura Izapán quienes llevaron el conocimiento del cacao hasta la provincia de Soconusco.

Cacao is endemic to the lands of the Maya, who were the first to take the seeds of the fruit and roast them to make hot chocolate.

I would say cacao, and then they turned it into chocolate

Hope this helped!


el cacao


Please read the top and fill in the blank!
Will thank and give brainliest to the correct answer!
Will report those fishing for points!


I believe you would want to say something along the lines of ¿Cuando nació Claudia? ( when was Claudia born)

Como puedo instalarlo


Maybe look up videos to install it I’m not sure what it is

Please help due today



first one is b second one is d


For number 2 is estan and for number 1 is esta I think sorry if I’m wrong tho

Yo no
a la escuela hoy.
O A. va
O B. voy
O c. ir
O D. iría


“I do not want to GO to school”
- yo no quiero ir a la escuela.
c is the answer “Yo no quiero ir a la escuela hoy.”

Hay estatuas famosas en la


Answer yes


Como se relaciona el contexto con acontecimientos? Por favor uruge!!! ​




El concepto de contexto hace referencia al entorno, ya sea de situación o físico. Histórico, por su parte, es aquello que pertenece a la historia: los hechos pasados o el estudio y la narración de dichos acontecimientos. Se denomina contexto histórico a las circunstancias y las incidencias que rodean a un suceso.

El concepto de contexto hace referencia al entorno, ya sea de situación o físico. Histórico, por su parte, es aquello que pertenece a la historia: los hechos pasados o el estudio y la narración de dichos acontecimientos. Se denomina contexto histórico a las circunstancias y las incidencias que rodean a un suceso.

describe the concept of a balanced diet.​


A balanced diet is a diet that contains differing kinds of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients is adequate and a small provision is reserved for additional nutrients to endure the short length of leanness.

Explain the evolution of Mexican cuisine from
pre Hispanic times to present day



Mexican cuisine began with the pre-Hispanic cultures and, during colonial times, Incorporated Spanish influences with such ingredients as meat, olive oil, and cheese. Today Mexico is home to many cultures, and the cuisine incorporates elements from all over the world.

what subject pronoun would you use to talk about these people?
1. Carlos
2. María y Sarita
3 el señor Treviño
4 Felipe y yo
5. Pablo, Tomás y Anita

please help me with this.



1.) el

2.) ellas

3.) usted

4.) nosotros

5.) ellos


1.) it is a singular male

2.) it is two girls

3.) it is a superior who would be addressed formally

4.) it is both yourself and another person

5.) it is a group of people containing at least one male meaning it would be masculine

Lenguaje música III

B) Clasificar los intervalos (mayores, menores y justos)

me ayudas​





how to say in spanish:
i like to play board games with my family after school

You use the indirect object pronouns with the verb gustar.



Me Gusta jugar juegos de mesa con mi familia despues de la escuela

Other Questions
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Check all that apply.It is feasible to study.It focuses on a specific goal.It reveals the researchers bias. It is relevant to the topic at hand.It results in only one possible conclusion. 11Read the passage about protesting.Alexander is upset about a policy recently enacted by his state government. He talks with several friends who share his concerns, and they decide to take action. They organize a rally at the state capitol. They make signs with strongly worded slogans to get their point across to lawmakers. At the rally, they use a megaphone to share their thoughts with the crowd.Alexander and his friends are able to do this without the threat of government interference because of which right?freedom of speechdue processfreedom of religionfreedom of the press12Reflecting on whether adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu fixed a problem is an example ofimplementing a solution.weighing advantages.gathering information.evaluating a solution.13Jacob Riis is best known for his work How the Other Half Lives which was a photographic record of _____________.A.The living conditions in urban slums and child labor.B.The restricted rights of women in early twentieth-century America.C.The rise of corruption in urban centers.D.The lack of sanitary practices in the meat-packing industry.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD14What makes a source credible?It is found online.It contains bias.It is believable or trustworthy.It supports multiple perspectives.15Adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu for students with restricted diets is an example ofevaluating a solution.gathering information.implementing a solution.weighing disadvantages. 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What type of sentence is this: The teacher did not approve of the behavior from her students; she expected more. *SimpleComplexCompound GIVING 21 POINTS AWAY PLEASE HELP ME WITH BOTH QUESTIONS ASAP!!!! In the year 2001, a company made $5.5 million in profit. For each consecutiveyear after that, their profit increased by 12%. How much would the company'sprofit be in the year 2003, to the nearest tenth of a million dollars? In CDE, the measure of E=90, the measure of C=78, and DE = 2.2 feet. Find the length of EC to the nearest tenth of a foot. yall the ones with boxes help